Chapter 16

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LUCAS POV     "Let talk inside",       With that we all walked inside, I was instantly stunned at the interior. Modern tables line the glass walls with a big black and white bar in the center of the room, from the ceiling there were long hanging light fixtures swayed as the air condition kicked on. The floor was white, and surprising clean for a MC club. Behind the bar a beautiful tall blond woman stood, she had huge t**s and a top that barely covered it, she looked at all of us but the minute her eyes landed on Alex she immediately blushed and make her way over to him.      We all looked at her as she swayed her hip in a seductive way as she made her way closer to Alex, the fact that she had on some really short shorts wasn't helping it either. She's beautiful but she isn't what I want. I looked over Gabi who held her emotion to perfectly, but the twitching of her fingers was a dead give away. The blond stopped in front of Alex, peered up at him pushing her body flushed into his, he looked down at her and at that moment she pushed up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips into his.      I saw Gabi stiffened but other than that she showed no emotion, his brother however was a f*****g hawk he notice all her extra movements and twitches and I knew now was the time to step in and get this f*****g over with. Its one thing to come here when Adam isn't here to help but to come here without back up was downright idiotic and reckless. I cleared my throat and looked to Alex brother,      "Can we get this over with, boss has somewhere she needs to be",      "Yes of course, follow me, would you guys like something to drink", he asked as he grinned at his brother who was trying hard to push the big boobed blond away.     "No alcohol for any of us, water and leave the bottles closed", Gabi replied as she followed him towards a hallway. She didn't bother to wait on Alex and I cant say I was happy about that, because I knew she was still messed up over Nicolai. The five of us walked down the hallway into the last door at the end, inside was something similar to a small apartment. The room consist of a small kitchenette, a wet bar, a huge glass table with eight black leather chairs, an office desk with a model apple computer, and a room divider that closed of the other half of the room.     Apart from the white walls and black furniture the room was oddly normal, not what I was expecting from them, although judging by Gabi unimpressed expression I have a feeling she already knew the lay out and the look of the place. We all took a seat and not even a two minutes later Alex entered and took a seat next to Gabi, the blond came in with a huff as she spot Alex next to Gabi then dropped the bottles of water extra hard on the table glaring at Gabi before she left, I would of laughed but now isn't the time. Once every one was settle in the room Alex brother started the meeting,      "First things first, what do you want in exchange for the information your about to give", he asked Gabi as he placed both elbows on the table clasping both his hands. Gabi took a deep breathe and relaxed back into her chair,     "I want to be the one to deal with the rat and I would like to use your facilities in doing so I will remove the band your father placed on you, meaning you will be able to use the port and have access to our area for transport, but before anything takes place you have to agree to co-operate with your brother seeing as he will be running things when I'm away".     Away? Wait was she going somewhere, I looked over to Alex who had the same confused expression on his face. His brother however didn't wait, he agreed immediately, Gabi passed the flash drive to him and waited as he scanned the footage. By the end of the footage he was seething, he pulled out his phone and send a couple of messages before going to the bar pouring himself a drink. Gabi stood up and we were about to follow but she raised her hand stopping us. Everyone at the table looked closely at the interaction of both Gabi and Alex's brother.      They both stood by the bar with there backs towards us, we couldn't hear what they were talking about but Gabi would giggle of and on, Alex brother put a hand on Gabi shoulder and leaned down to whisper something in her ear and Alex almost lost it, the i***t need to mask his emotions better clearly she's getting him bad for big boobed blondie. As Alex stood to make his way over to them, the door opened and about ten men walked in. All of the men looked like they just came back from a ride and were fully dressed in there ripped jeans, white T-shirts and leather cuts. One of the men paled as soon as he saw us. In this situation we were out numbered and as much as I wanted answers for Gabi, I didn't want to fight my way out of here especially when my body was still hurting from the Italy incident. Gabi turned and looked at the men until her eyes found her target, with a simple nod all the men left except her target, he was about to leave when Gabi pulled her gun and pointed it at him.      "Mac, how nice of you to join our little meeting", Gabi greeting the man, he looked at Alex brother and then to Gabi, realization kicked in and he instantly steeled himself, his actions cause Gabi to smile as she holster her gun and walked over to him.      "Its good to see you know whos in the room with you, it just makes getting answers a lot easier",      He looked down at her and with disregard as rage and disgust was plastered on his face, clearly he have no respect for woman and seeing that Gabi holds power over him, he's not pleased he's disgusted by her,      "I'm not telling you one f**k and if you think boss man with help you then your defiantly as screwed as he said",      She looked at him and then she smiled, she f*****g smiled. I have no idea what the hell she is planning to do but I do know that these men are not easy. To break them would be almost impossible. The minute Gabi stepped away Alex brother grabbed Mac and pushed him into a small room just on the other side of the office, the two men who with us, opened the divider to a view of the room were Alex brother was about to handcuff Mac to the chair but Gabi stopped him and told him to leave. He rejoined us and the five of us watched as she removed her jacket throwing it on the chair that was placed next to the door. She leaned on the door and folded her arms as she take in Mac.      Mac's a tall with a toned body that screamed danger, he was covered in tattoos but even as scary as he looked he was visibly uncomfortable and he wasn't trying very hard to hide it, the knocking on the door made him jump and the bikers on the side of me laughed at there former brother. Alex and his brother faces were stone, no emotion and no reaction. I knew there father was tuff but looking at them both now have me wondering what did that man do to them, he pushed his biggest son into a rebellion and the other into force leadership. What's there story, I make a mental note to get information as soon as possible.      Gabi opened the door and one of The Whispers men I see hanging around the house handed Gabi a box, then left just as quick. She set the box on the chair and walked toward Mac,      "Do you know that torture is illegal? it doesn't matter if its physical or psychological its still illegal."     Mac started to laugh as if the facts was funny, Gabi stopped and leaned against the wall looking at him, if its one thing I know about her is that she loves information. Gabi loves to study people, get all the facts on them and use it against them and what's she loves even more than anything is when someone underestimate her and seeing Mac laugh at her is fueling her more than anything.      "Little girl, what are you going to do to me? you're like fifteen and I'm two times your size so if you think you can beat or torture me it wont work",      Gabi, titled her head to the side and smiled at Mac as he laughed at her, full belly laugh. Once he was finished she moved to the box and opened it sticking her hand inside for a couple minutes. When she pulled out her hand we all stilled in the room, on her hand crawling slowly up to the elbow was a Mexican Redknee Tarantula. Mac stopped laughing but he wasn't as scared as us in the room. He had a smirk on his face like he was baiting her.      "Like I was saying torture is illegal but in our life illegal or not we still do it don't we, but you are right on one aspect, your bigger than me so hitting or cutting you wont be fun so I nixed the physical and decided on the psychological", she said as she pet the f*****g spider, like f*****g pet it like is a dog. Goosebumps raise as I watch her, I f*****g hate spiders.      "Little girl I'm not afraid of spiders, you have to tr---",     "I know, but you see your daughter is terrified of spiders, is she not and isn't it true she was hospitalize from a spider bite",      Gabi said cutting Mac of from his rumbling, he flew of his chair going for her but she pulled of her phone and showed him a video. He stilled, he looked at her and then at the phone and took his seat again.      "You see as I said psychological, I like to play mind games you know and seeing you drop that box on my front door was like you started a game with me, so I looked into you, timed your movements, your wife and daughters schedule. I took one week to know everything about you, your dealings with the FBI, the information that you sold to the other MC's club and other ridiculous deals you made thinking no one knew or the false safety of thinking no ones watching you",      Mac hung his head, I'm not sure what was on the video but she put the phone on the chair and kept petting the f*****g spider, on the side of me Alex and his brother was on there phones trying to figure out where Mac family was because apparently they didn't like the idea of Gabi speaking about his daughter, which left the question in the air, who is Mac to them?     "What do you want?" he asked, his voice low almost like a growl,      "Wow, that's not what I expected, you didn't beg for your family safety, that only means they aren't as valuable as to you as I thought, no problem on to plan B",     She picked up her phone made a call and then put the spider back in the box. Finally, everyone breathe a sight of relief as she closed the box and open the door, but then she took another box and put it on the chair. Mac didn't raise his head and I think its because he didn't want her to see his weakness.      "Right so your daughter is no longer in danger, not that you care but I'm not as heartless as everyone thinks",      She said and his shoulders slumped in relief but it was shorty lived as her phone rang, a video call and on the other side we could hear a woman screaming, Mac head snapped up and he was out of his chair but before he could reach Gabi she pushed the box in front of him and a huge black snake slid out. All of us jumped back from the viewing glass like some bitches, Alex and his brother looked visually shaken and the other men in the room started looking around like they were expecting more to come out.      Mac screamed and jumped up on his chair while Gabi leaned against the door hold her phone up for him to see.     "Please ", he cried, like actual cry with long heavy tears, "Don't hurt her, she innocent in this please, please I will tell you any but please don't hurt her", he begged, it should of made Gabi happy but the rage that was coursing through her was visible through her eyes.      "You're begging for your side piece and not your daughter, you're a worthless piece of s**t. Now enough with this fuckery, what was the message that was sent for me"      "I don't know what message your talking about, they delivered a box to me and handed me a piece of paper to put on it, all they said was to deliver it and a hundred grand will be wired to my account",      Hold on, what the f**k is going on, what message? Alex and I glimpse at each other silently asking if we knew what she was talking about but none of us knew. Gabi went up to the Mac ignoring the snake at her feet, grabbing his T-shirt and pulling him on the floor. Mac was shaking with fear, another scream came out of Gabi phone and Mac cried harder.     "DONT f*****g LIE TO ME", She shouted, pulling him closer to the snake, he was to scared to fight back, he was weak and in this moment I'm even more happy I told Marcus to f**k of, because that women in there is to smart, calculated and cold to fight against, I have tortured many but never once did I think to do this way.      "Ok, Ok, he said, this is only the beginning and you can't protect everyone you love, he said you cost him billions and he intent to make your life a living hell, I heard him saying you embarrassed him and his family thinks of him as weak link",      Gabi let go of Mac and picked up her phone telling the person on the other end to clear out of the side chicks house. After she picked up the snake and put it in the box and set it outside the door.      "Last question, Who killed Faith?"     "I don't know his name but he's the man right hand, he bragged about how he r***d her before he killed her that's how I knew, please I told you everything I knew, please, don't hurt her", he begged, while kneeling on the ground with his head dropped in defeat. Gabi grabbed a fist full of his hair and look him in his eyes,     "I don't hurt innocents, now tell me how he contacted you",      He struggled to pull out a phone while Gabi was still holding his hair, once he handed it over she pushed him forward and started going through it, when she found the number she was looking for she put the phone on speaker and looked focus her attention on Mac again.     "Why are you calling me?" A rough voice came through the speaker, Gabi's stood straighter and her cold mask was slipped into place.      "I got your message loud and clear, but you haven't been paying attention to mines, wasn't my earlier message clear for you?"     The man on the line chuckled and Gabi's anger sored,      "Gabi, Gabi, Gabi I see you meet Mac, I have to admit that was fast but enough of these games how about you just give up and we end this here and now",      "How about you f**k off and take the hit of me and come kill me yourself or are you to scared, you like hiding behind people don't you, is that why your family thinks of you as the weak link, I wonder",      Gabi snapped, the line went silent for a bit and all of us take in everything that was going on in the room. While we were waiting my phone vibrated, I answered without looking at the ID only three people know this number and two are with me,      "Your back?"     "Yes, where are you all?"     While I try to think of a good lie, the man on the phone with Gabi started again,     "This isn't over Gabi", then the line went dead.     "Lucas where the f**k are you",      I sigh into the phone knowing we were about to get a blow out of a life time.     "Adam, we at the Ace's club house, we will explain to you, when we see you",      "Don't bother I'm on my way"  Gabi left the room and kicked the box with the snake back inside before coming back to meet with us. We all looked at Mac crying his lungs out as the snake circle the chair he was standing on. After a while Gabi sent out a text and two men enter the room and took the snake away. We all took a seat at the table while we wait on Adam. Although she had no idea Adam was coming I'm just glad she didn't want to leave.      "Thank you blue", she said to Alex brother.      "Please call me by my real name Asher and not my road name",      "Alright Asher" she said with a smile causing Alex rolled his eyes at them.      "I have to say you impress me, I would of beaten the s**t out of Mac ",      "It wasn't my intention to impress you but I was hoping that I could get on your good side, I need to take over some territory and I was hoping you would help me and as for Mac I knew I couldn't physically hurt him so I went with the other option",      Both Alex and I looked at each other, we didn't need there help so why was she asking for it. We already had everything planned to take over the smallest territory so what's her end game here, Asher open his mouth to say something when Adam stormed through the door. He stopped and take in the room before walking over to Asher and shook his hand.      "Asher good to see you again", Adam said with a small smile on his face,      "Adam always a pleasure to see you man, what's going on that you came busting through my door",      "Nothing much just couldn't find my sister", he said as he glared at Gabi, Gabi however just played it out with a shrug but I'm pretty sure she just as curious.      The both men talked for a bit, mean while Gabi type away on her phone. Alex and I just sit there f*****g lost. When Adam and Asher finished there conversation we said our goodbyes, neither did Alex or Asher spoke to each other. As we got outside Adam grabbed Gabi's hand and guided her to his van. Alex and I got into ours and we all made our way to Gabi's house. Once we got there we all went to her office, the tension thick and for the first time I see Gabi bend her head as Adam paced the office.      "DON'T", He shouted, as he grabbed her face raising her head, his grip was hard and as I took one step to get involve Alex grabbed my hand to stop me.      "Don't f*****g bow for anyone, you raise your head. You've done all this by yourself, be proud don't f*****g bow",      "I'm sorry Adam I should of told you", she said in a whisper, he released her face and walked behind her desk and took a seat.     "Carlos Jose Hernandez is back and from I gathered he isn't with his family business anymore and his number one enemy is Gabi, so from now on things are going to change starting with no secrets, and I don't f*****g care Gabi, tell me everything",      As Adam finished, we stood there waiting on her explanation but all we got was silence and then out of no where Gabi fainted.
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