Chapter 6

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    Now this is a turn of events, apart from Nicolai knowing how I run things, he also know where my guns and weapon are, looking at both of them I'm beginning to wonder if Nicolai told my uncle anything yet or has this been a set up all along, to gain my trust to get close to Marcus or Adam.      My uncle got out the car and stood in front of me, he looked me over like he was expecting something else and then grabbed me in for a hug. His body held a different kind of warmth almost fatherly, my body reacted before my mind wrapping my arms around his stomach and pressing my face on his chest. It's like hugging dad when he was around before Sarah was born. He pulled away slightly enough for me to get my head back in the game. We heard the door close behind us and then Nicolai was standing next to my uncle. I refused to look at him, I need a clear head, the close proximity of us was already starting to affect me and causing my breathing to get short.       Of the corner of my eye I saw the guy I was looking for, he was standing talking to a group of friends that he hung out with, I turn my head fully looking at him, then back to my uncle,      "I wasn't expecting you so early", I said to my uncle, looking back to the guys making sure they are still my in eye sight.      "Yea, your aunt got the job earlier than expected so we moved this morning",      With a simple nod of understanding, I looked back to the guys again and then back to my uncle, it only now occurred to me they might be locked out the house.       "Are you here to get the house keys?" I asked, dipping my hands into my bag to get the keys,       "Actually no, your dad gave us his set of keys, we are here to take you to the station, to get a proper statement from you over the events that took place during the weekend, also to inform you, your friend Faith is being placed into witness protection until the court case is over",      At this point I stopped digging through my bag and looked at Nicolai who just turned his head, I looked back to my uncle, I was about to ask which event then I heard a car start, turning my head I saw the guy and his friends about to leave,      "Sure no problem, I just need a minute to speak to my friends I will be right back",  With that I bolted, I could feel there stare on my back as I ran across the parking lot stopping on the driver side of the black 2011 land rover, I knocked on the glass, then all the doors open and all five guys came out.     "You got balls Henry", The guy who was in the driver seat said and I snort,      "Look I need to speak with you, I have a offer for you. If your interest in working with me, meet me home at 8pm tonight, you are the son of The Whisperers leader Alex right?"      He looked down at me, then up to the guy in the back of me and nod, I started to turn around to head back when they all circle me, I didn't even see the other guys round the car, I looked back to my uncle and Nicolai as they started to walk my way but I shook my head saying No indicating I'm ok, looking at these guys anyone will be question if they were in school, all of them where fit and taller than me, they will surely turn heads wherever they go,      "You guys have something to say?" I questioned Alex,     "What makes you think we would come to you", he answered raising a brow at me,     "Well I know you need control and your willing to do anything to gain that, even if it means being in the same space as the person who took control from you", I said, looking at him, maintain eye contact. These guys think I'm a girl that I will cower in fear, but they will in for a rude awakening.      "What's stopping us from putting a bullet in your head", one of the guys in the back ask, without breaking eye contact with Alex, I need to show them I'm not afraid of them, I nod behind me,      "You wanna get arrested?"      They all turn their heads to my uncle and Nicolai, then a string of low curses came from Alex causing me to roll my eyes, these guys are not trained properly and if they do decide to help me, they will need proper training, like don't take your eyes of your prisoner.      "Who the hell is training you?" I whisperer yell at them, they all looked at Alex then at me with a puzzle look on there faces as to why I asked, "all of you turn your attention away from me thinking I'm not a threat but that can get you killed, listen, meet me tonight let me explain and for the love of god your coming into a police officers house hide you weapons properly", I finished looking at each of them,     Again I started to walk away but then I felt someone arms circle around my waist pulling me into a hard chest, I looked up and meet very furious dark eyes of Nicolai and concern eyes on my uncle.      "Now, now Henry", Alex said dropping his head close to my ear, all the while I kept my eyes on Nicolai,     "Can't have five of us come over for no reason, at least one of us can pretend to be your boyfriend", He said causing the guys to chuckle, breaking eye contact with Nicolai, I turned in Alex arms placing both hand around his neck tugging him closer so I could whisper in his ears,      "Don't ever put your arms on me without my permission again, and don't take me coming to you as a sign of weakness, now let go before my uncle or his partner put a bullet in your head",      Raising his head, he let go of my waist while I removed my hands from around his neck, then smiled at down at me, before nodding in understanding, as I walked back to the car I hear him call my name, turning around to look at him with a raised brow,      "See you at 8" he said with a small smile playing on his lips and then send me a wink,          With that he and his friends got into there vehicle and left, by the time I got into my uncle car I could feel the anger rolling of Nicolai, but as much as I find him attractive I can't get myself tied up emotionally, besides I'm sure he has a girlfriend or wife or something waiting on him. He couldn't possibly be upset of a couple of teenage boys. The drive to the police station was short and quiet just how I prefer it, before getting out the car I send Lucas a text telling him to call me, I need to find out if he has the papers for ownership of The Whisperers and if I could go ahead with the deal I have in mind, also I need an update, if everything goes according to my plans, I could leave on my eighteenth birthday, no one can stop me then.      The three of us got out the car and walked into the station, Nicolai separated himself from us quickly while my uncle took me into an interrogation room, inside the room there where a metal table with two chairs and a notepad with a pen sitting next to it. My uncle told me to write down my version of the events of what happened at Faith's house, thankfully that was all he asked for then he left. After writing the story Marcus and Adam told me to that night, I signed the bottom of the page, my uncle entered the room a few minutes later and as much as I'm trying to not be paranoid, I have a feeling they were watching me behind the glass. I guess they were trying to see if I would fault in my statement or stop and refocus. He read it over and then signed at the bottom, him being my legal guardian now.      Not even a minute after there were two knocks on the door and then it opened, looking at the door I was stunned into silence, my eyes grew wide and I slowly got up from my seat and walked halfway to the door. Standing at the door looking pale and tired is none other than Faith, I looked back to my uncle who took the notepad putting it under his arm and walked out the door closing it behind him.      Once the door is closed I rushed to Faith and gather her in my arms, holding her while she let out a sob.      "Faith what the f**k you're doing here, you supposed to be in witness protection or at least resting", I said while wiping her tears away, she gave me a small smile and placed both her hands on either side of my face looking at me studying my face,      "I wanted to see you and thank you for saving me, I still don't remember all of what happened but I'm just glad its over",      I placed both my hands on hers and stepped closer to her leaning my forehead on hers,      "Don't thank me, It should of stopped sooner, don't let this get in the way of living your life. Start over, finish school and get a job where you can help people as well, show those assholes that they didn't break you and who knows we may see each other in the future",      Taking a step back I led her the chair to take a seat, while I sat on the table on the side of her, we both remained silent for a while, before she looked up at me and asked the question I was hoping would slide under the raider,      "How did you know I need help?" she asked and then slightly looked to the glass and then to me, almost like warning me we were being watched,      "You called, while my mom was introducing me to my new step father, he didn't want me to get into trouble so he and his security team came with me to your house, and well, they got into action as they saw what was going on",      She nod and placed both her hands on the table, she was thinking I know she knew she didn't call me but she won't say anything knowing we were being watched, then like a question popped in her head she turned backed to look at me,      "How did Mr. Edwards fits into all this", she asked, if only I could tell her the truth but I have to stick to my story, at the mention of Adam my mind drift a bit wondering if he's ok, if he's alive or is being tortured or where is his wife and kids, that's when an idea hit me, his wife has the same necklace he gave me for my birthday.      Faith must of seen I zoned out because I felt a warm hand over mine, I looked down to see her hand in mines and her eyes held a worried look,      "Sorry I zoned out, Mr. Edwards was driving by and saw my step father and I, he stopped to see if we were ok and that's when the police arrived",      "Or I thought he came to help to you, as you're training by his gym and all, I thought you were close",      Ahhh I now get it, the only person here that knew Adam was training me was Nicolai, Faith winked at me knowing I picked up on the hint she gave me, I smiled a little and shook my head no, knowing for sure now we were still being watched,      "Oh no that's was just for a few classes but it's been a while I have been there, at the time thou he wasn't our teacher so it don't matter",      We both smiled at my answer and she stood, coming to stand between my legs and resting her hands on my hips, she moved closer and when I thought she was about to kiss me I stiffen, but then she moved to my ear instead,      "Don't trust anyone here", she said as she placed a kiss on my cheek, she started to move away but I circle my hands around her stomach holding her place, If anyone was watching it would look like an intimate moment between two people, but I somehow knew she need something, some sort of closer. I pulled her back to me dropping my head on the side on her neck, it will look like I'm kissing her but it was close enough to her ear where she could hear me without the others knowing what we were talking about,      "I know they ask you to ask me questions", I said running my nose down her neck, "now, run your hands on my arms if its true and let out a small moan if it not", I whispered      On que she ran both her hands on my arms, I smile into neck and she stiffen, I could feel the goosebumps raising on her arms and she arched her neck more giving better access,      "I'm sorry, I didn't know what Britney was doing to you, but your getting another chance, so forget about me, I have already caused enough problems for you", I said placing a kiss on the crease of her neck and pulled away slightly, but I was taken aback when she grabbed my shirt and pulled in for a kiss, a soft yet painful kiss, a final goodbye, I knew instantly this is the closer she was looking for, so I tighten my hold on her and kissed her back, her lips were soft and moved perfectly with mine, but it only confirmed that this was the one and only girl I will ever kiss, this isn't for me, even though kissing Faith felt great, it wasn't no where close to what I felt with just being next to Nicolai.      The door opened and she stepped back, with one final wave she was gone. Later that evening we returned home and much to my dismay, my uncle invited Nicolai home for dinner, I was greeted by my aunt Charlotte, my cousins Audrey 15 and Elliot 17. It was well after seven when we all sat down for dinner, Nicolai and I sat next to each other, my cousins sat opposite us while my uncle and aunt sat on either ends of the table, my cousin talked about how they were excited about starting school tomorrow with me, all I did was gave small answers and nods, because, my mind was far, I was worried about Adam and his family, my dad, my mom and Sarah, Nicolai and his stupid arm that keep touching my leg, Lucas and as he ran through my mind my cell vibrated, pulling it out from my back pocket I see it the call is from an unknown number, looking up I see my uncle eyes on me,      "Can you guys give me a minute, this is important",      "Gabi, this is our first dinner with you, if it's important take it here but don't leave until you finished eating", my uncle said, but he needs to be taught a lesson soon because Gabi doesn't listen at all. I curled my finger tightly around my phone trying to not get angry, sliding the green button I answered,      "Hello?"     "Babe, so glad you answered", HUH babe? only one person calls me babe,      "Lucas?" as I said his name, all eyes where on me.     "The one and only", He said and I could almost see the stupid smile on his face,     "You got my message?"     "Yea, look we need to talk but I don't have much time",      I was afraid of this, I need to speak to Lucas but I'm sitting with two police officers at my dinner table, letting out a sigh, I decided to be as truthful as possible hopefully he could read between the lines,      "I'm not alone", I said, dropping my eyes to the plate of half eaten food,     "Ohhh",      "Yea so you have anything for me?"     "Yea, it was a set up, all Adams men are dead, the place is completely ruined but they knew someone would come though", he said and the panic started to take over, just then the doorbell rang and I ran out of the dining room without waiting for permission from my uncle. I need to breathe, the walls were closing in on me, what's going on.      "Lucas tell me everything you know now", I said as I opened the door to find all five guys standing there dressed in shirts and jeans, instead of there normal hoodie and T-shirts. I motion of them to come in and closed the door.      "Well we found his wedding ring on the front seat of his SUV, with a note that says catch me if you can, but Gabi, their is bullets holes covering the vehicle", he said and the stopped to talk to someone, while he was talking I led the guys to my office, once inside the guys took their seats while I was waiting on Lucas to finish his conversation. After a couple minutes my aunt came down to see who was here, I told her they were friends and we were hanging out for a bit. I started pacing waiting for Lucas to tell we what's going on, finally he returned to our call,      "Gabi, we got a lead I have to go talk soon",      "Wait, I need the contract for The Whisperers",      "It's in the safe behind the guns, I really need to go Gabi ok I will call soon ",      With that he hung up, I dropped the phone on my desk and opened the safe to pull out the contract, after reading through it quickly I saw that I was in control of The Whisperers, perfect. I guess either Marcus or Lucas knew I would end up alone, I dropped the contract on the table and sit back on my chair turning my attention to the guys,     "I need a crew and I chose you five, if you work for me I will give you half of everything The whisperers own plus half of the profit's",      Alex sit forward placing his elbows on his knees interlocking his fingers just under his chin, instantly darkening his gaze, I could see he was curious about the paper work on the table but he made no attempt to gather it.     "Why did you come to us", he asked, I could already see whatever decision Alex makes the others will follow.      "Because I'm not stupid, who better to offer something like this", I said gesturing to the paperwork, "that to the person or person's who knows its value",      He remain quiet like he's thinking about, the others in the room looked like they were uncomfortable, even though I can't let them know how desperate I am, I'm willing to because after the call with Lucas I'm more sure that I need to leave after my birthday to go find Adam, I only hope he is alive by the time we figure everything out. As if he could read my thought he look at me,      "We can't make a decision unless you tell us what you need from us",      That's fair considering I'm going to ask them to risk their lives. Turing on the computers I pulled up the file's and turn the screen to them,      "This is Antonio Giordano and is wife Cecilia Giordano, leaders of Giordano Mafia, they were kidnapped the night we busted Faith house, there son who I'm sure you all know as our history teacher Adam Edwards left to go look for them but was ambushed and now is missing along with his wife and kids, I have some help looking for them but I prefer to do it myself, if you guys agree in exactly one month from today we will be leave for Friuli-Venezia Giulia",      "Italy, that's quite a request but do you know us good enough to know if we could help or not",     "Don't insult me, you know as well as I do that we both did research on each other, your team consist of yourself as the gun expert, Seth the computer genius, Blake the driver with mad skills, Stefan the planner and last but not least is Isaac the one everyone calls the daredevil",      The guys smiled and if I haven't seen Lucas shirtless or weren't stupidly attracted to Nicolai I would find them attractive, they had the bad boy look down, from tattoos to muscles, perfect smiles, but it didn't make me feel the butterflies I left with Lucas and Nicolai.      "Alright Henry, let's say we agree to this, do you expect us to be friends",      "No not yet, at least lets be on the same page, we have one month of training to prepare, so you guys have to meet me at Adam gym everyday from tomorrow, that is if you agree",      "Well I guess you will know our answer tomorrow, we will see our way out",      With that they left, it took all about ten minutes after they left when I heard a knock on the door, looking up from the computer I see Nicolai entering. Leaning back on my chair I looked as he close the door and took a seat in front the desk.      "What can I do for you inspector Black",     "Well, for starters the truth will be nice, that kiss with Faith didn't seem like nothing, then these guys, Lucas, like seriously what's going on?" He questioned but he had this look in his eye, and if i'm good at reading people I would say he's jealous.      Letting out a chuckle I placed both hands on the table, this may be a good thing, he could stay away if he thinks i'm a bad person,     "Look, I don't wanna sound like an ass or anything but I think you should stay away from me, you're an  inspector and well I'm....I'm on the other side if the law, I have things going on right now and I don't need the distraction and besides I'm not going to give you evidence to use against me",      With that I stand and walked to the door holding it out for him, he got up walked towards me gave me a look over and then left.      That night I tried tracking Adam's wife, finally after lots of trying I found her in Italy, now all I need is the answer of the guys....
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