Chapter 18

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Gabi POV      "I know we are all upset at the moment, but there are bigger things at work here than a stupid heart break, I know you all want what's best for me and I appreciate that but Nicolai came to me with information none of us could of gotten as an olive branch which I took, so as part of our deal he is one of us for now. Do I make myself clear?" I said standing firm showing there is no room for debate, Adam already figured out my hidden message and relaxed a bit but still kept his eyes on the guys waiting on there reaction. As always Lucas cave first with a nod and a death glare pointed directly at Nicolai but Alex he remained focus on my face looking for any kind of uncertainty, any doubt of my decision. After a few minutes, Adam cleared his throat and nod in agreement for both him and Alex. However, Alex wasn't done, he looked at Nicolai dead in the eyes before dropping his voice into this cold deadly sound I never heard before and oddly that voice got me a bit turned on, now I understand why he was feared so much before I meet them,      "I don't give a f**k about your agreement, you're a cop first and foremost, so one wrong move and I WILL put a bullet in your head",      I dropped the gun and looked at Alex in a new light, that was hot, the voice, the half lid eyes, the dark aura, WOW how the f**k didn't I see this side of him before. Alex in the moment walked up took the gun from my hand and dropped a kiss on my lips and hot damn I leaned forward. His warm soft lips was full of force and moved perfectly with mine, lighting up body and sending bolts of pleasure to my core, his tongue dipped in almost teasing me in the most fierce kiss I ever had but it was to short, to quick, the minute he pull back he had me desperate for more. Yep, he marked his territory and now I can't think straight.      Alex took a step back and Lucas took a step forward grabbing the back of my head bring my lips to his and I swear my knees almost gave out, his kiss was different it was softer, almost like making love to my lips, but it still had this intensity that was like no other, as if he knew my legs was about to give out he circle his arm around my waist and moved my body closer to his. When he pulled away I was gone, lost in his eyes and his arms, everything was fazed out just Alex, Lucas and I, these men laid claim and I should be upset by the show they put on but NO, I'm absolutely smitten.     Nicolai cleared his throat and everything came back, Lucas stepped back both he and Alex had matching smirks on there faces and only then did I regain my composure. I knew they ok with us sleeping in the same bed together but when did agree to share me, am I insane to actually want it but can I allow my heart to get broken again, just a few hours ago big boob blondie kissed Alex. What the f**k is wrong with me? Adam moved over to the desk at some point and had the folder in his hand,      "If you guys are finish I found something", Adam said pulling out some papers from the file and arranging them, clearing my throat I side stepped Nicolai without looking at him and move towards Adam.     "So what did you find?"     "According to this, the day after your incident he was supposed to meet someone at a warehouse to claim a shipping container but the FBI stormed the building and confiscated said container", Adam finished but the look on his face was one of utter disbelieve.      "What was in the container?" Nicolai asked as he took his seat next to my desk but further away from me. Adam raised his head and looked at us before dropping the file and walking out the office. Nicolai took a peak and shook his head,     "What is it", I whispered,      "Women and children, Jose was into human trafficking, the FBI got them out, but, according to this they took to long, it looks like some died ", he answered but he didn't look up at me, and now it clicked, everything that was said, the money, respect and family that he lost was because of the women and children he lost.      f**k, this is a soft spot for Adam. After his step sister was killed he made it his duty to try an save as much women and children he could, he used his resources in the mafia to help him and that's when the family name went down. Human trafficking has a lot of money in it, while many families don't agree to it they still broke there alliance because of the favors Adam was calling in. He was breaking all the rules, I always vowed to help him when he finally initiated me but plans changed. I left the office and ran after him. Adam was standing next to his van on his phone shouting at someone and judging by how his body was rigid I knew that was a very serious conversation, I stood back and waited until he finished.      While waiting on Adam, my uncle, aunt, Audrey and Elliot pulled up. My uncle was first to come out fuming, his light gray suit fit perfectly on his body and if he wasn't so upset he would of looked handsome, my aunty came out next waring a light gray of shoulder, fitted, floor length dress to matched my uncle suit, Audrey was wearing my dress I wore for my birthday and Elliot was in a dark blue suit with a white shirt inside and a dark blue tie to match. My uncle marched right up to me making me stumble back a bit,      "Where is Nicolai", he hissed, his eyes wild with rage and I already know why he's here.     "In my office, why?" I asked in the most innocent voice I could muster.     "Why? are you f*****g kidding me, he left his bride at the alter", he shouted,     "Ooooo",      He didn't wait for me to ask any questions, he pushed pass me and rushed down to my office, against my better judgement I follow him leaving Adam outside. I knew he was safe and when he was ready he will seek me out to explain. The minute he saw Nicolai he rushed up to him grabbing by his shirt and throwing a punch straight to his jaw. Nicolai fell to the ground from the force of the punch, his mouth started bleeding dropping blood all over his suit. My uncle grabbed him by the back of his shirt and haul him of the ground, he was about to hit him again when Alex threw Nicolai gun at me and I pressed it against my uncle back stopping him.     "Let. Him. Go",      "Don't f*****g get involve, this has nothing to do with you", he snapped, now I may not have fully forgiven Nicolai yet, but deep down I can't see him get hurt and besides he is one of us now I can't just let him get beat up. That will make me as a leader look weak.     "I said let him go", I snapped pressing the gun harder into my uncle's back. He pushed Nicolai forward then took a step back and turned to me. He angry and I could see why but I didn't ask Nicolai to come he did that on his own.      "He left his wife at the church to come here, to come and be with YOU", My uncle shouted, I didn't flinch nor dropped my gun, I maybe his niece but I'm no push over and its high time he sees what I am capable of. I respect my uncle a lot but I will not stand to be disrespected in front of my people.      "Soon to be wife", I corrected earning a death glare from my uncle, without removing my eyes from my uncle I showed him just now much control he have left of his family. "Audrey, Elliot is that the truth?" I question dropping my voice to tell them know how serious I am,      "No, Nicolai never showed, but he did send a message saying something important came up", Audrey answered, my uncle shot her a glare.      "That changes nothing, what couldn't wait until after the wedding, Gabi, you have to understand, him leaving his wedding for you is not acceptable",      I could help it I laugh, like really emotional blackmail, doesn't he know I don't care. I dropped the gun and toss it back to Alex. I don't have time for this s**t, I have to take care of Adam.    "Nicolai thank you for your help today, you can leave", I didn't wait for a reply, I simply left and headed for Adam. Adam however was already waiting for me, he grabbed my hand and guided me up to my bedroom and locked the door. Once inside he started pacing,      "What's going on?" I asked,     "We leave in two weeks to Italy, that container was the one I was supposed to intercept, it belonged to the Russians, Gabi, this is so much more, if Jose form an alliance with them then nothing we do can keep us safe we need to start rebuilding alliance's",      With a nod we both headed back down stairs to call it a night, we were all tired and despite everything that took place I need to speak to Alex and Lucas about that kiss, I don't mind being with both of them but if we are to do this, I need to know they are serious because I have an empire to build and no time for s**t.      Everyone was already in the living room when we came down, Adam and the guys put the food they bought on the table while I sneaked away to check my phone. I know Adam said no more secrets but guess what I don't always follow orders and he should know that by now. I stood in the bathroom on the main floor and saw I have five me messages,  A: "I need my brothers out, I will still be at your disposal, something life changing happen and according to our agreement my family safety comes first",      I'm not an ass and I'm not heartless if they want out its fine by me I already have enough on my plate to worry about them, I replied to that one first before checking the others. G: Agreed. A:" Got some information for you will be in Italy in one months time", G: "Three weeks and be prepared to stay we are expanding", A:"I need you to call me ASAP" A:"Fuckkkk the FBI just raided one of the warehouses I'm surveilling", B:"You have a meeting in three days, meet me at the club house and I will take you and leave my p***y of a brother behind, Asher",      After sending a quick reply to Asher, I tried to call Andrew but he didn't answer. I tried six times before someone knocked on the bathroom. I open the door to see Lucas standing there with his hand in his pocket and his head titled to the side.      "Everything ok",      "Yea, let go eat I'm hungry", I reply as I walked pass him, from the look on his face I know he didn't believe me.     We both walked into the dining room when my phone vibrated with a message from a number I didn't know, "Got something really important for you to see, be there tomorrow morning, A", "Stay safe, G", 
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