Chapter : 10. Followers..

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Cora’s point of view :- ---------------------------- “Ah! Here is our sweet daughter. Come and sit here, Cora.” The acting of my parents starts before I even reach the table. I also put on a fake smile on my face to show everyone that I am really happy. “Hello Cora. It’s really nice to finally meet you.” Both of dad’s friends greeted me by shaking my hands and then they introduced me to all of them. “So, where are you studying right now?” “Umm.. I’m..” Before I can answer their question, mom took over me and started exaggerating everything. “Oh! Our daughter is currently in Rydell University first year. She got scholarship in there. She is excellent in study and already earned a good place there. The teachers love her.” “Oh really! I wish my kids were such amazing as her. She is so well mannered and good at studying. She is a perfect daughter.” “Yeah. I wish my daughter also learns something from her. She never listens to us and never focuses on her school.” They kept praising me and shaming their own kids. Less do they know what I have to go through to come to this place. I am happy that at least they are free and enjoying their life. I hope they never push their kids like what my foster parents do. I remained silent throughout the entire dinner while they continued their own chatting. “So, Mr Eyre. It’s almost time to leave. So, can go finish the paperworks now?” “Of course. Let’s go to the living room and prepare for it.” “Yes. You guys go ahead and we will be there in a minute after we place the dishes in its place. Cora. Help me please, honey.” Mom taking the dishes in the kitchen? That’s weird. She never does this kind of work. Especially in front of guests. She always calls maids for this type of works. Then what happend to her today? I didn’t dare to ask questions and just nod to her to say yes. After that, I collected most of the dishes while she just picked up her own plate and glass before getting inside the kitchen. So much for her work. I followed her soon and saw her standing in the middle of the kitchen with folded arms and a stern face. What did I do this time? “Listen. Your father and I have decided to transfer some of our property to your name so that we don’t catch the attention of the income tax department. Those people outside are here to get some papers sign by you. So, when they give you thos papers, Don’t ask any questions or think too much. Just sign it and hand it over. And if they ask you anything, just say I trust my parents. That’s it. Finish it as fast as possible or else you will be in trouble today.” That reminded me of last night’s incident. I don’t want to get beaten up again tonight. So, I better do as they say. I nod my head at her before putting the dishes in the sink, washing my hands and coming out of the kitchen with her. By the time we reached to the living room, they have already prepared all the papers and only waiting for e to sign. Dad called me to sit in the empty space on the couch right in front of those two guests and I obeyed him. Then they pushed a few papers on the table towards me with a pen on top. “Cora. Do you know why we are here today and what are theses papers for?” Those two old men asked me with a serious face. “Yes.” “And you don’t have any problem with it?” “No. “Okay then. Please sign here, and here, and here in the back..” They showed me all the places I have to sign and I signed all of them without even looking at the full page. “Wait. Aren’t you going to read the papers first?” Just as I was about to sign the last page, they stopped me. They want me to read the papers first. Should I? I ran my eyes through it once and notice my name and my real father’s name written in there. Are this actually the papers as she said? A sound of throat clearing from mom woke me up, and I remembered the threat. No. I don’t want to get another punishment. “I trust my parents.” With that, I finished signing the last page and handed it over to them. “Cora. You are a really nice girl. Mr and Mrs Eyer. You guys are really lucky to have her. I wish all of you a happy life. Stay together like this all of your lives. My best wishes for you, Cora.” With that, they wrapped up all the papers and left with their family. Now only I remained with my monster guardians. “You did a really good job today, Cora. We taught you well. You can go to your room and rest for the night. The maids will do your work today. It’s your gift for being an obedient girl.” My heart was flattered to hear that. I didn’t only get a punishment free night today, but I also got a no work night. I really needed this rest tonight after pushing my already tired body to work all day. I don’t care whatever they got my for, I am happy that I did that. With a smile on my face, I rushed to my room, changed my clothes, took a nice cold shower and fell asleep for the night peacefully. I also have an off day at the university tomorrow for a holiday, which means I am saved from the outside troubles for tomorrow. And after how much I impressed my parents today, I don’t think they will bother me tomorrow as well. After having a goodnight’s sleep, I woke up early the next morning and did all my chores. I am happy for some reason. I think I am going to have a good day today. Like I hoped, the entire day went trouble free, and I even got to go to my job today. With a cheerful mood, I reached to Danny’s in time. But trouble struck when I found the twin troubles standing in front of the restaurant for some reason. What are they doing here? A sudden panic ran through me instantly. Please god. Please make sure they are not here for me. Please don’t get me into more trouble. I took a long breath and speed up to get inside the restaurant by pretending like I didn’t see them. I have to make sure no one sees them with me. But I don’t think god has written peace or a trouble free day for me. Because just as I was about to enter the restaurant, they started calling my name. “Cora.. Cora, wait..” I heard their voice clearly but pretended to not hear their call went inside. Now I just hope that they feel ashamed after this and go away. Once I was in, I kept doing my daily works. After changing my clothes, I started attending the tables like I usually do. But my eyes never missed those two boys standing outside and waiting for something. Maybe they are waiting for my shift to end so that they can talk to me then. But wait. How did they know that I work here? Is it just a consequence that they found me here or are they truly following me since before? No. That’s not possible. We just met two days ago. Why would they follow me in just a few days’ meeting? A cling on the door bell took my attention and when I turned back, I found both of them entering the restaurant. So, they came here to eat something.; That’s good. But just don’t try to talk to me. I avoided them completely and send another waitress to attend them. Until that girl came back and said something unexpected. “Cora. That table wants to talk to you. They specially asked for your assistance.” Now I have no other option except to go to them. Why god? Why? “Okay. I will take care of it.” With a big sigh, I went to do my job. “Hello. You asked for me, sir? How can I help you?” “Cora. We just want to talk to you about that day. Please give us a chance..” “Sir. This is my workplace. Please don’t bring personal matters in here. If you are ready to order, you can go on. Or if you need help with anything, I am here for it. Or else you are free to leave.” That made them shut up. “Okay. Umm… We would like to order two plates of mac and cheese and two coke.” “Thank you. Your food will be here in just a few minutes.” With that, I left that place and never went back. But standing afar, I watched them eat their food and leave. After they left, I never saw them standing outside. That means they understood that I am not interested in talking to them and left. I am glad that they took a right decision. I finally became relaxed and did my job peacefully. But in between this, Danny caught the little incident that happend with me. So, once my shift was over and I was getting ready to go out, he called be back. “Cora. I have something to ask you.” “Yes. What is it Danny?” “Who were those two boys that made the special request of your assistance?” “You saw that? Ugh.. Don’t ask me. They are my seniors at my university. Two days ago I got into a trouble because of them and now they are trying to explain it to me. I thought I made sure that day that I am not interested in talking to them, but it looks like they don’t learn too easily.” “Don’t avoid them. They are too handsome to ignore. Give them a chance. Maybe you can grow a special bond with them soon.” “Don’t even think about it. You know I can’t do that.” “Cora. Stop thinking too much. There is no danger in making friends. Having male friends dosen’t mean you will lose your purity. Give them a chance.” “Danny. Stop. I am not giving chances to anyone. I am perfect the way I am right now. Stop provoking me to do wrong stuffs. I am getting late. See you tomorrow.” I didn’t let him say anything more and just got out of that place. What is wrong with these people? Why are they trying to push me to so something wrong? They know that I am in no position to give chances to others. I am already tied up in my life. “Cora. Can we talk now?” I was walking on my own, thinking about what Danny said, when all of a sudden, a deep voice startled me. I jumped up in fear and a low scream came out of my mouth for it. “I’m sorry. We didn’t mean to scare you.” Out came the twin troubles from the darkness, shocking me the most. What are they still doing here? Didn’t they leave? It’s been almost four hours since they left the restaurant? Were they waiting here to catch me on my way? What a weirdos.. “Okay. What is your problem? Why are you following me? Can’t you understand hints? I don’t want to talk to you. Please stop following me.” “Are you okay?” “What?” “Are you okay?” “Uhh.. Yeah. I am okay. Is this what you wanted to ask?” “Did you have any problem in your house? Did your parents do anything bad with you?” I froze completely at that. Why are they asking me these questions? Did they find out anything? Did they see anything or heard anything about my family? But that’s impossible. Everything that happens in our house remains inside the doors of our house. No one ever found out about it all these years and no can will. Then why are these two boys standing on my way, asking such a question?
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