Chapter 13

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    Adams stern gaze only made me feel more guilty. He always made sure I followed the rules and the minute he wasn't around I was breaking them. I don't always listen to anyone but with Adam, he trained me if not to follow anyone orders or rules at least to use my head before acting and I didn't. My decisions caused not only problems with Adam and I, but with Lucas as well, seeing him again bought but all the girly feelings I tried to keep away, if I had done that earlier I wont be feeling sorry for myself right now.      "Gabi, answer me, tell me how the f**k that happened",      I flinch at his tone, so cold yet so enraged he would normally be understanding with me but I guess I f****d this up big time.      "I'm sorry Adam, I f****d up big time",      "When did it happen?" He asked again, his voice dropped low almost like a growl.      "On my birthday, after everyone when to bed, it was right after I found his phone with the message from his soon to be wife about the baby and buying rings",      He let out a breath and moved us both to the bed, pulling the cover back for both of us to climb in. We both laid there staring at the ceiling. Adam and I would do this every time I night over at his house, Sarah would normally be at a friends house for a sleep over and I would train with Adam and the guys before crashing at Adams house. We would talk about almost everything from boys to my parents, he would throw hypothetical situations at me to get my input but I knew he was looking for insight for a job he was about to take.      "I told him to stay away before I left", He said tuning his head in my direction. I couldn't look at him though, I couldn't look at the disappointment on his face.      "Doesn't matter now, it happened and I cant change it my only concern as of now is going back home and sort out my business",      He hummed in agreement and once again silence over took our space. I know I need to tell him about Andrew and my fear about who is behind the chain of events. Taking a deep breath I just spilled it put for him, he's already pissed of with me, taking in the guys who tortured him will just top it of.      "I'm taking in Andrew and his family and in return, he is signing over everything they acquired and they will be getting a forty percent profit so they wont go back to live in poverty",      Nothing, just silence. Adam stared at the ceiling like he's expecting the answers to come falling from it. My eyes lids started to get heavy and I know its only a matter of minutes before I'm out, but I before I give in I need to know he isn't upset with me.      "Adam?", he hummed then turn his head to face me.      "Do you know why dad haven't allowed me to take over yet Gabi?",      Huh, that's what I was expecting, I was expecting a blow up or some very industrial language. How do I even answer that?     "Ammm, No?" I answered unsure if its the right thing to say.     "That's why, I wouldn't of made that decisions, I would have killed him already and send his body back in parts for his family", he said turning to face the ceiling dismissing the topic, but I'm not done, he has to understand, but then again no one knew of my fears. I have been keeping one secret from Adam since I knew him, as much as I tired to bury it I can't anymore not when my mind and body is telling me my worst fears are coming to life.      "Adam, a hit was put out on me for twenty million and I have an idea who it is, but before I can say anything I need to make sure I'm right. The minute we pick up your kids I need to head home and I need to get in contact with Marcus",     "Your hiding something from me but I'm not going to ask yet, but I agree we need to head out, but, can I make a suggestion? Can you leave the twins with mom and dad as least for now until we figure out something for them, they already said they have no family to return to",     Do I want to leave with out the girls? the answer is simple NO but then again I don't have a place for them back home. I know they will be safe but I don't know why the idea of leaving them is hitting me hard. The right decision is never the easy one but doing something that's right for someone else now that's a different ball game, as much as I want the kids with me to keep them safe I can't if anything today alone proves that, I haven't been able to spend much time with them and Adam's parents have stepped in an gave them the comfort and security they need.      "Yea they can stay with your parents but Adam I swear if anything happens to them it wont be a nice encounter with your father, and to answer your question the answer is yes I am hiding something from you, just trust that whatever I'm doing is all part of a plan, ok",     With a nod he got up and headed for the door just as Adam opened the door both Lucas and Alex was standing there. He stood there folding his arm across his chest looking at both of them, from where I was sitting on the bed I could see Alex looking pale as f**k and Lucas look tired and distressed. Before they both could say anything Adam slammed the door on there faces and turn back to me, he held up his hand and counted down from five with his fingers, when he reached one they knocked on the door. I don't know what game Adam was playing but seeing him smile after the f****d up day we had was nice. He opened the door again and turn to Alex,      "Weren't you supposed to be on bed rest?"     "Yea but I can't sleep I was hoping to come sleep here", he answered and to my surprise Adam let him pass but still kept Lucas outside who was rigid at this point, Alex moved over and lower himself next to me pulling the overs over us and closing his eyes. Now if this isn't weird I don't know what is, but it was nice because no matter what Alex was there for me when I need someone so it might not be so bad to be there for him now that he needs someone. Then Adam turn his attention to Lucas.     "And you?"     "I'm here to make sure all he does is sleep and beside I can't sleep as well",      With that Adam stepped out the room and Lucas walked in and stood by the door, before Adam leave I had to remind him we have four hours before we need to get the kids,      "Adam, three hours don't forget. Meet me out front", with a nod he left and Lucas closed the door.      "So can either of you explain why your here", I questioned them with a raised brow.     "Well I caught Alex standing outside your door looking like he's about to die and I need to speak with you",      "I wasn't about to die asshole I just couldn't sleep, the best sleep I ever got was when I slept next to Gabi so I thought I might test that out again", Alex murmured before throwing an arm over my stomach and knocking out. Lucas looked us over with a death glare towards Alex hand before climbing in bed next to me, so now I'm sandwich between both men.      "Thank you", Lucas said after a few minutes of silence, turning my head towards him I could see he was already looking down at me, captivating me with his mesmerizing blue eyes.      "For?", I asked in a breathy whisper,      "Rescuing me, trusting me, not blaming me for not being around I don't know take your pick",      "You don't need to thank me I did what I need to do. My loves ones need me and I couldn't stand around knowing you guys were in danger and not do anything about it", I said, Lucas slid down closer, bringing his face closer to mine, brushing his finger tips on my skin as he moved some hair from my face to behind my ear, I couldn't help but flicker my eyes to his lips, he was so close and the urge to taste him was overpowering,      "Love ones? does this mean I part of your family or am I a different type of loved one", He asked, running his finger tips down to my lower lip then my jaw unto my neck, I closed my eyes enjoying the sensation of him being so close, my breathing picked up as I felt his cheek next to mine and his lips by my ear,      "Answer me Gabi", he whispered, his voice low and raspy. I couldn't answer though I was cocooned by two incredible hot guys, one had his hand over stomach and the other had his face so close I could practically taste him, my body responded before me, I could feel the heat growing in my lower stomach, the butterflies that I tried to hide took flight. Opening my eyes I locked them with Lucas's before I could answer I felt Alex hand slip down to my hip,      "If you two are going to make out please let me know, I don't want to feel another mans junk by my hand and beside I thought you were here to make sure nothing like that happen Lucas", Alex rasped, his eyes were still closed as he gripped my hip harder pulling me closer to him, Lucas smiled and winked before he pulled away. The three of us settled in and fell asleep pretty quickly. If someone had told me a month ago that I would be sleeping besides these two men I would of laugh in there faces, but being here with them was something different something peaceful.      The sound of the c***k of the door as it opened pulled me out of my sleep, I could hear light foot steps coming towards to the bed, my body immediately went to fight mode, the guys beside me were strongly asleep with both there hands on my stomach, just as I was about to move I felt a hand over my mouth, my eyes snapped open to see Adam and his father in the room. He moved his hand from my mouth, then slipped them carefully under me and lifted me from the bed, moving carefully to ensure he doesn't wake the guys. Then he set me back down and pulled my T-shirt up to look at my wounds. Once he was satisfied he took some clothes from his father and handed them to me with a packet on meds.      "Get dressed and take the meds, we need to move now", Adam whispered ,with a nod both he and his father left the room.     Once I was dressed I took the meds and hope to god it worked fast, I looked over to the bed and smiled at the sight before me, both Alex and Lucas were cuddling. I couldn't help but laugh a little before I walked out the room. Adam and his father were standing next to the van by the time I meet them. They were checking weapons and arming themselves, Adam passed me my shoulder holster and a gun to slip in it, his father passed me two knives with a leg strap for me legs.      We were all armed by the time we took of the airport, the plan Adam made was simple, I meet with his wife soon to be ex-wife collect the kids while he and his father take point incase she does something stupid like some with armed trouble. Before we reach the hanger with the private plan we came in we dropped Adam of to get step up with his sniper riffle, then his father moved to lay in the back of the van out of sight but still were he could see what was taking place incase he is need while I drive the rest of the way.      I knew she would figure out what plane we came in and meet us there. She wasn't stupid after all I learn quite a bit from her. I pulled up next to the plane to see another blacked out SUV already waiting. I scuffed at there attempt to look intimidating,      "Stop with the attitude", Mr. Giordano whisper yell at me.      Rolling my eyes, I flashed the lights at the SUV,      "Calm your t**s Antonio, I won't endanger the kids", I said stepping out the van with both hand held up. After a few minutes the back open and the kids ran over to me. My hands were still up as I kneel down and looked over both of them, the boy already knew how things work being as he is supposed to start training as he turns ten, he was just like Adam same grey eyes and serious face, his daughter however just had his eye color everything else was her mothers. A simple nod was all I got from his son as he guided his sister towards our van and got in the back seat. I remain there looking at the SUV waiting I know I'm being watched I could feel it, I know she isn't the only one in there. Although I know the aim is to get the kids and get out I still couldn't help it, I need to know why. I need to why she would betray us, I looked up to her I trusted her with everything I had even more so than my own mother. Now, standing here thinking about everything I could feel my anger getting the better of me and I know I'm about to do something stupid,      "Are you going to hide in there or are you going to woman up and face me",      I shouted and waited and waited until finally the front door, driver side door and back door opened. Two men dresses in black suits stepped out and then she stepped out dressed in a black work suit, black heels and blood red lips. The men stood on either side of her as she walked over and stood a good two feet away from me. She looked me over and then pulled out a gun and pointed to me.      "I could kill you right here, right now and take back my kids. What's stopping me from doing that Gabi? huh, WHAT", she shouted, but something was of about her, her posture was forced the gun in her hand wasn't held firmly and she looked like she was sweating heavily, all in all she looked high. She stood there waiting on me to answer when three red dots showed up, on on each of them. I dropped my hand and took a step closer to look at her directly in her eyes,      "What did I ever do to you? What did Adam do to you? What would be so important that you turned on us, I TRUSTED YOU",      Tears rimmed my eyes but I blinked them back, I wasn't going to show any signs of weakness here,  I didn't realize how hurt I was until I started to talk to her. She scuffed and roll her eyes before closing the space between us and pressed the gun to my head.      "You became the problem, Adam focus were on you all the time, even the kids wanted you over me, and you know what I'm glad I took the offer to sell you out because now I know that no matter what nobody can save you this time", She laughed, but it was a bone chilling laugh, and that is exactly what I need to confirm my suspicion.      Before she could react I grabbed the gun and spin her around using her own hand and pressed the gun to her head, she was taller than me so I kicked her behind her knee causing her to drop hard and cry out in pain. The two men tried to pull there weapons but Adam fired a warning shot stopping them. I leaned close to her ear lifting my eyes on the SUV were I knew he was, and in the most coldest and deadliest voice I could muster I sent him a message,      "You picked the wrong side and now your going to deliver a message for me, tell him I said I'm not a defenseless thirteen year old anymore, tell him he made the wrong decision by coming back and tell him if he thinks he can get to me again tell him to remember the threat I made to him the last time I saw him",      I said and then I pushed her forward causing her to fall. I started to walk backwards towards our van not taking my eyes on there's I know he's there and I know he is going to keep his promise just as I am going to keep mines.     As I sat in the van, I reverse out and parked just outside the hanger, between two transport buses and cut of the van, it was dark so there couldn't see us while I waited silently for there SUV to pass us. Once we were clear I exited the van and waited for Adam and his father. I need to make a decision now before things get to complicated, not only do I have to protect Sarah again but I need to protect the twins.      It took all bout fifteen minutes for Adam to come back to us, he walked up to me just as his father jumped out the van. I know what they were about to say and that didn't matter it happened already what matters now is the way forward.      "Before you two chew my head of, I apologize. I should of stick to the plan." Letting out a sign I moved over to Antonio, "Can I trust you as an ally, can I trust you to keep the kids safe?",      He looked over to Adam and then to me. He stood silent for a few minutes which felt like hours when you really want something but then he just let out a breath and nod.      "Yes, you can trust me, I still don't approve of the way you handle business but I guess this is how young people handle things now",      "Good because, I need you to keep the twins and Adam kids safe", I instructed, he narrowed his eyes at me and the gave me a look over, one of those looks that a father gives his child when he catches them doing something they shouldn't.      "Why? What aren't you telling us?", he asked but now is not the time. We need to get the hell out of here.     "I can't say right now but I do know we need to leave ASAP,"      I said and then turned to Adam who was already texting on his phone. After reading the reply he got he pocketed his phone and looked to us,      "We leave in thirty minutes", he said and then he looked to his father "Dad, you and mom will take the kids to New York, our men will be waiting, Gabi the rest of us need to head back and settle out business",      I nod agreeing with him because not only do I have business to take care of, I have to confront dad about his job. I need to make a plan because whether I like it or not a nasty war is coming, maybe I should talk to Adam and ask for his help but then again I never told Adam what happened and I never told Adam the real reason why I started to train so hard.      So no, not yet, but no matter what I will win even if it means I have to play nasty. All those years training and studying I thought I will be prepared to face him again but I'm no fool, I know I'm not ready to go against Carlos Jose Hernandez the fool who tried to r**e me and the man who made the mistake to return six months after and put a gun to Sarah head while she slept peacefully. The man who promised to ruin me by killing everyone I love in front of me and the man I promise to end no matter what, and I will, no matter his father runs the Mexican cartel, money and power could tempt the most loyal soldiers. it's just a matter of time now. Your days are numbered Jose just wait I'm coming for you.
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