Chapter 4

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    "Inspector Black, how can I help you",      He's stand here, at my front door, but why?. He looked away and I'm pretty sure its to school his features by trying to put on a cold and brave front. Ha! He failed. The minute he looked back I could tell he is struggling, he pulled out a little note pad and looked down at it before looking back at me. Those dark eyes have a way of seeking something from me, its like all the rest of the world fade away and its just us.      Creating feelings that shouldn't be there, a pull that is so strong and I shouldn't be feeling like this with someone I just meet, worse yet a cop, but the way his looks at me it opened the cages of butterflies I try to put away and now my stomach has become its new residence.   "I know its late but this is important, I have a few questions about the incident that took place, is there somewhere private we could talk",      I was about to tell him its not a good time, because seriously I need to stay away from him, at least until I get my s**t in order, but as I was about to speak I saw it, a quick flash from across the street, I can already tell it's camera lens, which means we're being watched. I really don't want to be to close to Mr. handsome cop but I cant handle him being hurt because of me either. With a small nod I moved from the door way as a silent invitation to come in, once he was inside I looked out and saw a few familiar faces from a rival but small gang that runs a few schools and the area. This is not good especially with a cop in the house. Dam Adam for leaving alone, how am I to do this on my own, he supposed to be dealing with them, keeping peace, I closed the door and as the inspector Black turn to take a look around I locked it.      "Uh- um follow me please", I said and started making my way to the basement, I knew the office would be in a mess, but the office is the safest room in the house, I was already down the steps when he started to make his way down, and I get it why trust a stranger, especially with the way the first meeting went.  With the house currently be surrounded by the gang members he needs to move his ass, you see we had two top name mafia families here in a week and that don't sit well with small gangs they feel intimidated.     Once I reached the office door, I punched in the code and waited for inspector Black before fully opening the door, I'm pleasantly surprised when I opened the door to see a clean office with all new tech and a note on the desk,      When your ready to do something more important and meaning full buy a ticket for Italy. M.R.     Huh, more important my ass, in other words come to work for him, like hell that would happen, Inspector Black looked around the office while I took a seat behind my desk and pressed the button under the desk closing the door and sealing the room, he jumped placing his hand on his gun. Instant I put both hands up showing him I mean no harm.      "Wow, there cowboy, I'm just sealing the room, your safe in here",      When he didn't change his posture, I dropped my hand nodding my head to the computer, making sure he know, I'm just powering it on.      I powered the computers and pulled the surveillance footage of outside the house, and I must say the upgrade from Marcus is f*****g amazing the quality is crystal clear, as predicted we are surrounded. Inspector Black straighten himself but kept his hand on the gun, he moved to stand behind me to look at the video feed, I was instantly throw of by his closeness and the smell of his cologne was like a drug that was messing with my head.      The beeping on the computer broke me from my daze. On the screen I could see the guys trying to break in, Inspector Black took the mouse from my hand and enlarge the screen to get a better look.      "What the hell is going on here, I need to call this in", he said as he pulled his phone from his pocket. I grabbed the phone from his hand to stop him.      "No, wait just give me ten minutes and then you can call it in",      "They are trying to break in your house", He shouted pointing to the computer,       "I know but trust me for the next ten minutes", I said handing him his phone, he took a deep breath, pocketed his phone and dragged a chair to sit behind the desk with me, both of our legs where touching under the table and if it was another time I would enjoy it, but by the way he's looking at me, like I'm some sort of a criminal, I knew the chemistry between us can't help me from being locked up.      Instead of focusing on the energy in the room, I tune back to the movements on the computer. I took still shot of a few of the members and run it through the data base Adam had build to identify the name of the person and there gang they are affiliated with. Mr. Black sit quietly and looked at everything taking place, the guys broke the door down and started searching around, throwing stuff all over. I knew from the names that pop up it wasn't just any gang it was the biggest.      I opened the draw and pulled out a burner phone and call Lucas, putting the phone on speaker, we listen to the phone ring before he answered,      "Did you miss me already, your calling for me to come back", Lucas said while he laugh, but I could Inspector Black body stiffened, I knew he turned his head to look at me but I remain focus on the computer screen.      "Lucas, cut the crap, I have the house surrounded by The Whisperers, send me the name and number of the leader, I need to find out what's going on",      Lucas let of a string out curses, then I heard car tires screech.     "Are you in the office",      "Yes, I'm safe but I really need to sort this out, since I'm alone now, I can afford to live here without protection", I said trying to reason with Lucas, at this point the tension in the room was so high you could cut through it with a saw. He stayed silent for a minute before I heard him breath.      "Stay there I'm getting the guys and we are coming over",      "NO, I can handle myself if I need to and don't use our resources just yet, besides I'm not alone",      "Who the f**k's with you, I not to long leave you and you where alone",      I was about to dismiss him, because I don't know what exactly he would report back to Marcus or even to Adam but Inspector Black spoke first,      "Its inspector Black, and after all this is over I would like to speak with both of you",      "Ohh we will be talking alright",      With that he hung up, I didn't bother to carry on any conversation with Inspector Black instead I focused on the video feed, after about fifteen minutes a message containing a phone number pop up on the burner, then another saying the guys where step up one block away. I dialed the number and put the phone to my ears but inspector Black grabbed it, putting it on speaker, placing it on the desk, from the video feed we could hear a phone ring and then the man answered.      "What",      "Now now that's no way to answer the phone", I said keeping my voice firm but with a calm tone,      "I don't have time for games so say what you called for and hang up", he said, and from the camera feed I could tell he is going upstairs, now if he goes into the bedrooms is ok but he go into my closet he will my guns and  knives.      "Well in that case can you leave my house",      He stopped climbing the steps and looked at the phone to check the number before putting it back to his ears.     "Ms. Henry, what a pleasure", he said with a sinister smile on his face, don't get me wrong I maybe playing brave but I'm scared no ass.     "Not really, look I don't want any trouble, just leave",      "Nope, I think I will hang around so we could have a face to face conversation",      "Why?" I asked seriously curious.     "Well I heard what you did today and I want to offer you a job and I also know your unprotected", he replied as he took a seat on the sofa in the living room, now any lies I was going to tell inspector Black went out the window.     "No thanks and who says I'm unprotected?"     "Look kid, I'm in this business longer than you, is either you help me with my problem or you suffer the consequences",      I could help let out a laugh, Inspector Black glanced at my direction then back to the screens, we both could see how pissed of The whisperers leader was.      "You think this is funny?", He asked and as much as I wanted to keep fear down and my brave face on, the way he as looking at the phone I knew I cross the limit, so now the only thing to do is put him in his place, I have seen Adam prepare and plan for these before so I know what to do. The only thing is Inspector Black is watching everything, so he could arrest me the instant everything is cleared. I took out another burner and send Lucas a text.      Destroy the Whisperers headquarters, to send a message, GH,  in less than a minute a msg came back.     No, we will hit the warehouse, where they store there drugs, that will keep them busy for a few weeks, keep them busy for a while",      Done.     "Well I'm not sure what consequences you are talking about because your sitting here giving me a job offer on speaker phone while an Inspector is sitting next to me recording everything",      I said and Inspector Black instantly looked at me with both his eyebrows raised, I couldn't help but smile at his reaction.      "You little b***h, you just wait until I get my hands on you", he stood from the sofa shouting into his phone, I know we are safe in the office so this is the best stall tactic I have available,     "Why wait, I'm in the basement, come see for yourself",      With that I hung up the phone and turn to look at Inspector Black, he pulled out his gun and checked how much bullets he have left.      "That was really stupid", he said and I shrugged, I moved to the wall behind my desk and open the safe, inside I was surprised to see it was stocked up with new guns and bullet proof vest. Looks like Marcus had his men busy when we were busy. If this blows up in my face I could always go Italy.      "I wouldn't have said that if we wont prepared",      "OK, I don't understand what's going on here, can you please tell me",      "Are you going to arrest me?"     "On what exactly, I asked to question you with out a parent present and who would believe a seventeen year old is that equipped", he said gesturing his hand to the safe, I nod and pulled out two 9mm pistols and dropped it on the table, after closing the safe I opened the bottom draw that I already keep spear clothes and thank heavens Gloria washed and packed it back, I throw on some jeans and a t-shirt and then sit back in my seat. Inspector Black checked the guns and then focus on the screen had was showing the office door. Once he realize they cant come in he turned to me,      "Start talking", letting out a sigh, I opened the top draw and pulled out Jose file and dropped it in from of him, he looked a me and grabbed the file to go through it,     "He is the reason I got tied up in this life, he tried to r**e me when I was thirteen", Inspector head snapped up to look at me before going back to study the file," I didn't want to feel help less again, so when Adam asked me if I wanted to train and learn to defend myself I told him yes", Inspector Black nod his head in understanding and I took that as my que to continue,"I was supposed to be doing homework one evening in the gym, my sister Sarah was spending the night at a friends so I have extra time, Adam's computer made a noise and I decided to investigate and that's when my obsessions started, I know you may think I'm a criminal but I really am not", I said expecting him to agree or something but he kept his head down reading the file,"This evening I saw what was happening at Faiths house and decided to intervene, and well I had back up at the time so it was easy", I said shrugging my shoulders sinking into the chair, for some reason I wanted him to see me as a good person, but he said nothing for a while.     We both sit in silence for half an hour before he broke the silence,     "You could of gotten hurt", I looked at him confused, not understanding which time he was talking about, "Tonight, you could of gotten injured or shot",      "I know", I said look at the screen, watching this stupid young boys entering pin after pin to open the door, we both sit in comfortable silence for a while, when the ringing of the phone broke the silence, I didn't need to look at the number to know who it was,      "Lucas, update",      "Lets just say the Whisperers are over and we run this town now",      "ETA",      "Thirty seconds",      "Good",      With that I hung up and turn to Inspector Black handing him a gun and grabbing mines,      "Its show time", I said with a smile on my face, but before I could open the door he grabbed my hand and looked deep into my eyes.      "Is Lucas your boyfriend", he asked in a very serious tone, I shook my head no and instantly seeing him relax, that made me smile more, then he frown again,     "Is Faith your girlfriend", I laugh out loud before shaking my head NO,      "I had a crush on her but that's about it", I said honestly and he nod his head.      He was about to ask something, when we heard a loud crash coming from behind the door, we heard shouting and gun shots going of, unable to keep myself quiet I pressed the button and opened the door, Lucas and the guys where standing over the leader of the whisperers smiling at his expression after they told him that they took over and will be running things from now.      Lucas wasn't happy to see how close Inspector Black was standing next to me but I really didn't mind, Inspector Black called it in as a break in and attempted murder so we got off, Lucas and the guys checked around the house while I stood outside with MR, MCHOTTIE.      Once the all the police cars left he turned to me and there it is again that pull, that strong feeling those stupid butterflies,      "Well after everything we went through is it safe to say we can consider each other as friend",      Friends!!! is he kidding me, but then again this could be a good thing, who the hell knows, I never dated before. Adam and the guys at the gym scare of any guy that comes around. I stuck my hand out to him and he placed his big hand in mine giving it a gentle shake.     "Friends", I said with a small smile, he pulled is hand away and was turning to leave but last minute turn back and kissed my cheek.      "See you tomorrow friend", He said with a smile and a wink, I stood there looking at his retreating form and I knew this is going to be trouble.
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