kitania's death 1

458 Words
"arriving at the address sent to me. I quickly got down my car. looking around only to see it is a deserted place and a uncompleted building standing in the middle. "entering the uncompleted building. it also looks deserted. but as I move forward a gun was placed to my head. stopping me from making any movement. "if you move u will blast your brain out. now move. "and without looking back I started to do as he ordered until I was tied to a chair. "well..well..well..look who it is."the familiar voice made me snap my head up. "angela. "i pronounce her name through my clenched teeth.if I knew she was going to come back and ruin my happiness, I wouldn't have hesitation to put a gun through her f*****g head. "as I struggle to get free. she said one sentence that stopped my movement. "you better stop don't want wifey over here to die now. would you?.she said smiling. "god I hate her so much I feel like strangling her to death with my own hands, and wipe that stupid smile off her face.but I can't do that any attack from me maybe lead to Tania's death and I don't want that.kitania is so precious to me. I can't loose her. never. "although she is my weakness and angela knows that, but she is also my strength and angels doesn't know that. so if I want to free myself I have to play along with her. enough fore to free my hand then when everything is over I can escape with tania. "just hope she is alright. hang in there my love. "with that in mind a worry sighn left my mouth.making her laugh thinking she has made me weak. pathetic. "what do you want angela? I asked looking into eyes. making me take in her frame. she has change a lot and is now skinny and looks like to be suffering from malnutrition. her face is just horrible to even be described. "nothing.she said making me snap my eyes back to her. "you see what you like" god. I almost gave when she said that but I have to keep it in r us to get back together. darling I miss you and am back for you don't you miss me. I came back only to see that brat and you get married. never. so I want to kill her in your presence so you won't think am keeping her alive. "I know you would be heart broken but with my help and time you would forget about her and finally started to love me. "I looked at her clearly she's gone mad and needs a psychiatric hospital. did she escape from one? I think so.
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