Chapter Three - King of Crestfallen

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“She was looking for you king and I just thought she needed to know,” Timothy informed while averting his gaze, “Plus, I’m worried about you,” “Do you know what would happen if they saw her here? They’re going to target her, Ace,” Arthur hissed, but he just kneeled before him that surprised Claire. She couldn’t understand what was going on, but all she knew was Arthur is keeping something from her, especially these people with guns. Claire also noticed that Arthur has a gun in his hands, were they that alarmed after she entered? What’s going on? What are they? She thought as she bit her inside cheeks, she remained quiet until all of them finished their conversation. “Then I will protect her with my life just like what you ordered for me to do,” Timothy Ace Crestfallen answered, so Arthur just sighed before gazing at his people that were staring at Claire. He noticed that she was starting to get uncomfortable by their stares,  “Is she the one you asked to marry you, king? Will she be our Queen?” A lot of murmurs were to be heard, so Arthur glared at them all. “Shut up, all of you get out and let me speak with her,” He demanded, so everyone swiftly left the room in a second. Claire suddenly felt nervous after she realized that she was left alone with Arthur, “A-Arthur/Claire,” They mumbled in unison. Arthur chuckled lightly before wrapping his arms around his waist, “You go first, you must probably have a lot of questions in mind,” He claimed. Claire clenched her fists before nodding, “Arthur, what happened to you? What are those guns and who are those people? Were you kidnapped or something? I was worried about you,” She asked all of her questions at once, making him smile. “I’m fine now, you don’t have to worry about me and I think it's time for you to know about my other identity,” He whispered while clenching his fists. “Would you hate me if you found out that I’m a king of murderers underground?” Arthur asked while averting his gaze. Claire was surprised at his questions, but then furrowed her eyebrows, “I don’t understand, what do you mean about underground and murders?” Arthur heaved a deep long sigh before staring at her sky blue eyes intently, no matter how long he looked at her, her beauty always mesmerized him. “Promise me first that you will not hate me after hearing my other identity, but you can decide if you still want to stay with me or not,” Arthur whispered. Claire tilted her head at him before nodding, “You know I’m not a shallow person, Arthur, if I said I like you, then that includes all of your flaws, everything about you,” She reassured him. “Plus, I’m slightly mad that you were not responding to me for almost a week, do you know how worried I am about you?” Claire raised her tone, so he apologized. “I’m sorry, but I got caught up in the mess trying to protect my kingdom, we’re not royalties, but that’s how we address our titles underground,” Arthur informed. He started telling her about the underground and the mafia organizations that kill people, sell rare and illegal items as their businesses. And she found out that Arthur was the King of Crestfallen, the most powerful mafia organization underground. At first, Claire was surprised that Arthur was part of it, but it makes sense why he always has bruises every single day when he goes to school at high school and college. She also found out that he was gone for almost two years because he trained before he could officially have the title of the king. Everyone already considered him a king after his parents died, but he didn’t accept it until he knew he was fit for that title. “So that explains why you always have bruises, I just thought you have a bad family,” Claire mumbled, so he nodded at her before he gave her a tight hug. “Yes, I have been training ever since I was five, it has been passed down by family generations,” Arthur informed her, so she heaved a deep long sigh before looking at him. “You should’ve told me sooner, no wonder why you just disappeared for so many years without messaging me back,” She mumbled, so Arthur pulled away from the hug. “Do you still like me?” Arthur worriedly asked while reaching out to squeeze your hands, “I understand if you want to stay away after what you’ve heard, but I promise you, I wouldn’t do anything that would hurt you,” Claire stared at Arthur’s blue glinting eyes, it looks intense but you can see the gentleness that it has. She extended out her hand to him and caressed his cheeks, “Arthur, that doesn’t change what I feel about you, it’s still you, but has other parts that I finally get to know of, so it’s like we’re getting closer to each other,” Claire smiled, so he was stunned. He crashed his lips against her, which surprised Claire as he pulled away and rested his forehead against her, “You don’t know how happy I am right now,” He whispered, so she just smiled. The warmth and everything about Arthur just feel so right, she wanted to be with him forever, “I love you, Arthur,” She whispered. Arthur teared up for a moment as he embedded on his mind that he’ll protect this woman for life, “I love you more, Claire,”  They stared at each other with longingness lingering among their eyes, their lips met once more as they talked about a lot of things with each other. *** Days have passed ever since Claire got to know about Arthur’s real identity, from now on, they’ll have to date each other in secret. The reason why he was gone the past few weeks was because he was trying to protect her from the clutches of the different mafia organizations. They know something about her since she’s linked with Arthur. Aside from that, she noticed that there have been changes inside of their house. Her parents and sisters are not going home anymore and it sounds like there’s something wrong with the business. She asked if she could help, but her mother just smiled and told her that everything was alright, but Claire knows it’s not. Despite all of that, she also heard that there’s another big gala that’s going to happen, it’s about the Sage’s Corporation. She then wondered if she could be of any help to them at that party, she just wanted to see her family relax and be happy. Claire just shrugged and proceeded to go to her room and call Arthur to speak about the upcoming big gala. Mr. & Mrs. Crayford, on the other hand, are currently speaking with Vladimir Sage Onyx in their office, Serene was there reviewing some folders. “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Vladimir, we’re just so honored to witness such a young man this interested in business, heck you’re even more influential than us,” Mr. Crayford complimented, so he just smiled at them. “The pleasure’s mine, in fact, I’m here to offer you something,” Vladimir informed as he gazed at their daughter that suddenly stopped writing. “I’m going to the other room, I can’t seem to focus here,” She rolled her eyes before grabbing her paper works and suitcase. A loud opening and closing of the door made the room silent as Mrs. Crayford nervously laughed, “I apologize for my daughter’s behavior, there’s just been a problem and she’s doing everything she can to fix it up,”  Vladimir nodded his head, “I understand, you have an adopted daughter right?” He curiously asked. He actually knows everything about Claire and the Crayford, he never misses looking at her every time there’s a big gala of the different corporations. Claire just snatched his heart by being so beautiful, he also saw her once back in high school and helped him get back on his feet. FLASHBACK// Vladimir never blended in the crowd back when he was in high school, he was a goth and everyone found him weird because of his style. A time came by when numerous kids decided to make fun of him and got him into trouble. He had to endure every punch and smashing of things that those kids were inflicting on him. “Hey! Stop that! What are you guys doing?!” Despite the static that he could hear from his ears and him enduring all the pain that he could feel, he heard an angel’s voice. “I-I’m going to tell you to the teachers!” She threatened, so the kids around Vladimir laughed like they found her hilarious. “What? Hahaha! What can you do Claire? You don’t have proof that we hurt him,” They sniggered, but they were surprised when she took out the phone that was recording everything that they were saying right now. “This is my proof, now if you don’t want me to call teachers or even my family here, you would leave that poor guy alone,” She firmly said. Every kid got scared at her statements and started running away from there. Claire sighed in relief and immediately sprinted to Vladimir’s side. “A-Are you okay?” She cupped his cheeks that gave him time to examine her face. She has fierce sky blue eyes and it made her face glow like she was an angel from the skies, “Hey! Are you alright? I’m going to take you to the nurse’s office,” It was the first time a person offered him kindness, they never spoke even after she helped him towards the nurse’s office. She had to leave early because her drivers were looking for her and never got to thank her, so he just continued watching her from afar. After all, he doesn’t have the courage to approach her again. END OF FLASHBACK// Now that he changed and is fulfilled with what he has in life, he couldn’t help but have the courage to meet up with her and ask for her hand. He waited for so many years and now that he heard that the Crayfords are at their downfall, he wanted to help them recover. ‘Does she remember me?’ Vladimir thought, ‘I wanted for her to see what I’ve become after she helped me to become someone I never thought I would be’ “Yes, we do have an adopted daughter, she’s Claire, she’s a darling,” Mrs. Crayford informed, so he just smiled. Of course, they would love her, she’s a kind angel, he thought, “I see, and I’ve heard about your company’s problem, I think I could be of help,” He smiled before offering some folders. “But in exchange of course of something, can I have the hands of Claire Jewel Crayford?” He boldly asked so they were astounded for a moment. “You wanted to marry our daughter, Claire, in exchange for helping us recover from the business? But that’s not possible, she’s in a relationship, but my Serene is single, you can have her,” Mr. Crayford mumbled, so Vladimir’s eyes widened. She’s taken? But that can’t be possible, she’s his and no one else, how could someone take her away from him? He clenched his fists under the table before shaking his head, “I only want the hands of Claire, if I don’t have her then there won’t be any help,” After he said those words, he walked away and called for his people, “Make sure to pull the Crayford’s patience with their business that they won’t have any other choice but to force her into this,” He firmly said while clenching his fists. “Whatever happens, you’re going to be mine Claire, you’re mine,” He whispered and stepped out of Crayford’s Corporation. *** “Dad? You called me here?” Claire knocked at the study room and opened the door, that’s where she saw her father massaging his temples while looking at their papers. “Dad? Are you alright?” She worriedly asked, he looked stressed out like he wouldn’t know what to do to raise their business up. Her father flinched before looking at her, “Claire, I’m glad you’re here, have a seat,” He gestured on the red chair in front of his desk, so she went over there and promptly seated. “Claire, there’s something I have to tell and needed for you to do,” He clasped his hands against each other before looking at her daughter. The thought of her being married to someone that she doesn’t know is already tearing his heart apart, but what can he do? The business looks like it’s about to fall and they had to do something. Serene, their daughter, also made a mistake and they had to do whatever it takes to cover it up, “Claire, you’re going to meet someone tomorrow and he’s going to be your fiance,” Mr. Crayford informed, so her eyes widened. Fiance? Who? Is it Arthur? She thought before playing with her fingers, “Who is it, father?” She politely asked even if she’s confused. “His name is Vladimir Sage Onyx,” Her father informed, which made her eyes widen. He isn’t the man that she was expecting. To be continued…
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