Chapter 14

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    Lie, that's was all I could do is lie to them, whatever it took for them to get on that plane, from thirty minutes to four hours, It took us about four f*****g hours before we were in the air on our way back home. Everyone was busy with there own issues whereas I was trying to figure out how to move forward. After going through my plan over and over in my head I fell asleep feeling more confident than I was the moment I entered the plane and let reality hit me. The reality is I have more people to protect, he wont care he will come for them. I knew we all had plan to split up but like I said I lied.      Thirteen hours later we landed and exited the plane and got into three black SUV's Alex organized for us. As much as Adam was confused he didn't question us especially in front of his father. The front vehicle was Blake, Stefan, Seth, Alex and me. The middle vehicle had Mr. and Mrs. Giordano and all for kids. The last Vehicle held Adam, Lucas, Isaac and Dad and then we were on our way to my house. Before we left Italy, Andrew and I sat down and when through all the details in our alliance, one and only one important fact that wasn't up for debate was that no matter what our families will be protected. Andrew knew how important that was for me and we both agreed on measures that will be put in place to protect each other families in case something happen to either one of us and with that we solidified our relationship with the shaking of our hands. Nobody knew of our agreement just Andrew and his brothers, with that level of trust we place in each other I sent him back to do what he was doing, taking over other territories and gathering information. I can only hope I did the right thing by trusting them and not f*****g it up more that it was already f****d up.      As we drove out the airport Seth connected the three van through a group call so I can relay my plan. Now, I'm not stupid I know this will cause a back fire especially with Mr. Giordano, but I was determined I don't know what was driving me forward anymore, was it fear or my determination to enforce change like I originally wanted I don't know. With a simple tap on shoulder Seth indicated the call was ready,      "Right, so I need you guys to hear me out", I said taking a deep breath, after a round of okays I laid it on them.     "One month, I need one month to sort out some s**t and put us back on top, we are basically running right now and that don't sit well with me, so this is what I have planned. Adam, you take your parents to home with you, reach out to your allies and I will send some of the Whispers over to help with security. Alex and the guys will stay with Alex in his house and there families will be protected. Dad, Lucas you will stay at the house with me for as long as you want but before we split I need Antonio go over some stuff with me in my office, we are all heading over to my house, is everyone ok with that?"     They all started to talk at once but that's not what distracted me, it was the way Alex head snapped in my direction at the plan of Lucas staying with me. His brows dipped in a confused manner but one thing I'm grateful for is he wont question me in front of everyone. To ease his confusion I placed my hand on his and gently squeeze it. There's something about him I cant figure out, he has this way of knowing what I need to keep my emotions under control, just like Lucas can keep me calm. Is it ok to want them both with me. Is that even possible I mean we all slept really well but what if that was a one time thing. Once they were finished there bickering we were already have way to my house and I needed to get all of us on the same page.      "Ok are you all finished? Antonio you go first",      "I don't understand what this plan is going to do? we have our own place", he asked, his tone sounding somewhat confused.      "I know and so do they, this is the only way I can keep everyone close and safe, I would like you to call your care takers and tell to prepare for your arrival, all four of them New York, Washington, Nevada and Tennessee. Then Seth is going to use your credit card to purchase plane tickets for all of you to travel to your other houses. That way we will have some breathing room to think of a better plan."      He didn't say anything just hummed, If he only knew my real reason he might flip and it was simple, spreading a rumor that they will be arriving and see which property get hit first and how fast will the others get hit after. With that information we will know where the leak or mole is and fish them out, no one said anything again and I guess they were trying to figure out what the actual plan was. We kept the call running through and I could hear Adam kids and the twins talking about there favorite shows and my mind instantly went to Sarah, wondering if she was really ok and how come Marcus didn't inform me about the hit. Just as we arrive at my house I curse under my breath as I looked at the police cruiser parked outside.      I looked around and checked our surroundings before opening the door but as I was about to step out Alex grabbed my hand.      "Lets go somewhere else Gabi, you don't need this right now", Alex said indicating to the vehicle in front of us, snatching my hand away from him, I wince when I felt the stitch pull on the stab wound on my stomach.     "I'm fine", I snapped, before he could respond I shut the door and made my way to the front the door, no one followed not even dad which was surprising since this is his house. As I unlocked the door I can feel Lucas standing behind me, his warmed was comforting and I need that but I don't bother to turn around, knowing he's there was all I need to carry on. As I entered the house I could hear laughter and voices from the dining room. Both Lucas and I made our way into the living room, our open house plan made it easy for us to see all who was by the table. My aunt and Uncle, Audrey who looked like she was somewhere else, a lady with her back turned to us and I don't need to see the face of the person next to her to know who it is.      As we entered there line of sight through the living room Audrey head snapped up and in an instant she was barreling towards us. I groan out loud in pain as her body clash with mine, she jumped back immediately and place a hand over her mouth as tears started running down her check. Lucas placed his hands on my shoulders to help stable my body and I really, really wanted to curve into him but he was just as injured as me. The sound of the chairs pushing back made me look up and instantly locked eyes with Nicolai, next to him is a very pregnant woman who placed her hand on his elbow holding him.      Lucas stiffened behind me and all I could do is placed my hands on his to calm him down, I could feel the anger vibrating of his body. My aunt and uncle came rushing forward but Lucas stopped them by raising a hand.      "She's injured", was all he said as he led me over to the dining table. Once we were all seated I realize Elliot wasn't here,      "Where is Elliot?" I asked looking at Audrey, she leaned over and whispered in my ear "In the office, I will get him", and then she left. The tension around the table was high, Nicolai and Lucas was staring at each other and in one swift move Lucas grabbed my chair and pull me flush to his so I could lean on him. I could feel Nicolai eyes on us but I choose to ignore him and focus at the matter at hand.      "Uncle I need to speak with you, its concerning a case you're working on", I said hoping he get the hint I'm asking for privacy. He nod and then my aunt got up to leave taking Nicolas fiancé with her. Once they were out of hearing distance my uncle turned to me with narrowed eyes.      "Explain",      "First, can you leave work outside before you come in the house?", I asked, directing my question to him alone and trying to blank out his partner next to him.     "Depends on the situation", he answered and that's not what I wanted to hear but it's only for one month so I think we could be careful for a month,      "Ok", I said and then turn to look at Lucas "bring them in and tell the guys to get rid of the vans",      I knew he didn't want to leave me but I have s**t to do, he looked at me as if he was looking something to tell him I wasn't ok, when he didn't see what he was looking for he got up, kissed the top of my head before he headed outside. At the table I leaned back and wince when I felt the pain starting up again.      "So Gabi, want to explain where you were?" My uncle asked as he leaned back into his chair, I decided to focus on him and not on Nicolai because god knows I will get lost in that mans eyes. The feelings I try very hard to press down the last twenty four hours came rushing back the minute we locked eyes. Letting out a breath I decided to go for the truth only then will I know if staying here will be a good decision.      "We went to Italy, rescued some important people and them we came home",      "Rescued?"     "Yea, rescued, I know your not dumb uncle and your partner already know of what I'm capable of so don't sound so surprised", I answered,      "I had my suspicions", he let out a sigh as he got up "I'm going to check on your aunt and maybe see if I could get her to go out for a while so you could use the house",      With a nod to me and pat on Nicolai shoulder he left us alone, as much as I want to leave I couldn't move without help and no way I was asking him for any. I lift my eyes from the table to Nicolai who was already looking at me. Both of us locked in each other gaze, my heart beating fast as the hurt I felt came rushing back. I wanted to know why but then again I didn't, I can only try to forget and move on but still as I'm sitting here, with him, I could feel that pull. He stood up and move over to take Lucas seat, just as he sat down I shifted to avoid contact,      "Gabi, I'm so so----", he started but I cut him of with a wave of my hand. I couldn't, I really couldn't hear his excuse or the way his voice broke when he said my name. I still remembered when he said he wished he meet me first and should of been my first warning sign but again I ignored it because when it comes to him I cant think properly. These three me is going to mess me up so much but then again its two now Nicolai is getting married and he is going to be a dad.     "Don't, I don't want to talk about it, its better we forget it ever happen and moved on", Although I knew I was walking s**t I wanted to hurt him. You know kind of shrug it of like it meant nothing, like it wasn't special.      "Move on!!! Really, just give me five minutes to explain Gabi", he said as he grabbed my hand and gently squeezing it, his eyes darker I could see the sadness in it, around his eyes were even darker than before, like he wasn't sleeping well. I tried to pull my hand away but he wasn't having it, I opened my mouth to answer when Adam deep voice startle me.     "Explain what?" he asked as eyed us both especially were our hands were joined, I pulled my hand away fast and rest it on my lap. Adam round the table looking down at Nicolai, before he could do or say anything we heard the others enter. Audrey and Elliot showed up just as the others came in. They both directed the kids to the bedrooms upstairs to rest while the Adults gather around the table and ohhh boy the tension was high as f**k or maybe I was high of the pain and imagining stuff.       "Right, now that we are all here lets get on with it, Adam, Alex, Lucas, Antonio you guys follow me downstairs, dad you go talk to your brother and the rest of you take care of the kids and secure the house",      I said trying to distract the guys from Nicolai, but it didn't work, rolling my eyes at them I got up biting my lip to hide my pain as I made my way to the office, within minutes Antonio came in with Alex and Lucas on his heels. Elliot had the computers already running so after a quick search I turn the computer to show Antonio the territories we will be taking over. Not by marriage or by fear but by respect ok I lied  maybe a little fear.     "What's this?" he asked, raising a brow at me.      "This is our new targets",      "Why? He question with a frown taking over his face, like I had the most outrageous idea, before I could even answer he continued, "they are not that valuable, what are going to gain by this. The areas are run by local street tugs that cant even afford breakfast most times, they spent there money on drugs and s*x",      "That's exactly why I want them, I want to gain there loyalty by offering them a better life that they don't have access to, and, if that cant happen I'm going to make sure they know what's at stake if they double cross us. We need more territories, we need to start of small. Your empire isn't enough anymore Antonio we need to join forces. There is someone out there that is gathering alliances against us and is willing to see us fall. They will use any means necessary for that to happen, we cant afford",      Adam joined us right after I finish my little speech, Antonio leaned closer to the map on the screen looking over the area, its not much but it can be so much more with a little TLC. It will cost a s**t load but I'm sure if we combined resources we could make it happen. After a few minutes he stood and passed both his hand over this face,     "I don't like, so I wont take part in it, however that wont mean that an alliance wont take place. I think is time for me to step down and let Adam take over. Once we join forces you and Adam can take over operations but I have one condition",      Of course he does nothing ever comes free.      "What is it?" I asked.     "I want my wife to help raise the girls, after we lost our daughter she lost herself and seeing her with the girls its like she came back alive",     Huh well that was unexpected, they will help a lot I mean I'm only eighteen how the f**k am I supposed to raise two girls, Sarah was easy because I raise her from birth but these girls are already ten. Let out a breath I could feel my body begging for rest. I need sleep bad.     "OK but we will go over the details of that another time, as of now lets all get some sleep before making any big decisions. Lucas see if you and dad can get everyone to fit upstairs",      With that they left and headed upstairs leaving me alone with Alex. He pulled out the sofa turning it into a bed and collapse onto it. I was way to tired to argue, after I set up the security system I went to bed. At some point in the night Lucas joined us and we were out cold.      The sound of the alarm going off jolted us awake. Lucas was first to jump of the bed grabbing his guns tossing me one. Alex couldn't move with the amount of pain he was in. Both Lucas and I ran upstairs straight to the front door only to find Adam and his father already there waiting on us. I quickly punched in the code cutting of the alarm and stepped out to see a box in front of the door with a card on top of it.      Lucas walked out to check the box but something about the way my name was scribbled on the white card had my heart racing. A simple Gabi in cursive in black ink almost like a warning. I just knew this was a turning point I could feel it as I handed Adam my gun and kneel next to the box to open it. Antonio took the card off, inspecting it as I opened the flaps of the box.      I had no words, none. I froze looking at the object in the box. Everything around me faded as I looked into the lifeless eyes of Faith. Someone delivered her head in a box directly to my front door. I could see movement but I couldn't for the life of me take my eyes away. I promised her she would be safe, I promised. Someone closed the box but my eyes was still trained on it. I could feel people around me. I could see the lights flashing but still I couldn't move, not even after they moved the box. My body went numb, she's gone. I promised her and she's gone. Someone just declared war, and its a war they are going to get.
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