wedding Day 2

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"right now. am having a pep talk with myself. I have been standing at the altar for almost an hour and kitania is not here. did she decide to leave me and make me miserable by leaving me at the altar. perhaps she's just like angela. "but then again I shouldn't be having those kinds of thoughts. I know my Mia would never leave me hanging. she is ten times more everything than Angela could or would ever be. and this is not the time to be thinking about the past it's time to think about the present and the future that I would be sharing with the one I love. "and just thinking about that makes me relax and I know everything will be alright. "but that soon change when another hour passed by and no pep talk was going to help. am sweating seriously the suits feels tight. "nick was talking to me encouraging me. but even his encouragement is weaving and it isn't helping my situation. soon everyone began to whisper and murmurs could be heard. "but he suddenly froze and that seems to catch my attention as I looked at him to find him staring at the entrance. but what I saw is not what I had expected. "a bloodied kate lay limp in my drivers arms has he came running towards us.making my blood run cold. blood was oozing out of her arm even though it looks like they have been trying to stop the bleeding. and the murmurs grew louder. "but as they got closer, nick seems to snap out of it and rush towards them. "kate?, kate!! Katherine!!! "his voice sounds so distraught. "Katherine don't do this to me I plan on proposing to you later. "really? kate asked and the look on Nick's face was priceless. "you are alive, I thought I lost you. "how could I die when the love of my life is about to propose to me. kate smiled even though it was a weak one before closing her eyes. causing nick today shake. "am not dying OK so Stop shaking me. "but our attention was brought back to my also bleeding driver that seems to also be shot at his arm. "sir your fiancee was kidnapped on our way to the church and when we tried to fight them off we got shot. he said with fear filled voice "it's not your fault" I said calmly and pat his back, shocking everyone even myself was shocked and I knew why they were shocked. cause if it was the formal me who hasn't met kitania yet I would have gun him down for not protecting the one I love. but no since I met nia I have change I no longer have the empty feelings inside my heart or around me. "she taught me how to love and be loved and I am forever grateful for that. "but if anything happens to her I would never forgive myself. but now is not the time to think like this. she needs me and I will be there has she has always been. "my father and mother rushed over asking what happened and my driver filled them in on what's going on. as I made a move to walk out of the now loud murmuring church and clear my head. my phone rang. without looking at the face, I picked it. and the voice I hated, the voice I despise. the voice I never wished to hear again. "the voice that caused me so much pain and made me forgot who I am. and made the media make me a person who I wasn't. but I have forgiven her a long time ago since kitania arrived and stole my heart like a thief. "hello xander" god knows how much I despise her calling me that. "f**k off angela. "i said making everyone around me gasp. even the media is trying to get close to us but thanks to my men that are blocking them . cause a ruined marriage is a blessing to the media house and the best news for all. "calm down lover boy don't want anything to your bride now do we?. she asked causing me to freeze. "what do you want angela. "meet me at the address sent to you and don't act smart and call the cops cause that may just end her life. "if you think am lying talk to her. "after a second and a "talk b***h" a scared voice of my love said to me "alex is that you?. "yes my love. soon she started crying and I tried my best to calm her down. "alex help me. I want to tell you something when you arrive ok. "ok baby. "am waiting. angela said before cutting the call and giving no time for me to say anything. "nick take kate to the hospital. I will handle this on my own. "no. "what? "you heard me right. as much as kate need me I won't abandon you and let you face your problems alone. we are going to face it head on and together. you are my bro and I won't leave you. "thanks a lot. "no problem. besides if kate Wake's up i don't want to be there without her best friend. she could strangle me to death. he answered putting his hand on my shoulder and shudder at the thought making me smile a little. He's finally matured and found someone to put him in his place. and I can't wish for anyone else. "Good. now let's go and save my woman. I said with confidence. "nick is going to arrive with the police soon after I got to the address. they will be secretly following me, so anyone monitoring my actions or me will think I didn't call the police. "I don't trust that b***h not to misbehave. I know her more than she knows herself. "don't worry my love we are coming to save you and put an end to that witch" I thought as I left the church and entered my car driving off.
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