Chapter 20

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Lucas POV     She pregnant, f*****g pregnant.     What the f**k is going on, did we cross a black cat or break a mirror or something. She really didn't need this, not now with so much going on and so much left to do. The minute she fainted Alex grabbed her, pulling her to his chest, holding her tightly to him like he expecting her to slip away.      Andrew stood of to the side like a good little f*****g puppy, I don't need to deal with him right now, our main focus was Adam, he looked livid as f**k like he'll snap at any moment. The minute I saw his face as he made his way toward Gabi I knew something big was about to happen, but not once did I thought about something this big. In our life having kids is a must for the leaders as they are expected to pass of to another generation but later on in life not at eighteen.     We're all standing here in the church yard, Adam gaze focus on Nicolai who's standing at the huge double wood doors, from his stiff posture and death glare he sending the man in front on him, tells me he saw Gabi faint and is being held back from coming to her. We all watch in utter disbelief as the man say something to Nicolai and then usher him inside the church, he didn't even look back.      Right now, I was super happy Gabi didn't see that, but something about that exchange didn't sit right with me. Earlier today Nicolai came to Alex and I informing us that he decided to cancel the wedding. I was so shocked that I couldn't answer but Alex not so much, he needed answers, but as always, all Nicolai said was he wasn't going to lose her and somehow I knew, he found out about our move. We didn't ask why we were just happy, well I was Alex not so much. It would mean Gabi would be at ease knowing that there might be a chance for them still. While Alex and I had agreed to share her, he didn't like Nicolai so getting him to agree was not happening but Nicolai was relentless this morning, constantly assuring Alex that he won't harm or hurt Gabi.      I guess we should of listen to Alex. While still holding Gabi Alex walked to the car and slid in the back seat placing Gabi on his lap while running his fingers through her hair. Even thou Alex never said the words out loud, you could see by his interactions and his protectiveness that he really do love her. Adam was about to get in the driver seat but Andrew stopped him and the tension immediately fell upon us. Adam narrowed his eyes on him, a lesser man would of quiver but Andrew didn't so much as bat an eye lash, just stared directly into Adams eyes while he spoke,     "You're emotional and that's not the best frame of mind to drive, especially with the precious cargo we have on board", Andrew said while nodding his head to a passed out Gabi in the back seat. Adam didn't hesitate he threw the keys at Andrew and took a seat next to Alex.      I frowned my brows at him but didn't say anything while making my way to the front seat, we already waste enough time as is. As much as I want to be the one comforting her, I know he needs this, to feel some sort of control in the situation were none of us have control. I'm not happy about it, but, we need to get her to the hospital.     We drove in uncomfortable silence as we all had different question and scenario's running through our minds. The drive to the hospital should only be twenty minutes, but, that's twenty minutes to get lost in thought while letting the memories of the past and the feeling's that came with it spill unto my future. Contaminating it, making questions float through my mind like a bad smell that I can't get rid of. Its like I was ten all over again. The pain, the loneliness, the feeling of being looked over because something better came along, but No, I will not allow myself to go there and let the only good thing I have left get away from me. Hell, I will sign my name on the f*****g birth paper if I have to. No matter what decision is made I wont leave her, call me crazy or love sick but Gabi have a permanent place in my heart, that I know.      As Andrew pulled up to the emergency exit we all jumped out, Alex's carrying Gabi holding her like a baby while his body radiated anger and possession, like a man on a mission. The attendant by the door tried to take Gabi from Alex but from the look we all sent him, he quickly dropped his hand while guiding us to an empty bed to place her on. Gabi isn't going to be happy when she wakes up, she hates hospitals with a passion.      The strong scent of disinfectant and rubbing alcohol hit me as we entered bringing back those unpleasant memories I tried to shake of on the way here, memories of when I was weak and easy to pried on, but as I looked around the room to try and calm my raising panic my eyes land on Gabi in Alex arms and my body instantly started to relax. Alex climbed into bed with Gabi still in his arms ignoring the protest from the nurse.     We all stayed in the room as the doctor came in and introduced herself as Dr. Slone, then she started taking Gabi's blood pressure and do a round of examinations, well as much as she can do with Alex next to Gabi. It wasn't until Adam informed her that Gabi is pregnant that she asked for us to clear the room for a different type of examination.     Three hours later Dr. Slone and the nurses came out, she stopped in front of us and nodded for the nurse to carry on, Adam at the front, Alex and I take up either side of him while Andrew hung back giving us the space we all needed.      "Are any of you the father?", Dr. Slone asked, both Alex and I looked at each other, we didn't know what to do or say, Adam when stiff causing the doctor to raise an eyebrow at us.     "I am", all our heads snapped to Andrew as he pushed of the wall towards the doctor, "Is she going to be alright doctor", He asked ignoring the way both Adam and Alex were glaring at him.     "She is dehydrated and malnourished, but that's normal at this stage of pregnancy. We gave her something to help with the vomiting but she needs bed rest for at least a month to help build back her body".      Dr. Slone said as she pulled out a prescription and a call card.      "This is a colleague of mine, he will take good care of her, also she is awake and a bit upset but she's asking for someone name Adam",      With that the doctor headed of the same way the nurse went, Alex took a step toward Andrew but Adam stopped him by grabbing his shoulders, it was a silent order one we all knew to well.      Adam left us and went in to see Gabi, none of us followed, we knew they needed this time alone, if its one thing both Alex and I knew is that Gabi loved Adam more than all of us combine. The minute the door click shutting it Alex turned and punched the wall over and over letting his frustration out. By the time he was finished his knuckles were bloody and his body slumped against the wall.      "Better now?" Andrew asked as he tried to help him up.      "Not f*****g close", Alex murmured, slapping away Andrew hand.      "Well better get your f*****g s**t in order, Gabi's going to need us more that ever now", I said as I extended my hand to help Alex up.      "Will she? She's f*****g PREGNANT with his child. She won't want us now. She will run to him whether we like it or not, she always goes back to him",      His said through clenched teeth, although he said it out of anger he had a point, will Nicolai let Gabi go if he knew she was carrying his baby, will she leave this life she started to build to live with him and finally will she leave us? As if faith it self heard us the doors bust open and in came in Nicolai, Audrey and Elliot.      Nicolai rushed to us and all I wanted to do was knock him out and get Gabi away from here, call it jealousy if you want but the lump that formed in my throat as Alex made his point was to heavy to swallow. I knew that the minute he found out about the baby he was taking her away.      Nicolai stopped in front of Andrew while Audrey hugged Alex and Elliot came and stood next to me.     "What happened to her", I was about to answer and tell him its none of his business but Andrew was quicker.      "She fainted due to exhaustion and malnutrition but she's fine, she's with Adam you don--",  Andrew suddenly stopped talking, his once relax composure gone. He's rigid, his eyes narrowed at Nicolai hand then back to his face, Andrew, in quick movements punched Nicolai straight to his jaw causing Nicolai to stumble back. No one moved to help as we all were confused that was until Andrew shouted.     "You f*****g got married",      Nicolai straighten while cupping his jaw, Audrey hold on Alex was tight and I knew it was more for him than her, where as Elliot grabbed my elbow.     "If you give me a chance I will explain", answered Nicolai,  Explain? Please. A laugh bubble out of my chest and everyone turn to me. I don't know why his explanation was funny but its been a tug and pull ever since I saw him. It's simple if you have strong feelings as you say, then nothing will be more important than the one you love. I felt everything in London to stay at her side. Relocated my family to a safe house and left Marcus so whatever he has to say was irrelevant.      "Don't bother, whatever you have to say, save it for Gabi", I said just as the door to Gabi room open. Adam stepped out and looked at us but finally landed his gaze on Nicolai.      "Andrew, Nicolai, Gabi would like to see you both",  My head snapped to Alex just as his turned to me, its like what he said was true, how is it she ask for him first. Both men entered the room and close the door. Alex shrugged out of Audrey's hold and started making his way to the door but stopped short when he saw Adam pulled out his gun.     "What are you doing? This is a hospital",      "I'm well aware but the armed men entering the hospital don't seem to care. Get Audrey and Elliot to the basement parking garage, I have a transportation ready and waiting for us",          Both Alex and I stood frozen on spot until the door bust open with the rest of the guys entering. Seth, Blake, Stefan, Isaac were completely armed and dressed in black. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and regained my focus, I need to be at my best if everything and everyone fails I need to be there for Gabi.      "Lucas", My eyes snapped open and Alex looked at me unsure of what to do and I know its because he doesn't want to leave her.      "Isaac and Stefan you guys escort Audrey and Elliot home, Alex call some men to secure the house. Adam, you take stand at Gabi's room door, Blake your with me, Seth your with Alex lets get the exits covered."     Once I finished giving the orders everyone sprinted in to action. The guys had enough ammunition for all of us but it wont last long we need to get the hell out of here. Alex however stopped abruptly and turn back to me.     "What about Gabi",      "She will be find she got Andrew and Adam",  With that final word we all got in position, it wasn't long until we heard guns shots rung out and screams echo the hallways. Taking the safety off the gun I raised it and readied myself. No one is taking her away from me. With that thought in mind the doors on both side opened and all hell broke lose. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________      Nicolai POV         I deserved everything I got, that punch was nothing compared to the turmoil that's racking my body, I can only hope Gabi gives me chance to explain. The minute Adam said Gabi wanted to see me I was happy but I was also reluctant, how am I going to explain this to her. Yes I got married but It was by choice, I was forced.      Both Andrew and I entered the room. Andrew stood back allowing me to go closer to the bed, the sight before me wasn't the Gabi I know, she look so weak and pale but f**k she still looked beautiful and a little pissed but still beautiful.      I locked eyes with her and despite her being mad she was different, something changed that was until her gaze caught the gimmer of the gold band around my finger and she locked up all her emotions. Gone was the Gabi I know and now is the Gabi that's powerful in her own way that make people bend to her will. I was about to say something but she as faster, her voice cold, hard and not a shred of emotion laced in it.     "Congratulations, I'm pretty sure everyone is happy with your union",      "Not every one", I answered, Andrew scoff behind me and it took everything I had in me not to shoot him at this moment.     "Yes well we don't always get what we want now do we, anyway, the reason I asked you here was because we are leaving for Italy tonight and I wanted to know if you would come with us but seeing as you are recently married I'm guessing not",     I opened my mouth to explain myself but she put up a hand stopping me,      "Whatever you're about to say don't, we are leaving tonight, the minute we get on that plane whatever connection or alliance we have is finished. I AM DONE",     No, No this can't be happening right now. I can't let her go, I can't. I stood there shaking my head she's not leaving me.      "No, you will let me explain wh---", I stopped talking by the sounds of gun shots. The door opened and Adam nod his head to Gabi.      "Times up we need to go. Andrew you will stay at Nicolai side at all times. You know why", Gabi said as she got of from the bed. Wait, they are keeping something from me. I grabbed her hand before she move away from me.      "What are you hiding from me",      "Nothing of importance to you", She replied as she yanked her hand away from me and headed to the door. Andrew and I armed ourselves as Adam pulled open the door and peered outside.      The gun shots stopped long enough for us all to run out of Gabi room to the door that had a picture of stairs on it, Adam Alex and Lucas at the front, Gabi in the middle while Andrew and I took the rear. By the time we made it to the parking garage Gabi was being carried by Alex. Her weaken body couldn't handle the rush we were in to get her to safety.      The basement parking garage was empty except for a black SUV with heavily tinted windows and what looked like bullet proof exterior. Lucas, Alex, Gabi, and Adam went into it while Andrew and I got into my car. I didn't bother to ask him why he followed me because Gabi already gave her order.      As soon as the SUV hit the road, two black vans where on their tail, they where being followed, Andrew and I looked as the SUV drove faster to avoid the two black vans that was following them.     "They wont make it if we don't take out one", Andrew said as he send down his glass, "Get me close to take out the tires and get rid of one",      Following his instructions, I got close to one only for they to start shooting at us. The windshield cracked as the bullet pierced through missing us and hitting the seat in the back. The adrenaline that course through my body had me more alert and more focus. There is a trill that only a f****d up person like me gets when bring shot at. Turing the staring wheel to a hard left the car collided with the van long enough to distract them for Andrew to blow out the two tires facing us. The van went into a spiral and stopped. I could see the doors opening from my mirror but I don't have time I need to get to Gabi.     We didn't stop as we both realized lost sight of the SUV, they still had one more van tailing them and with Gabi bring so weak means they are down two set of hands. Andrew reloaded his gun while checking the mirror to make sure we wasn't being followed. I pushed the car as fast as it could go to get them back in view. It didn't take us long to see the second van not far from the SUV Gabi was in. Andrew was already half way out the window as I speed up to get close to the van.      He didn't wait this time once he had the shot he took it, blowing out the two back tires then taking out the driver, the speed the van was going caused it to spin in circles before flipping and landing on the hood. I didn't stop I followed behind the black SUV, I was so close yet so far and just as I was beginning to relax the most unexpected, earth shattering thing happened.     The SUV blew up. The force of the blast hit us making me lose control of it.  I could believe my eyes if I didn't see I wouldn't have believe it was true. The SUV that Gabi was in Blew up with her Lucas, Alex and Adam in it.      "NOO", I head on the side of me. Andrew tried to open the door to run out but he couldn't grip the door handle.  But me I couldn't move the ache in my chest at the reality in front of me had me frozen. The flames danced in front of me like a mockery of what I couldn't have, of what I lost.      "NOOO",  He shouted it again as he finally got the door open and rushed to the burning vehicle. Andrew heart breaking scream snapped me out of the daze I was in, ling enough for me to open the door and rush to the burning vehicle.      Maybe it wasn't them a voice whispered in my head.  But I knew it was, the license plate on the car was the same. As I got closer my foot and heart felt heavy I couldn't breathe, I dropped on my knees and watch the SUV burn. I couldn't protect her, I couldn't love her.      "No", a silent sob broke free,     Both Andrew and I watched as the SUV burned in bright red flames, the firefighters arrived not to long after and put out the fire only for us to see a charred remains of them in the vehicle. Something broke in me as I looked at the what I think is Gabi holding on to Alex. I couldn't tell, if I didn't know before hand who was in the vehicle I wont be able to tell.      Both Andrew and I stood straight as the fire marshal walked up to us,     "Inspector Black, I'm sorry to say this but all the evidence was burnt, we cant find the cause of the explosion",         Red hot rage course through my veins,      "Excuse me?"     "I'm sorry sir but this was a professional job", he finished as he turned and walked away.     "She was pregnant", I heard on the side of me. I turned to Andrew who was still looking inside the vehicle, tears streaming down his face.      "What?" I said, in disbelieve if my heart couldn't break anymore it would be a lie because whatever was they isn't anymore.      "She was pregnant, she found out this morning. I don't know why she didn't tell you but that's why she was sick and I suspect that why Adam was trying to get her out of the country",      I stumbled back, I not only lost my love I lost my kids. Why, what did I do so wrong to be punished so bad. Turing around I head towards my car with Andrew hot on my heels, two things I do know for sure is that I Nicolai Black is on the wrong side of the law and I Nicolai Black is going to have my revenge even if it means painting the streets red. 
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