Chapter : 4. My story..

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Cora’s point of view :- ------------------------------- I did it. I finally did it. I made everyone agree to let me go to the university for further studies. It is really hard to achieve something or do as you dream in life, when no one is standing up for you as your support. Being an orphan is really a bad life for a kid in this cruel world. But I am not a complete orphan. I have parents. Actually, I have more than just parents. Hi. My name is Cora Hayes. I am a 17 year old first year student at Rydell University. Both of my parents died in a car accident when I was just five. Can you believe it? Just a little slip of another car and I lost everything I had at such a young age. Human life had no value in this world. But I am forever grateful for Mr and Mrs Eyre, who took me in as their foster child. They were friends of my parents’ before that accident and felt pity to drop me off in an orphanage. But I wish they did that. I wish just they left me be as my fate chooses. I was too young to remember much about my childhood. But since I gained my senses, I realized how useless I am. Nobody liked me at all. Even my foster parents. Everyone said that I was the reason for their deaths. I was the bad omen for their life. I always saw hate in Mr and Mrs Eyre's eyes. They couldn't bear my presence around them. But they still kept me around because they are obsessed with their public images. Keeping an orphan child and giving her a good life was enough to make them the good guys in everyone's eyes. And unfortunately, their eyes caught me at that time. Mr Cedric Eyre (my foster dad) is one of the top business tycoons and Mrs Bertha Eyre (My foster mom) is a social service worker. So, it automatically makes an impression on people’s eyes. And as they see me, they find a happy, good looking girl who is best in everything because of her guardians’ influence. But the truth is way darker than what they see. They don't know how much pressure I am under to become good at everything. They don't know how much I have to endure to keep my looks appealing. They don't know how much pain I have to bury, to keep a fake smile on my face. They don't know anything. Since I was young, I was forced to do my own chores. Sometimes even the house works as well. Soon, the pressure kept growing, and I was left to do all the house chores, even though there were maids for it. They made me cook; they made me clean; they made me pamper themselves. And if I fail or refuse for some reason, they won't hesitate to beat the crap out of me. In that case, my task was to keep my face hidden. They don't want me to show any scars in the outside world. That is why, when they look at me, they find a very pretty girl. But only I know how many scars I am hiding under the clothes I wear. The pressure of becoming a perfect girl was always there. They trained me to be polite, gentle, and soft talker, as well as being good in study, in academic skills or sports. I can sing, I can dance, I can draw. I had to learn everything and become top in them so that they could show up my success as theirs. Thankfully, my brain is sharp with which I succeed in learning everything fast. But after I graduated from school, their mind changed 180 degrees. Those two who always wanted me to become the best in everything, suddenly changed their mind about my studies. They completely went against my learning new things and wanted me to start training to become a perfect housewife. According to them, it is now a waste of time and money. But I can't do that. I can’t get locked up in that abusive house. That's why, for the first time, I went against them. They have tortured me a lot all my life, but I never uttered a single word at them because no matter how they treat me, they were there for me when I was all alone. But getting locked up in the house all day, was way out of my comfort zone. So, I started manipulating them to let me continue study. I made them realize how good they will look in front of people when I graduate from the university with a high rank. And besides. They don't have to pay for my studies. I already got a scholarship at the top university of our country's. So, finally I made them agree with me, but in one condition. I have to keep myself away from boys. One bad report and I will be out of everything. Since I was 15, I started working at a restaurant as a waitress because my help with the house chores was not enough to pay for the food I eat. I need to pay more. And I needed some money for my own expenses as well, because they never gave me an allowance. So, I had no problem to work outside as long as I’m not in the house. Today is my first day at Rydell University, and I am really nervous about it. Before I can get out of the house, I was warned to keep my distance from boys or else the result won't be good. And I think I am going to follow this rule even if they don't threaten me with it. So, with only an apple as my breakfast, I head out to my university. I am not allowed to get a ride by their car. So, as always, I took the bus to my destination. When I finally reach there, a big smile came into my face when I was entering through the gate. This was my dream. I wanted to study in this university since I started going to high school. It's one of the best places where you can truly learn something and, as you already know, I love learning new things. But I never thought that the university life is going to be this hard for me. Since the moment I stepped inside the campus, boys started following me and flirting with me. No matter how much I try to keep a distance from them, they don't stop approaching me. I even had to skip lunch for one of them. I can see girls and boys flirting and getting intimate out in the open. It's like a place of intimacy and not study. If my foster parents find out that people do this in here, they will definitely stop me from coming back. I never thought I was going to hate this place before I came here. Somehow managing throughout the day, I finally finished all my classes. Now it’s time for my 5 to 11 job. Taking the bus again, I went to the restaurant I work for. Danny Gotham is the owner of this small restaurant and he’s a really nice old guy. I have been working for him since the beginning because at that time no one was agreeing to give a job to such a young girl. But he understood my necessity and allowed me to work for him. Not only that, but he treats me like his own granddaughter. “How was your first day, lassie?” As soon as I entered the restaurant, I found Danny at the reception, cleaning the counter. “Not good. I didn’t know collage kids can be so naughty.” “This is your age to be naughty. Get among them. Maybe they can teach you how to have some fun.” “No, thank you. I already have too much on my head. I don’t want to put more. Did Nico cooked something yet? I’m hungry.” “Skipped lunch again? Come and get the paste I made for you.” Nico is the cook of this restaurant and he knows that I skip lunch way too much. That's why he prepares different dishes for me everyday prior my arrival. Danny has no problem with it at all. Actually, he is the one who suggested this meal for me for free. With a huge smile on my face, and water in my mouth, I grabbed the plate from the counter. Customers have not started coming yet, so I am free for a few minutes to enjoy this delicious pasta. This is probably the best meal of my day every day. My stomach was already growling. So, in just two minutes, I emptied the entire plate and felt blessed to have a full stomach. “Thank you Nico, for the pasta. It was delicious.” “It’s a pleasure to cook for you.” I passed him a genuine smile before placing the plate in the sink and going to get changed. At the beginning of my work, there was no dress code or anything for the waitresses. But we planned to have a selected dress for all employees so that the restaurant can look more sophisticated and customers don’t have a problem recognising us. To follow other restaurants, we chose white shirt and black skirts, that made us look professional and Danny liked the idea very much. I have seen this restaurant grow so much in these past two years. I feel like I have become a part of it. Or should I say, it has become a second home for me. After changing into my work clothes, I started my duty. Tonight was a very busy night for us, as a lot of people came to have their meals. My work hour ends at 11. But due to the heavy crowd, I had to work a bit more until it was past 11.30. “Lassie. You should go home now. It’s way too late for you.” “Okay. I will head home now. Take care of the rest. Bye Danny. Bye Nico.” I was already changed on my normal clothes when my shift ended. But seeing the amount of people still there, I had to hold back to help. So, as soon as Danny reminded me of the time, I rushed to go home. Getting late was not an option for me in my house. But it looks like I am going to be in trouble today. I had to walk back home from the restaurant every day not only because I am short on money, but also there are no buses at this hour. Usually it doesn’t bother me that much and I like the night stroll, but today was something different. Even though our city is literally surrounded by forests and the locality is not much crowded, but I never felt insecure in here because this is a crime free city. There are no reports of kidnappings, killings, or robberies yet. But today, as I was walking in the dark, hoping to get home fast, I felt a presence behind me. Like someone was following me. What scared me the most was when I looked back, I couldn’t see anyone there. Maybe it is my imagination. But I have never had this kind of imagination before. But with this fear in my heart, I didn’t realize how fast I reached to my home. But the moment I stood in front of the mansion I live in, a new fear took place in my heart. It’s way too late for me to come back. They are surely going to punish me for this. They don't like their puppet to hang out late without their permission. Taking a deep breath, I prepared myself for what is about to come. I just hope they don't go too hard on me because I have already had a rough day.
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