Chapter 17

1890 Words
Gabi POV     The pain was like no other, everything hurt, my body, my head its like everything that happen for the last couple of weeks came crashing down and the shouting didn't make it easier. The last thing I remember was Adam firm grip on my face. My head started to feel light right after, the dark spots clouded my vision and that was it. Darkness. The shouting grew louder as the fog cleared in my head, nothing and I mean nothing I hate more than feeling weak and whatever happened just now was me at a weak point.      "We should take her to a doctor", Alex shouted, that was literally all it took for me to come out of my foggy haze and bolt up from my spot.     "No, don't need a doctor I'm fine", I rasped as I passed a hand over my face hoping it will take away my tired and disoriented feeling. I have a lot to do and me going to the doctor means unnecessary time wasting. Alex and Lucas was at my side on the pull out sofa bed in no time, both checking to make sure I was ok, Adam stood by the door holding back a laugh because he knows I hate this type of attention.      Once they both were satisfied that I wasn't dying they both retook there seats on the end of the sofa bed. Adam, however, was a different story, he didn't need for me to tell him the reason why I fainted, it a simple reason I didn't eat and I had four cups of coffee before heading over to Ace's. He folded his hand over his chest and gave me the 'you better confess' look, rolling my eyes I got out of bed and rounded the desk and plump my ass on my chair. My head was still a bit fussy and my stomach was seriously in need of food, letting out a sign I throw a glare at Adam before explaining to the guys why I fainted.      "I haven't had anything to eat since yesterday morning and I may or may not have had four cups of coffee, this happens all the time when I don't eat, don't worry about it. Right now I need to speak with Adam can I get some privacy", I said although that's not the full truth its enough to get them of my back for now.     All three men look at me and before I knew it they all walked out arguing about me being crazy and them buying every type of fast food they could find, I smirk at there receding backs, they don't know I only eat healthy food. The minute I heard the door slam shut I got to work. Jose didn't just lose respect over what happen, this has to more. I need to start over and dig deeper. I was focus on my research on the computer that I didn't hear when the office door open until it was slammed shut. My head jerked up at the sound only to find Nicolai standing by the door locking it, he was dressed in a black tux with a folder in one hand and a brown handle bag in the other.     He looked so handsome it hurt, his dark brown almost black hair perfect styled, his dark eyes still had this massive effect on me its like its calling out something from inside of me, the stubble on his face trimmed low and his body oh my his body fit the suit so perfect. The way he moved towards me smooth without a dust of doubt and ohhh so graceful. He placed both the file and the bag on the desk before resting both hands on the desk staring at me. It took me a couple minutes to regain my composure because f**k he looked amazing, clearing my throat I turned my attention back to the computer,      "Inspector Black, the convention for villain's is down the street at 'f**k off' corner then take a right at 'lying bastard lane' there you will come up to a building with the name hypocrite on it and there you have reached your convention." I said looking up at him with a blank expression on my face, I was expecting him to be red with rage but the hurt expression on his face still affected me in ways it shouldn't, letting out a sigh I leaned back into my chair and looked at him directly in his eyes, "what can I do for you?"     "Cut the attitude Gabi, I have something important for you", He said pulling the chair to sit on it in front of me.     "And what makes you think I want anything from you", I asked with a raised brow.     "Look, I know your upset with me and you have every right to be, but I didn't run out on my wedding if it wasn't important",      Wait wedding? Was that today, f**k he got married. My eyes teared up as I looked to his finger for a wedding ring but it had none. I tried really, really hard to hide my emotion but the f*****g tear slipped before I could wipe it he saw it, I took a couple breathes before speaking hoping my voice sound as confident as I was hoping I looked,      "Right, so what have you got for me", I asked as I straighten my back trying to appear strong and not hurt at all but the way he looked at me, he knew my façade was bullshit.        "Gabi, I-I-I'm so f*****g sorry", he started but I raised my hand and shuck my head indicating I wasn't interested he got the message thou he didn't stopped looking and sighed before talking again, "Ok well, do you remember you showed me the file about Jose, well I did some research from the time of your incident until now and found out some really interesting thing, I even got my FBI buddy to help out with some of the classified information I wasn't allowed access to. Its all in the file on your desk", He finished as he pointed to the file on my desk, for the first time since we slept together he got a real smile from me. I jumped to reach the file but he swiped it back just as fast, I was about to open my mouth but he beat me to it,      "You want this file Gabi, I have a few conditions", he said as he started unbuttoning his suit jacket, of course this information wont come free, I was stupid to think something so important will just drop in my lap. Dropping back down in my seat I leaned back and looked at him, I could shoot him and hide his body on one will know but that's to easy even for me so what the hell could he want from me,      "Alright Black, you have me intrigued, hit me with it, do you need money for the honeymoon or the baby",      "No, I'm not an asshole to make you pay for that s**t, my conditions are simple, first you will eat all the food in that bag because I knew you fainted today, second I want in starting from tonight no holding back, I could help you but Gabi I'm only doing this because I wronged you, third, stop with the f*****g inspector Black s**t, my name is Nicolai or as you like to call me Nicko, lastly I want to be your friend, I can handle anything Gabi, just not the hate I see in your eyes when you look at me",      Stunned wont be able to explain how I felt hearing those conditions, can I agree to his terms and still be able to control my feelings? Hell no but do I need the information on that file, f**k yes and most importantly I could lie and string him along until I got what I wanted. With a sigh and a nod I agreed to his condition and the i***t made me eat all the food before giving me the file. As I ran through the information I couldn't believe what I was reading everything made more sense, I looked up at him to see he was rolling up his sleeve and folding back the sofa bed, as if sensing my eyes on him he looked over at me over his shoulder and smiled and I returned with one of my own.       "So Gabi, were do we start? if your ok with my suggestion, I think you should do a time line and track his movements", Nicolai said as he started pulling sheets of paper from the printer and laying it on the floor, reluctantly I agreed with him, he didn't become and inspector for fun he knows his s**t.      "Wait", I said stalling his movement, "Don't you have to get back to the wedding?"     "Na, rescheduled it for the next two weeks", he said shrugging his shoulders getting back to his work.     One hour and thirty minutes later, I had informed him of all the incidents that took place, he was surprised and tried hard to not show his annoyance whenever I spoke about Lucas and Alex. Nicolai and I had the first year drafted out, we labeled all the important movements and transactions, we were about to start year two when he cleared his throat to get my attention,      "So you made a deal with Asher?", he questioned, I should of been surprised or upset but I wasn't, I was to overwhelmed with the information in front of us and as much as I wanted to lie, I agreed for him to be in so I stuck to the truth.     "No, offered some help in return to use there facility, I didn't get to made a proper deal with them. Adam came and got me",      He hummed in acknowledgement, he was about to ask another question when we heard voices from outside, from the voices alone I knew was Adam, Lucas and Alex. Nicolai stiffened beside me and I laugh a bit causing him to glared at me. The door swung open and the three men walked in laughing at something Adam said but the laughter quickly died when they saw Nicolai and me standing side by side.      It all happened so fast one minute they all rushing towards us next minute I'm pointing a gun towards them stalling them, thank f**k Nicolai always walk with his because Adam cleared out all mines. Both Lucas and Alex was breathing heavy, both full of rage, Adam however always the thinker stood closer to the door taking in everything. With my gun drawn and my stance firm in front of Nicolai I signal the men to move back a bit before I address them,      "I know we are all upset at the moment, but there are bigger things at work here than a stupid heart break, I know you all want what's best for me and I appreciate that but Nicolai came to me with information none of us could of gotten as an olive branch which I took, so as part of our deal he is one of us for now. Do I make myself clear?"
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