Chapter 8

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   Mature content ahead........ As predicted Audrey was waiting on me to cut the cake, it was a simple chocolate cake, my favorite. After the cake was cut and all the guess left my aunt and Uncle went to there room as they both have work tomorrow, Alex and the guys stayed and played different drinking games that Elliot had planned out, at some point in the night Nicolai and I were sitting side by side closer than what we normally would, thank heavens no one paid attention to all the little touches and the not so silent glances, they were all to drunk.     It was well after two in the morning when we finally got Audrey in her bed, Nicolai took care of Elliot while I took blankets to Seth, Blake and Isaac who was passed out on the sofa, then made my way to my room to change before heading to the office to crash, I left my room for Nicolai to sleep in seeing that Alex and Stefan stayed in the guest room. I started unzipping my dress when I felt his hand slowly moved the straps and then his lips on my neck, I didn't need to look to know it was Nicolai, the way his soft lips pressed against my neck sent an uncontrollable wave of pleasure through me,      "I thought you were going to bed", I whispered tilting my head to give him access,      "I couldn't forget those sweet lips of yours, god Gabi, you have me breaking all my rules, I don't know right from wrong around you, you corrupting me baby and I'm finding it hard to fight back",      Letting out a little giggle, I turned in his arms and crush my lips into his, our kiss was more that a kiss, it spoke the words both of us didn't want to, Nicolai removed my dress and white lace underwear then placed me on top the bed hardly ever breaking the kiss, I watched as he undress himself, my eyes trail his neck to his shoulders, abs, and them his long thick c**k. My eyes lingered wondering if it would fit, he chuckled the placed his knee between my legs laying himself over me,      "Don't worry baby it will fit", with that he kissed me, he moved from my lips to my neck, doing down until he swirled his tongue around my harden n*****s,      "Nicko", I moaned arching my back wanting more, I could feel his smile against my skin, my body craved more, I craved more, he continue exploring my body teasing it with is tongue and by the time he made his way between my legs, I was a panting quivering mess,      "f**k Gabi you're so wet", he groaned, sliding his finger up and down my folds, without warning he dropped his head between my legs, sucking, licking my clit. Both my hand landed on his head pulling hair as my o****m started building, he slid two fingers inside me and I explode with an intense, body shaking o****m,      "That was hot, I could watch you c*m for me all the time",      I couldn't even talk, I was still coming down from my high, Nicolai moved up my body kissing his way up then clash his lips onto mine.      "Wait, are you a virgin?" he asked pulling away,      "No, I only had s*x once and that was with a friend two years ago and it was simply to get rid of my virginity",      Nicolai looked down, his eyes held so much emotion and I thought he wouldn't go through with it again but he entered me in one swift thrust, I moaned out loud throwing my head back as my body adjusted to his length, once I was comfortable I nudged him to start moving and boy did he move, his lips were on mine and he thrust faster and harder, pulling away I close my eyes as my next o****m build,      "Look at me Gabi, I want to see how you look when you come all over my d**k",      Nicolai and I maintain eye contact until I fell apart from another wave of pleasure, after a couple of thrust Nicolai exploded and then collapse on top of me, both of us just laid there trying to catch out breath.      After a couple of minutes he got up and headed for the bathroom while I remain laying in bed wondering if I made a huge mistake, the s*x was great but what come after is going to be a problem, I can't stay here and I can't get emotionally involved right now, Nicolai emerge a few minutes after with a wet wash cloth and gently help cleaned me up. Once he was satisfied he threw the cloth on the ground and climb into bed pulling me close to him under my blankets, I could see from his facial expression that he was worried just as much as I was.      "I shouldn't be falling for you, it will only hurt both of us but f**k Gabi, you make me weak, if only I meet you first", he whispered then kissed the top of my head, maybe he thought I was asleep but I heard it and it was enough to tell me that if I don't leave now it will only get complicated, the minute his breathing even out and I knew he was asleep I got out of bed, showered and changed, but before heading downstairs I heard a vibration on the floor, looking around I saw Nicolai's phone lighting up in his pants pocket, curiosity got the better of me and I picked up the phone lighting up the screen to see seven missed calls and a line of messages. Who can be calling him at this hour just as I was about to put back the phone another message came through and a loud gasp escape my lips, I couldn't believe it,          Nicolai, you promised your going to the ultrasound appointment with me and to chose rings, yet your not home yet, are you avoiding me, please babe please call me, I love you and can't wait to see our baby....         No, no no no, this can't be happening I ran a search on him, it had nothing about this on his file. Tears blurred my vision as the screen when black hiding the heart breaking message, my feet started to feel numb and I stumble onto the dresser holding it up for support, what have I done? I could've broken up a family, but he lied how could he do that, did he even mean anything he said, was this all for s*x. I looked over at him cuddling my pillow and my heart broke even more, he betrayed me.     Pulling out one of my yellow sticky notes I stick it to his phone and wrote a simple message,      You were right we will get hurt but in my case it was soon that expected, thanks for a great night Nicko....     I walked to the guess room and woke up the guys, they didn't asked any questions when I told them we were leaving now. I wrote out two simple notes for Audrey and Elliot placing it on there bedside tables, my uncle will be up soon so I don't have time to do much. The guys helped me packed my bags, empty my office safe and is helping clear my files from my computer, we were all busy in the office when my phone rang, pulling it out of my pocket I saw unknown running across the screen, sliding the green button I put the phone on speaker and set it on the table,      "Yes?"     "Happy birthday Gabi", Adam?     "Adam is that you?" I asked causing the guys to stop what they were doing and moving closer to the phone, Seth pulled out his phone and started typing away, while Alex moved closer towards me.      "Yea", he croaked, he sounded so helpless, tired and like he had given up, but I was relieved at least I know he's alive.     "Thanks for calling I was wondering if you would", I said knowing that his captures where close by, you see part of the training with Adam was that we could read between each other sentences very well, that used to send his wife and other members crazy we would say one thing and mean another and the fact that he got them to call made things easier.      "You know I won't miss your birthday, even if I'm busy with work",      "That's ok, I was going to call to get the recipe of that dish you guys make the Italian one, I know it's like a week to make but I was hoping to make it in four days as I have a date with Alex", I said as I looked over to Alex who just looked puzzled as the other guys, the line went silent for a while before we heard him again.      "That's a good idea, it's perfect for date night, but you can make it in three if you do everything right, now I'm sorry I can't talk long, I'm super busy at the moment ok I have to go",      "Adam wait!!!"     "What is it?"     "I love you Adam, your the best big bother a girl could ask for",      "Love you to kid",      Then the line went dead, Seth hold up his phone showing we got a number and confirmed the location was exactly the one I was looking at,      "So we are going in a date?" Alex asked looking at me with a smirk on his face, I normally would be really happy to participate in whatever little game he was playing at, but not right now I need to leave before Nicolai and my uncle woke up.      "No, it was a message between us so no one will suspect anything",      "And what did the message say", Stefan asked as he cross his arms over his chest,      "He was saying that he won't be alive after my birthday, that he is in Italy which we all know, that I have less than three days and I told him that I'm working with you guys, the I love you was a simple confirmation that I understood what he said and he understood the information I gave him",       The guys nod in understanding and then looked at me,     "So what now?"      "Well I hope you guys aren't much hungover because we are boarding planes this morning for Italy",      They all groaned but agreed to, they started talking among them self when I felt him before I heard him and I cuss my body for being so affected,      "Your leaving", Nicolai asked his voice rough still drunk with sleep, I couldn't lose control I can't cry, I can't yell at him or shoot him so the best I could do is plaster a fake smile and get out of here before I lose my s**t.     "Ahh good morning inspector Black, yes we are about to head out can we help you with anything",      The guys look between us and then stepped away, leaving a clear line of sight between us, Nicolai took a deep breath before taking a step forward, he was still shirtless and only wearing his boxers so I know he haven't seen the note or his phone yet.      "Your really leaving? just like that? did last night mean nothing to you", now I'm pissed he can't get to play the hurt one, he’s about to be f*****g married and his soon to be wife is pregnant, letting out a humorless chuckle I closed the space between us and I could still smell my perfume all over him, Isaac moved forward letting me know he's there, the tension is the room is thick and I know I will punch someone soon if I don't leave,     "Inspector Black, whether I leave or not shouldn't be your concern, your concern should be focused on whether your having a boy or a girl or what type of ring your picking out today, don't let little old me get in your head ok",       Nicolai took a step back like someone punched him, the shock expression on his face was enough to say that the message was true, even though a little part of me that hoped it was fake, but that part broke looking at his facial expression, everything he said last night, the dance, the kiss was all leading up to sleep with me and I caved, but I won't let that happen again. My heart is going in a box and sealed with pain of being betrayed. Please with the way he can't defend himself I walked passed him and out the door, the guys picked up my bags and followed me, by the time we reached outside there were two black SUVs waiting for us, without looking back I got into the first one with Alex while the guys rode in the other.      During the drive to the airport I could feel Alex staring at me,      "You got something to say", I asked keeping my gaze out the window, watching the tree change into buildings as we near the airport.      "NO, but I'm wondering if your head is in the game, you being distracted can cost us our lives",      Which is true because a major part of my plan involves using me as bait,      "If it's one thing I'm more focus now, don't worry Alex, you and your guys are safe as long as you don't stab me in the back tomorrow",      The rest of the drive remain Silent, as we got to the airport Alex led us to a private hanger, apparently The Whisperers have a private jet. As we got boarded the guys all leaned back to sleep while Alex and I waited until we were in the air to sleep.      Alex got up from his seat and motion for me to follow him, in the back they had a long sofa looking seat will pillows and blankets, he pulled the sofa out a little making space for two people, then lay down and pat the side next to him,      "I'm not sleeping with you", I told him firmly, he rolled his eyes and grabbed me pulling me into his chest and circling his arms around my stomach,     "You just got your heart broken, we will be in the air for twelve hours so instead of going crazy with your emotions, cry it out, I'm here no one has to know just let me comfort you this one time, your strong Gabi but you have feelings too, just let it out and get some rest, don't forget what your fighting for",      His words were my undoing, I turned and buried my face in his chest and let it all out, I could still feel Nicolai's lips against mine, they way we moved this morning like we have known each other all this time and out body was accustomed with each other, the way he explored my body, then how it all went crashing. I cried and cried while Alex just played with my hair comforting me, when I finally calmed down I looked up at him and smiled,      "Thank you",      "No need to thank me, we got you after all we are the G6 crew and we stick together no matter what",      Warmed spread through body as I looked over to see the rest of the guys laying next to us, everything will be ok, this is a start of something special and now that I've gotten my team, I’m out to take over. Let see who says a women can't run the world, our bloody, violent and dangerous world. 
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