Chapter Fourteen - She left

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Julian, Raven, and Genesis were feeling the shivers running down their spines, but it was not because of fear, it was because, after a year, they’re finally back in the basement with their boss. “I missed this so much, this place probably missed my handsomeness too,” Raven claimed, so Julian just shook his head at him. Tristan didn’t mind them, he was just glad that he’s finally back in this place, “Sit down, everyone,” He demanded. So Julian, Raven, and Genesis went to their usual spots before looking at God on his main desk, “We’re here because I want to look for my wife that left without a word, she left for some unknown reason and we have to find that out,”  Julian secretly sniggered because he was relieved, his boss believes that his wife left and not because she was kidnapped. He raised the envelope he got underneath the bed, “And this envelope might just link us to where she is right now,” Julian tilted his head at that envelope, he went to get it from Tristan’s hand to read what was inside. His eyes widened after reading some pieces of information, “T-This can’t be, someone was informing her about everything that’s going on,” Tristan just nodded at him, “And that person did that on purpose since he/she knew what the Onyx Kingdom was plotting against us both,” “I don’t want to say this but I’m thankful that he/she informed my wife about everything, it made her calm throughout the process,” He added. “H-How did that happen? And why is this person calling Ma’am Clara, Queen?” Julian was confused, so Raven and Genesis kept on glancing at him and Tristan. Julian heaved a deep long sigh before looking at their boss, “I-I may have done a background search at Ma’am Clara,”  Tristan immediately glared at him, “Why did you do that without my permission?” He hissed, but Julian just lowered his head. “Come on boss, I also think you did that on her,” He smirked at him, so Tristan just stared at him intently. Because he knew that he did that too just to be sure, but Tristan probably found the same information that he had. “I found information about her before, she might be part of a mafia because of her skills, but, I wasn’t really sure of that, like what you did think, right, Genesis?” Julian glanced at Gen, so he just nodded at him. “Ma’am Clara was the step-niece of Serene Crayford because her mother was adopted by the former founders of the Crayford Corporation who were murdered, which was told by the public that it was an accident,” Julian narrated, so everyone listened to him. “Her parents died in an accident at the bridge, but I think they did not die because of that,” He added, so Tristan tilted his head at him. “Who were her parents?” He raised his eyebrows, so Julian just gulped while scratching the back of his head. “I um, believed that they used fake identities, their government identification cards were made by someone I know underground that was skilled in making that, but he was part of the Crestfallen Kingdom, so that can’t be right because they have fallen,” Julian claimed, so everyone piped down inside of that room. Everyone was trying to think about what Clara can do and the fact that she might be part of the Crestfallen Kingdom, but that can’t be right, their ma’am is a sweet, kind girl. They can’t imagine her being part of the most powerful and deadliest mafia underground, despite them being gone, their position on the pyramid hasn’t changed. “We have to look for my wife, I don’t care where she came from nor what her plans were, I just want her back and explain things to me,” Tristan coldly stated before standing up. “She vowed not to break my heart, and I'm going to ask her why she did it, and if she resists, she has to marry me, with or without her own choice,” He clenched his fists before gazing at his people. “We’re going to look for my wife and the real reason why the Onyx Kingdom is after my life,” He added, so Julian looked at him intently. “Um, what do you mean about that, boss? A-Aren’t they after you because they're threatened at what you can do to them because of your wealth and power?” Julian curiously asked. Tristan just looked at him intently, “Aside from that, I also think that they have another reason, they hold so much grudge against to me and now I heard they’re also looking for my wife,” He started walking away from the room before stopping at the space in between doors, “We’re going to find my wife no matter what and there’s no one who could stop me from doing that,” He firmly said before leaving. *** On the other hand, the Onyx Kingdom finally recovered from what happened to them a year ago after the explosion. They’re currently lying low underground on a simple base no one would find suspicious, “King Vladimir, what are our plans? We heard that Zaveri finally got back on his feet despite our numerous attempts to kill him,” Zephyr appeared on their new base. They were still recovering after their main base exploded, he was livid the whole time after reading the note that was left for them after everything he worked for turned into ashes. “Approach the people I love once again and I’ll show you who’s dominant between us,” - Queen of Crestfallen.   Vladimir was still surprised that their daughter was alive, his people failed to inform him of the truth about that matter when he ordered to kill her with a sniper.   He once felt that something was lacking in his life after those two people betrayed him died, but now, he has other reasons to live.   To kill their daughter again and rise in the ranks to prove his Kingdom worthy of being on the top, ”I heard, what are their plans?” He rested his palms on his desk.    “Look for his wife,” Zephyr answered directly, so Vladimir just sniggered before entwining his hands against each other. “Well then, let’s help them look for her along the way and when I say help, you know what I mean, Zephyr,” He smiled at him, so he just nodded before bowing. “Understood King Vladimir,” After he said those words, he left, leaving Vladimir to contemplate on his thoughts. “You’re planning something again?” Lowella appeared in the dark before she slowly walked towards Vladimir, “You know Zaveri hasn’t been moving ever since his wife disappeared,” “Lowella dear, sit here,” Vladimir ordered while tapping his lap, so she just sighed before sitting promptly over there. “I just don’t see why we have to do this anymore, you know that we killed those people that we held a grudge against, are you sure we should also be after their daughter and son?” Lowella asked. Vladimir furrowed his eyebrows at her, “Are you saying that we should stop? You know why we're both here, they betrayed us,” He hissed, so she just stared at him intently. Lowella was having second thoughts on continuing this, she just badly wanted Vladimir to notice her this time. She lowered her head before biting her lower lip, “Fine, we’re going after them again this time and hopefully, after this, you’ll come to notice me,”  After she said those words, she stood up and walked away, “Where are you going Lowella? Stay here,” Vladimir requested. “I’m going to sleep, King Vladimir,” She replied before she completely vanished from the darkness of their base. “What is up with her? She’s acting up for a year already,” He hissed before deciding to call his people for their upcoming plans. *** The look for Clara has begun, everyone was preoccupied with looking for her including Benjamin that was working inside Julie’s room. She’s still confined, but recovering well, she decided to stay at the hospital for a year since she couldn’t bring herself to go back home. “Do you think Clara left because of me? Because she thought it was her fault that my parents died and I’m here inside of this room?” Julie suddenly spoke, so Benjamin raised his head at her. “What are you talking about? We haven’t heard the reasons why she left us in the first place,” Benjamin claimed, so she just sighed. “Clara wouldn’t leave unless she was forced to leave or she had to, if she had to, what was her reason?” Julie bit her lower lip, “I want to tell her that it wasn’t her fault,” Julie found out last year while she was still unconscious, Clara was crying and silent on her side wishing for her to be alright. Some of them heard saying it was her fault, she thought she became too close to them that’s why they were in danger. “Why? Do you think she’s blaming herself that’s why she left?” Benjamin raised his eyebrows, so she nodded at him. He just sighed and let go of the papers that he was holding, “What about you? You’ve been living in this room for a year, you’re lucky I’m wealthy enough to pay for your hospital bills, what was your reason for staying here?” Julie closed her eyes before biting her lower lip again, “I-I just still can’t believe that my parents died before my eyes, I saw what happened there Benjamin, I saw how they ruthlessly raised their guns at them,” “I-I don’t know if I could come back to that house, I just have this feeling that when I come back there, that scene would repeat before me,” She teared up and she was thankful that Benjamin was there for her to wipe her tears away. “I wouldn’t let that happen and I know, you told me numerous times already,” He whispered. “And just so you know, they wouldn’t be happy if they found out that you’re mourning here in the hospital, you haven’t even visited their tomb even a year has passed already,” Benjamin scolded, so Julie turned her back on him. “I can’t, not now that I’m alone, I want to be with Clara when that happens,” She whispered, so he just stared at her intently. “We’re doing everything we can to look for her, there are just a little bit of complications, someone’s also doing everything they can to remove all of the traces that could lead to her,” He mumbled. “Someone who took Clara was skilled enough to do that, so it’s a little alarming, plus there’s this fact that the Onyx Kingdom is lurking around somewhere in the shadows,” He informed, so Julie just sighed. “U-Um Benjamin, what do you think about me getting out here and I’ll stay at your house for the meantime?” Julie suggested, so he was stunned before laughing. “Woah there Ms. Rose, I kept offering that for months, now that a year has passed you’re just accepting it now?” He raised his eyebrows, so she glared at him. “I told you to call me Julie,” She rolled her eyes, “But what do you think? I’ll do that in exchange for something,” “Why am I not surprised? Every time you accept things there has to be a deal,” Benjamin rubbed his face, which made her chuckle. “I want you to train me to fight,” Julie played with her fingers, so his eyes widened for a moment. He was not expecting her to request that after what happened to her. “Why do you want that? I mean it’s good, but I’ll make sure this time I’m there to protect you from harm or danger,” He firmly said, but she just shook her head. “I want to be able to protect myself, I just realized that Dasmarinas is a tough city, it’s filled with dark secrets, so I have to be aware of what’s going on, now that all of the people I care about are a part of it,” She mumbled. Benjamin smiled adoringly at her, spending a lot of tie with Julie made him realize a lot of things. Like his feelings could change and like someone else, which is her. “Well if that’s what you want, we can do that,” He playfully smirked for a moment before staring at her intently, “So, do you want to share a room with me when that happens?” Julie blushed at what he just stated, “W-What are you talking about?! That’s inappropriate!” She exclaimed, so he laughed out loud. He then messed with her hair using his hands, “Relax, I’m just messing with you, Julie,” Benjamin winked, so she just sighed before rolling her eyes at him. “Stop fooling around like that, I might get the wrong idea,” She whispered before deciding to rest for that day. They both flinched when the door was slammed wide open, “Benjamin! I think we have found leads!” Sachiel exclaimed and he was not surprised that Julian was with her. “Oh? Spill it,” To be continued…
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