Chapter 10

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    With two hard knocks, I stepped back gripping the handle of my gun with both hands to steady myself for the fight that's about to take place. In less than a minute the door swung open revealing a tall, hulk looking guy. Just as he reached for his gun, I fired mines hitting him two times in his chest, his body went down falling just outside the door. I stood outside the room leaning on the wall on the side of the door shielding myself waiting for some type of gun fire but all I heard was screams.     Moving with slow quiet steps, I stepped into the room keeping my gun high while checking the room. Inside the small room a man and a woman was tied to a chair looking directly at the torture room. Both rooms was separated by a one way viewing glass. As I moved towards the glass I secured my gun in its holster taking in the scene in front of me. A man and a women tied to chairs back to back, five young men cant be much older than me took different places in the room. The mans face and body is covered in all different shades of blue, black and purple bruises. Even with being so badly beaten I could see the tattoo on his right side showing that he belongs to the Giordano's.      The woman was crying, she had a busted lip and black eye. I stood silently taking in the scene then turned my attention to the couple next to me, they both were looking at me. I looked at the man and the way he eyes held mine I knew he was someone important, you don't look a person covered in blood and not flinch, only if you have had seen worse, he had this aura about him, calm yet deadly, he showed no emotion and that's when it clicked.      I ripped of the tape from both there mouth before untying the mans ropes, leaving him to sort out his wife and turning my gaze back to the torture room. Out of the five men I need to figure out who is the leader before making any more stupid moves. There moves looked professional but it lacked grace and the placement of there feet were wrong. As I studied each one I notice they all glanced to the guy leaning on the wall observing as if they were silently asking for permission and awaiting his approval.      A cold metal pressed against my head took me away from my observations but I didn't react, I knew I left the gun on the hulk looking man so I was expecting this,      "I don't think that's a nice way to say thank you to the person that just saved your ass", I murmured keeping my eyes fixed on the scene before me. Hardly pay attention, I couldn't look this man in his eyes until I'm sure all my fear is gone. I read about him and what he did to the people that killed his daughter, so I was expecting a bad reaction as his wife and son is here with him.      "Who are you?"     "Doesn't matter, your safe I would advice you to take your wife and leave before it gets bloody",      "How do I know that this isn't some scheme to get us killed", He questioned, pressing the gun harder into my head.      "Because Mr. Giordano if I wanted you dead, I would have shot you in the head the minute I saw you, now if you will excuse me I have some blood to spill", Yes Gabi, that's it, smart mouth the most deadly mafia leader, like its not enough sounding cocky, arrogant and over confident.      As if the guy could hear me his head snapped up to my direction. I wonder if he could feel me studying them and the urge I have to spill there blood, if he could feel my anger and small trace of fear through this thick glass. Even though he might not be able to see me, my eyes locked on his, looking for a weakness to take advantage of. I want to leave my mark and put my name out there, the Gabi everyone knew is not the Gabi that's standing here. He took a step forward moving from leaning on the wall and I instantly place my hand on my gun and took a step back, but again I felt the cold tip of the gun pressed even further into my head cause a dull ache.      "Don't move, you haven't answered any of my questions and they can't even see you so don't try for your weapon, I wont hesitate to shoot", Mr. Giordano said as he took a step closer, I could feel his gaze on me but I'm focus the guys in the room, ignoring him completely. The guy took another step and then the other's looked towards the glass like they where waiting on something, but what?. Something isn't right, what would I be waiting on if I had someone looking over my prisoners'? A sign maybe, I guess to know if everything is going according to plan. The leader frown his eyebrows and that when I realize that's exactly what he waiting on, a signal, just then we head footsteps running our way, Mr. Giordano swung his gun towards the door just as I drew mines.      Guns drawn and running in was Adam, Lucas, Alex and Stefan, of course these fuckers wont listen, and worse yet they didn't check the room to see if there where people armed and waiting. Dropping my hand I looked to Alex who wince by the murderous expression with narrowed eyes on my face,     "Which part in 'f*****g get them to safety' you didn't understand?"     "Gabi, we wanted to come, I need to see if dad and mom were ok", Adam rasp, I'm guessing he have sort of injury to his ribs.      "What f*****g ever, just leave, all of you", I said tuning back to the torture room that has gone silent, the man was hunch over blood dripping from his mouth and nose, the woman was sobbing silently, the guys moved to the same place looking at there phones no doubt going over the camera footage, that's right the signal, not bothering to turn I called out over my shoulder, "Mr. Giordano, what was the signal the guard had to send to them", I nod towards the torture room.      He must have though of something because I could hear Adam, Stefan and Mrs. Giordano leave the room, not long after Mr. Giordano, Lucas stood on either side of me where as Alex stood behind me. I looked over to Mr. Giordano waiting on an answer but judging by his facial expression, he had no idea what I was talking about. Letting out a sigh I knew it wont be long before they sent there men after us, I really didn't come all this way to rescue them only to get them killed because I wanted to spill some blood, I could always hunt them down after. Turning to Lucas I gave him a look over,      "Can you fight?"     "Yea, the kid gave me an adrenalin shot", he nod to Alex who roll his eyes,      "Good, you and Mr. Giordano, go, keep the others safe and we will meet you at our apartment, the guys will take you over and don't go to your houses that the first place they will expect to find you",      Mr. Giordano had this look on his face, clearly displeased with me ordering him, his dark eyes narrowed as he was about to protest but the dead guy cell started ringing, instantly I looked back to the torture room to see the leader guy hold a cell in his hand. Alex walk over to retrieve the cell and I motioned for Lucas and Mr. Giordano to go, and this time, they listened. Alex brought the phone and handed it to me, but before I could answer I needed to calm down and regain my composure, whether they knew it or not the fear started to come forward, I knew we where out numbered and I possibly put a lot of people in danger. Closing my eyes I tried searching for my trigger only this time wasn't Nicolai and his wife, this time was Jose and his friend, it's like I'm back in the ally again, helpless and cornered, feeling there breathes on my neck and legs, they hands pinning me down, useless. My breathing raged and panic started to flow through. No!! I stopped myself, I'm not a victim. I wont be that helpless person anymore, letting the anger and the need to prove myself take over, I started to feel stronger, I opened my eyes and slide the green button and put the phone on speaker.      "I'm guessing Charles is dead", he said, in his deep, gravely voice.      "I think you guess right", I replied before Alex could, I could see the shock and questions all over there faces, they weren't expecting a woman to reply.      "Well then, you must know that we have to kill your leader and his wife now", he said, as he pulled his gun from his behind his back.      Letting out a laugh, I looked to Alex who only shook his head as he gripped his gun tighter knowing I'm about to provoke the men inside of that room. Its strange we haven't fought before but he knows my moves before I make them.     "What are you talking about? they left and is safely secured, if your referring to the people in the room with you, well then, I'm sorry to disappoint you but that's the decoys",      I smiled at their facial expression, that's what you get when you don't do research and when you mess with the wrong people, they beat Adam and Lucas and now its my turn to make them bleed.     "Don't look so surprised, but I will suggest that you starting running though, because, I'm looking forward to spilling your blood and leaving you worst than you left Adam",      As if something switch, he straighten and told the others to leave, then looked over to the glass.      "Well, here I am, come spill my blood",      Alex looked between me and the guy waiting on my answer, with a smile on my face and revenge on my mind I answered,      "I'm coming",      With that I hung up and made my way out the room looking for the door towards the torture room. Excitement and a federal need to protect my love ones took over. Alex was hot on my tail as we checked each room taking out who ever was trying to attack us. They always say the first kill does be the hardest, but I don't feel as bothered as I should, maybe later on, but killing these assholes now will prevent another k********g. As we got to the last door Alex grabbed my elbow stopping me. He looked into my eyes searching for something but when he didn't see what he wanted, he dropped his head and tighten his hold.      "Gabi, this is a trap, you know that right?" he said, sounding defeated.     "Yes",      "Then lets leave while we can, we can always get them again", he pleaded, but no I cant have that, we are missing something and I intent to find out as we are here.     "NO", I snapped, ''you leave if you want to but I'm going in there",      "Is this about Nicolai, what are you trying to prove?"      How dear he, how could he even say those words to me. I have nothing to prove to anyone and the sooner everyone see's it the better, I plan of shaking up the dark side of the world and making strong waves, so when they call my name they bow there heads in respect.      "Alex, I will that slide, but don't ever talk to me like that again, and no its not about Nicolai its about proving myself strong and that I could protect the ones I love and my self",      He looked at me, trying to see any sort of doubt or vulnerability, once he was sure he saw none he let go of my elbow and stepped back.      "You go ahead, I will call the guys for back up, which, I'm sure we will need once you finish your little show in there",       "You're sure I'm going to walk out", I asked, surprised that he has so much confidence in me. With a nod he pulled out his phone and I opened the door, stepping into the room, carefully looked around to see him leaning on the glass and alone, the man and the woman was gone and the chairs missing. I closed the door and lean against it taking in my adversary. He's tall, dark blonde hair that's neatly styled, light grey eyes with a dark ring around it, he had a light stubble on his face to match his hair and pink lips curved into a smirk as he catches me looking at him, he's a good looking fucker but compare to Alex he nowhere close. He doesn't move forward but he take his gun and knifes and drops it to the floor, I follow but I leave the knife in my shoe, because, who is the dumb ass to trust anyone who is trying to climb the mafia larder.      He started to move around the room like he circling me, assessing me but I'm also going the same, he had a limp on his right leg that might come in handy. Its only when he stops in front of me and pulls out a cigarette lightening it up, he speaks.      "I never though Adam had another sister, but I guess it doesn't matter now does it", he said tilting his head to the side, trying to read my face.      "It doesn't, I'm more than capable of taking care of myself",      "I see, so where do we start of, you throw the first punch or do I have to do so?"     "I don't give a f**k about who throws the first punch, all I want to know is why Mr. Giordano, his wife, Adam and Lucas",      He nods and lean against the wall again and I know he buying time but its now or never, because a lot of s**t not adding up.      "Simple, the old rules have been running the place for far to long, its time for younger heads to take over",      "I see, so do you plan on taking over?"     "Yes",      "Well there wont be any signing of sorts today, so I guess your plan is on the back burner for now, I don't think you would like to run into me again",      "And who are you exactly?" Who am I? I cant say my real name otherwise I could Sarah at risk, or should I even answer that. Of course I should, I'm strong and putting my name out there.     "Sofia Giordano, and I would like to know the name of the i***t that thinks he is stalling time for his people to finish whatever they started",      He smirks and lean of the wall lunge at me, I blocks as many hits as possible and when I see he lean more to one side I knew his limp leg is giving out, so I throw a few punches his way causing him to stagger backwards, he straighten standing tall bring his both hands back up taking his stance. Moving quick I try to punch him on his sides to take him down before he could try at me. We move back and forth in hand to hand when a sudden bang stops us, we both look at each other wide eye and then rushed to our guns.      As we aim our guns to each other the ceiling glass shatter around us and a gas canister landed between us, the strong smell had my eyes watering burling my vision, my chest felt like it was closing in and black dot danced in front of me, I drop, laying on the floor unable to move or speak, just before I welcome the darkness I see a figure kneeling down next to me,      "Tsk Tsk Tsk Gabi, you should of let me finish what I started years ago, sleep tight",     He laughed and then there was darkness....           
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