Chapter 12

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"Dad?"     Wait, dad?     Am I seeing right or am I hallucinating due to blood loss. I don't have to look at myself to know I'm injured. I can feel the pain slowing making its presence, and lets just say, my body f*****g hurts. The bloody knife slips out of my hand as I start to come to my senses and take in the scene before me.      Adam, his father, my father, Lucas, and the guys all stood at the doorway looking at me, I can see the disappointment in my father's eyes, but I also see a flicker of fear in the guys' eyes as they take in my appearance. Looking down at myself I see why the guys look squeamish. I'm covered in blood, my pants sticky and coated in blood at this point I highly doubt the color black can hide it. The blood on my hands still dripping from stabbing the guy.      My mind still hasn't regained total focus yet but it was enough for me to realize that it is indeed my father who I thought was spending the next five months working with his friends. Now he stands here before me in full military gear and is holding a gun.     "Dad?" I said again making sure I'm not hallucinating.      "Gabi, are you ok?", he asked slowly with caution in his voice, like he is talking to someone else who isn't his daughter, someone who he is expecting to trip off and attack them. I could see they are all in a defensive stance ready and waiting but I'm still too stunned to even think about it, the more I look at dad the more my body relaxes and I'm starting to feel everything that happened not even a good half an hour ago.      "I'm not sure of anything at this moment", I admit looking around, I can hardly remember killing all these men, and then it hit me like a train. I killed them. I killed a lot of men. Shouldn't I be feeling some sort of emotion but no I don't feel anything. A moan came from inside of the room and that's when I remember Alex and the asshole. I don't look at the table instead I look at the blood leaking from the wound on my stomach that started hurting like a b***h, my mind finally cleared enough where I can start to functioning again. Pressing my hand to it I looked to Stefan,      "Stefan, you and Blake get to Alex and that guy out of here I also need to know who he really is, Isaac, and Seth check every one of the men in here for information, if they have phones I want it. Lucas call a cleanup crew if they can't do it make sure the building is clear so we can burn it down, Adam, take everyone else out of here and check on the girls and your mother",      The pains in my body started to over power all my senses causing my vision to blur, I need a doctor and a bed soon. The guys moved quickly Stefan took Alex and Blake took the other guy. Of course Adam, his father and dad didn't listen to me but instead they helped the guys search the dead men on the ground. Lucas, however, walked up to me taking me into his arms, his warm body incasing mines calming down whatever feelings that was raging through my body, while he call the clean up crew. I know showing emotion right now is a sign of weakness but f**k Lucas was just what I need to get my self back in order.      By the time we made our way outside the clean up arrived and took over. I was still in Lucas arms much to my father's dismay, but I couldn't care much I was in and out of conscious. Stefan took over control and let us all to our hotel, throughout the ride to the hotel I could feel my father and Mr. Giordano gaze on me but I refused to look at them, right now I need to think. Someone things are not adding up, but do I voice my option or do I wait until I know I can fully trust everyone before bringing it to there attention. As we rode over I made a list of things I need to figure out,  First- Who was the man who spoke to me just before I lost conscious?  Second- How did the kill Squad knew exactly when to attack? Third- Who set us up? Forth- Who the f**k is my father? clearly he isn't the irresponsible drunk he likes to play. Lastly and the most important question- Why the f**k was Adam wife in the set up? she led us to the wrong location, did she count on me straying away from the guys so I wont have back up? If so why is she doing this, Adam loves her to death even if she wasn't directly involved she lied and that can't be over looked.      Once we arrived at the hotel, I asked Seth to book all the rooms on our floor. That way I could get some space to figure s**t out, especially with the two kids we rescued. My father, Mr. Giordano and Adam was in the room with Mrs. Giordano and the kids, apparently she started to grow fond of the girls the little time she spent with them. That gave me time to shower, pop some pain killers and dress my wounds. I needed answers, starting with the i***t we kidnaped. Once I was dressed I headed out of the bathroom only to find the guys and Lucas in my room waiting for me, Alex included. Lucas was leaning on the door, Alex was laying on the bed with his back resting on the frame of the bed, Seth and Blake were sitting on the small sofa in the room whereas Isaac and Stefan laying on the bed looking all to comfortable.      "What's going on"?     With a sigh Lucas pushed of the door and stood in front of me grabbing both my shoulders to look me directing in my eyes, his beautiful blue eyes I never paid much attention to before held mines, I could see the exhaustion in his eyes the unspoken questions I knew he wanted to ask,       "We were set up Gabi",  Placing my hand on his I answered,      "I know but right now I need to interrogate the prisoner for answers before I can focus on anything else",  He look taken aback before he released my shoulders, taking a step back and nod, one thing about Lucas is, he trust me enough to make my  own decisions, he don't question me or try to change my mind, however, Alex wasn't having it he jumped on my case,      "Like f**k your going in there without us", He argued trying to get up but only to fall back and hissing in pain.     "Alex, you cant even f*****g move, you guys stay here I can always take Lucas with me",      "Gabi, NO, you need to rest, your white with the amount of blood you lost, you could black out",      "Alex, I'm going", I snapped back at him, while I know his intentions are good, I don't have time for this I have a s**t load of questions and I need answers. Adam always said knowledge is key, knowledge is power, knowledge is difference between win a battle and losing a war.      "She doesn't trust us", Stefan murmured, so low we would of almost missed it if the room wasn't silent with tension. I snapped my head in his direction, his eyes were closed as if he didn't just said that.      "What the hell Stefan? I do trust you guys but we had a shitty couple of days, I want you guys to rest, hell Alex got f*****g shot, can you really blame me",     Opening one eye to look at me he shrug his shoulders,      "I just thought after what happened with Inspector dumbass we were bonding",     f**k he did not just say that, I turn to Lucas just as he turn to me. I know Lucas don't like Nicolai and I know I'm going to kill Stefan once we get back home.     "What happen with Black, Gabi", Lucas hissed, narrowing his eyes.     "Nothing", "She slept with him",      Both Stefan and I answered at the same time. Both looking at each other, him with a smirk and me with a dead glare. Lucas however was stupid, he stormed out before I could explain,     "Right, now that Lucas is gone lets go make a man bleed, we missed out turn today",      Stefan said as he stood and helped Alex of the bed, I had no choice but to follow them, I was to tired to argue and was actively avoiding my father, while I was in the shower I tried to sort out the situation with dad and much as I was upset I couldn't criticized him, because I'm a liar as well.      Our prisoner was being held in the bathroom of one of the rooms inside the bathtub hogtied. The guys stood outside while I pulled a chair next to the tub and removed the tape. He didn't move or flinch, he just laid there, assessing the situation.     "If you're thinking about escaping, don't, it will be less painful if you cooperate with us",      "What do you want to know?" he croaked,      "Lets start simple ok, What's your name?" I asked, maintaining eye contact. The only way to know if someone is tell the truth is through there eyes,      "Andrew Knight, leader of The Knighthood",      "Right, why did you kidnap the Giordano's",     "They were not our target, they were the bait for out target",  Surprise by his answer Stefan and Alex walked into the room to.      "Who is your target then?"     "Gabriella Henry, a hit was put out on her for twenty million and we are starting up our organization so we need the extra money",      My heart skipped a beat and my body went still, What the f**k, someone is trying to kill me. Why? and why is this guy being so forthcoming. Alex went still and I couldn't see Stefan expression. Continuing to play the part of fearless leader, I nod in understanding,     "Why are you being so forthcoming? If I didn't know any better I would say you're making this up",  He let out a humorless chuckle and then looked at the guys behind me.      "We were set up, they could've of killed my family and that don't sit well with me, what would it cost for me to walk out of here, I need to see my family",      At this point all the guys where in the room with us, Alex was about to say something but I hold up my hand stopping him, an idea popped in my mind something I could use,      "Sign over everything you acquired to me and I will let you go",      "NO, I will not send my family back to poverty", he said sternly, but I was already expecting the answer, I knew it was a long shot but my instinct was tell me I was doing the right thing.     "Ok, how about this, sign over everything to me and I will give forty percent of the profit and you will have to pledge you alliance to me", I countered, his eyes open wide as if he wasn't expecting that, I could hear shuffling in the back and I knew the guys wasn't happy with my decision. After a few minutes of silence he looked me over then nod his head.     "OK, but what is really your name", he asked, I looked behind me and nod my head calling Isaac, he walked up immediately.     "Untie him", Isaac looked down at me, his eyes asking me if I was sure, he must of seen my certainty because he nods, once Isaac untied him and got him out of the tub, we all entered the bedroom were Andrew dropped on the bed. Alex grabbed my hand and tug me back into the bathroom, he was furious, before he could start talking Lucas barged in. Both men stood in the bathroom, furious and if I wasn't tired I would of made a joke about them working together but as I stayed longer with them my body started to feel heavy, I need a bed ASAP. Letting out a sigh I dropped back down on the chair and looked up at them,     "I'm doing this for a reason, can you both trust me",      "You have to include us before you make a decision Gabi, this isn't about you alone", he barked, raising his voice a bit, now I don't know if the medication he is on, but, no one speaks to me like that. Standing I walk over to Alex raising my head to meet his gaze and pointing a finger into his chest,     "DO. NOT. TALK. TO. ME. LIKE. THAT. EVER. AGAIN",      "Well then explain",      "Fine, we were set up and I have an idea who was helping them get to us easily. Back when Adam went missing there was a note together with his rings. The note said 'catch me if you can' and then before I passed out tonight someone kneel next to me and said 'I should of let him finished what he started years ago' but what f****d me up the most was the fact that Adam wife lied to us."     I said letting out a breath,      "The reason I made the deal with Andrew is because I need access to a lot of resources, someone is out for me and with a twenty million marker on my head, I will need all the help I could get",      The room remained silent for a but before Lucas spoke,     "OK, lets go find out from Mr. Knight if he knew who put out the hit",      I looked to Alex who just shook his head and follow us out the room. Andrew was sitting on the bed now slowly drinking a bottle of water, walking up to him I extended my hand to him which he watched with a raise brow before reaching his hand out, gabbing mine and shook it.      "My real name is Gabriella Henry, also knows as Sofia Giordano",     Andrew withdrew his hand and looked from me to the guys before sighing and mumbling something about a mess. After checking everyone and promising to speak to dad the next day I headed back to my room, I didn't have to worry about the girls Adam mom had them covered. As I as opening my door I felt someone covered my mouth and gently pushed me into the room. Turing around to knee the person I saw Adam looking at me with the most heart breaking expression on his face. I knew he would eventually figure it out but I was hoping it took him more time. He locked the door behind him before sliding down the door into a emotion mess. I never saw Adam show so much emotion before and that just made the betrayal even worse.      "You figured it out", I asked him in the most softest voice I could muster.      "Yes",      "Hmmm. And what are we going to do",      "I don't know, all I want is my kids Gabi"     "Very well, do you have your phone to contact her?"     He nod then pulled out his phone and threw it towards me, Adam never password protect his phone so getting into the contacts was easy, the minute I landed on the contact label 'my love' I pressed the call button. She answered almost immediately.     "Hello?"     "Rayne", as I said her name Adam was on his feet, fist closed in and his body vibrate in anger, I hold up my hand to stop him from saying anything.      "Gabi", she said and I could feel rage coming out of her, now more than ever I realized that everything she did was an act.     "Rayne, you have exactly four hours to drop the kids of at the airport, if not I'm coming for them"     With that I hung up the phone and turn to Adam, he looked me over like he was not seeing me, then he tilted his head to the side and I knew whatever he's going to ask I wont like it and nor can I lie to him.      "What happened to you?"     I sigh knowing I can avoid this forever,     "I slept with Nicolai only to find out he is getting married and his soon to be wife is pregnant",      "What the f**k did you just say to me",     Lord save me from this crazy person he is going to become. 
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