Chapter Four - Arranged

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Silence surrounded them both after she heard those words, she just couldn’t believe that it came out from her father’s mouth. Claire doesn’t know a man named Vladimir and now she found out she’s engaged with him? She thought while playing with her hands. After she finally gathered her thoughts, she spoke, “I don’t understand dad, why am I getting married?” Claire clenched her fists under the table. She wanted to know the reason why since she doesn't want to put her emotions first before reacting. Claire knows her parents wouldn't do this to her. “Our business is about to meet its downfall and Vladimir offered to help in exchange for your hands,” Her dad averted his gaze at her before taking out his tobacco. “I’m sorry, Claire, but we have to accept this offer, it’s the only way we could save the business,” Her father informed. “B-But you know that I’m in a relationship, right dad? I even told you that we’re planning to marry each other and we’re both just giving each other some time,” Claire wanted to get mad, but she couldn’t. How could she when this man sitting right in front of her accepted her as her daughter when no one else would? “I know, Claire, but things aren’t permanent yet right? So you can still cut him off and meet someone else, Vladimir’s a good man, he’ll take good care of you,” Mr. Crayford claimed, so Claire shook her head. She couldn’t believe that she heard that from her father, he’s a kind, loving man, and he also didn’t marry his wife just because of money. Claire never disobeyed her parents, she was kind enough to do that, but asking for this is too much for her to handle. “I-I’m sorry dad, I can’t accept that,” She lowered her head as she stopped herself from tearing up, “I can’t marry someone that I don’t love,”  Mr. Crayford nodded, so he gave her pictures and his number, “You’ll meet with him tomorrow, he’s asking you out on a date,” Claire stood and slammed her fist on his desk, but it didn’t create a loud noise nor startled everyone, it was so light that Mr. Crayford thought she was trying to say something and had to get closer to him. “Why can’t it be Serene? Isn’t she the one handling the business? I’m not even part of the company just yet,” Claire claimed. “He doesn't like her, he likes you, he said you know him from high school,” Mr. Crayford informed, so she furrowed her eyebrows. “I don’t know anyone with that name and you know I only had a few friends dad,” Claire replied, she’s trying to hold back her tears. “Dad please, I-I don’t want to get engaged and meet up with him,” Claire pleaded before raising her head. Mr. Crayford didn’t look at her as he smoked on the side, “Claire, didn’t you say you’ll make it up to us after we adopted you?” Claire stopped at what she heard, she was confused why her father is bringing that up right now, “This is the perfect time you’ll make it up to us, after all, we spend a lot of money from adopting and taking good care of you,” “You wouldn’t want to upset us now, would you? You should be grateful that we adopted you,” Mr. Crayford firmly said, which made her stop. She moved away from the study table, Claire’s throat constricted and unshed tears stung her eyes. She couldn’t control it anymore as it fell on her cheeks. Claire couldn’t believe what she just heard, she felt like she was talking to a different person and not her dad. “O-Okay dad, I’ll meet up with him tomorrow,” She mumbled before excusing herself out of that room. She then ran on the hallways, avoiding all the questions from their maids and butlers she made friends with, and locked herself up in her room.  Claire wanted to believe what just happened was just a dream, so she decided to clean herself up and sleep with her eyes sore. The next day came by and she realized that everything wasn’t a dream after she was woken up by the maids with a pair of expensive clothes on their hands. She wondered how they opened her room, but she guessed that her father gave them the key to her room. She wasn’t in the mood to do anything as she went along with all of the beautiful things that they did to her. After they were done fixing her up, she went out of the living room and was greeted by her parents from the living room. “You look beautiful, dear,” Mrs. Crayford greeted with a smile, but it disappeared when she noticed that Claire was not looking at anyone but outside. She was still believing that everything was a dream, she’s fighting so hard on the inside to believe that this is all a dream. How would she tell Arthur about this? She doesn’t know what to do, she loves Arthur so much that she doesn’t want to hurt him more than her family. Silence surrounded them in the living room when Mr. Crayford decided to break the ice, “He’ll be waiting at this restaurant, Claire, Timothy will bring you there,” That’s the only time that she glanced at her parents, she looked at them like she was pleading to them to stop her from going. Mrs. Crayford stepped away and averted her gaze at her, “Make us proud, Claire,” Mr. Crayford firmly said before asking the maids to take her outside. That’s where she met Serene that was just going home and gazed at her from head to toe, “And where are you going?” Serene asked while fishing out a folder from her bag. “She’s going to be engaged with the man that’s going to save our business, Serene,” Mr. Crayford informed while glaring at her. Mr. Crayford thought the reason why he had to act cold towards her daughter was because of Serene, her mistake that she believed a scam that someone would help them in exchange for money. Serene clenched her fists, she immediately knew what was going on here before she raised her eyebrows at Claire, “Have fun on your date,” She was about to walk away from her when Claire reached out to her wrists, “Serene, please convince mom and dad that I don’t want to do this, you know that I’m in a relationship right? Please, I love Arthur,” Claire mumbled. Serene hissed before harshly pushing her away from her, Claire didn't hit the ground as their maids caught her before she fell. Claire was wearing a white dress, so they wanted to make sure it wouldn’t be defiled with dirt, “This is the only thing that you could do to make it up to my family! You should be grateful for what my parents provided you and this time, they’re requesting something from you and you don’t want to do it? You’re selfish!” Serene’s voice boomed all over the place, so Claire lowered her head and clenched her fists, she doesn't have the power to say anything if they keep on bringing that up, “I-I would do anything for this family, but not things that are against my will,” Serene approached her with her eyes burning with fire, she doesn’t know why she’s doing this, she’s mad at herself and wanted to take it out on Claire. After all, she was the reason why Claire had to put up with all of this mess as her father reminded all of her about it last night. “You said you would do anything right? Then they're sending you out on a date for you to get to know this man before marrying him, you should be grateful that it’s not fully against your will, stop being stubborn and suck it up,” She hissed before walking away from her. Claire felt helpless and was escorted out of the house towards the car, she couldn’t stop crying as the maids called some makeup artists to redo her makeup. It was silent after she got into the car, Timothy heard everything about what happened and the fact that she’s engaged with someone dangerous that is also working underground. He already informed Arthur about this, “Ms. Claire, are you alright?” Timothy worriedly asked before he steered the steering wheel to the right. Claire hugged herself before shaking her head, “Why would I be okay Tim? They’re going to engage me with someone I don’t know and I don’t love,” “What would Arthur say about this? I don’t know how to tell him,” Claire held back her tears since she was scolded by some make-up artist a while ago to stop crying or it would smudge her makeup. “You don’t have to tell him, he already knows and he’s probably doing something to solve this,” Timothy reassured her, so she smiled for a moment. “I hope things won't work out, I'm already set on spending the rest of my life with Arthur, he’s the only man I want to be with forever,” Claire mumbled while playing with her fingers. “You don’t mind having a dangerous life? You know, what you saw back then isn’t the worst, some of us even lose a lot of body parts from the fights and you might get hurt too,” Timothy informed. He doesn’t intend to scare her, he just wanted to make sure if she’s the right one for their king, they wanted someone to understand him. “I don’t mind, I love him, and just by standing by his side is enough to make the rest of my life worthwhile,” Claire firmly said, so Timothy secretly smirked. He wanted to find someone like her someday, but it might take him a while since he’s still uncertain of who he was on the inside. “You’d do a great job of being our Queen, for now, you have to put up with this and let them see you at least tried to get to know this Vladimir,” He suggested, so she just nodded at him. She also thought about that, she’ll tell her parents that he was rude and would immediately back out from this engagement. After Timothy dropped her off at a fancy restaurant, he was on guard after he realized a lot of eyes were watching Claire. Those are different people and he hasn't felt their presence before, plus he could feel the presence of their allies here too. “This is the place where we are going to meet?” Claire curiously asked while gazing at her phone and the restaurant. Her dad texted her the details too even though he told Timothy where he should be taking her, “Yes, this is the place, go inside, he’s waiting for you,”  Claire just sighed before biting her inside cheeks, she was too terrified to take another step towards the restaurant. She flinched when she saw someone come out of the entrance, he was a handsome man dressed in a fancy suit that is probably similar to her age. Claire couldn’t help but compare him to Arthur, but he’s too perfect for her eyes compared to this man called Vladimir. He was dressed so fancily enough as she noticed his face lit up after seeing her presence, “It’s you, it’s really you,” Vladimir couldn’t help but smile and approach her. He reached out towards her hand and kissed the back of it, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Claire Jewel Crayford, I’m sure you heard about my name it’s–” “Vladimir Sage Onyx, yes, I heard,” She politely answered and gave him a small smile, “Shall we go inside?” Vladimir was over the moon, he just couldn’t believe that he’s seeing her right in front of him as his heart continued to thump rapidly against his chest. After they both entered, Vladimir asked for the receptionist to take them again to their table. He went out because he couldn't wait to see her. They both sat on the opposite side of the table when Claire felt a little bit uncomfortable by his nonstop staring, “U-Um, do you like staring a lot?” She curiously asked. Vladimir flinched at her question before shaking and composing himself, “F-Forgive me, it’s just that, there was never a time that I’m not mesmerized by your beauty,” But it’s a shame that she couldn’t find his compliment very flattering, she wanted to hear Arthur himself say those words to her. “Did I make you feel uncomfortable? If that is so, I’m very sorry,” He casually informed, so Claire thought he was being polite. “N-No it’s fine, I'm just not used to people doing that for too long,” She politely informed her before gazing at the menu right in front of her. “Is it alright if I ordered?” Claire curiously asked, so Vladimir nodded at her as silence surrounded them while picking their food. “I just want um, pasta and dessert,” She informed while raising her head, “That’s all I want, today,”  Vladimir heard her before nodding, “Alright just a second, we’ll call some waiters,” She watched him do his thing. She just has to get along for this day and everything would be over, she hoped and thought before sighing. To be continued…
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