Chapter 5

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    By the time everyone left it was already Saturday morning and the sun have already risen. We were so exhausted that Lucas had two other guys stayed over, Lucas took my parents room while I retreated to my room. The minute I lay on my bed all I could think about is Inspector Nicolai Black, his eyes, the way my body reacted to being near him, the way he looked when he asked about Lucas and Faith. At some point I feel asleep, it was only when I heard my phone ringing next to me I woke up, my room was completely dark and my head was pounding, turning over I grabbed my phone and answered without looking at the ID.      "What",      "Where are you?", Sitting up quickly, I checked the phone for the number, unknown, f**k not good,     "Adam?"     "Yea, where are you", he asked but he didn't sound like the Adam I know, his voice was more commanding. Honestly I'm a bit scared, oh my god, did he find out what happen last night. Throwing the covers of me I got out of bed and started pacing.     "I'm home in bed, you actually woke me up, what's up",      He let out a breathe and then the line went silent, if it wasn't for his breathing I wouldn't have known he was on line. I don't like this, Adam don't show emotion at all so something definitely has to be wrong.      "Adam?"      "Gabi, listen you remember I told you about my employers",      I nod like an ass thinking he could see me,      "Yea",     "They are actually my adoptive parents, that's why I left, I--I-I think I lost them, we can't find them anywhere", Adam said, sounding so broken, but why is he telling me all this and now, then I heard it a sob, Adam is f*****g crying, that's why he called he needed help but he won't ask, that had me springing into action, I threw on my sweats and ran downstairs to my office.      "Alright Adam lay it on me, every information you have, let me see what I can find",      He laughed a sad laugh but he did, I couldn't really hear much about what's going on other side, but it sounded like someone was talking to him.      "Listen Gabi, I know you help me out a lot, but, I have the best of our guys working on it", he said sounding proud but I just scoffed,      "Yea, the same guys who couldn't find anything from the files before, look just send it to me, if I find something I will send it to you, ok",      "OK, got to go",      With that he hung up, a few minutes later the file was sent to me through email and I got working on it, first print a few copies, get a map, look for cameras, get phone records and circle out the potential gangs around where they were last seen. I looked at the time and realized it after four in the morning so that leaves me with enough time before Lucas wakes up.      After three hours of reading and putting important information down I got a lead, fortunate for me the guy I need to speak to was a friend of Marcus, I grabbed a burner and called him,      "Yes", he answered and I could hear Sarah laughing in the background, I felt happy for her but also a  slight bit of envy, she's happy with mom while my dad didn't think I was important enough to make a trip for him to see how I'm handling everything,  mom didn't even call and let me know they landed, I shook my head clearing my thoughts before it sends me into a dark deep pit of depression,      "Hey, Marcus, I take it you guys arrived safe?",      "Gabi, what a pleasant surprise, did you see your new office?", he said sounding really happy, I guess when you have Sarah laughing like that it could melt the coldest heart.      "Yes, thank you for that, listen I need a favor",      He didn't answer at first but I could hear the ruffle of fabric like he's moving, Sarah voice started to fade away so I guess he's moving into another room so we could talk, while I was waiting on him I heard the doorbell, I know Lucas and the two guys he placed for our protection was asleep so I made my way up the stairs to open the front door, just as I was unlocking the door, I heard Lucas coming down the steps.      Turning around I stopped, stunned to a ridiculous drop dead gorgeous view, Lucas with sleepy hair, no T-shirt showcasing his washboard abs, with a perfect V kissing his gray sweats that hung perfectly on his hips, I was lost in the view of him walking down the steps rubbing his eyes, who knew Lucas was this hot, that man should be modeling not taking over gangs and playing with guns, it was when I heard Marcus saying my name and the door bell rung at the same time I snapped out of my daze. I quickly cleared my throat and refocus on the task at hand.      "Yes, I'm sorry someone's at the door, I got distracted", I said as I quickly opened the door to see none other than Inspector Black. Now it's either the lord is messing with me or I'm a sucker for punishment, Inspector Black is wearing a fitted white T-shirt that fit his arms like a second skin and showcased his abs, black leather Jacket and dark blue Jeans with black shoes, his hair had that this just finish wash look to it and his cologne hit me like I just had ten shots of tequila. Like f**k me I have two drop dead gorgeous men next to me.      Inspector Black looked down at me and then looked behind me and frowned as Lucas came into view, I quickly hold up my hand gesturing to the phone and asked them both to follow me to the office, Marcus again called my name to get my attention,      "Yes Marcus, I'm here",      "Are you ok, you sound distracted", ohh buddy if you only know,     "Yea, so about that favor", I said as I continued to walk down the steps to my office with both men in tow, I could the heat from their gaze, my body was heating up and thank god for padded bras, my n*****s were standing out, but instead of giving in I chose to ignore them as this is something important and needs my full focus, which would be a lot easier if Lucas put on a damn shirt and Black dressed in more loose fitting clothes, as we all entered the office I moved to my desk while the they both took the seats in front of the desk.     "What do you need Gabi",      "I know from the books I read, that's if another gang wants to business in someone else's territory they need to ask permission, am I right?"     "Yes, go on", he responded all business like, just like the first time we meet.     "Right so in that case I would like you to call your friend from Italy, Lorenzo I think, ask him if he was notified that a k********g was about to take place in his area, and see if you could find out who put in a request, if one was send",      Marcus went silent for a few minutes, I didn't want to look at they guys because I don't know what the hell was happening to me, I have been around a lot of guys at the gym so seeing hot guys was a normal thing for me but these two men was something else,      "Gabi, does Adam know you are investigating the k********g", Marcus asked sounding a bit unsure,     "Yep, he sent me the file this morning, I have been working on it since 4am",      "OK, but I don't like this, I will help anyway I can, keep your phone with you, and before I go do you want to talk to your mother",      "No", I said and hung up the phone, I dropped the phone on the desk and hung my head while rubbing both sides of it.      "So your investigating a k********g?"      Black asked causing me to look up, I was expecting both of them to be at each other's throat but instead they both where looking at me, I looked from Black to Lucas, with a confused expression crossing my face,      "What? why are you both looking at me like that?"      "You didn't answer my question, and the reason I'm looking at you is because of him",      Black said pointing to Lucas who clearly knew what Black was talking about because he had a smirk on his face. Deciding to ignore to Lucas, which is really hard, with his sculpted body on full display, I focus my attention back to Black.     "Yes, I'm helping with a k********g, and besides what did Lucas do?"     Black face dropped a bit,      "Did he spend the night?" he asked, his face was so serious you could see why he chose to be an inspector, ohhh now I understand, I couldn't help laugh a little, he thinks Lucas and I slept together. Lucas had a big ass smile on his face and I knew that was upsetting Black more.      "Inspector Black, Lucas did stay the night but he slept in my parents room, nothing happen and besides if something did happen, what would that mean to you?" I asked tilting my head to the side maintaining eye contact.      He blinked a couple times and then placed a bag on the table, I really didn't notice he had a bag in his hand I was so distracted by Lucas, Black and Marcus, damn Adam would be so disappointed in my lack of awareness right now.      "It's Nicolai, so the k********g you want any help?"     So I guess we are on first name basis now, but does this mean I could trust him?     "Why are you here inspector", Lucas asked crossing his arms over his chest and lord help me I need to get these men a change of clothes, like now. I'm pretty sure dad left some shirts and if my estimate is correct dad's bigger than both of them, so his T-shirts should fit properly.      "Doesn't matter Lucas I need the help, can you guys give me a couple of minutes I will be right back",      I said as I ran from the office to my parents room, I pulled out two of dad's bigger t-shirts and ran back throwing the t-shirts to them, the both looked at me, with confusion written all over their faces.      "If I'm to get any work done you both need to change and I mean like now",      I said opening the bag Nicolai bought trying to distract myself from watching him taking his shirt off, inside the bag was breakfast food, more than what we need. Once the guys changed Lucas went for plates while Nicolai and I stayed in the office. He picked up one of the file on the table and after reading it his eyes went wide open.      "f**k, is this who I think it is", he said looking at me, interesting..... he knows about the mafia's high ranking members identity.      "Yep and I need to find them",      "Ok, show me what you have",      By the time we went through everything I have on the k********g, Lucas had dished out our food and much to Nicolai dismay Lucas stayed and help, we spend the rest of the day making calls, checking each photo and going over the phone records, its was almost 7pm when an idea hit me. Italy is a famous tourist destination so there will be photos online. Using a software a friend help me design, I put in the date, estimated time and areas the k********g could of taken place. After about twenty minutes I got a few pings, over fifty photos, while going through it, I spotted something in the background of one. I zoomed in and looked closer and there on the right hand side of the phone is Adams adopted parents being lead to a black SUV but four men.      I jumped from my seat and grabbed my phone to call Adam, he had send me a number to call him not to long after hanging up from our last conversation, the phone rang and rang all the way to voicemail, he didn't answer. Adam always answers, I tried again and again, the panicked feeling I try to keep at bay was surfacing, this isn't good, something is wrong, at this point I was pacing up and down the office, I'm sure either one of the guys was talking but I couldn't hear anything.      It was only when Nicolai grabbed my arm that I realized they were trying to get my attention.      "What is it? what did you find?"      I quickly showed him what I found and told them Adam isn't answering his phone, Lucas disappeared for a while trying to make a phone call. After a few minutes he returned to the office with a grim look on his face.      "What is it", I asked dreading the response he was about to give.      "I need to head back, Marcus is sending me to Italy to look for Adam, apparently there was an ambush a couple of hours ago, The Knighthood showed their hand, they're not hiding either, as a new gang they have been breaking all the old laws in order to climb the ladder".      Adam is missing, no, no, no, I have to go to.      "I'm coming with", I said as I started to make my way out the office, but Lucas grabbed my elbow stopping me.      "I'm sorry, but strict orders, you have to stay here",      What!!!!!! no they need my help, but the look on Lucas face told me not to argue, I pulled my arm away from him and dropped to the ground, Adam is missing.      Nicolai and Lucas left not long after Lucas inform us that he need to leave, I made my way to the office and tried to get any information I could but everything was silent, the only other option is to look into The Knighthood. I spent the whole evening looking into them, for any kind of information I could get. I saved everything I gathered to further examine later.      The next morning, I got up feeling worse than when I went to bed, I had school today and I have to face it without Adam or Faith. This weekend suck so bad, so much change over a few days.      By the time I got to school there were police all over the place, I was expecting to see Nicolai but he was a no show, the other students were whispering about Britney and Faith. I made my way to my locker taking whatever I need from it, the first three classes when by as normal, except for the few whispers but by lunch the whole school was buzzing.      The whisperers members were giving me death glares, most of the members where students so the trade would be easy, lunch was horrible, last few classes was even worse, by the time school was over I was done.      During the day, I figured if Lucas cant find Adam then I will need to go find him myself, but first I need a crew of my own, I can't trust Nicolai he's on the other side of the law, but looking at how lost The Whisperers is right now, that vulnerability gave me a really good idea.      I was halfway out the parking lot looking for my target when a car stopped in front of me, and of course to make a shitty day worse my uncle had to come early with his partner, Inspector Victor Henry my uncle and of f*****g course Inspector Black his partner.
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