Chapter : 11. Mate in trouble..

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Mirth’s point of view :- ------------------------------ Even though we got her into trouble, but we finally got to know our mate’s name. Cora Hayes. That’s a pretty name. But we were not prepared for the next part. We thought she is a rich man’s daughter who likes to live a normal girl’s life and works to earn some pocket money of her own. But after the punishment from the principal, we have a doubt about her lifestyle. It all began with the phone calls. We thought we were going to be the ones to get in trouble when we got the punishment to call our parent. Thankfully, it was mom who picked up our call and not one of our dads. “Hello?” “Hello?” Her voice gave us relief at that moment. “Mom?” “Mirth? Why are you calling from an unknown number? What happend to your phone? Is everything okay?” “Umm.. We got into a fight today with a boy.” She didn’t even let me explain everything to her before shouting out. “What? A boy? A human boy?” “Yes.” “Is it serious? Wait. Did you reveal your powers in front of everyone? Did that boy died?” “No, we didn’t. Everything’s under control. But the principal wants to talk to you.” “Okay. Give him the phone. I will talk to you later.” “Okay.” With that, we let her talk to the principal and let him complain about us. But then it came our mate’s turn. We wanted to hear what her parents say about the incident. So, we used our super hearing ability to eves drop on their conversation. But what we heard was beyond expectation. According to the voice, I think it was her mother who picked up the call. And as soon as she revealed that it’s Cora, she started shouting at her and cursing her. That’s a bit rude to treat your own daughter like that. But when the principal took the phone and talked to her, we understood Cora’s mother’s real character. “I’m so sorry sir, for what she did. She did a really bad thing. I want you to suspend her right now. She dosen’t deserve to study in such a respected university. “What? No, no. Suspending her for her first mistake won’t be proper. I want to give her another chance.” “She doesn’t deserve a second chance. If not suspension, then give her some punishment. Beat her, throw her into a dark room, make her stand all day. Maybe throw her in jail for her crimes. Do whatever you want. You have her guardian’s permission.” Truce and I both were staring at each other in shock to hear her words. Which mother wishes such a harsh punishment for their own child? What is wrong with this lady? Even after the principal dismissed us, we didn’t leave. We waited outside the office and tried to listen to their conversation. “Cora? What is your relation with the Eyers?” “They.. They are my foster parents.” “So, your real parents...” “They died a long time ago.” “Oh! Umm.. Is everything okay in your house? I mean, are you okay with them?” “Yes.” “Look. You can tell me if you are having any problem. Do they hurt you anyway? Physically or mentally?” “No.” “Cora. One of your foster parents was provoking me to suspend you or hit you or lock you up in a dark room as punishment. She even told me to throw you in jail. No normal parents wise that for their children. And the way you were behaving by their name, I think you are having some troubles. If you are really having any problem, you can tell me. I can make arrangements for you that can save you from them.” “No, sir. Everything is okay. They were just trying to scare me so that I can never think of bothering others. They don’t mean to harm me. Actually, they are really nice people and want me to be like them. But I always cause trouble for others. That’s why they say mention about punishing me to scare me. But they never do.” Lie. It is clear to both of us brothers that she lied. She is facing trouble in her home but wasn’t expressing it. She is definitely hiding something. We have to know what is going on with her. We have to know if her foster parents really bothering her or not. Our poor little mate. We were waiting outside the office for her to come out so that we can apologize to her and ask her about her troubles. But the first thing she did after coming out was rush to the bathroom. We also followed her and waited there for her. We have to talk to her no matter what. But when she came out of the bathroom after one hour, she completely ignored us and went out of the building. So, it leaves us with no choice except to follow her and call her to give us a minute. After trying our best, she finally stopped and replied to us angrily. She even threaten us to call the cops on us. But in between this, she said something that confirmed our doubt. “Trouble? You think this was the trouble? You don’t know a sh*t. You have done too much, then just put me in trouble. You destroyed everything for me. Stay away from me or else the result won’t be good.” Truce and I was completely stunned to realize the truth. We really did put her in big trouble. Although we want to protect our mate and keep her safe all the time. We have no power to go to her house and see what she is going through in there. So, after we made sure she reached home safely after her shift in the restaurant, we waited in front of their house for a while to get a hint. Maybe if we can pay attention, we can hear them. But no sound was coming outside. We don’t even know if they are hitting her or not. This thought of her getting beaten up by her foster parents are bothering us too much and we couldn’t be at peace. After waiting there for one hour and never hearing anything, we returned to our home. But worry didn’t leave us there as well. “Wait. If she is our mate and if they are truly hitting her, aren’t we supposed to feel the pain through the mate bond?” Truce had the idea at first and I realized that it’s true. We are supposed to feel her pain and emotions since the day we found her. “That means she is safe. She is not in trouble, as we were fearing.” Finally, a smile came onto my face to realize that my mate is safe. “But if we think early, we never felt her emotions. She is a human. Are we supposed to feel human emotions?” Again, I went into the same worry. I can’t understand what is true and what is not. “Mom. Why don’t we ask mom about it? She can tell us about it.” I got an idea. Our mom is the daughter of a human and werewolf couple. She might know everything about human mate and how their bond works. “But that will mean..” I know what Truce is trying to say. “We have to tell them about it eventually. So, why not now? We need mom’s help.” “Okay then. Let’s call her.” Finally, we decided to call mom. As we dialed her number, she picked it up with one ring. It looks like she was expecting our call. “So, tell me. What exactly happend today?” It was the first thing she said to us. No hello or anything. “Umm.. Mom. Before that, we want to ask you a question.” “What is it?” “Mom? Can a werewolf feel the pain of their human mate?” ”Why are you asking me this all of a sudden? Did you..” She understood our words in the first chance. “Yes. We found our mate, and she is a human.” “When did it happen and why didn’t you tell us anything yet?” “We found out just a few days ago. And we couldn’t say anything to you guys because we didn’t talk to her about it yet. We didn’t even know her name till today. But it’s not important right now. Please tell us if we can feel her pain or not?” “No. You can’t. Human and werewolf mates are different from us. You won’t feel her pain till you mark her and she won’t feel your pain even after she marks you. She won’t be able to understand you the way you mates do with each other.” “So, we need to mark her first to feel her pains and emotions.” “Yes. But why are you asking me this all of a sudden? Did something happend to your mate?” “We are not sure. The fight we got in today was for her. Some boys were bulling her. So, we stepped in to stop them. In the meantime, we all got in trouble as well as her. But when the principal talked to her parents, we realized that they are not a normal family like others. She is an orphan and living with her foster parents. And the way she was acting, we think they do bed things to her secretly. We think they are torturing in some way.” “Listen boys. No matter what you see, don’t come to any sudden conclusions. Humas are way difficult to understand than what you know. I know you want to protect her. But don’t step in between her and her family.” “But then, how will we know that she is not in danger?” “Talk to her. Make her open up to you. That is all you can do. Human emotions change quicker than you think. They will be on you side this moment and on your opposite the next. So, be careful on how you approach her. Don’t push her too much or you will lose her before you get her.” “Okay mom. We understood that. We will be careful about her.” “But make sure not to be too late. Don’t let her fly out of your hand. And keep informing me about the progress. I can’t wait to meet my future daughter-in-law. Talk to you soon, my little boys. Bye.” “Okay. Bye mom.” It felt nice when she said future daughter in law. She seemed so happy that we finally found our mate. And she never even hesitated to accept her when we told her that she is a human. That means our family will have no problem accepting a human among them. “So, that means we won’t feel anything till we mark her. So, maybe they are torturing her right now and we don’t even have a clue about it.” Truce suddenly dragged my attention and I went back to our previous thought. “But we can’t do anything about it right now. We can just wait for the right moment to talk to her and know the truth. Maybe tomorrow we will get the chance.” “But tomorrow is off day at the university.” “But she will come to her job. We can talk to her there.” “You are right. We will wait there before she arrives and talk to her the first time we see her.” We decided to approach her and talk to her about her problems when she comes to her shift at the restaurant. And we also followed our plan. We reached in front of the restaurant before it even open and waited for her to come. But even after waiting through the whole shift, we didn’t see her. She didn’t come to her job. That’s weird. We never saw her take a day off. Especially, there is no reason to skip the day at job when you have an off day at school. That confirms more of our doubt. She must be in trouble after yesterday’s incident. Maybe that is why they kept her locked up. She must be crying in her room after being kept locked. “Should we go and check on her home? Just to make sure she is safe.” “Don’t even think about. If she is in real trouble, our appearance might get her into danger. We have to wait patiently and see when she comes out.” Truce broke my thoughts and now I have no idea what to do. How can we know that she is safe?
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