Chapter : 5. Painful rules..

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Cora’s point of view :- ------------------------------- “Mom. I am home.” I called out as soon as I stepped inside the door. It’s a rule in my house that whenever I go out or come back home, I have to let them know so that they can keep track of the time I spend outside. They want to make sure I am not spending time on something else than the things that’s important for them. But even after calling out such late at night, I got no reply in return. That’s odd. “Mom? Dad? I am back.” Still, there was silence. Are they not at home because I was expecting a shower of curses or hits for getting so late? Maybe they are not. Thank god that I am spared tonight. I was too tired to face the drama. So, with a calm nerve, I turned back to close the door. But when I faced the hall again, my blood turned cold. The people, I thought as absent, standing right in front of me out of nowhere. And the more scary thing is the whip they are holding in their hand. This is worse than I thought. “I.. I can explain.. I.. I was at work.. And there was a rush of customers late at night. I had to stop to help. I’m sorry.. I lost track of time.. This won’t happen again. I promise..” I started shuttering and backing up in fear of what’s about to come. “Did we ask you why you are late? We gave you a time to return home. And if you can’t, you have to face the punishment. We won’t hear any excuses. Now turn around and let’s get done with this.” Mom said in a stern voice. “Please.. Don’t hit me.. I promise this won’t happen again.. I will be back home in time from now on.. I’m sorry..” I started begging and crying in fear, but it looks like my cry won’t touch their stone hearts. “Turn back if you don’t want your punishment to double.” I realized that none of my beggings are going to work. So, except for wasting my time and making them more angry, I turned around facing the front door and got myself ready for the hit. “That’s like a good girl.” With that, dad ran his whip on my back and I fall to the door in front due to the sharp pain. I caught hold of the door to keep myself in place as he kept hitting my back again and again. But thankfully the punishment is not that severe tonight. After five hits, they decided to quit and let me go. “Don’t get late again. You know we don’t like disobedience. This was your final warning.” With their last words, they left me alone, hanging from the door to keep myself up. My back is aching really badly by now and I’m sure my skin on my back might be ripped in some places. Tears are flowing out of my eyes in pain, but no sound is coming out of my mouth. This was what I was taught since childhood. Not to make any sound when they are beating me up. If I make any sound, the hit will double. It took me only a few minutes to gather myself back. I have gotten used to this kind of pain after so many years. And once I was back into my normal self, I wiped my tears and went inside the kitchen to find some food and meet Martha. Martha is our oldest maid and the only one in this house who really cares about me. She can’t do much to save me from these monsters, but she tries her best to keep me alive. If I was tired before, I am almost strengthless by now. I can even barely walk myself through the house. But my stomach is growling for food and I don’t want to sleep like this. I have to fix myself before bed so that I can be ready for tomorrow. “Martha? Is there anything for me tonight?” I walked into the kitchen and found her waiting for me there. It was past her time to sleep, as everyone had already finished their dinner. “You got late again? Why don’t you watch the time when you know they don’t like you being late?” “Can we not talk about it now? I am too tired for this.” “Okay. I have saved some dinner for you. Finish it fast because they asked me not to give you anything. Don’t let them find out.” I looked up at her in shock. She hid some food for me behind their back. If they find out, they will throw her out of the house. “Martha! Never do that again. Never go against them. I don’t want to lose you too. I can’t afford to lose you. I don’t want anything. I only want you.” I could control my emotions and hugged her while breaking down crying. “I know, my sweetheart. But how can I let my baby starve after working so hard all day? Stop crying. I am not going anywhere so easily.” She rubbed my back gently to try to coo me, but even her touch was enough to make me flinch in pain. My back feels like aching lava right now. “What’s this? Did they..? How can they do this to such a little girl? Those monsters.” She turned me back and checked my currently made wounds before cursing my guardians. “Forget it. Give me my food. I am really tired.” She went to the fridge and pulled out a plate with Greek chicken and lemon rice and handed it to me. “Sit here and finish it while I do the dishes for you.” “You don’t have to. I will do it after I finish. And what if they come here while you are doing it?” I tried to stop her from doing my part of the job while I already started stuffing my face with my dinner. “It’s too late for them to come in here. And besides, I ma sure they are too tired and too satisfied to keep an eye on you after what they did to you. So, you can relax and eat while I do this quickly.” She didn’t listen to me and started cleaning the dishes. She always tries to help me whenever she can. Maybe that is why I am still alive this day. By the time I finished my food, she was done doing the dishes. She is really fast and really expert on house chores. So now that I am free, I can go back to my room and fall asleep. Yes, I got a room of my own and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. I really needed a place to call my own in this hell. In this room, I can be safe and sleep peacefully. Martha followed me up to my room and once I was changed in my nightgown, she helped me apply medicine on my wound and soon I fell asleep. I don’t even know when she left the room, closing the door behind. Just because I got late to sleep at night, I got a very short time to rest. By five in the morning, I had to get up and start doing my house chores. I had to clean the whole house; I had to do the laundry; I had to cook breakfast for them, along with doing my own works as taking a shower, cleaning my room, getting ready for my collage. In between these works, I could barely get some time to have my breakfast. So to make it quicker, I eat only a fruit or a slice of bread before rushing to catch the bus. And after all of this, I just hope for my day outside to go as much troubleless as possible. After finishing my works like every day, I went out to attend my classes at the university. I just got a slice of bread with jam for today’s breakfast and I don’t know when I will be able to eat next. Catching the bus from the stop, I reached to the university right on time. I still remember last days struggles in here. So, I just hope no one tries to flirt with me today because I really don’t have the mood for it. But I forgot for a little that my wish never became true before and it never will. “Hey pretty. New admission, right? Want some tour around the place? What’s your name?” As soon as I entered through the gate, a boy stopped my way. “No, thank you. I already had a tour yesterday. I’m getting late for my class.” “Relax. Classes won’t start in the next fifteen minutes. You have enough time to hang out with me and my friends. Let me introduce ourselves. Come..” He pointed me towards a group of students hanging out just a few steps away. “I am not interested in it. Thank you. I should leave.” I tried to ignore him and walk out of there. But before I can leave, he caught hold of my hand. “Where are you going? Come on. We are not going to kill you.” “Let go of my hand. I said let go of my hand.” I started pulling my hand back, but he refused to leave me. He kept insisting me to hang out with him. Seeing no other option,. I slapped him hard with my free hand and that made him let go of me. “Did you just hit me?” “Yes. Never ever touch me again or else the result won’t be good.” With that, I started walking out of there. But even if I was far away from him, I can hear his curse behind me. “You bi*ch. You are going to pay for this. I will make sure you see hell in this place.” I sighed as I walked out of there. I don’t know why people chose me to show dominance and why every time I try to stand up, I put myself in more danger. I don’t know what will happen to me next, but I am sure that the university life is not going to be as easy as I thought. The first half of the day went without any serious incident. But I noticed that there is some discussion going on among people about me. I can see the whisper to each other something when even I pass beside them. It looks like in just two days, I have created a bad impression on other students. I didn’t have the courage to go to the cafeteria and have some lunch because there will be too many people waiting to create more problem for me. So, instead, I went to sit on the ground of the campus to rest. Choosing a quiet place, far away from others, I leaned back on a tree and closed my eyes to rest. The wound on my back is not hurting anymore, but a little pressure was causing a tingling effect. So, to not make it worse, I hugged my knee and put down my head in it instead. It was about ten minutes or so, when I felt something touch my hand. Like someone gave something for me to hold. Without realizing, I caught hold of it. But by the time I picked up my head, there was no one around me. I looked at my hand to realize what just happend and found I was truly grabbing something. It’s a packet of biscuits and down on that side was a water bottle. But who gave this to me? Why and when? I looked around again to find the person who gave me these things, but I couldn’t find anyone like that around me. I looked back again at the things a stranger gave me. Who ever this person is, they definitely know that I missed my lunch. Or maybe they just want to show me appreciation. But whatever the reason is, should I eat it? It’s a packed product, so that means it’s not messed up with. And I am kind of hungry. So, maybe a few bites won’t harm. With this thought, I opened the packet and finished all of it in a few minutes.
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