Chapter Thirteen - Sobriety

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Tristan was alone again in the dining room, everyone was trying to get him back to his feet but no one was successful in doing it. “You said yesterday it will be fine dude,” Raven sighed while scratching the back of his head, their boss threatening them to end their lives if they didn’t follow his request. Julian just sighed while shaking his head, “We just have to get him back to his senses, we tried to inform him about the information that we found, but he has no reaction towards it,” Sachiel found out that Clara wasn’t kidnapped, in fact, she left on her own with someone wearing a hood and a strange crest. He immediately informed Tristan about it, but he got no reaction, all he wanted to see was his wife and asked why she left him. But Julian found it strange, why would Clara come with him? Did he threaten her or something? He doesn’t know. “It was the man that we saw from the yacht and the woods before, what does he want from Ma’am Clara?” Julian hissed while scratching the back of his head. Raven and Julian just sighed in unison before they stared at their boss that was preoccupied with drinking his beers. “How about Genesis? Does he have any leads?” Raven curiously asked, but he just shrugged at him. “No they haven’t found any leads,” Julian replied before shifting his gaze at his wristwatch, “It’s time to ask the boss to take a bath,” Raven just nodded and asked Tristan to stand up for him to take a bath. Luckily, they’re all managing well even if a lot of mafia groups were trying to attack. Aside from that, Julian was also asking help from Zyrene to manage the Zaveri company; they're all having a hard time adjusting because of Tristan’s downfall after losing his wife. “Boss you have to take a bath,” Julian informed before looking at their boss from behind, he didn’t budge, so both he and Raven just sighed before forcing him to go to the bathroom. “Maybe we should finish making the album dude? The boss probably misses his wife a lot, I mean, we all miss her, the house lost its light, ugh! My handsomeness is getting stressed out about this,” Raven grunted after they successfully carried their boss to the bathroom. Before they start taking off his top, Julian’s phone rings and it’s from an unknown number, “Who is it?” Raven tilted his head at him, but he just shrugged and walked away to answer the call. Months have passed and it was almost the start of a new year. Nothing changed at the Zaveri’s household, Clara was still gone and Tristan’s still acting strange. But now, he decided to stand up and go to his room to take a bath since Julian, Raven, and Genesis left him alone in the house, they had enough of him and decided to leave him alone. After he took a bath, he slowly wore his casual sleeping clothes and went downstairs to do his usual thing for almost a year that Clara disappeared, drinking. All he did was drink and drink like his life depended on it, he wanted to get rid of the pain that struck him after learning his wife was gone. “Zaveri, I came here to see you,” Sullivan Saverino greeted him, he was in the living room and Tristan knew that. Sullivan noticed that he hadn't shaved for a year, his hair was slightly long and even if he looked like a mess, his alluring appeal wasn’t erased, all he could see was a sad, brokenhearted man. Tristan didn’t bother replying to him before he decided to take another bottle of wine again to drink, “Zaveri, you’ve been like this for a year, are you sure you’ll be able to find her by acting like this?” Tristan stopped, but he didn’t mind him again as he started pouring himself a drink. Mother Angel just sighed, his men were telling the truth. Mother Angel called months ago to ask if everything was alright, he’s been hearing that ‘The Bibles’ were about to lose its God since Tristan wasn’t on the field to protect his group and people. Everyone at the Bible finally knew that Benjamin wasn’t the true leader of the Angels, so they’re currently making a pact with them because of certain reasons. Julian narrated to him all the things that were going on, but Mother Angel just told them what they needed to do to get him back on his feet, but none of it was working. He’s also been hearing that Tristan was acting strangely after Clara left, but he never thought that it would take a lot of damage for him to act like this. Zaveri was always composed, his emotions are intact, but now, all Sullivan sees was a broken man that doesn't have a will to live anymore. He thought if he raised a gun to his head, he wouldn’t mind dying on the spot, “Zaveri, Clara wouldn’t be happy if she saw you like this,” He claimed. Tristan slammed the bottle on the table after hearing his wife’s name, just hearing it is making him tear up. He misses her so badly. “You heard that your wife disappeared with someone and you’re still acting like this? Not doing anything and letting your people do your work for you?” Mother Angel raised his tone, “That is not the God that I know,” “What do you know about me?” Tristan hoarsely spoke, so Mother Angel thought it was a good sign since he was trying to speak with him. He also heard from his people that Tristan wasn’t speaking for months, all they heard from him was his grunts and cries in the middle of the night. “A lot that you don’t want to know, I’m the true leader of the Angels after all,” He claimed before walking towards to steal the beer of Tristan. “Give it back, that is not yours,” He hissed before taking out his gun from his pockets, Sullivan was about to steal it from him, but Tristan was too skilled enough to keep it with him. Mother Angel raised his eyebrows before smirking, “Someone taught you well before, I wonder who it was?” He sniggered before looking at him intently. “God, you have to come back underground, a lot of mafia groups are dying, some of them were your allies,” Mother Angel informed, so he just hissed. “I don’t have f.ucking allies, now leave me alone,” He cursed before chugging the wine like it was a glass of water to him. “Zaveri, you know this is not going to help you, being drunk here or maybe even dying because of drinking won’t let her come back here,” Mother Angel raised his voice, so he stood up and grabbed the hem of his polo shirt. “You know where my wife is,” Tristan’s jaw tightened before glaring at Sullivan, he just smirked before tapping his hands. “I never said I know where she is, I told you that doing this won’t make her come back,” He stated a fact, so he stopped and let him go. “It’s been a year that you’ve been like this, you can’t be just like this, do you even know that the Onyx Kingdom is trying to get you killed?” Sullivan informed, but he didn’t say anything as he went back to his seat and held on to his wine glass. “Your people are doing everything they can to help you, you should be ashamed, you’re letting them see this side of you,” He scolded. “Why should I care? The reason I was there in the first place was to avenge my parent's death, she arrived and I finally had another reason to live, so why should I live when she’s not here with me?” Tristan answered before drinking his beer. Sullivan just stared at him intently, “Then why didn’t you put a bullet in your head?” He asked, so he stopped for a moment. “Why did you hesitate to do that? That’s the easiest way for you not to live anymore,” He wondered, so Tristan just gripped his wine glass. “It’s probably because you believed that she’s still out there and is probably in danger, or maybe that she probably left you for some reason,” Mother Angel added. “Zaveri, get it together, it’s been a year, you have to get back on your feet and lead your organization underground, the lower ranks need us and you still have to know the real reason why your parents were killed,” Sullivan informed before walking away. “What do you mean? They were killed because they were murdered, those s.hits were threatened by my parent’s wealth and power,” Tristan claimed, so Mother Angel stopped walking away. He thought after all those years, he still hasn’t found out the reason why his parents were killed and how the Crestfallen Kingdom failed to protect them. Sullivan heard from Timothy that Clara was having a hard time training because of what she learned from the past and the fact that Tristan’s parents were killed because they helped her parents escape and be with one another. “Your people would be here later, better clean up yourselves, they have something to discuss with you,” After Mother Angel said those words, he left. Tristan was then left alone inside of his house, he stared at the wine and beers that he had been drinking. It was bad for his health and he felt awful for not sleeping right for numerous days. How could he sleep? The day when his wife disappeared kept haunting his mind. His nightmares kept reminding him of the pain that he was experiencing, he just shook his head and looked at his phone. A lot of information was sent over there, Julian never missed sending him information about the whereabouts and hints to where his wife is. Even if he heard from Julian that she wasn’t kidnapped, he isn’t sure if she’s truly kidnapped or she left on her own, but he has this huge gut feeling that she’s alive and well. He just couldn’t accept the fact why his wife decided this on her own, what could be her reason? What if she’s in grave danger and waiting for him? Tristan smacked his head and slowly went upstairs, so he has to get it together, that Sullivan was right, nothing good will happen if this continues. After he arrived at his bedroom, he was about to go straight to his bathroom when his headache struck as he collapsed in the middle of their room. “D-Damn it,” He cursed before trying to get himself up, while doing that, his eyes caught that there’s a strange envelope hidden underneath the bed. Despite the excruciating pain within his brain, he extended out his arms to reach out and retrieved it beneath the bed. He sat and rested his back on the edge of the bed before looking at the envelope that he got, his eyes widened after seeing that it had his wife’s name on it. “I never saw her read this before nor my people tell me that this was sent to her,” He whispered before he decided to check what was inside. After reading what’s inside, his eyes widened. He read that someone was informing his wife about the auction of her head, the mafia’s that are after her life, and it was strange because this person was calling her Queen. He even read that Andrea was part of the Panda Underground which is now known as the Onyx Kingdom. Tristan was so surprised that Clara knew a lot of things that he’s doing from those piles of papers inside of the envelope. “So she wasn’t truly kidnapped, she left on her own,” Tristan whispered while clenching his fists, “But why, why did you leave me, wife?” Tristan stood up with that thought lingering on his mind, he knew his wife wouldn’t leave him without goodbye unless she had a good reason to do it. He decided to take a bath again and drink his meds, he finally shaved, cut his slightly long hair before dressing up into his tuxedo that was probably always being cleaned up by Julian. After he fixed his hair, he went downstairs and noticed that his people were already there, looking surprised to see him clean and fully dressed. They almost teared up and secretly smiled as they knew that Mother Angel talking to him would put him back to his senses. Genesis, Julian, and Raven kneeled and bowed their heads, “God, we’ve been waiting for you for a year,” Tristan didn’t answer any of them as he placed that envelope in the middle of the dining table that’s filled with cigarettes and bottles of wine. He didn’t know that his house was this messy because of his constant drinking. “Call some maids, let them clean this house, we’re going to our basement to discuss things,” He informed, so they just nodded before standing up. They all stopped when they heard someone was sniffing, “B-Bossing! You’re finally back, you’re finally–” Tristan raised a gun on his forehead before smirking, “Shut up because we have a lot of things to discuss, Leviticus,” “All of you are not going to meet with you women while you’re with me, or so help me, I’ll blow your heads off,” He warned before walking towards his study room. Those three flinched before looking at one another and laughed, “The boss is just jealous now that we have girls and Ma’am Clara is–” Raven heard him clicking the gun before Tristan pointed a gun at him, “What did you say Leviticus?” He raised his hands in defeat while shaking his head, “N-Nothing boss! Let’s go discuss things in the basement!” To be continued…
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