Chapter : 12. Where did she go?

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Truce’s point of view :- ------------------------------ Currently, we are standing in front of Cora’s house to get any hint on why she didn’t come to her work today. There is a chance that her foster parents might be hurting her in secret, but we are not sure about. After waiting outside her house for a few hours, Mirth has the idea to go in and check. But I stopped him. We don’t know what condition she is in. If it’s not what we are fearing, then our sudden appearance in front of her guardians might force them to lock her up. We can’t take the risk of getting her into more trouble. “I think it’s time to leave. If we stand here for a bit longer, people will think that we are some criminals, keeping an eye on them to rob.” I suggested Mirth as it’s already the middle of the night. “But what about her?” “There’s nothing we can do about it except to wait till tomorrow. If she still dosen’t come out by tomorrow, then we will think of something. For now, let’s go home.” He also understood that there is no other option than just to wait. So we decided to go back home. But as we were about to get in the car, the front door of her house opened. It was shocking that they were still awake at this hour. But when few people came out of their house, it became a lot clear to us. The way they are smiling and bidding goodbye, I think they are guest of Cora’s parents. “Such a nice girl. I am relieved to see that she is happy with the Eyer’s. I worried that she won’t fit in with her new family after her real parents’ death. But everything is perfect. She fits perfectly with them and also trusts them so much. I am glad to see Cora after all these years.” We heard those people discuss among them, and that made us relaxed. So, she skipped her shift today because they had guests in the house. And that also means that she is not in the danger we thought of. Even though it doesn’t mean that she is happy with them, it’s a relief that at least she is safe now. “Phew! That’s a relief. Now I can sleep peacefully tonight. Our mate is safe.” Mirth swiped the fake sweats from his head, dramatically. “Can we go home now? I am tired.” “Yes. Of course. But we are still coming tomorrow to talk to her, right?” “Yeah.” With that, we went back to our home and took rest for the night. The next day was off day at university as well. So, the next we are going to see her is when she goes to her job. And in between this period of wait, we got like a thousand calls from our family. It turned out that the news has spread among our entire family that we finally found our mate. And now they want to know details about Cora. But we have no mood to talk about that stuff because we still haven’t seen her after the incident and we don’t know how she is. And it’s not like we have much to say. Both of us brothers don’t know much about our own mate yet. After waiting for an eternity, it was finally time to see Cora. Mirth and I reached in front of the restaurant earlier than yeasterday and waited for her to arrive. And finally, we saw her coming right in the time of her shift. I can’t express how happy I was to see that she is free and fine. It’s nothing like we were fearing. Now it’s time to talk to her and make friends with her. Maybe we will get a chance to know if she truly has a problem with her family or not. But before we can talk to her, she rushed inside to join her shift. We tried to call her to stop, but she couldn’t hear us in time and walk inside the door. “What should we do now? Do you think we should wait till she comes out?” Mirth asked me politely, but I have other plans. “No. We are going in. She needs to know that we are waiting for her for so long. Maybe that will make her pity us and she will talk to us calmly. Or else, I know that she won’t agree to talk. She is probably still angry at us for getting her in trouble.” So we went inside to talk. But we couldn’t even talk to her there as she clearly told us that it’s her work place. It is right to not bring personal matters in your work. So, we finally decided to wait till her shift ends. Finally, the wait was over and she came out. We were waiting in our car for her to come out and when we saw her going towards her way to home; we approached her, scaring her to death. “Okay. What is your problem? Why are you following me? Can’t you understand hints? I don’t want to talk to you. Please stop following me.” As expected. She started screaming at us the moment we tried to talk to her. “Are you okay?” The first thing I asked her was if she was okay. “Uhh.. Yeah. I am okay. Is this what you wanted to ask?” “Did you have any problem in your house? Did your parents do anything bad with you?” Out of the blue, Mirth asked her the question which I wanted to break down to her slowly. It made me angry at him because now she will never admit it to us. Instead, she will keep a distance from us just to avoid talking about that topic. “No. Of course not. Why would I have any problem in my own house? They are my parents who raised me since childhood. Are you guys mad? Move aside. Let me go.” “Cora. We heard..” “Mirth. Would you just shut up? Stop talking nonsense. Cora. That’s not what we meant. We were just concerned that your parents might try to ground you like ours tried. We know that parents can be overprotective sometimes.” There was a sudden chance in her body. She was nervous before and clenching her fists. But the moment I told her that it was just a casual question, her body got relaxed and her fists opened. “No. Nothing like that happend. They were angry at me at first, but later everything became normal. My family loves me very much and I love them too.” “That’s a relief. We are really sorry for what we did. We didn’t want to drag you into the trouble. Please forgive us for that mistake.” “It’s okay. It’s in the past now. Let’s forget that it ever happend and continue in our own way. I have to go home now. Bye.” “Wait. I was thinking, now that we are on the same boat, why don’t we become friends?” “I’m sorry. But I am not interested in being anyone’s friend. Have fun with your own lives. Good bye.” With that, she walked away. It’s the middle of the night and bothering a girl at this hour is not proper. If anyone sees us like this, they will think that we are harassing her. And she needs to reach home in time too. Maybe we will get the chance to talk to her later. “Wait. That’s it? Aren’t we going to do anything about this? I thought we were going to make her speak up about herself.” As soon as Mirth said that, I knocked on his head hard. “It’s all your fault. Why did you had to ask her that all of a sudden? Were you expecting that she will reveal everything to a stranger if you ask her? Idiot.” "What? She is our mate. Aren’t we supposed to know how she is feeling or if she is in trouble or not?” “She doesn’t know that yet and she can’t feel anything as we do. You have to remember that she is a human and we have to be patience with her.” “Okay fine. I will keep quiet around her.” “Let’s drop her home and go back to ours. And hope that we can get another chance to talk to her tomorrow.” “From hope, I just remembered that we have to call Faith and Hope and inform them about our little interaction.” “Ugh.. Why sisters are so annoying?” I don’t know what we are going to tell them that we failed miserably to make an impression on our own mate. The next day, we went to the university early. But I have already made it clear to Mirth that we are not going to approach her all of a sudden because how much I know her till now, she doesn’t like to talk to people. Especially boys who try to flirt with her. And if we try to start a conversation to with her this time, she will definitely think that we are trying to flirt with her. And as a result, she will lock herself up for us for a long time. We have to take it slow. We saw her coming in time and keeping a distance from her, we kept our eyes on her. It was clearly visible that she is nervous about coming back to the place that only bothers her too much. But she makes it inside anyways, and as soon as she stepped inside everyone froze. All the students hangings around, stopped on their feet and their heads snapped towards her. What happend to all of them at once? Cora was also stunned as she looked around in shock. None of us understood what was happening. But in the next moment, they started gossiping among them and then we realized what is this about. “Isn’t that the girl who created the fight yesterday?” “Yes. It is her.” “She almost got a student killed yesterday. And they say that she has created troubles like this since she joined the university.” “Yeah. I saw her hit a boy a few days ago. She is a real hardcore bi*ch.” “And you know what? Her parents are really rich peoples. I heard that they threatened to sue the university for blaming her when it was truly her fault.” “We should stay away from her. She is a bad news..” Everyone was saying bad things for her, that made her eyes become watery. We know that it’s not the truth. We know what actually happend to her. Then why is everyone blaming this innocent girl for everything? This is so wrong. But there is nothing we can do about it. If we try to support her, they will put more blames on her for keeping us beside as her bodyguard and stuff. These humans just love to accuse the weakest person they find. Cora was really hurt by what everyone was talking about her. But she ignored everyone like a brave girl and went on her way to join her class. But this is not a good day for her in here. We were following her through the hallways to make sure she gets in her class without any trouble. We were at a distance from her that she can’t notice our presence around her. We were watching her as she was making her way safely. Then she took a turn in the hallway, getting out of our vision for a few seconds. We were sure that we are going to see her again when we take the turn. But when we reached there, she was nowhere. She was supposed to continue walking through the hallway, straight to her class. But she just vanished in a few seconds. It’s impossible for a human to walk this fast. “Where did she go?” Mirth asked in shock. “I don’t know. Maybe she reached her classroom. Let’s check.” We went to her classroom and peeked inside. We searched the entire classroom, but she was not there. Then where did she go? We searched the rest of the classrooms that comes in the way, but she was nowhere. Where she can go this fast? What’s happening?
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