Chapter Two - Karyl & Adrian Jay Zaveri

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(Women are all at age of 22, the men ranging at 23 to 25 years old) Arthur stuck to his word, he did court Claire for months, and surprisingly, they got to know each other better. Claire was even scolding him at first because why would Arthur ask to marry him immediately when they haven’t been into a relationship where they could get to know one another? Arthur’s reason was rational, he told her, “Why waste time if I knew this is where that relationship is going, I’m set straight on marrying you and there’s no one that could change my mind about it,” He informed her before. She was astounded upon hearing those words come out from his lips, it just made her realize how much of a gentleman Arthur was. No wonder he never dated a lot of girls back in high school, he was such a good-looking man that numerous girls knew about, but he never talked to anyone aside from Claire.  He also explained to her that he only dates to marry the girl he’ll be willing to spend the rest of his life with and it was her. Months passed and Arthur got to receive her yes, but not yet on the proposal that he offered because he wanted to ask her again someday. They got to face the feelings that they’ve been hiding ever since high school. Claire knew how much she cares about Arthur and she didn’t realize that there was something deeper inside that she’s been keeping from him. “Arthur, do you want to meet my parents?” Claire suggested while they’re drinking coffee at the usual place. They’re sitting right next to each other, skins touching, and hearts are warm. Ever since Arthur started courting her, both of them got closer and clingy with each other’s attention. Arthur worriedly hugged himself before exhaling out a lungful air, “Do you think they’ll approve of me?” Claire confidently nodded before she squeezed his hands, “They will, who wouldn’t with such a kind man like you?”  Arthur stared at her intently and clutched to his chest, “Woman, how much more will you make my heart swell?”  Claire then glanced at him and flinched after seeing how he looked at her intently. Arthur was good-looking, he had a toned body, an appealing-looking face, his jaw was defined and his hair was tousled and fawn in color. Everyone would be drawn to him. Claire thought. His fawn hair was the one she liked the most aside from his deep blue eyes, “Well, how can we know about that?” Claire giggled before moving away from him and stand up. “Let me introduce you to them alright?” She beamed, so Arthur just reflected on it before coming with her. It didn’t take them long to arrive at the Crayford's mansion, every maid and butler greeted them before they arrived at the living room. Serene was nowhere around since she was too preoccupied with handling their company’s business and their parents are getting stressed out about it since she couldn’t face the big problem that they’ve been worrying about. They couldn’t think of any solutions of how to solve their problem and Claire doesn't know anything about any of it, “Mom, Dad, are you here?”  “Oh dear, you’re here?” Claire heard her mom’s voice from the living room, so she dragged Arthur over there with her. “Good afternoon, mom, dad,” She kissed their cheeks and noticed their tired faces, “Is there any problem?” “O-Oh you don’t have to worry about that dear, there’s just been a slight problem in the business and hopefully your sister is taking good care of it,” Her mom massaged her temples before gazing at her companion. “You have brought a visitor, who is this fine, young man?” Mrs. Crayford examined him from head to toe. She didn’t like that he wasn’t wearing any designer clothes, but it’s strange that he could make a common outfit look so different like it was bought somewhere expensive because of his stance. There’s something about his presence that shouts dominance and power, but she couldn’t understand why she could see that. Arthur then offered his hands, “Greetings, Mrs. Crayford, I’m Arthur,” He gazed at Claire and she just smiled before nodding at him, “I’m your daughter’s boyfriend, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Mrs. Crayford was surprised before smiling, “Oh I see, congratulations to both of you, I’m pretty sure your dad would be thrilled about hearing this Claire,” Her mom gave her a small smile, so she just giggled before nodding. “Yes mom, he would like Art, he’s such a kind man,” She reassured, so Mrs. Crayford called for butlers to serve them tea and talk about their businesses and one another. Arthur was surprisingly great at talking, Claire was nervous about nothing. “So what is your business, Arthur?” Mrs. Crayford curiously asked so he played with his hands for a moment before looking at her. “I have numerous companies in the other…city, everything’s doing great,” Arthur informed as her mom continued to speak with him. Hours passed and they didn’t notice that it was late already, “Oh um I have to go now Claire, Mrs. Crayford,” He stood up before bowing his head. “Someone’s looking for me at…um, work,” Arthur shyly scratched the back of his head, so Claire stood up before looking at her mom. “It’s alright, Arthur, you can come back here anytime you want,” Mrs. Crayford smiled, which made Claire’s heart swell. It feels great on the inside that her mother likes the person that she likes, “Oh by the way mom, where’s dad?” She curiously asked while tilting her head. Mrs. Crayford smile disappeared before looking at her phone, “He’s still at work dear, but he’ll be back soon together with your sister,”  “Oh that’s a shame, you didn’t get to meet my sister, but let’s go, I’ll escort you out of the manor,” Claire beamed before taking his hand. “Where to, Ms. Claire?” Timothy in his young age asked on the driver’s seat while staring at his king on her side. Arthur warned him with his glare as he focused his look on Claire. “Oh just out of the manor, I don’t know where Arthur lives, unless you want me to drop you off at home?” Claire glanced at him, but Arthur gently shook his head at her. “I’m fine just being dropped off at the bus stop, I still have things to take care of before going home,” He smiled before patting Claire’s head. Timothy wanted to laugh because his king looks truly different from the woman that he’s been looking after when his king met her in high school. It didn’t take them long to say goodbye to each other, their foreheads rested with one another like they’re afraid of letting each other go, “I’ll see you tomorrow? There’s something I have to say to you,” Claire mumbled, so he just snickered. “What are you going to say to me, hm?” Arthur moved away from her, enough to allow him to see her face. Claire averted her gaze before biting her inside cheeks, “I said tomorrow!” She complained, so Arthur just chuckled before he grazed her soft cheeks using his fingers. He wouldn’t know what to do if he lost her. “Fine tomorrow it is, my beautiful Claire, now take her home,” Arthur gazed at Timothy before getting out of the car. Claire happily waved her hands goodbye until Timothy decided to take her home, “Do you love, Mr. Arthur, Ms. Claire?” He curiously asked, making her flinch. “I-I do, and he has to know that too,” She mumbled shyly, so he just smiled before steering the wheel on the right to park at the garage. “Well, best wishes to you both,” Timothy secretly smiled, so she just smiled on the back seat while holding on to her hand. *** Days have passed, but Claire and Arthur didn’t get the chance to meet up, she kept on texting him, but she hasn’t been receiving any responses. So she decided to talk to her friend about it since she knew how busy her sister was to talk about things like this. Aside from Arthur, there was this one woman who protected her from the hoes and skanks who tried to make her life miserable. “Claire! How are you?” Karyl greeted happily before giving Claire a long tight hug, so she hugged her back before breaking it, “It’s been forever!” “My, Karyl, you look blooming,” Claire teased while gazing at the man that she’s with, it’s the man that she was engaged with named Adrian Jay Zaveri. “Oh shush you, this is my good friend, Claire,” She beamed at her fiance, so he just smiled and offered his hands. “I’m pleased to meet the woman she’s been talking about a lot,” Adrian sternly said, so Claire just shook his hands before letting go of it again. “The pleasure’s mine, come sit both of you, let’s eat,” Claire invited, but Adrian excused himself since he insisted on paying for their orders. “Karyl, I’m so happy for you, you’re getting married soon, right?” Claire excitedly clapped her hands, so Karyl just giggled. “Yes, and girl! I still can’t believe you got together with Arthur! He’s like the hunk of our high school and university!” She exclaimed, making Claire laugh. “So why did you call me here? Is there a problem?” She became serious for a moment, so Claire stopped laughing. “Well um, it’s Arthur, I think there’s something wrong, I could feel it in my gut,” Claire informed while playing with her fingers. “He’s the type that never misses a message, call, well even letters ever since we met each other months ago,” She added, so Karyl massaged her chin. “Hm, maybe he got caught up at work? Adrian and I argue because he sometimes goes on a business trip without telling me,” She rolled her eyes, making Claire giggle. “Maybe, but I’m still worried because it’s been days, close to a week,” Claire sighed, so Karyl reassured her that everything would be fine. They spoke about a lot of things as she heard that they’re going to have their wedding sooner, so they gave her invitations together with Arthur. After she got home, the house was silent. It's been like this ever since the big gala ended, her family seems to be busy with work. She couldn’t help but feel that there was a problem, “Ms. Claire?” She flinched after hearing Timothy on her back. Claire swiftly turned around and sighed in relief, “Y-You scared me, Timothy, I didn’t feel your presence,” She clutched to her chest, so he just gave her a small smile. “I-Is it okay if I ask you to come with me? It’s about a king–M-Mr. Arthur,” He informed, so her eyes widened. “W-Why is there something wrong with him?” Claire worriedly asked, so Timothy invited her to the car. “Your parents are gone together with your sister, this would be a good opportunity to take you out, please don’t be mad at me,” Timothy pleaded, so she shook her head at him. “Why would I be? You’re taking me to him, it’s been days and he hasn't been responding to my messages, I’m getting worried,” Claire informed, so Timothy tightly gripped the steering wheel. “He got into a…accident,” He whispered, so her eyes widened. No words came out of her mouth after they arrived at a hidden forest. She was nervous for a moment since the path that they’re taking looks dark and eerie, she thought no one would dare to drive here. Timothy got out of the car and opened the door on the passenger seat, “This way, he might kill me for taking you here, but I just thought that he needed to see you, he has it rough and I’m worried about him,”  Claire was confused why Timothy knows Arthur that much and even knows where he is right now. She just came with him and entered a slightly huge house inside of that creepy forest. Whirring sounds and the beeping of machines filled her ears after she had arrived at the living room. She gasped after numerous guns were pointed at her before Timothy jumped in front of her swiftly, “Put those f.ucking guns down or I’ll blow all of your heads off!” She heard Arthur demand, so everyone lowered it down. Claire slowly gazed at her side and that’s where he saw Arthur looking at her intently, his head and body were filled with bandages. “A-Arthur, what happened to you? Are you alright?” She gasped and slowly walked towards to check up on him. She could feel everyone in the room was staring at her, so Arthur just sighed before pulling her to sit on the edge of the bed. “Timothy, why did you bring her here?” Arthur raised his tone, so Timothy lowered his head at his King. To be continued…
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