Chapter 7

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Gabi One month later     One f*****g month and nothing, no contact from Alex and the guys, no words from Lucas, Adam or even Marcus. The income from The Whisperers was f*****g huge so I hired one of Adam guys to help me while I prepare to go Italy. My birthday is in two days and after that I'm off to Italy, after I leave though, Alex will get his paperwork for half of everything belonging to The Whisperers, I'm not stupid I know a lot of people depends on that money for their livelihoods, I want to lead but I want it to be out of respect not fear but that will change if I come back from Italy. For the last month my training kicked up, with the help of the guys Adam trained me with, I got a lot better at hand to hand and even got to go on the range for more practice.      My Uncle and Aunt decided to hold a small birthday party tonight as they both had to work double shifts from tomorrow which means I wont see them before I leave for the airport, they have no idea I'm leaving though only my cousins, nosy little asses followed me a night I went for training and question the s**t out of me, out of frustration or alcohol can't remember which, I told them everything. Elliot is a rebel and I love him for that, anything I wanted or needed he got it for me, so we started this drinking game in my office away from my aunt and uncle, any time I get distracted by Nicolai we take a shot.     Nicolai was around more, spending nights while working on a case with my uncle, everyday I came home he would open the door and that meant Elliot and I would be taking shots at the end of the night. Our attraction was growing more and more as we spent more time together, we watched movies together and he had dinner every night here, tonight though Elliot and Audrey decided to go crazy with dressing up.      Elliot has on dark blue wash out jeans with a white shirt the first three buttons undone and white shoes, his dark hair comb to the side on top and graze down on the sides, his dark eyes complemented his look, Elliot is a good looking son of a b***h and he knows it, his fair skin always blemish free, cleaned shaved, he has pink lips that I'm seriously wondering if he put any lipstick on.      Audrey however, looked super sexy with her short black dress that was open to the back and had long black sleeves, the lace around the hem of the dress matched her sleeves and neck line, her waist length brown hair was styled with bouncy curls and her make up was on point with Smokey eye and light pink lips, Audrey has the same dark eyes like Elliot, pretty was not enough to describe her.      I'm sitting in the office rechecking the last location I though Adam was being held, after constantly calling Adam wife she answered and told me Adam has her chain, he tucked it in the sole of his shoe before he left. I had some time to kill before the party started and wanted to get some work done, while taking a look at the sales from the schools and the request from the members for funds I heard a knock on the door, looking up I saw Elliot and Audrey entering the office carrying two bags and two boxes, closing out the tabs on the computer I leaned back into the chair and looked at them,      "What are you both doing here, the close door supposed to indicate I was busy",      "Please if you wanted privacy you should of never given us the code", Audrey relied as she placed the boxes on my desk,      "Yea, that is for security reasons only, what's with the bags and boxes", I asked, moving from behind the desk toward them, Elliot smirked and Audrey smiled, now when they both agree on something normally means I'm in trouble,      "We are dressing you up for your birthday", Audrey squeal jumping up in her high heels like a little child,      "No", I said deadpan, no way in hell Audrey is getting her way, "Your not, I'm really ok with what I'm wearing",     "You kind of don't have a choice, because if you don't let Audrey dress you up, I'm going to show mom and dad your plane ticket or maybe just burn it", Elliot said holding up my plane ticket in his hand, I go to grab it but he pulled out his lighter, flicking it open and putting the flame next to the ticket.      "Elliot, don't",      "Then get ready you have thirty minutes, Nicolai is going to eat his heart out tonight, we have so much planned gabi just wait and watch",      "No, I'm not dressing up and beside what does Nicolai have to do with anything relating to my birthday",      "Are you kidding, you guys practically eye f**k each other all the time, now time to get the real D girl", Audrey said causing both Elliot and I to look at her, she is far too young to talk about d**k, I really don't want to do this but just the idea of having Nicolai eyes on me for one night was enough for me to agree. I mean what's the most that could happen I'm leaving in two days anyway.      It was thirty long minutes after Audrey was finally done, I was dressed in a lilac one shoulder double strap midi dress, both straps where on one side so half of my back was exposed, the dress was knee high and had a slight slope at the hem, the front of the dress had a cut between my boobs, it's in shape of a leaf meaning I would go braless, on the right side of the dress it split just under my thigh leaving my whole leg outside, the dress was paired with white ankle high heel boots, my make up was simple winged eyeliner with light pink lipstick, that Audrey bought saying it will last twelve hours, jewelry was basic studs earrings and that was it.      My nerves was all over the place, I never dressed like this before and I was beginning to think maybe it wasn't a good idea. I didn't get to dwell on it to much because there was a knock on the door and Elliot walked in, the minute his eyes lay on me he stopped, his mouth hung open while he looked me up and down, then frown, he pulled out his phone and text someone then slipped it back in his pocket,      "Damn gabs, you clean up nice",      "Excuse me all this is my hard work", Audrey exclaimed, they both started to argue with each other, after a couple minutes there was a knock on the office door, I looked over to Elliot who smile and winked at me.     "Can't have you looking like that without a date", He said with a smirk on his face, now more than ever my heart was facing, who the hell did he call, he opened the door and in came in Alex and his friends, the minute Alex saw me he stilled and I won't lie, he looked good to but still I was more excited to see Nicolai's reaction.      Alex walked into the office while the others stayed outside, he circle me taking in everything then stopped in front of me, Audrey cleared her throat and that's when I remembered they never showed up,      "Audrey, Elliot can you guys give us a moment and ask the rest of the guys to come in while your on your way upstairs", One thing about my cousins is that once they hear the change in my voice they knew to listen and they did, they left leaving me with the guys, I leaned into the front of my desk crossing my arms over my chest and my crossing my ankles, the five of them stood here and I'm wondering how the hell Elliot got them here,      "What are you guys doing here?" I asked keeping my voice firm,      "Elliot invited us, he wanted Alex to be your date tonight", Replied Isaac, of course he did,      "Look, Elliot is an ass, thank you for showing up but you guys can go",      "That's not the only reason why we are here, we also came to inform you that about a hour ago we were informed that the Giordano's was moved to the same location as Edwards, also they took a couple more people, after the big signing next week they will kill them out", this time it was Seth who spoke, I pushed of the desk and started to pace, if this is true, then this is perfect, one hit and I could get them all out, I probably said that out loud, because next thing I knew Alex was standing in front of me shaking his head say No,     "Not tonight, we will come up with a plan tomorrow", he said causing me to laugh, did he just say we?     "WE?" I laugh and stepped back before continuing "There is no WE, its been ME and ME alone how can you just insert yourself just like that",      "Look we didn't trust you ok, but we got word that you were still signing over half of everything so we stepped in and started our own investigation", Alex said as he took a seat behind my desk, "You have to understand that working with us means stepping out of your comfort zone and none of us think your ready",      I'm not ready!!!!!! I have been ready for the longest time, how can they just assume I'm not ready, I know what stepping fully into this world would mean, I know the kind of danger I'm about to face, that's why I wanted a team so I could have some support. I don't want to argue not tonight Elliot and Audrey are so excited for this party. Letting out a sigh I pulled the chair in front of the desk,      "I understand you think I'm not ready but you have to trust me when I say I am",      "Really you think your ready, ok answer this, have you ever killed someone? have you ever been faced with a situation that you need to choose who lives and who dies? have you ever taken a drug to know how long it will take to affect you so you know how long you have to escape", Alex is right I haven't done any of those things, but that's the thing though Adam made sure I was safe so now it's my responsibility to get him and his family to safety.      "I have never killed anyone but if I have to I will, I haven't been placed in a situation about who dies and who lives Adam always kept me safe and for the drugs, if I live through this I will train using a different strategy",      Standing I smoothen the front of my dress and walked to the door, out the office and to go up the stairs, Alex was on the side of me by the time I reached the basement doors, I could hear the music playing, and I'm one hundred percent it was linkin park, must be Elliot that's playing music.      Grabbing my hand Alex opened the door and both of us stepped out with the guys in the back, Alex, Seth, Blake, Stefan and Isaac where all dressed the same, Black shirt, dark blue jeans and black shoes. We entered the living room where everyone was and was greeted with lots of birthday wishes and hugs. Alex kept his hand in mine during the whole meet and greet, we them moved to the kitchen to meet up with Audrey and Elliot who was mixing something in a big punch bowl, the guys went to them to do a taste test and I took that opportunity to sneak out the side door. Don't get me wrong I love the way I look tonight, I love that everyone showed up although I don't know half of the people, but again, how can I celebrate when I know that Adam, his parents and Lucas is out there.      I'm not sure how long I was outside for but all I knew was that I felt him before I saw him, standing in the backyard Nicolai was wearing a fitted white shirt, light blue jeans and white shoes. The way is clothes fit him you could see his well defined muscles, he motion with his hand for me to come down and join him and I did, I slowly walked down the steps and stood in front of him, we both stared at each other knowing it's just us for the first time, he broke eye contact and pulled out a bottle of wine and two glasses. I was instantly surprised at the face that he was drinking with me, after pouring the wine he set the bottle down on the lawn chair handing me a glass. The silence was weird but not uncomfortable, but I know I might not get this time alone anymore so I decided to make the most of it,      "Thank you for not telling my uncle about me", I said as we both were looking to the sky, the stars were out and so bright, it was mesmerizing,      "I like you a lot and I know you know that otherwise you won't be trying to get me jealous tonight, but that's not the reason I didn't say anything, I didn't tell him because I don't know myself what to believe with you anymore", he replied neither of us turning to look at each other, I couldn't even if I wanted to, I couldn't stop hearing the words I like you and I'm pretty sure I was blushing like crazy.      "Thank you",      "Why were you avoiding me gabi, that hurt a lot. I spent every day here just to see you, to talk to you and yet you hide in your office not spearing me a second thought", This is what I was avoiding, but I could hear the hurt in voice, I sigh and turn to him, involuntary touching his leg with mines,      "Only you know I was trained and when Faith asked me about it I felt betrayed, I know I told you to stay away but I really don't want you to, after tonight I'm not sure when we will get time alone anymore so I would really like it if we forget all the hurt and enjoy ourselves",      He looked at me and nod, we sat there for a few minutes before he stood and extend his hand, I took his and instantly felt a spark, my body was alive and goosebumps rose all over my arms, I thought we were going inside but he circle his arms around my waist pulling me into his chest and started swaying. That when I realise My Immortal by Evanescence was playing, it was one on my and Sarah's favorite songs. I looked up at him and placed my arms around his neck playing with his hair as we slow dance to one of my favorite songs. I'm not sure if the song was still going on or not but at this moment the way he was looking at me the way I felt being in his arms was perfect. We were in our moment just the both of us as he slowed his movement his eyes dropped to my lips and then back to my eyes again, he dipped his head a bit and I tiptoed the rest of the way crashing our lips together, our lips moved perfectly together perfectly in sync with each other, it was totally different from Faith's its like I was meant to be there, he pulled me closer running a hand up my back causing more goosebumps, I could feel the moisture pooling between my legs, he passed his tongue over my bottom lip and I opened giving his access and that when our sweet and soft kiss turn into something heated, passionate and full of lust. We both fought each other for dominance with our tongue but I was so turned on I gave up letting him take control, before anything could get further he pulled away pressing his forehead against mine,      "f**k Gabi, you know long I wanted to do that",      Letting out a giggle I placed my hand on his chest and smiled at him,      "Likewise Nicolai, you have no idea",      His deep chuckle send a wave of lust through me causing my body to shiver,      "You're looking so f*****g beautiful tonight, please tell me your not with Alex",      "NO, Elliot asked him to be my date tonight",      "hmmmm",      "I think we should go back inside, I'm pretty sure Audrey will be ready to cut the cake soon",      "OK but stay close to me ok, I'm not sure I control my jealousy after tasting those sweet lips of yours",      Damn this man I blushing again and he just chuckle.
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