Chapter 19

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Gabi POV     Dinner was weird as f**k. That's the best way to describe it, the silence was uncomfortable with only the sound of cutlery being heard. Luckily for me dad called just as the guys finished their meals, so avoiding them was easy for now, excusing myself I headed to my room to take the call. I have no idea what's going on, Andrew is coming sooner than expected, Lucas, Alex and I need to talk ASAP and I'm working with Nicolai. Taking the stairs two at a time I entered my bedroom and locked the door, taking a deep breath I put the phone to my ear,      "Everything ok dad?" I asked in the most calming voice I could muster. Hearing my voice dad let out a sigh, before he answered I could hear rustle of paper in the background and the unmistakable clicking sound of a door locking.      "Baby girl, please tell me that you have eyes on your sister", he asked in low worried tone. Sarah? why is he asking about Sarah? removing the phone from my ear I pulled up the app where her tracker is paired with, the little green dot was moving further into a forested area at a considerable speed. She's running or they might be running. Now my mind is in a mess, something is wrong, Marcus wont make a move like that he's to smart for that. Putting the phone back to my ear I could dads heavy breathing.      "She's on the move eleven miles north from the house she was staying in, currently going through a forested area that leads to the mountains, want to explain what's going on?"     "Someone provided the FBI with the evidence to take down Marcus and his father, they raided the house four hours ago, and Gabi, its not only them but other families as well. Someone just made a massive power play to get to the top",  Fuck this isn't good, I wonder if this is what Andrew is coming to me about. I doubt Jose will do this, he need his allies in order to have a army at his disposal, but then again he's unstable and if taking out the bigger heads will benefit him, then he will do it.  He wont care about the blow back from this, he wont care about the families that will be on the bread line because of his impulsive decision because as long as it doesn't affect him he don't care and that's on of the reason I need to put him down.  But, who is it from the FBI that he got in his pocket, getting someone on our side is extremely difficult they take there work seriously especially when it comes to mafia and gang business.  Putting down a gang or an mafia family is like a promotion to move up in ranks in any government agency, so who is he working with?     "Hey dad do have any video surveillance of any of the raids that took place",      "Hang on I got a small video clip, its a bad quality but I'm sure you can clean it up",      "Yea send it to me and I will let you know what I found", With that we both hung up and immediately an email came through with a small video clip, the only person who have any sort of access to the FBI database is Nicolai and as much as I want to hide in my room, I cant, Sarah could be in trouble and if I know dad, he is probably waiting on me to give him information to act on.       Letting out a deep breath I start to play the video as I made my way towards the door, the video quality is horrible but I'm sure I could clean it up, the audio not so much. Unlocking my door my head is still in my phone as I step out and hit a wall of muscle causing me to stumble back a bit.  An arm circle my waist stopping me from falling back while pulling me back into the muscle wall.  I don't have to look at the owner to know who it is, my body alright lighting up with the slightest touch, keeping his arm around my waist he back me up until we're back in my room, I still don't raise my head to look at him, because, well I don't want to get lost in those dark eyes especially with every thing that happened with Lucas and Alex.      Using his foot he kicked the door shut and the light click sound full the room letting me know he locked the door all the while I still don't move from my position, my phone forgotten and hanging from my finger tips and Nicolai backed us further into the room almost next to the bed.      His smell and the heat that he gives of while he runs his finger up my arms have my mind in a mess. I cant think I need to think, what was I doing? yes the video, Sarah, dad and the raids, The FBI. As if he sensing my mind drifting further away, Nicolai places his fingers under my chin raising my head to look at him.      f**k me!! Those eyes, those amazing dark beautiful eyes holds so much emotion, its hard to shift though all but the one that stands out the most is sadness then a slight glimpse of longing. What is he doing? I tried to move my head or look away but he isn't having it, don't get me wrong if I want out I can kick his ass and move but a apart of me is curious as to what this is about. Gripping my chin firmer Nicolai and I lock eyes again, its as if he wants me to see that he's in pain.      "Nico--", I start but he stops me by pressing harder on my chin.     "Shhh, just give me a moment", he pleaded as he dropped his hand from my chin and place them on my hips pulling me closer, then as if he could stand it any longer Nicolai head dropped in the crease of my neck inhaling deeply, when he exhale my body light up even more causing goosebumps to raise. I don't want to be affected I really don't but there is this deep connection between us, I can try as hard as I want that connection don't just disappear. Letting out a breath I gripped my phone tighter the placed both hands around his neck holding him, it was a simple jester but it was enough for him to lean his heavy frame on me for support, like the weight of the world was lifted of his shoulders. After a few minutes of just holding him, Nicolai straighten up but didn't remove his hands from my hips.      "I'm really sorry, I know I f****d up and I know you're leaving soon. I-I figured out your little message to the guys earlier so before we go separate ways I just want you to know how sorry I am",  Nicolai said all the while keeping eye contact with me, I don't know what he's expecting to see. Is he hoping that its a lie and I'm not leaving or is he hoping to see some of the feelings I have for him. I know if I don't answer soon the wall I built earlier will crumble and those feeling he's hoping to see will come forward, I made a mistake by letting a tear slip earlier I wont let that happen again. Nodding my head I answered,     "Apology accepted",  Nicolai visibly relax and looked away for a second before he looked back at me with determination in his eyes, the shift was so fast you wouldn't of believe it if you didn't see it. His fingers dug deeper into my skin cause a slight pain as he pulled me even closer closing all space between us. My heart started to beat faster as I knew what he was about to do before he did it. Nicolai dropped his head and sealed my lips with his, I couldn't move. His lips was soft and moved gently with mines, why am I kissing him back you ask? simple, I have no f*****g idea but god I cant stop the way my body pressed into his looking for more. Using one of his hands Nicolai moved it up my back onto my neck to hold me in place as he deepen the kiss. A slight moan slipped out as our tongue clash with each others, which seem to motivate him more into deepening the kiss further. I need air I know I do but the wave of pleasure and lust that went straight to my core has me grabbing his bloody shirt looking for more, demanding more with my lips but then he pulls back and looked down at me. Our eyes locked as he smirk and step away from me, wait what? my body instantly missing the heat from his. Nicolai looked over my head and smiled.     "That boys, is how you kiss a woman when you want to claim her as yours",  Fuck I should of known, turning around I see both Lucas and Alex standing at the door with a key hanging from Lucas finger tips. Every sensations I was feeling a second ago faded as I looked at the emotionless mask that slipped into place on there faces. How the f**k didn't I hear the door open. I took a step forward to reach for them only for my phone to vibrate in my hand. Looking down I see Asher name popped up, schooling my features and calming my racing heart I answered the call.      "Asher", I answered,      "Henry, we have a problem",  Great another f*****g problem to add on top of all the s**t I have going on, like seriously did I break a mirror or something. Dropping down on to my bed I pulled my laptop from under the bed and powered it on, still conscious of the three dominating male figures in the room.      "Alright Asher lay it on me",      "Someone made a better offer than you, the elder heads don't want to take the deal that's why they contacted me, but the younger ones are eager to have access to the recourses that's being offered to them", he finished. Closing my eyes and counting to ten I try to get my anger under control, but its of no use. First Sarah, the guys and now this, can't I have a f*****g break.      I know I'm strong enough to handle this but I'm also tired and this situation need solving soon, this was supposed to be the first step in building my empire. I need to think, I need a plan and I most defiantly need to regroup. I don't trust the club house to conduct business so my next option is to have them come here while I'm not happy with that option I'm already on borrowed time so I don't have a choice.      "Alright here how this is going to go, Asher meet me at my house tomorrow at noon, bring only one person I don't want to much men around my house with my family here", I said standing and taking my laptop with me,      "Done, talk soon", he replied then hung up. With the laptop in one hand and the phone in the other, I close my eyes and try to remember why I'm putting myself through this. Why I am constantly fighting now and then my mind went to Faith and that was all the motivation I needed. My need to protect the ones I love and prove that even in the mafia world women are worth something not just a warm hole to stick there d***s in. With renewed purpose I opened my eyes, even though Lucas and Alex is upset with me they know from the look on my face that shits about to go down. I looked back to Nicolai and nod my head to him, letting him know to stand next to the guys. I type out a quick message to Adam telling him to meet me in my room, I don't want to repeat myself and with the way I'm feeling someone might end up bleeding tonight. In less than five minutes Adam joins us and stand next to Lucas, Alex and Nicolai.      "There has been an development", I said looking at them, Adam was about to say something when I raise my hand stopping him. "Dad called earlier, he wanted to know if we got eyes on Sarah, after confirming I did he then informed me that the FBI raided Marcus and now they are on the run. Its not only Marcus who got raided but the video clip I got is from that raid", I said giving them my phone to look at the video, Lucas squint his eyes to try and make out some faces but he gave up after realizing it wasn't making sense. It's kinda cute. No! stop that train of thought its business first. Once they finished I turn to Nicolai who has been staring at me with determination in his eyes.      "Nicolai, reach out to the FBI contact and gather as much as you can on the raids", I ordered and with a nod he left the room just as he pulled his phone out. Then I turned to Adam "Adam call your dad inform him on what's happening with Marcus and also inform him that someone else made an offer to the smaller crew in the area we were looking at, tell him the younger ones are considering it",  With a nod Adam left, now its just us Lucas, Alex and me.      "Alex you need to prepare a room Andrew will be here in the morning, he apparently got something he really need to debrief us on, Lucas organize a safe house for my family, I'm not sure what's going on but I need them safe",  They both turn to head out when Alex suddenly stops causing Lucas to bump into him. Ignoring Lucas grumbling Alex turn to me again and I know this talk was happening whether I like it or not. As if he could read my thoughts through my eyes he narrowed his,     "This isn't over, we are having this talk", he dropped his voice into the stern and commanding tone that scent a shiver down my spin. With a nod of my head because I don't trust my voice to come out strong and not breathy they both leave.  Soon after the guys left, I started to head out as well that was until my head started to feel light and black dots appeared in my vision, I knew I was about to black out again by some miracle I got myself in bed before everything went black.  The next morning I woke up feeling my stomach turning before I could even figure out what was happening I was already running to the bathroom to throw up. I'm exhausted, I'm feeling weak and I already cant stand the idea of being sick when I have a s**t ton of work to do. After finishing my morning routine I made my way to the kitchen, Nicolai and Adam were bent over a laptop looking at something on it,      "What's going on?" I asked as I entered going for the coffee pot.     "My buddy from the FBI came through again for us, he cleaned up the video and Identified the men, and get this Gabi, they are not FBI, they posing as agents to knock out the competition", Nicolai replied as he looked up from the computer, but the minute his eyes land on me, his brow drew down. Their is look of confusion on his face, I guess I cant even hide being sick from this guy. As he opened his mouth to say something I quickly turned away and focus on Adam.     "Adam you talk to your dad yet",      "Yea, he said f**k the deal and take over like you did with The Whisperers", he replied with a great deal of amusement in his voice, but that still don't answer the question thou, Who's behind all of this.      During the day Andrew came through and as expected it was exactly what I thought, even he bought the story that it was indeed the authorities that raided the place. The meeting with Asher went as well as it could be with all the tension in the room. The decision is made, in two weeks we take over before we leave, whether it is by force or not I'm taking that territory and making it better so young boys and girls can have a better future.  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Two weeks later,     I'm still not better, I'm getting worse. I thought I actually was doing a great job at hiding it but that was proven wrong a couple days ago when Andrew caught me throwing up in the toilet. Since them he has been a thorn at my side as Lucas and Alex are busy with the take over. However, today is something completely different, today Nicolai is getting married and I'm not sure as to why its making me emotional but this morning I have been crying non stop.     My lightheaded feeling never left and as I was getting ready for the wedding this morning I blacked out again, only this time though Andrew called Adam. Adam panicked at first but then his anger took over and insisted on taking a blood sample this morning to take it to there lab to get it tested.      I knew not to argue with him when he is a state like this, especially when he is missing his kids and his Ex have been making her presences know in our town. Once I was finally dress I made my was downstairs to be greeted by three pairs of eyes. Nicolai, Lucas and Alex stood at the doorway waiting for us to leave. Andrew came out the kitchen not even a minute later with four shot of a warn spice scented liquor. I watch as the guys all cheers and took the shot, they were celebrating his union where I was can't even look at him without tearing up.      I cant do this, I stopped at the door way. I cant. I cant just sit there and smile, as if my body agreed with me another wave of nauseous hit me hard causing me to stumble and head for the bathroom. I actively aware of the footsteps falling in step behind me but at this point I could care less. I spend the next half an hour trying to compose myself, once I was better the guys agreed that they need to keep an eye on me and I wasn't able to talk my way out of this wedding.      One hour later we arrived at the church, Nicolai was immediately pulled aside my a man wearing what appears to be combat gear, they exchange pleasantries and then the man handed Nicolai a paper. I watch Nicolai face consort into relief and then into rage as he stormed into the church. Something me told me to go after him but as I took a step forward Lucas grabbed my hand pulling in to his body. My back pressed against his front, his warm embrace calmed down my already tired body. Alex moved to my front taking my hand in his as he scroll through his phone probably making plans for tomorrow.      The music in the church started playing and my heart skipped a beat, despite being surrounding by these two men the idea of never having Nicolai with me again have me in a daze. My breathing picked up and I could feel the tears making there presence. Everyone outside started making there way inside but I couldn't move, I cant do it, I can not see him marry someone else.      Tires screeching snapped me out of my depressed state, Andrew, Alex and Lucas all drew there weapons ready for what ever is about to come but when Adam came into view they all relaxed, only I didn't, there is this look in Adam eyes that had me fearing the worse, as he got closer I take in his appearance, his hair is wild, eyes hard, mouth pressed in a thin line and in his hand he hold a sheet of paper.      Adam walked passed the guys and straight up to me hold the paper up for me to read. I could clearly see my name on top and the lab name as well, but, as my eyes travel down to the center of the paper my blood ran cold, I looked up to Adam as if asking if he was sure, with a simple nod I could feel everything crashing around me. I don't know who it was but someone grabbed me just I was going down. No this cant be right, how can one word, one word cause such an up roar. I can hear the guys arguing but its like I'm under water, as if on instinct or the connection we share my eyes drift to the church door and there standing looking at the scene before him is a confused looking Nicolai, when his eyes land on me I could only say one word before the black dots pull me under,     "Pregnant",
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