03: Don't Call Me

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GIA: I robbed my eyes as I watched the alpha sauntering towards me and the beta. At my side, Beta Hector was grinding his teeth. It was not hidden among all the pack members that the two had siblings’ rivalry. And it was still a surprise how the heck the two were able to lead the pack despite their word wars. ‘See? I told you. Someone will be for us! And it’s the alpha! Alpha Alexander!’ my wolf muttered in a joyful expression. Alpha Alexander? I thought he was abroad, searching for someone? The alpha stopped in front of us and looked down at me. ‘Are you sure he is our mate?’ ‘I am certain.’ ‘If you are, why isn't he saying anything?’ I inquired, even if I already had an idea on what seemed to be the reason. I was an omega. Did he know I was one of his people? That was almost impossible. He rarely stayed in the pack. “Where are you bringing her?” Alpha Alexander asked, not even acknowledging our bond. I felt rejected, and my wolf whimpered inside. No. Maybe he will want an audience with you later on. “Alpha Alexander. Won’t you greet your beta and brother?” They were half-brothers, sharing the same father, but different mother. It was said that Beta Hector was the result of the previous alpha’s cheating on his wife. The former Luna died, and the previous alpha married Beta Hector’s mother. “Did you not know? It is my birthday today.” “Your birthday? You’re already old, yet you’re still celebrating your birthday? It would be better if you would greet your brother.” “Aren’t you enjoying yourself too much?” “Too much? Oh, come on, Alpha Alexander. I’ve been serving the pack for quite some time now in your absence without fail. The least you could do is support your younger brother.” “Support you f*****g the women?” Alpha Alexander’s eyes shifted to me. “Is she your new fling?” Beta Hector suddenly drew me to his body. “She’s not a fling.” I shifted the weight from foot to foot. I did not like how he looked at me. As if I was a dirty woman. Was it my fault that I made it a mission that I will confess Beta Hector today? If the alpha was always staying here, then I would probably know that he was my mate. The truth was, we were never given the chance to be face to face with each other. “Who is she?” “She’s Gia. And she’s my date tonight.” “What about the people whom you invited?” The beta snorted. “Oh, come on, Alpha Alexander. What do you think of them? Children? They can have their own fun while I have mine.” “What are you planning, brother?” The two had a staring contest which I did not understand at all. It looked like they were talking using their mind link, not wanting me to listen to them. “I’m not planning anything. Rest assured,” the beta grinned. Alpha Alexander looked at me. “You can still run while you can.” “Hey. Why are you making me look as if I am a bad person? Gia. You’re safe in my arms,” Beta Hector said. “Stop making me feel like the bad guy here, Alpha Alexander. You will drive the women away from me.” Alpha Alexander suddenly extended his hand and grabbed my hand. He instantly pulled it away when bolts of electricity flowed between us. He felt the connection, but he was not acknowledging our bond. I already anticipated this, but there was no point that would make me prepare for this one. And Mother said that my mate will help us free. That won’t be happening at all especially if the alpha never treated me like his. My chest tightened. Maybe if I focused more on the beta, there might be a chance that he would want me back. I will try to believe that I never knew that Alpha Alexander and I were mates since the alpha wanted it to be that way, right? Oh, goddess. Was this because I was not a daughter of some prominent individual? “Woman, if you value your life, you should go back to where you belong.” “Where do I belong, Alpha Alexander?” I inquired, my voice shivering in the end. “Where do you think it should be?” “To your Mother’s arms. You don’t know what kind of dangerous incident will happen to you if you come with the beta—” “That’s enough, brother. You are scaring her away.” “Woman.” “The name is Gia, Alpha Alexander.” You should at least know the name of your mate, whether you plan to reject me or not, I wanted to add, but stopped myself. “I believe that I am safe in the arms of the beta. I am also old enough to know what is best for me and what is not.” Alpha Alexander stared at me for a long time. I held my breath. Damn it. Why did I feel as if I was a child getting scolded? Alpha Alexander shook his head. “You brought this upon yourself, woman. You should do some background check on the man whom you will be going with.” My heart skipped a bit. What was he trying to say? What kind of man was the beta? “That’s enough, Alpha Alexander. You’re overstepping the boundaries. Don’t make me the bad guy here. Let’s go, Gia.” And the beta dragged me away from the alpha. Don’t look back, Gia. The alpha does not want anything to do with you, the other part of my mind said. However, I wasn’t able to listen to that voice. I found myself looking back and saw the alpha looking at me. Then, something stirred inside my head and I heard the voice of the man whom I would never expect talk to me. ‘If you come with him, I won’t save you. Don’t call my name to save you,’ Alpha Alexander softly whispered inside my head.
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