Chapter 15

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Lucas POV     We all sat there with her going on six hours now, Adam, Alex, Elliot and I. No one wanted to move her or even touch her, I guess we were all afraid of how she will react. Seeing Faiths head in the box was a reality check, someone is surely after Gabi and I couldn't do my assigned job again. I grew attached to her and to be honest I wasn't expecting her to come rescue me, Adam, sure but me no way. She has this way of making me forget my goal, my job, my loyalties and that never happened before. Working with Marcus doesn't leave much time for a relationship so random one night stands was all I allow myself to, but, the minute she landed her fist in my face I was immediately captivated, I wanted to get to know her. The way she moved after that with such confidence and grace only cemented what I started to feel for her. I'm sure as f**k not letting Nicolai near her again, Alex however, I need to have a talk with him because no matter what I'm with her to the end, even if it means sharing her with that asshole kid.      It was a little after ten at night when she finally stood up, she thanked us all for being there for her and then headed to her office before any of us can question her. Adam instructed us to leave her for a while and as much as I didn't want to, I knew he was right because he knows her better than all of us. Alex and the guys left to put things in place as per her instructions, Elliot went to organize sleeping arrangements which gave me enough time to do what I needed to do. I went down to the basement and knocked on the door letting Gabi know I have some stuff to take care of and I will be back shortly, she didn't answer but I knew she heard me I could hear the keys on the keyboard as she typed.      One hour later I stood in her yard with a new burner, I don't exactly know how to do this but I've made my decision. Breathing out a breath trying to calm myself, I looked over to the house to make sure I'm alone, it was in darkness meaning everybody was asleep. Its now or never, dialing the number I wait as it rang a couple times before I heard his gruff voice over the speaker,      "Speak",      "Marcus", I never called him that before so I'm sure he knows something's up "Its Lucas, I want out I cant to this anymore", I said and immediately I could hear shuffling on the other side.      After a few minutes of listing to movement and closing of doors I heard him sigh on the phone,     "Lucas, what happened now?" he questioned but he didn't sound to angry he sounded more tired.      "She came and rescued us in Italy, then she fought like a f*****g champion to get us to safety, she different and I don't want to take part in your plan for her", I said letting the honestly in my voice be heard so he can hear the truth in my voice.      "You fell for your target, you f*****g i***t I need her to join me", He hissed, I know how important this is to him, but, I can also see that she was never meant to follow she was only meant to lead.      "Marcus, I didn't fall for her, I respect her a lot after everything she has done for us and beside there is no way in hell she will join you now",     "What is that supposed to mean?"     "She got a delivery this evening, it was a box and inside the box was Faiths head since then she's not herself", I said looking at the porch were the box was. He hummed in understanding like he's thinking, the line went silent for a bit,     "Alright Lucas you can come home and I will send someone else to take over", he said dismissing me, red hot rage course through my veins as I pictured another on of these fuckers close to Gabi, did he really think I would come back?      "Marcus, I'm not coming back and don't send anyone else here otherwise I will tell her the truth and trust me you wont want her to come after you", I snapped hanging up the phone not waiting on his reply.      Ever since Marcus married Gabi's mother he has been obsessed with Gabi, I have no idea what she told him but it was no mere coincidence that he was there the day they went to pick up Sarah. He was studying her and I can surely say I'm proud as f**k of the way she conducted her self. No matter what I have to let her know I'm here for her no matter what she choses to do, but first, I need to sort out my family before Marcus gets to them.      It took some time but I got them on a plane to the states to stay with a friend for a while. Once everything was settled I made my way to the office were I found Gabi on the soda bed passed out. Taking of my jacket, T-shirt, shoes, socks and last my jeans I climbed in dragging her into my chest, she stirred and looked up at me with those beautiful brown eyes,     "Lucas, did everything go smoothly", she asked in a groggy sleepy voice surprising me.      "What are you talking about?" I asked, trying to sound confused as I running my fingertips through her hair. She let out a light chuckle as she pulled away from a little and put a stern expression on her face, gone was sleepy and cute Gabi to the strict and bossy Gabi.      "Let me rephrase, how did Marcus handle you telling him off?" I jerk back, pretty sure the shock I'm feeling is displayed on my face, how did she know? was she spying on me? as if she could read my mind she placed hand on my chest bring my focus back to her.     "I wasn't spying on you, I have security cameras all over this place with enhanced audio, when you came back and started talking I heard everything, I must say I'm surprised you would do that especially when your not falling for the person", she said laughing a bit at the end. I blew out a breath and lay flat on my back staring at the ceiling. This girl, no woman, surprises me every time. She followed and we were both staring at the ceiling in comfortable silence and I know she may have questions, I might not get alone time with her again. Still staring at the ceilings I gather my thoughts before talking to her,      "Marcus has been obsessed with you the minute he and your mother talked at the business meeting they meet at," I said looking at her for a reaction but she showed nothing, I couldn't read her face no matter how hard I tired so I continued to inform her about what happen, "then they shock the f**k out of everyone by getting married. I still don't know what was said but when she told your father she was taking you, he flipped out on her and threatening both her and Marcus. Marcus sent me to keep tabs on you and that was harder that expected because the only time you slipped was at the mall",      She looked deep in thought like she placing pieces together before sitting up and grabbing her phone, it must have been going of because she frown at the screen and then typed out something and toss her phone back on the desk.      "What did he send you to do?" Gabi asked narrowing her eyes at me,     "He wanted information on you, like who your close with to use that information to force you join him, when I told him the only person your close to is Sarah he didn't believe me, it was then he decided to come with your mom. Why do you think he so persistent on you joining?"     "I'm not sure Lucas but I think I need to speak to dad", Just as she finished her sentence, we both heard the sound of the keys on they keypad outside the door and the office door opening.      Alex stepped in pausing as he looked between Gabi and I, both of us laying in bed under the covers close to each other. I was expecting him to throw a fit but all he did was strip down and got under the covers on the other side of her. She sat up helping him so he could be more comfortable. He looked between both of us with a raised brow,      "Who are we going after now?" he asked as he got more comfortable,     "Nobody, yet, we are trying to figure out why Marcus sent Lucas to get information on me", Gabi said as she settled her self between us. I won't lie this felt so natural not like we just meet and killed a s**t load of people in another country a few days ago. He hummed in understanding as he closed his eyes,      "Probably the same reason dad wanted you to join, your connection to Adam and his father and besides don't you have more important things to do",       He was right, we need to figure out who sent that box and if I'm right about Gabi she already did. She has this house secured like its the f*****g presidents house. Alex was about to knock out when Gabi spoke again.      "We wont be doing anything for the next week, the police are already on it so we will lay low and try to heal, we are no good if we are to injured and tired to function properly",      With that she leaned over Alex and switch of the light ending the conversation. Both she and Alex feel asleep in minutes while I stayed awake thinking. I know for a fact I cant just walk away from Marcus, its not so easy in this life. One thing is sure though I don't regret making my decision, as I look at her sleeping form I smile knowing I would burn the world for her.      The next day we woke up around lunch when Adam and his father entered the office. As Gabi expected Nevada and Tennessee were attacked Adam said he would fly to Nevada while Antonio would fly to Tennessee. This way they weed out the moles and get rid of them, surprisingly Gabi didn't ask to go she actually offered her help from Whispers stationed in each state. Both Alex and I looked at each other, Gabi had a plan and she needs Adam and his father gone.      The next morning we all gathered in the dining room and explained out situation and plan to Adams mother, Gaige and his brother and f*****g Nicolai. Seeing that Gabi asked for one month to prove god knows what everyone followed her lead. Whatever plan she had went out the window the minute she saw that box, now, she's thinking more and to my surprise she isn't bothered by the fact that Nicolai was here. Alex held a smug grin on his face when Gaige told us to take the guest bedroom instead of sleeping with Gabi in the office.      It was decided that Blake, Isaac and Stefan would accompany Cecilia, the twins and Adams kids to New York, together with some Whispers and Giordano men. Antonio and Gaige would go to Tennessee to sort out whatever needs to be done to instill respect and fear into the men and show them what happens when they betray there boss. Adam and Seth would go to Nevada and basically do the same as the older men. From the corner of my eye I could see Gabi looking at the interaction between her father and Antonio, she surely has a lot of questions and her mind will blow up if she don't just ask instead of trying to figure things out.       For the last week everything was running smoothly, we were all healing properly thanks to some awesome meds Antonio doctor gave us. New York was settled, Adam and his father had a ton of work to get done so they are staying longer than expected. Alex and I stayed at the house on the pretense of being there for Gabi's protection although all of us knew it was a pack of s**t, her uncle was still glad for the extra security. Her cousins however was some pain in the asses always in bed with Gabi when Alex and I go up. During the week Gabi told us about the locket she gave Sarah to keep an eye on her. So we constantly keep checking her location to make sure she's not moving to far.      When our healing time was over Gabi asked us both to meet her in her office, she has something she needed us to do, I was expecting something bloody or out of the country however I wasn't expecting what came out of Gabi's mouth, I looked at Alex who was frozen on spot,      "You want me to do what?" he asked her again making sure he heard her properly,     "You heard me, I want to go see your father, I need to talk to him", She replied as she leaned back into her seat giving him a pointed look not to argue with her.      He shook his head saying No and stepped back, but that didn't faze her.      "You do know I can go without you right, I already got clearance to go I just wanted you there because you know him better than anyone else, so you will know when he is lying",      Alex was still saying No, but Gabi got up holstered her gun and strapped on her knifes getting ready to go.      "Why Gabi? Why do you want to go to that sick f**k",      "Because", she said as she round the table to stand in front of him and taking his hand in hers "He will give me an insight into The Aces Motorcycle Club",      We both stiffen, we know how those fuckers work and they are brutal. Alex pulled his hand away like he was burnt, she smiled and I stood there confused.      "What's going on?" I asked looking between them ,     "What's going on is, one of their members delivered Faiths head to my house and seeing that Alex family is close to the Aces I thought he would be happy to help me", she replied taking a step back.      "Wait! What? how do you know its an Ace? they wont come around you I told them your part of my family now",      Alex said, but I'm even more confused because when I did my back round check Alex was No were close to the Aces.       "I know", she said "I did my research but I've got video evidence as proof and I was hoping to form an alliance with them seeing as I'm about to uncover there mole problem",      Gabi turned the monitor and played the video for us, I'm still lost but Alex face was one of disbelieve. He replayed the video a few times before he signed and walked out the office. Gabi and I followed him to the kitchen where he pulled out the whiskey and took a big mouth full.      "We don't need to go to my father for help I will make the call",      "And how do you know the Aces so good that you have there numbers to call them", I asked with a raised brow. He took another swing of the Whiskey before Gabi grabbed the bottle from him.     "I know them personally because my brother took over a few years back as a massive f**k YOU to dad",       Well f**k me, I wasn't expecting that. I didn't even know Alex had a big brother. Gabi had a knowing smile on her face as she placed the bottle down.      "Be ready in ten", she told us both before disappearing downstairs again.      I looked over to Alex who raised his hand indicating now isn't the time before he headed upstairs. Ten minutes later Gabi and Alex were armed enough to take down a small army, me on the other hand just had two guns on my holsters. I really didn't need much with both of them armed to a T.      The ride to the Aces club house was silent, Gabi kept playing with her flash like she was nervous but her face didn't show it. When we reached the compound Alex placed his hand on the scanner and the huge iron gate slid open. We drove up the long gravel drive way to a huge white building. The front had motorcycles parked up in perfect lines and the door was open, the front on either sides of the door had huge windows that gave sight to the driveway.      We parked and got out, Gabi in front with both Alex and I at her back. Although she don't need our protection it is protocol for the leader to be in front no matter the situation or alliance. It radiates power, dominance, fearlessness and confidence which she portrays. At the door three older men stood cross arms sporting there club jackets. Two of them had amused expressions on there faces while the one in front face was emotionless making it difficult to read. Alex posture changed, he stood straighter, his eyes harden and not once looked at the man that stood in front of us. As Gabi came face to face with the man she extended her hand,     "Gabriella Henry", she said in a firm professional voice, the man however didn't look at her but looked over her to Alex who still had yet to him his attention. He then looked down to Gabi hand and then to her eyes with a raise brow.      "Aren't you the one who sent our father to prison", he asked looking to Alex again. My eyes caught a glimpse of Alex hands as he close and opened his fist. Gabi, without looking over her shoulder read the situation and dropped her hand then clearing her throat.      "I am, but that's not why I'm here and just to be clear we came here in peace and if you keep looking at Alex like that then we will have problems", she finished crossing her arms in a way that both hand were in her jacket and I knew immediately what she was about to do. To anyone on the outside it look like she is cold and warming up her hands but to us, she reaching for her guns. He looked down at her coming close to her but with some space between them, his face showed pure rage as he spoke directly at her,     "Little girls have no business in our world, don't let a single stroke of luck make you think other wise, furthermore, I will speak to my brother anyway I deem fit and there is nothing you can do about it",      Gabi let out a humorless laugh and close the distance between them, now they were both face to face breathing in each others air, Alex stiffen and from his reaction alone I place my hand on my gun, the men behind his brother followed and the air around us was thick with tension. Gabi however was unaffected,     "You should be careful about who threaten, especially when that someone is holding the only evidence to your little rat problem together with all the information that was passed on and who it was passed onto", she said with a manic smile on her face, one that showed how ruthless she could be, at that moment I could see Alex brother knew he made a bad judgement. Alex brother face held a line of emotion but the one most visible was one of shock, he looked to his brother again but this time Alex had a smug smile on his face. He backed away and took one more look at Gabi and then nod his head.      "Let talk inside", 
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