Chapter Sixteen - Divorce papers

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Tristan arrived at their base and looked at his people that just came from the black market, “What happened?” He raised his eyebrows, so everyone just looked at him and sighed in disbelief. Raven, Genesis, Uriela, and Gabriel were covered with dirt, so Julian and Sachiel just laughed at their current looks. “These people look like they’re been used as a wiper for muds,” Julian chuckled while slapping his thighs. Raven rolled his eyes before looking at their boss, “We forgot to fight and ran away from enemies, so we have just decided to escape from the muddy parts of the forest,”  Tristan didn’t say a word while looking at them intently, “What did you guys find? Did you get anything from him to look for Serene Crayford and Klaus Ferdinand?”  Genesis gave him the wallet that they took from the man that they harassed, “Just money and his illegal cards, I don’t know if he has phone numbers there, especially their head that spoke with Serene before,” He informed. Tristan stared at that wallet on his desk before he decided to examine and open it, “There’s a number on this papers,” He claimed while looking at the bus tickets. “W-What boss that’s impossible–woah! Some numbers were punched!” Raven exclaimed, he couldn’t believe that their boss found it out immediately. Tristan just shook his head before writing the numbers that he had found, “This might be the number of their head, we might find more about the Crayfords past,” He whispered while playing with his fingers. He wanted to find out more about Crayford’s past since he didn’t find anything about Clara’s parents. They were using fake identities and he wanted to know if she was kidnapped before or her parents did change their names. “I’ll try to track this number later, boss, but before that you also have to know that Andrea escaped our cells right after the second launch ended,” Julian informed, so Tristan just glanced at him. He knew about that, but he didn’t bother looking for her since he doesn’t need her anymore. Tristan also claimed that the brat couldn’t do anything. “We didn’t know about it since our people got killed there and due to some important cases we needed to take action immediately,” Julian added, so he just nodded. “I know that she escaped, but she isn’t any threat to us, our top priority was the people that took my wife, I couldn’t even track these people that are sending me these divorce papers,” Tristan informed, so their eyes widened. He revealed to them numerous divorce papers on his desk, he looked at it like he wanted to burn it one by one. “M-Ma’am Clara asked for divorce?!” Raven exclaimed, “My handsomeness can’t take this, why is this happening?” “This is not my wife’s decision, someone’s asking me to do it for something important and it’s probably because of my wife’s safety,” Tristan claimed, so they stared at God intently. “What do you mean boss? Do you think Ma’am Clara is in danger?” Julian curiously asked so he gave them a nod. “I just have a feeling that she might be and being divorced with me would give those people that are after her some space to do something important, plus,” Tristan raised of the divorce papers and gripped it, “Sending this might help us find her,” Julian’s eyes widened and he immediately got what Tristan meant, “I’ll send it to the nearby post office, you can count on me,” He volunteered. Tristan shook his head, “We’re all coming to this plan, and where the heck is Benjamin?” He hissed while taking out his gun and loading some ammo on it. He knows that Benjamin or rather Mother Angel ordered their people to follow his plans and rules, he hates doing that, but he doesn’t have any choice. He needed all the help that he could get to look for his wife. “Oh he’s another lover boy that’s taking care of Julie, he noticed suspicious people eyeing the hospital, so he wanted to make sure Ms. Rose is safe,” Julian informed. Tristan was silent for a moment before nodding, “Put some more security around there, I don’t know why they’re after Ms. Rose, but we have to protect her with everything that we have,” He informed before he stared at those divorced papers again. They anxiously watched him stare at those papers before averting their gaze, they don’t want their boss to feel anxious or uncomfortable while signing those divorce papers. “Wife, if you’re alive, you have to marry me again, no explanations included,” He whispered that everyone heard. They wanted to pity him because of his statements, but everyone didn’t think about that because they all know that they'll find her someday. He took out his ballpoint pen from his pockets before taking out the divorce papers on the envelope and slowly signed it. Every stroke of his pen on the paper makes it difficult for those people around him to watch him do it. They all know how much Zaveri loves his wife even if he didn’t say much about it. After he signed it, all of them flinched when he slammed the table and stood up. “F.uck! I’m going to kill these people, this is one of the signs that my wife is alive and is being held captive somewhere, I just hope that she’s alright,” Tristan gripped his hands before looking at them. “Send this to the post, we’ll wait for that person who’s going to retrieve this,” After he said those words, he left and let Julian send it to the post himself. *** Numerous days have passed and they’re all just observing the post where they sent the letter to, it was not going to be delivered because Julian purposely made the receiver get it himself. “We’ve been here for three days and there’s no sign of people going there,” Raven whined for the nth time, so Julian just glared at him. “Will you just watch dude? Who knows? Someone might come there sooner or later,” He rolled his eyes before examining the entrance of the post. “What if there is another entrance or exit at the post?” Sachiel curiously asked, so Julian just smirked at her. “Don’t worry, Genesis is there observing it either,” He informed, so she just slowly nodded at him. “What if those people know the workers at the post? They might be allies,” Uriela claimed, so everyone looked at her. “S.hit we haven’t thought about that,” Julian cursed and texted their boss. Tristan had to leave today since there’s a problem at the company he needed to take care of. “I’m going to check if the letter was still there,” He informed before casually entering the post office, “Hey, good morning,” He winked at the lady that was looking after the cashier. She flinched before biting her lower lip, she thought Julian smelled good and looked highly attractive, “W-What can I do for you?”  Julian smirked when he noticed that she’s already drawn to her, “Oh I sent a letter here the other day, I just want to check if he/she received it?” The girl just nodded at him before typing something from her keyboards, “What is the name of the receiver?” “Um it’s actually unknown, would you just please look for my name?” He winked, so the girl blushed before nodding. “Julian Luke,” He informed her, so the girl just started typing his name on the screen before tilting her head at what she saw. “Um, the letter was already received yesterday, weren’t you informed by the receiver?” She curiously asked while looking at Julian. “It what?!” He furiously exclaimed, so the girl flinched before backing away from him, “S-Sorry, it just that he didn’t inform me anything,”  The girl just nodded like she understands his frustrations, “Is there anything I could do to help you?”  Julian just smiled at her before nodding, “I want to know who received it,” He claimed, so the girl wondered for a moment why he needed to ask that since he was the sender, he should know who was going to receive it. But she thought maybe somebody picked up the letter for someone, so he was surprised. She typed from the keyboard and furrowed her eyebrows on the monitor. “That’s odd, usually our post has complete details of our receivers, but your letter was only received by a name called Ace,” She mumbled, so he squinted his eyes at her. “You mean, somebody just gave a letter to someone that didn’t give his full details? Isn’t that irresponsible?” He almost raised his voice, so the girl just bit her lower lip. “I wasn’t the one on duty yesterday, I heard Mateo got sick and he had someone to cover for him, so I don't know for sure what happened,” After she said those words, his eyes widened. “I’m sorry for my behavior, thank you for your help,” He smiled before walking away from the post with his hands balling up into fists. “We got tricked, I can’t believe we fell for that, I feel stupid!” Julian cursed himself, so Sachiel approached to console him. “What happened?” She curiously asked, so Julian asked everyone to go back to their main base and called their boss. After Tristan arrived from the urgent news, Julian immediately narrated what just happened and what exactly they missed. Genesis slammed his hands on the sofa before standing up, “I knew it, there’s someone strange that entered the post with a smirk lingering on his lips yesterday,” “It’s like he knew we were there for days,” He added while clenching his fists, he just couldn't believe that he fell for that. “Why didn’t you tell us sooner?!” Julian exclaimed, but Genesis just coldly shifted his gaze at him. “I don’t want to judge the book from its cover, but he was acting like a normal civilian so I let him be,” He answered, they’re about to argue again when Tristan raised his hands. “Leave it, we’ll just have to find ways to look for my wife, I know that sending those divorce papers was too good to be true,” Tristan sternly said while looking at them intently. “This won’t stop me from looking for my wife, so everyone be on your guard because we’re still going to look for her,” He added before taking out a wine bottle hidden from his desk, so Julian and Raven flinched when they saw that. They’re about to take it away from him since he’s still trying to maintain his sobriety, but what happened next surprised them when Tristan threw that wine bottle away from him. Women around the basement closed their eyes after hearing the clashing and shattering of that poor wine bottle. “Who f.ucking put that tasteless bottle here?” Tristan hissed, he’s having tantrums since he’s still frustrated about his wife missing. “U-Um you did, boss,” Raven answered, so everyone glared at him from his answer, “What? He was the one who put that–” He stopped talking when Tristan raised his gun at him, “Did I ask you to f.ucking answer me, Leviticus?” He muttered in a low, stern voice. Raven flinched before fishing out his mirror from his pockets, “L-Like I said, I'm too handsome for this conversation to continue,” He shakingly said. Everyone just shook their heads and watched Tristan handle the stress and frustrations that he was feeling. *** Another year has passed and everyone was just still looking for Clara while going on to their businesses in life. They did not stop despite the numerous difficulties that they were facing, but they still didn't have any luck in finding her. Tristan almost lost hope, but he kept reminding himself that his wife is out there somewhere waiting for him and he wouldn’t stop until he sees her safe. He will find her no matter what, dead or alive. “Boss, we finally found out something about the Onyx,” Julian arrived in his study room while fixing his black thick glasses. Tristan slowly raised his head while checking some contracts that needed to be signed for his approval. “Spill it,” He mumbled before looking at the contract again. “They’re the ones that are always leading us to dead ends about the information on Ma’am Clara,” Julian informed, so he thought it made sense. “Then we’ll lead them to a dead-end too, no matter what happens, they’re not going to be on my way to look for my wife,” He clenched his fists before looking at their first picture together on his desk that he developed into a picture and put it on the frame. “Day 730, happy anniversary again without you, wife, I’ll still look for you no matter what happens,” He whispered while resting his back on his chair before closing his eyes. He still counts the day they’ve been together even though he’s almost two years divorced from her. To be continued…
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