Chapter 15 - White-Out-1

2151 Words

Chapter 15 - White-OutThe roast and all the trimmings were just as good as they had been last night. Possibly better, since I didn't have a nervous stomach, this morning. Hobart and I greedily devoured the remains. “You sure you don't want any of this?” I asked Cho. “No. I'm fine.” He stood at the counter making himself a cup of tea. “Sorry I only had Lipton.” I apologized. “This is fine.” He gave me a small smile. “I am almost done with my fast.” “That's good,” I said and looked across the table to Hobart. He scooped the last of the roast that was left in the bowl, and plopped it onto his plate. In a matter of a few scoops, he shoveled it into his mouth. Chewed. Swallowed. Gone. “Aw, this was great, Alpha Girl,” Hobart groaned and sat back in the chair, hands resting on his belly.

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