Chapter : 9. Day off..

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Cora’s point of view :- ------------------------------ After their punishment was over, they left me there and I laid down on the floor right at that place because I have no strength left to get up and go to my room. I can barely see anything with my blurry, teary eyes. My body is aching so much that it has become numb. What is the meaning of life? What will I gain by keeping fighting for survival? Death is the best way to find peace for me. So, I just kept wishing for death as I closed my eyes. “Cora? Honey? Are you okay? Get up.” I heard Martha calling me and trying to wake me up. But I was too tired to even speak or open my eyes. “Oh! My sweet baby. What have they done to you? Come on, get up. Let’s go to your room.” But I have no strength to stand up on my feet and Marth is too old to pull me up all those stairs to take me to my room. So, after trying for a while when she realized that it is impossible for her to take me up to my room, she gave up. “Okay. You don’t have to go to your room. At least come with me and sleep in my room.” Martha was given a place to sleep in the storeroom by her masters. She has no bed. But there is a mattress which is enough for her to sleep into. She somehow pulled me up and dragged me all the way to her room, before laying me down on her bed. My clothes were all sweaty and covered in blood from being whipped. So, she tore the top to get it off of me as she knows that it isn’t useable anymore. She took off my pants, leaving me only in my underwear. She also got rid of my bra to make sure it didn’t hurt my wounds. I have no problem to become naked in front of Martha because she is taking care of me since my childhood and this is not the first time she is seeing me like this. She is the only person from whom I got help from all my life. Once I was almost naked, she brought some warm water and cleaned all my wounds. This time I felt pain and realized how much they hurt me, and there is nothing I can do about it. After that, she applied some ointment on my back, covered my body with a blanket and allowed me to fall asleep. I felt bad to see that she chose to sleep on the cold marble, letting me sleep in her bed. But I have no voice to talk. Maybe keeping silence for one night is better for me. The next day is schools off day. So, I can relax a little. Maybe sleep a bit longer to cope with the pain from last night. But that is too much of a wish for me. “Where is she? Why isn’t she in her room? Where did that bi*ch go?” I heard mom’s scream out in the hall. Is she searching for me? I was awake from her noise, but felt too tired to open my eyes. So, keeping my eyes closed, I kept hearing what she says. “Madam. She.. She is in my room. She wasn’t feeling good. So, I let her sleep in my bed instead of going into her room.” I heard Martha reply to her. “I don’t care where she slept. But where she is right now? Why isn’t she working as she was supposed to?” At this moment I realized that I slept too long. I was supposed to do my daily chores by now. But I have no strength to get up. I don’t even want to wake up right now. I need a bit more sleep to heal. “She.. She is sleeping. She is too weak to get up. Maybe if she can get rest for this one day, she will get better. I promise I will do all her chores and won’t let you have a complain.” Poor Martha. She doesn’t know that she is begging in front of a blind and deaf person. “No. I have distributed equal works to all of you and you all have to do your own part. She has to do her own work without relaying on anyone. And if she can’t work, she won’t get food for the day, according to the rules.” “But madam... She is not feeling good. I don’t think she has the strength to work right now.” “Let me see if she has strength or not. She needs to learn that no matter what happens, she has to work if she wants to be a good wife.” Soon, I heard heels clicking, informing me that the devil was on my way. She will make me get up and work, no matter what. So, giving up on my wish to sleep a bit more, I forced my eyes to open. And when I succeeded, the first thing I saw was her face. “You are awake. So, were you just pretending to be sick to make Martha do your job? You sneaky little bi*ch. You were trying to take advantage of being the Eyre family member. Get up right now and do your chores. Stop faking os being sick and get up. Get up.” Before I can try to get myself up, she caught hold of my hair and pulled me up from the bed. I know I am not wearing a proper dress under the blanket and mom will not like to see me in this condition. So, instead of trying to free my hair from her painful grip, I wrapped the blanket around me tightly, making sure it doesn’t fall down. “Wait? Were you sleeping naked? What did I tell you about wearing proper clothes? A lady never sleeps without clothes. What if your dad came in here to check on you? Do you want to show your body to everyone? If yes, then I will be glad to take that blanket away and throw you out of the house in this condition, so that people can see you in your birthday suit.” “It’s not her fault, madam. I found her unconscious last night. And her back was bleeding. Maybe she got into an accident last night. Her clothes were already torn and bloody. So, I opened her clothes and let her sleep like that with medicine on her wounds. She disn’t even know about her condition before waking up.” Martha tried to stand up for me, causing punishment for her own. She knows everything that happened to me but didn't dare to mention it because she knows it can make her dismissed from the job. “Did I ask you about it? I was talking to her. And why did you help her? I thought I made it clear to everyone that nobody will never help her. For going against our rules, you won’t get food today. And if you do the same mistake again, we would be glad to throw out an old woman like you out of our house. Be thankful that we let you stay here and work because you have no other place to go. And for you. Go to your room and get dressed. And after that, do all of your jobs if you want to stay in my house. Go..” She literally threw me out of the room and I hardly got hold of my balance. I can feel tears stinging in my eyes, but I didn’t let them fall. Now that I have got orders, there is no way I can get some rest. I have to get started with my work before she snaps at me again. I can't afford to get another punishment on top of what I am already going through. I have to listen to her. With this thought, I went up at my room and after getting fresh; I wore some decent clothes. Once I was ready, I started with my daily chores with my still tired body. I wish I had to go to the university today. At least I didn't have to see these monsters the whole day and maybe get some rest somewhere there. Thankfully, the restaurant doesn’t give me a day off and I get to go out of the house for a short time every day. Now I’m only looking forward to the day to end when I can go to my job and be free. “Cora. Prepare a nice dinner for tonight. Martha will help you.” After waiting for the entire day, it was finally time to go to the Danny's. But before I go to my room to get ready, dad called me and gave me more work. “But.. but dad. I have to go to work.” “You are not going anywhere. I need you home tonight. My business associates coming over for dinner with their family. You have to be there with us.” I felt the only hope of my escape for a few hours from this hell get snatched away. Tonight is going to be one of those nights when I have to pretend to be their lovely, sophisticated, well mannered, beautiful daughter. And they are going to pretend to love me more than their own son. “Make sure everything is perfect. You know the drill. Don't make any mistakes.” I nod my head slightly like an obedient girl and walked back into the kitchen from where I was just coming out of. “What happened? Aren't you going to the restaurant?” Martha asked me when she saw me back. “They are coming to see me again. I have to stay back. They want you to help me with the dinner.” I replied to Martha, while starting to gather everything we would be needing for tonight's dinner. “My poor sweetheart. You want to be free, aren’t you? I want you to be free too.” I put everything down on the counter and took a big sigh before letting my tears fall that was threatening me to come out since he stopped me from going to work. “I am tired Martha. I am tired of this hell and those monsters and their tortures. I really want to be free. I want to run away from here and live a happy life. I want to be loved. I want to be able to do what I want. I am tired of keep pretending to be fine.” “Then why don't you run away? Go far away from here. Live your own life without any restrictions. Find true love and be happy.” I looked up at Martha with sad eyes. “You know I can't do that. You know I am already tied up to this place and to this family. They locked all the doors for me, Martha. They caged me in to this hell a long time ago.” “I know. But this is not the end, Cora. You can change your future if you want. Look around you. You will find what you need once you open yourself up. There is still hope.” “No, Martha. There is nothing. Can we please stop this discussion? It's suffocating me more.” “Okay. But it a thought. Open up just a little and you will find the ray of sunshine.” I didn't give any reply and start cutting the vegetables for dinner. Do I really have a chance to be free? I don't think so. At night, two of dad's business associates came with their family. One of them even has a daughter of my age. After covering my visible bruises with makeup, I wore a stylish dress for the dinner. I had to look like a rich person’s daughter, which is a hard task for me after living my everyday life as a normal girl. I have many branded stylish clothes for occasions like this, but I only get to wear a simple dress every day to hide my wounds and marks. After making myself look really pretty, I came out to participate in the dinner.
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