Chapter 14 - Cold

2697 Words

Chapter 14 - ColdIt had snowed overnight. The six additional inches on my Jeep was my biggest clue. I could make out the general boxy shape and the grill under the yard light of the Jeep. The circle of light cast illumination over the fantastic glistening snow scape below. The driveway was basically plugged up with four- to six-foot drifts, looking like waves in a frozen lake that you might see in northern Minnesota. I didn't think my Jeep would get through all that, I don't care what their commercials claimed. I continued to look out the kitchen window into the darkness while the coffee brewed. I didn't know if Cho drank coffee. I wasn't sure if someone who fasted would drink coffee. I'd only seen him drink water. Coffee was made with water, so I made a whole pot, just in case. I'd had a

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