Chapter 11

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ADAM POV      I should have known better than to leave dad with Gabi, the way he looked at her when she handed out the orders alone, was enough for me to realize that he considers her more of a threat than an ally. Mom's easy to handle, well simply because she was trained by dad and can be deadly if needed most times she is our back up, but I won't leave her with these punks, I don't know them, the only thing I know is that they are impulsive and wild, but they have to have something special in them for Gabi to ask for there help, but then again, they are the kinds that will run into a situation without proper planning and hope for the best. Exactly the type I didn't want around Gabi, I wanted her to think and plan, have safety nets in place if her original plan doesn't work out, but after seeing the way she moved tonight, it just shows she neither controlled nor wild, she's a bit of both and combined with the natural darkness that stirs in her, she's f*****g dangerous, dad has to realize its better to have her as an ally than having her as an enemy. I don't think I can go against him but I will do whatever it takes to protect Gabi, after all, she came to rescue us.     The minute I saw dad and Lucas exiting the building I knew something was wrong. Lucas would never leave her unless she told him to, he's like a lost f*****g puppy when it comes to her, after waiting for fifteen minutes and no sign of Gabi, I knew I had to take matters into my own hands, despite the fact that my whole body hurts I need to get back inside and get to her. Reaching into the medical kit the kid had, I hit myself with a shot of adrenalin, my body hurts so bad that I'm not even sure if I injected the adrenalin in the right place, and of course, I'm bleeding in places that I didn't know was cut or injured. The kid handed me some pain killers together with a gun and two knives, looking down at the weapons and then to the kid, I'm pretty sure he can see how surprised I am.     "You trust me enough to hand me a weapon? how are you so sure I won't kill you?" I said with a raised brow, as he was about to answer my mother started wrapping my injuries with one of the other guys. All of these guys are different in so many ways I could see why Gabi chose them.     "I'm not afraid of you, after all, you did teach us in school and we have been hearing about you since you disappeared so I kind of feel as we know you." He replied turning his back to check the twins Gabi rescued. That alone is a sign of trust in our world you don't ever turn your backs on anyone. They trust Gabi that much to trust me, I respect that, you don't get that all the time in our world, but, can they tell me what flipped her, would they betray her trust? I mean I can get the information I want from them easily but I won't, not yet. Something happened to Gabi that changed her and it's up to her to tell me when she is ready.     The sound of a helicopter coming towards us has our attention turning toward the building, my dad and Lucas stood far away from us since they exited the building in deep discussion. We all drew our guns, mom rushed to the girls that were getting treatment in the SUV, and the kid that gave me the gun closed the door and stood outside of it guarding it. The helicopter hovered over the north side of the building and in quick session men in black tactical gear jumped out and through the top of the building, if you don't know what to look for you won't have seen them, but I have been there and I know exactly what to look for and I know who there are, the kill squad. An underworld hit team, to get them to take out someone you have to have extremely heavy pockets, and I fear Gabi might not make it, because, no one has ever survived them. My father must have seen them because he turned to me and immediately without words we both run towards the building,      "Take the south side, Lucas and I will take the north, and Adam don't f*****g get caught this time",      "Yes dad, but what about them", I said, stopping in front of the door to indicate the crew Gabi came with, after giving them a look over, he sighed and then shook his head,     "You take them as back up, you need them more than me",  We entered the building guns drawn and ready, the adrenalin shot was working f*****g fabulous and the pain killers started to kick in. As we round the corner we were blocked by a group of six tall men dressed in black, face covered and holding Military-grade M4 Assault Rifle, all aiming at us. Now, this can't be right, for them to have access to these weapons, it's either the government-hired killers or someone is selling out the military's weapons. Gabi's crew moved quickly pushing me behind them and taking a stance to exchange gunfire. I have to say I'm impressed and that doesn't happen too often.     The men in the back who's clearly in charge, looked from me to the guys and then touched the man in front shoulders, a silent order to lower their weapons, all men lowered their guns, confusion was seen written in faces of Gabi crew but they still had their guns drawn and held high. I on the other hand was curious to see what is taking place here. Lowering my gun, I slide it back into the back of my jeans and moved towards the group, Gabi crew maintain their position as the man in the back moved forward towards me, meeting me halfway.      We're standing face to face, both surveying each other as well as our company, but he didn't take long, a quick glance as if he knew us. His posture dropped a little as if he realizes we won't be a problem and then he removed his mask, I heard the guys behind me let out a low string curse, I can't believe it, how the f**k it's possible that I didn't know about this. Here standing before me is no other than Gaige Henry Gabi's f*****g father. What the actual f**k is going on, he looked back to the guys just as they lower their guns and then look back at me,     "Adam," Wait!!! what? he knows who I am. "I know that I have a lot to explain, but, right now isn't the time, but I need to know how did you all end up here in the middle of a sting operation?"     Sting operation? I swear this man was talking f*****g Spanish for me, I couldn't answer I was so sidetracked I didn't know how to respond. One of Gabi's crew members stepped forward and looked over to me with a head nod as if he was he expecting to answer? how the f**k am I going to tell this man his daughter is here, he must have noticed my body tensed up because he turned to Gabi's father and answered.       "We came to rescue Adam and one of our friends Lucas, now we back inside to rescue Gabi",      Gaige stiffens and snapped his head in my direction, his eyes are hard and cold, clearly, he didn't like what he heard, he turned to his members and barked out orders, his voice was hard, deep and held some  authority in it.       "Spread out and check every room, kill anyone who gets in your way, I want my daughter with me in thirty minutes, GO NOW",      His men immediately left and split up, then he turned his judgmental gaze back at me, yes I know asshole I f****d up, I don't need you to rub it in. He moved his attention to the guys beside me, I guess they all sense the tension because they were all standing around me ready to strike if needed. I wonder what was the orders Gabi gave them, they clearly respect her enough to still be here with me.     "And who exactly are guys supposed to be? are any of you even old enough to even own a gun?"    He asked, his voice held no emotion, one would think he is taunting the guys but as I learned over the years, you can read someone by the way they move, avoiding eye contact is a good sign they know they f****d up most times, I didn't need to explain anything to this man who clearly hasn't been honest with his daughter, all I know is that I need to locate Gabi and get her to safety, I haven't said anything so far and clearly I don't need to, these guys can handle themselves,      "I'm Stefan, the guys here is Seth, Blake and Isaac. I don't think our age matters at this moment, right now what matters is getting our leaders to safety so if you will excuse us",      "Leaders?" Gaige said busting out laughing, however, it sounded forced, Stefan was unfazed by his attitude, and Instead of replying he pulled back out his gun and pointed it to Gaige,     "I wont laugh if I where you, your daughter happens to be one of the leaders and she is probably in danger seeing as a hit squad just entered the building about fifteen minutes ago",      That shut him up, he looked between me and Stefan, you could see all his emotion running through his body, his hand started shaking like he needs to reach for his gun, he eyes where wide open and his body didn't hold the confident composure it had ten seconds ago. He's rigid and that could lead to an emotional out bust, which we couldn't afford seeing as we are already in a f*****g s**t storm.      "What do you mean my daughter is one of the leaders, leader to what exactly?"     "I mean, Gabi executed a perfect plan take over when the head of our criminal organization was to occupied to see it coming, so now she and Alex are the leaders of it",      "And what organization is that exactly?" Gaige asked but it was Isaac who stepped forward this time,     "Does it f*****g matter, we need to get her to safety and we can't do that by standing here and talking",  With a nod from the other guys, Stefan led them through the hall.     "Don't go that way the building is clear, most likely they are on the north side",      With a small nod, all of us headed to the north side, as much as we have some back up now I'm never one to trust, and I don't trust Gaige.     We moved fast, in one straight, first was Gaige then Stefan, Seth, me Blake, and Isaac. We were getting closer to the fight as the gunfire was getting louder, we reached upon a huge steel door and Stefan nods his head towards Isaac who surprisingly was calm, once the door was open I could see dad and Lucas taking cover and firing. Gaige whistle and my father looked over, does my father know this man? Dad instructed Lucas to run to door to us while Isaac and Blake took position firing offering additional cover.      Once we were all secure dad turned to me garbing my throat and pushing me against the wall blocking the airway,      "What the f**k did you do Adam, I told you to train her to protect herself not make her a killer",     I couldn't breathe I was already hurting from the beating and I didn't have the strength to fight him of, It was the sound of a gun next to his head that made him loosen his grip, Stefan had his gun pressed to my fathers head,      "Adam is under my protection as we are under orders from Gabi and Alex, so I have no problem in killing you right now, let Adam go",      My father release me and started pacing,      "What happen, dad?"     I asked causing him to stop pacing to look at me, his eyes head so much anger I know I will not be getting away from this anytime soon,      "What happened?" he said laughing a humorless laugh, "Come let me show you what f*****g happened", he finished as he walked to the room with the one-way glass looking into the torture room, all of us followed as we were confused about what's going on.      As we entered the room Gaige froze and the scene before us. The glass defiantly was bulletproof and we can see all the spots it was shot at, Gabi and Alex were hiding behind the table in the center of the room, there were bodies all over the room. Gabi was reloading the gun and from what I can see, I can defiantly say it's perfection, she was so focused the look on her eyes was dark, she was in her zone. Alex was holding on to his stomach and Gabi puller her shirt over and handed it to him. The firing stopped for the opponents to reload and that's when she went into full kill mode.  ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ GABI POV          I don't know how long I blackout for, I was awoken by a stinging sensation on my face. I opened my eyes to see Alex kneeling over me covering me from gunfire. My senses where all over the place, my ears were ringing, my eyes blurred in and out, but, as I look around I realize we were still in the same room and we were under attack. I looked around taking in what's going on. Both Alex and I are taking cover behind a table that I didn't know was in the room, beside me is dumbass number one who was fighting with me.     Alex sudden jerked back and looked down, blood started to pour out from his right side, he got hit. That was all I need to snap out of the daze and back into action, he slumped down and threw the gun towards me.      "Alex!!!" I screamed, he looked down as he pressed his hand into the wound trying to stop the bleeding,     "I'm ok, but how are we getting out of here, we're surrounded", He groaned as he tried to move closer to me.     "Stop moving asshole, I will get us out of here soon",      The shooting stopped and from the noises, I heard I knew they were trying to reload, taking that as my cue I jumped over the table and shot the first three guys closer to us, then grabbed one of their guns and shot the next two on the roof. The side door opened and Mr. Giordano came into view but before he could step inside they started shooting at him. I took that distraction as an opportunity to take action, my adrenalin was so high that I didn't need to think I just moved, my body hurt but I needed to do this, I need to get Alex out of here.      Moving with what little speed I had I attacked the last four guys that were shooting, they were so confused as to who they should attack, and that made them unfocused. I had two shots left and I used it wisely shooting them in their stomachs and then grabbing the knife from one of the men and stabbed one of the other men, the last one remaining threw his gun away and started throwing fisting at me. It was easy to block but my body was tired and knowing I needed to end this soon was what kept me going. He made the mistake of circling his hand around my neck and I knew exactly what to do. Adam and I have done this over a hundred times, relaxing into his hold I waited for his guard to drop a little before elbowing him on his right side and turning in his hold, kneeing him in his family Jewells and then knocking him out with a fist to his face.      The minute he hit the ground I ran over to the door but the sound of footstep above us had me stopping and running to Alex instead. Hiding behind the table the new men started shooting at us, Alex was bleeding more and I need to stop it, but before I could deal with him I needed another gun. Even though we were under a hail of bullets I still reached out and grabbed the gun that was laying close. I looked up to Alex to see his face was getting white from the blood loss, pulling my shirt off, I pressed it to Alex wound hoping it will help but as I did Alex grabbed my hand,      "Gabs, I might not make it but I need you to so sit and focus, find your trigger, we need the killer in you, we need your darker side to come out and play, can you allow that, can you dive into the darkness and save yourself",      Alex ask and then his hand dropped and his eyes close, I know he is still breathing and is only unconscious, but can I become the killer needed right now, find my trigger he said, ok well I can try that. Closing my eyes I kneel and try to find my trigger, Jose popped up and it's like I can feel his hands on me, I can feel the fear going away, and slowly anger was taking its place. Then Nicolai popped up, instead of seeing him in the doctor office, its like I can see him in bed with his wife, my body started to feel numb now and then finally I see my parents the old version before Sarah was born and that was it, I opened my eyes and looked at the reflective glass in front of me. The old Gabi, gone, drowned in darkness to release the killer in me. I looked at my reflection in the glass and smiled, there is no doubt in my mind now it's me finally able to take control.      Without thinking I jumped over the table to see the men reloading and I didn't wait, it's like my focus was cleared, and killing became my purpose, I killed six of the closest men by shooting them and then started fighting off the remaining four, I knew my body was tired, I knew I was injured but all I can see if Jose and Nicolai in front of me. One of the guys attacked me with a knife and in quick movements I grabbed the knife out of his hand and stabbed him, the other three tried but at the end of the fight I killed them stabbing them repeatedly. I couldn't stop I needed more.      The door opened and I know Adam and his father was there but I was too much in the darkness to register anything else, that was until I heard his voice and I froze mid air with a bloody knife in my hand,     "Bound together" he said     "By blood and honor," I replied     "Together forever" he continued     "We find each other" I followed   Only one person knows that poem, its a calming poem that we made together, I turned and stood frozen on spot, confused as to what's happening. Tilting my head to the side I looked at him, tall, dark brown hair, light brown eyes, and facial hair I never saw on his face before, a little of me and Sarah could be seen in his face.      "Dad?"
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