Chapter One - Claire Jewel Crayford

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(Almost 45 years ago) (Serene, Claire, Arthur, Vladimir, & Lowella, Age 15) “Mr. & Mrs. Crayford, this is your adopted daughter, Claire Jewel Crayford,” The butlers announced and bowed at the sight of a beautiful young woman that had fierce sky blue eyes. She walked to the living room like she was already familiar with it, her gaze looked fierce, but there’s gentleness and kindness resurfacing about her aura. Claire Jewel Crayford is almost in her twenties and she was just adopted from one of the billionaires from the business tycoon country. Claire bowed to them before giving a bright smile towards her new parents, “Mom, Dad, thank you for having me,” She politely greeted them before raising her head. Everyone was in awe, she looked extremely elegant even though she was an orphan for almost 16 years, the Mother of the orphanage didn’t want to let her go, but they needed the money to feed all the children. Claire agreed to it even if it means leaving everyone she grew up with, even the sisters that take good care of her. “My what a beauty, you have outdone yourself this time my husband,” Mrs. Crayford clapped her hands in joy. It didn’t make a sound since she was wearing gloves as she took a sip on her tea, “Come here dear, let me introduce you to our daughter,” Claire approached them with gratefulness plastered on her face, “Dear, this is my daughter, Serene Crayford,” She glanced at the beautiful girl who looked like was the same age as her, dressed in a fancy dress, “Hello, my name is Claire and I'm going to be your sis–” She didn’t finish what she just said, Serene furiously pushed her away from her. “Stay away from me! You’re an orphan and even if you're dressed in fancy clothing that will never change!” Serene exclaimed, so her parents slapped her for her rude behavior. “Serene! We didn’t teach you to be that way! Be nice to her!” Her father scolded, so Serene caressed her cheeks and glared at Claire who was being helped by their butlers and maids to stand up. “B.itch, you’re all fools!” She hissed before leaving them alone at the dining table with the person that’s going to be her stepsister. “I apologize for her behavior dear, she can’t accept the fact that we adopted you,” Mrs. Crayford apologized, but Claire politely shook her head. “It’s alright, I understand how she feels,” Claire gave them a small smile, so everyone gave her a warm welcome and invited her to eat with them. The stay of Claire in Crayford’s house for many years has been decent as she was already 20 years old, she was studying well, excelled at her classes, eating decent meals, and no matter how many times she tried to win her step sister’s heart, it didn’t work. Claire was just the epitome of perfection, Serene hates it that someone from an orphanage could smile brightly, be smart, and be beautiful compared to her. If she isn’t sane, Serene thinks that her parents like Claire as their daughter more than her. Serene was stubborn and doesn’t like anything to do with her, she hates the fact that someone could outshine her. Aside from that, Serene also hates the fact that her parents always brought Claire to gatherings about business galas or a ball for all of the CEO’s in Dasmarinas City. “Everyone this is our daughter, Claire Jewel and Serene Crayford,” Mr. Crayford announced while raising his wine, “Cheers to our new business that will be launching soon,” A round of applause was to be heard as everyone drank their wines. Claire was just smiling even though she feels uncomfortable being in the spotlight. Serene noticed her bright smiles again, so she hissed and leaned in to whisper in her ears, “Don’t think that you belong just because my parents brought you here, you will never be part of us, you will never be my sister,” Serene firmly said while glaring at her. “Serene, what did I do to make you hate me this much? I just came here years ago and I still don’t understand why you loathe me,” Claire almost cried, but Serene continued glaring at her. “I just hate you and you’ll stay away from me at school and even at home!” She exclaimed before leaving the stage. Claire clenched her fists and continued smiling because she doesn’t want her new parents to worry about her, she was grateful for them, and stressing them out is the last thing she’ll need. She continued living her life as she endured the pain that her sister didn’t like her, she gained friends, but never her sister’s affections. Her friends from their school were even telling her that she was just insecure because Claire was better at everything compared to Serene. “T-That’s not true, my sister is very smart especially in the field of business, I admire her,” Claire mumbled, so her friends just shook their heads at her. “Believe me, you’re much better than her,” Her friends rolled their eyes, so she just lowered her head because she knew they were wrong. Years have passed and they have graduated from high school and college, Claire and Serene are already 22 years old and started working at Crayford’s Corporation, helping their parents manage their business. After several challenges, there was this big gala that will be happening because it’s the time of the year where their parents were planning to choose who will be their heir for all the businesses that they had. Their parents were having a hard time managing their new business because a lot of people were trying to pull them down and they’re being successful at it. They're going to do everything they can to rise in the ranks again. “I’m your daughter, flesh and blood! You can’t just tell me you’re going to choose someone that you have just adopted! Claire isn’t your biological daughter! She’s a b.itch!” Serene slammed her fist on the desk while panting. “Serene! Your manners! We taught you to calm down in these kinds of situations! How can we be able to trust you with our business if you can’t calm yourself down at my request!” Her father raised his tone, so she backed away for a moment. “If you continued behaving like this, I would probably change my mind on giving you our businesses,” Her father stood up and left his study room. “You’re hurting me so much, mom, dad, how can you just casually say that to me?” Serene cried, so her mother approached and consoled her. “Your dad wanted you to get along with your sister, you know how much we both love you right? All he wanted was a happy family, be nice to your sister and he probably won't hesitate to give the business to you,” Her mother suggested. Serene was against it, but if that’s the only thing she needs to do to have power over their own business, then she wouldn’t hesitate to fool her sister that she likes her. “Claire, come here,” Serene called her, so she was confused, but cautiously approached her step-sister. “I-Is there something wrong Serene? Is there a cockroach in your room?” Claire worriedly asked, but she shook her head. “Accompany me to the mall, get dressed because we’re going shopping,” Serene coldly invited before turning her back to her. Claire, on the other hand, was surprised as she didn’t know what to feel on the inside, she was thrilled, she’s finally going to have some bonding time with her sister. Months have passed and they managed to get along with one another. Claire thought it was the best year because she spent a lot of time with her sister and she wasn’t shouting at her. “My, my, did you both just get home from shopping?” Mr. & Mrs. Crayford carefully descended the grand staircase as they saw those two giggling at the main door. “Yes we did, mom, dad, it was fun! Serene treated me to a lot of fancy things, I-I’m slightly embarrassed about it,” Claire played with her fingers before glancing at her sister who wrapped her arms around her shoulders. “We’re getting along just fine mom and dad, now you don’t have to worry and focus on the upcoming big gala,” Serene snickered because everything is sailing smoothly according to plan, so her parents looked so proud of her. “Oh we will, our daughters, and you both will be helping us from now on!” They clapped their hands, so the maids and butlers appeared, giving them the plans on that big day. Months have passed by, the day of the big gala came and it was a classic, elegant party. Mr. & Mrs. Crayford announced that Serene was going to be the one that will handle their business from now on and Claire couldn’t be more proud of her. Serene, on the other hand, was joyous, her plans worked and now she’ll do everything she can to prove that she’s rightful for the position they gave to her. Aside from that, someone important noticed Claire’s beauty, he was drawn to her the moment he saw her, and he would do everything so he can to have her for himself. Claire was just helping her sister manage the company for months and aside from that, she reunited again with her best friend named Arthur Crestfallen. He was her closest high school classmate who was poor but got a scholarship from high school to college to the most prestigious school because of his bright mind. He also helped her when she couldn’t understand things from high school. “Arthur, are you working now?” Claire curiously asked while taking a sip on her coffee, they’re currently inside of a coffee shop because she suddenly received a text from him that he wanted to see her. She was surprised that it was him after all those years, she wasn’t responding to any of her letters, so she was surprised that he texted her from an unknown number. At first, she thought it was a prank, but only Arthur knows the sign of her message from her letters, “I heard you disappeared after college graduation, were you alright? And I still can’t believe that you memorized my number!” She exclaimed. Claire and Arthur just became classmates until high school, both of them got into different universities, they rarely meet up in college during their ups and downs, and after that, she hasn't heard a thing about him. Arthur just smiled despite all of her questions, he thought years had passed and Claire still grew up into such a kind and beautiful woman. “And what’s that scar on your head?” She worriedly asked while pointing to the side of his head. He flinched before covering it using his bare hands, “O-Oh um this is nothing, and I’m doing great! I have decent work outside of the city, and I’m here because I missed you and you’ve always been writing to me, so I wanted to thank you for that,” Arthur was cautious while glancing around their surroundings, they might be at a fancy coffee shop yet he could feel that a lot of dangerous people were following him. Being a king of something dangerous underground isn’t what he wanted, but it was passed unto him because of their family generation, even if he wanted a normal life, he would never have that. But, seeing the woman he fancies before him again made him think the latter, he wanted to experience it, the feeling of being loved by someone without fear. He stared at Claire, will she be able to love someone as cruel as him? After he killed numerous people that’s been trying to take over his kingdom? Arthur thought. Claire’s eyes widened from what she heard from him and averted her gaze, Arthur was just too kind to her back in high school, he protected her from the spoiled friends of her stepsister that was trying to make her life miserable. She was grateful to him and didn’t want to lose him as a friend, so she continued writing to him no matter what even if he’s not responding. “I wanted to get mad at you, do you know that?” Claire played with her cake before taking a sip on her drink. Arthur flinched at what she just said as he nervously reached out for the coffee she bought for them both. “You were not responding to my letters, so I thought you forgot about me,” She mumbled while biting her inside cheeks. Arthur then chuckled before smirking at her, “Why would I forget someone as beautiful as you?” He playfully winked. She was about to complain when she noticed that he raised a bunch of letters and envelopes that he’s been keeping inside of his bag. Claire was surprised because she knows every single envelope that she used every time she wrote to him after they graduated high school and college, it looks like he hasn't missed anything, she thought he hasn’t been receiving it. “I kept and read it all the time,” Arthur firmly held on to those letters before gazing at her intently, “These letters kept my sanity with me,” He whispered. “A-Arthur, I didn’t know, thank you for keeping it,” Claire emotionally said as she reached out to squeeze his hands. “And actually, I’ve been meaning to ask you something since it’s been years, and it’s been years that I kept these feelings from you,” Arthur smiled before placing his other hand at the top of hers. “I came back here to you to ask for your hand, I want you to be mine, Claire Jewel Crayford,” Arthur firmly said, so her eyes widened. “I know this is sudden, but I want you to think about it, you’re the only one I want to spend the rest of my life with,” He added before squeezing her hands gently. “I’d be willing to court you every single day to have your sweet yes,” Arthur smiled before patting her head. Claire lowered her head for a moment before smiling at him, “Okay,” She answered, so Arthur got confused for a moment. “O-Okay what?” He nervously asked, so Claire giggled before giving him the sweetest smile that she could offer. “You can court me, Arthur,” Claire answered before playing with her finger, “And if the time is right, I might answer you about your proposal,” To be continued…
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