Chapter 3

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 "You messed with the wrong person Britney"       All hell broke lose after I shot her in her leg, the minute she fell we sprung into action, Adam took lead with me at his back, Marcus went around the back to secure there, as we round the corner of the house, the men were hurrying to gather themselves. I moved away from Adam the minute Faith came into view, I grabbed Faith and pulled her behind me securing her from the fight that was about to happen.      Shots rang out from all different direction, Adam hid behind a wall were as Faith and I hid behind the sofa, the men stop shooting to reload, that's when Adam and I took our shot, I knew he wont kill them because it's some really important people here and he knew I wont kill anyone, so we aim for there legs or the shoulders, somewhere to inflict a lot of pain.      It took all about twenty minutes before we had the situation under control, Adam walked around checking the men, where as I took a look at Faith, her body was weak and she could hardly sit straight, I rubbed her hand and face to get her to focus but she was high out of her mind, Marcus appeared next to and instantly grabbed Faith and stuck his fingers down her throat, instantly she started throwing up. Once she finished Lucas handed Marcus a syringe and he injected it into her arm, Lucas then lifted her and took her outside, I stayed back to over look what happened with Marcus and Adam.      "So what now", I asked as I stood over one of the older guys in the room, playing with my gun in my hand.      "Stop doing that, you will make him s**t his pants and clean up with be worse for my guys", Adam hiss, I placed back my gun in the back of my pants gave Adam the biggest fakes smile ever.     "Happy",      "Very, now young lady you have a lot to explain, but first Mr. Romero my employers would like to speak to you once all this is cleared up",      Adam said as he pulled out his phone and dialed a number, Marcus looked down at me and I know he's waiting for me to explain but I don't know him and I don't know if I can trust him, yes he helped me but trust is something I don't give out. Adam turned and handed Marcus the phone, the minute he started talking he walked out the house, leaving me with a very pissed of Adam.      "Your pissed off and I get it but, do you seriously believed I was that dumb not to pick up on stuff",      I said as I turn to face him, he let out a breath shaking his head as he passed his hands over his face, then looked back at me,      "I should of know you where to smart, but seriously I need to know how much you know, but first lets clean this mess up",      With a nod we both walked outside passing a passed out Britney by the floor, I made sure to step on her fingers on my way out, smiling to myself.       Faith was still unconscious in the back of the car, I made sure look her over to see if she was injured, once I knew she was ok I left her with Lucas and walked over to Adam and Marcus.     "Gabi, we need to discuss something with you",      "What's up",      "Mr. Romero's informant from the police department just called, they will be coming down hard in matter of minutes, so our cover story is, Faith called and ask you for help and being your step father Mr. Romero was there at the time of the phone call, he offered his services and well I'm still the school teacher so I stopped by after, now hurry and ditch your vest, guns and knifes",      On instinct I ran to the car and started stripping, I didn't realize I was standing in my bra and jeans until one of the guys who works for Marcus cleared his throat and threw a t-shirt my way, my T-shirt was covered in blood so the guy gave me his. I responded with a thank you and walked back to Marcus and Adam, Should I be weirded out about being top less around these guys, YES am I NO, in the gym I normally end up in a bra and work out shorts after a serious sparing session, so I'm accustom.      In less than five minutes a series of sirens was heard followed by five police cars, the officers ran out surrounding us shouting for us to put our hands up, we all did as we where told. Once they searched all of us the inspector came out to ask us questions, now if I was questioning my sexuality I would say I'm confused, but the fine specimen that was walking towards was a indication I didn't need to question s**t, my body instantly reacted and I started to felt hot.      The inspector walked up to us while maintaining eye contact with me, there was something about his eyes that I couldn't look away, he had the most beautiful dark brown eyes, the kind that has a dark hooded mysterious look to them, as he stood in front of us a small smile played his lips like he knew what he was doing to me, its like he could read how hot my body got from being close to him. Marcus elbow me getting my attention back to the reality of things, I looked up and him to see an amused expression on his face, I then looked over at Adam who looked just as amused. I didn't bother look at the inspector again, instead, I looked at my shoe like its the most f*****g interesting thing in the world, all because my body was betraying me. He cleared his throat, then he started talking and that was all I need to lost myself in his presence,      "Good evening, my name is inspector Nicolai Black, would any of you like to explain what exactly happened here?" his smooth, yet rough, deep voice had me in a mess, I know we had a plan but dear lord I never expected the inspector to look this hot, I knew he was looking at me, I could feel it, a shiver ran though me and instantly I wrapped my arms around myself. Adam cleared his throat and I knew he was expecting me to say something, but I needed to gather myself before looking into those dark mesmerizing eyes. Taking a deep breath, I calmed myself down a bit before putting my game face on, then I looked up at him directly in his eyes and instantly cursing myself,      "Yes, well Faith and I go to school together and she called me a while ago saying she needs help, so my step father and I came to help her, and well my teacher saw us and stopped to help to", I said nodding to Adam, Inspector Black didn't look at Adam or Marcus he kept his eyes on me and I wont lie it was turning me on. There was an attraction there and their was no denying that, We looked at each other for a couple minutes not breaking eye contact, then I felt someone touched my shoulder, looking away from Inspector black I turn to Lucas who was eye the Inspector, he then turn to me to inform me that Faith is awake.        I ran over to see her panicking as the guys try to calm her down, I pushed passed the guys and pulled her into my arms calming her down instantly, she was crying hysterically, her body was shaking and I'm pretty sure it was from the drug they gave her, before we could even ask her anything she passed out in my arms.      "We need to take her to the hospital", I said placing her back into the seat and coving her with one of the guys jacket, Marcus and Adam nod and took a seat in the car, I turn around to ask the inspector if we are finished here but he was already walking back to his car, I wont lie I was a bit disappointed, maybe I over read the signal between us, I got in the car next to Faith and we headed to the hospital.      When we got there Adams employer called in a favor with a friend that worked there, so Faith was instantly wheeled in and being attended to. I was about to walk into the waiting room when I saw the rest of the people from the house coming in one by one with police escort. Adam, Marcus and I stayed in the hall way until the last one was wheel in, by this time I was pissed of all over again, I started pacing, no one said anything, we waited two whole f*****g hours before the doctor came out, we rushed over to him stopping him in his tracks,      "I'm assuming your here for Faith", we all nod "She's lucky, if she wasn't given the medication on time she wont have made it, but she isn't out of the woods just yet, we will be keeping her for at least two weeks, we did a r**e it and currently waiting on the police to come for the results",      With a thank you from us the doctor retreated to treat the other patients, Adam and Marcus left after the doctor, Adam made the coffee run while Marcus handle my mother, I started pacing the waiting room again, thinking about all the ways I could sneak in Britney room and make her hurt some more. I didn't notice the figure moving closer until I ran into him, instantly he circled his arm around my waist to stop me from falling flat on my face, I was about to argue but when his dark eyes meet mine making all my words evaporated, his hands on my body was causing my body to heat up again.      He helped he to my feet and only then I realize how unbelievably handsome he is, his dark brown almost black hair was short, is tattoo was showing under his shirt sleeves that he rolled it up until his elbow, he had another tattoo that I could see by his neck, from the way his clothes fit his body I could tell he is well build, his light stubble on his face complemented his face perfectly, and his lips, his lips were tempting, a magnetic force that was pulling something from inside me to claim them.     He cleared his throat looking away, both of us stepping back and bit putting some distance between us, he pulled out a card from his back pocket and then wrote something on it before handing it to me, looking down I saw his office number and behind the card I saw he wrote his personal number, he was about to say something when Marcus walked back into the room stopping by the door way looking at both of us,      "This is my number, call if you need to talk, but I will be in touch I need a statement from both you and Faith", with that he left, as soon as he was out the room, Marcus fold his arms looking at me but I just shrugged him of slipping the card in my back pocket. Adam returned a few minutes later with a grim expression on his face.      "Talk", he said as he took a seat folding his legs.      "OK well, you see, its not really my fault you and the guys leave everything out in the open and well, you know I don't follow the rules, and beside I wanted to help",      "How much do you know?"      Dropping my gaze to the ground, I need to think my way through this, Adam is very private person and if he knows I broke his trust it will be bad for me, but lying to him is worse. Letting out a sigh I dropped to the seat next to him decided to fess up everything, the most will happen is he wont talk to me again.      "Well everything, I'm the one that leaves the flash drives for you, I took some of the files and study them so I know who is who",      He stayed silent for a minute and then he stood, pulled out his phone and keys and handed it to me, I looked at it confused then back at him.     "I never wanted you in this life, I need you to stay away from anything related to this type of life style, so I'm leaving, the gym is yours to look after to make some extra cash, seeing as you lost your job",      I stood up and look at him like he grew an extra head,      "What the f**k Adam, you better f*****g explain",      "Gabi", Marcus shouted,      "OH f**k of Marcus",      "Gabi relax will you, its complicated", he seriously have to be kidding me, Sarah is leaving, Mom is leaving, Dad isn't coming home and now Adam. What the hell did I do to deserve this.      "Adam explain", I said, with anger laced in my voice, he turn to Marcus nodding to the door for Marcus to leave and surprising he listened. The Adam took back his seat next to me.      "Listen carefully, I'm only saying this once, I have to leave because my employer and his wife was kidnapped thirty minutes ago, someone needs to step up and handle things until we find them, I don't want anyone knowing about you but if anyone comes around asking question's, ask them to see there ID, there ID is a tattoo," he said lifting his t-shirt for me to see the tattoo, its a octagon shape with a filigree cross inside surrounding by vines beautifully design. "If anyone comes up to you and they don't have this, prepare to fight and don't hold back, I will contact you when I can",      With that he stood and engulfed me in a big hug, very unlike Adam, it felt like a good bye hug. Then he walked out and Marcus walked back in.      Faith regain consciousness an hour later and gave her statement to the police, thankfully Marcus got the doctor to relay the statement I made to her, so we could keep a straight story. We then left the hospital and headed home, no one spoke on the way home and I was grateful for that, my emotions where running high and I didn't want to say anything out of the way.     When we got home Mom threw a fit over everything, dad called saying he wont be home for the next six months, he's going to work somewhere far, but said his brother and his family will be coming to stay with me. Apparently the kidnaping was a big deal because Marcus father called and told him to return immediately. Lucas insist he stayed behind to keep an eye on me, I gave Sarah a hug and made her wear the necklace, mom was still pissed but I still hug her, I thanked Marcus for his help before they left. As I watched the car drive away, my heart broke a little, I'm happy Sarah is getting a family but I couldn't help but feel left out.      After forcing Lucas to go home I made my way to my bedroom and into my bathroom, after taking a quick shower I got out and heard the door bell, quickly changing into my sports bra and shorts, I ran down the steps, I knew it was either two people could be ring the door bell, either mom forgot something or Lucas is trying to be a pain in the ass, the door bell rang again and I shouted I'm coming, just as I unlock the door.      "I swear Lucas someone better be dying or I'm going to cu-----",     "No one ever called me Lucas before", he said in that sexy as ass voice,      Oh my f*****g god, he's here, standing right in front of me, his eyes roam my body then stopping on my chest, I licked my lip involuntary only for his eyes move to my lips, it was only when his eyes trail down my body again I realize what I'm wearing.       "Inspector Black, how can I help you", 
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