Chapter 9

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ADAM POV I was made a fool, I should of waited until I got the information but no I acted and now I'm trapped and all my men are dead, I always drill Gabi about checking her surroundings and looking for changes but here I am locked and beaten to a blood plump because I didn't follow my own advice. There is something about the color of blood that always get me excited whether it be my blood or someone else, as I lay here with my blood carpeting the floor and pain radiating my whole body I'm still excited, these idiots may think that me bleeding on the ground here is punishment but its the total opposite, I was trained with the most ruthless men out there so as much as these cut hurts I have been through worst. Using my trembling fingers I run it along the edge of the blood forming a pattern, the pattern that made my life worth living, my duty, my loyalty, my everything. The Giordano's mark, a mark I wear proud and will fight for till the end of my days, my only regret was taking long to get Gabi initiated. It's been days I have been here, I'm not even sure how long its been but I know Marcus will send someone to look for me, otherwise our deal would be off and his drugs will not go through without problems, the cell I'm in has no windows so I'm not sure if it's day or night outside. The cell has a bed, open toilet and a shower that only works when they put on the water, on the corner has a camera so escaping would be difficult. It took two naps to get my body of the floor and onto the bed, I don't know how the hell these kids got the upper hand on us because we have been the best as far as I can remember. Everyone knew Adam Giordano the adoptive son of the Mafia's ruthless leader, the one that wiped out a whole rival Mafia family in one night all because they kidnapped his step sister. It was one thing to kidnap but its another to r**e and she was a by stander in the world of blood we live in. That night we found her covered in blood with a note attached to her outside the gate to our weapons compound was the night I let my darkness lose. That was also the reason why my father sent me away with my wife and kids, I had to find the fucker that was driving her that night and end him. It took me six months of teaching to see him, when he came for parent/teacher conference he knew the minute he saw me that his death was upon him and he ran leaving his kid right there in the middle of the classroom. That evening I looked for him but he was no where to be found, instead I found something worse, a small defenseless little girl trying to fight away two grown ass men from taking advantage of her. It was looking at the scene of what I thought happen to my sister, I immediately jumped in and beat them to an inch of life. When I was satisfied with there blood state I looked over to see Gabi a student of mine, she had that look in her eyes and immediately I knew she had to be one of us, because, in some f****d up way her darkness spoke to mine, like we were cut from the same cloth. I tried to remember the last thing that happened after Gabi called but before I could even answer they knocked me out. I only hope she doesn't do something stupid, I know her, she has the instinct of a leader, she smart and thinks outside the box but rules meant nothing to her if someone she loves is in danger. I should of send my wife and kids to her, she would of kept them safe. It's strange to think that a seventeen year old had that much power, but she does, her determination and focus made her an excellent fighter and a really good marksman. The sound of the locks on the cell next to me snapped me out of my thoughts, they bought someone else but who? didn't they killed everyone who was with me? I heard some grunting and some slaps before the door was locked again. I waited until I was sure they left before going to wall the cells shared to try and figure out who's there. Pressing my ear to the wall, I knocked twice and waited, after a while I heard two knocks, "Who's there", "Someone who was supposed to be saving you", I know that voice and he isn't supposed to be here. "Lucas?" "Yea and before you go all crazy on me, Marcus called and he said either me or Gabi come to look for you and I made the decision to come", Of course Marcus will do something so stupid, he have been on my ass to have her join him since he saw her in action at Faiths house, now I have to think because I know her, she will come. "Lucas, how long has it been since you got captured", "Almost a month, why?" One month which means that Gabi's birthday is coming up. I could use that I will need to convince these little boys to use a phone, I will have to beg and that's not something I want to do. "Lucas, you know she's going to come. right!!" "Yes and she has a team already, my guess is she's waiting for her eighteenth birthday to leave", Wait she got a team? I underestimated her again, if she has a team then she has a plan. "Who's in her team?" I asked genuinely curious to see who she trusts to put her life on the line with. "The whisperers punks, I think she hired them the day I left after all she is the owner of everything belonging to them now", This is what I was afraid of, now whether I like it or not she in this life for the long haul. Its not that she cant handle herself but as I have been training Gabi I realize one thing, she has more darkness inside her than me, were mine was cause by trauma hers wasn't, its a natural kind of darkness and that is more dangerous than anyone would think. The minute she loses control she wont be able to stop, and now that I'm in here and locked up I don't think she will try to handle it, I know she going to let it out. After convincing the guard to let me call my 'sister' I was happy to know that she is coming and she will be here soon, what bothered me was her voice, something happened. Her voice was cold and not full spunk I was accustomed to. The days passed and I knew I was running out of time, Lucas and my injuries were getting worse without treatment and I was beginning to wonder if something happened to Gabi, she was supposed to be here a day ago. I wasn't sure how long it was but they stopped dropping food and water, I guess they want to make us more weak, my body felt weak, tired and drained, if I had to fight my way out I would differently lose. The sound of the lock being unlocked woke us up, we could hear laughs from both female and male. The muffle sound grew louder as they got closer, the male voice belongs to one of the guards I know from the rounds of beating, his voice cause more pains than his f*****g fist, but I was hoping that my ears weren't deceiving me and that female voice was Gabi's. As they both stopped in front of the cell next to me I could hear Lucas gasp but he tried to cover it with a cough, then they both moved in front of my cell and as I lift me eyes to individuals in front of me, I came upon the most deathly and darkest eyes, Gabi. Fuck its about to get bloody.. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Gabi POV Something wasn't sitting right with me since we arrived at the airport in Italy, maybe its just my subconscious I don't know but the question kept repeating in my head, why was it so easy to find Adam? if they are as bad ass as they claim to be, why make it so easy to be caught? Alex rented a small apartment close to the location where we thought Adam was being held, once everything was settled, we all changed into black jeans, black T-shirt, black shoes and Black leather Jackets. The guys armed up in the living room while I armed up in the bedroom, my black shoulder holster was strapped up with a band just under my boobs loaded with two 9mm guns, my leg strap had two knives on either sides, once I was finished I meet the guys outside by the SUV we rented and headed to the location. The guys didn't exactly know how trained I am and I kept that to my self for now, so when Blake suggested I sit and wait on them in the car so I don't get hurt, I agreed not because I wanted to do stay safe but because something was bugging me and I intended on figuring it out. We drove for maybe fifteen minutes, along the way I spotted a worn out looking bar, I knew the minute the guys entered the house I could run away and check the bar for someone with information. One of Adam's training was to look in placed most people wont look to first, that way when you get the information you can act on it before the others get a hold on it. As we parked in front of the house I couldn't believe we might have to blow it up, even in the dark the house looked beautiful, the outside was painted cream with traditional Italian architecture and a beautiful fountain directly in the center of the drive way, that way you circle around it. The house had all different flowers lining the edges giving it a homey feeling. The house looked to nice for illegal activity, that only made my decision more certain. The guys got out of the vehicle and started looking around, before Alex left, he handed me his phone with a video file on it, I looked at him with confusion written all over my face, "We all have our trigger Gabi and we use it to fight, that's what gives us our adrenalin rush. I suggest you use this as yours", he said pointing towards the phone and then sprinted of to meet he rest of the guys. Once I was sure they reached inside safely I opened the video, from the looks of it, its a doctor office and I could see the person is hiding in order to take this video. After a minute or so the doctor entered with two people and I already know what this video was about. Instantly I felt like someone stabbed me in the heart and twisted the knife. I watched and listen to the doctor tell them that there baby is healthy and is progressing well, after explaining that the mother needs bed rest and no stress she announced that they were having a girl. Nicolai jumped to his feet and pulled her into a deep kiss in front of the doctor and screamed out how happy he was and then how much he loved her. My heart couldn't take it, I remembered the words he said to me and the way he made love to me that night, the camera flipped and one of the guys I go to school with face popped up, "Boss, they are getting married in two days, according to lady at the office they applied for the license a month ago, if you need anything let Alex call me", With that the video end. My sob was about to escape my throat but I held it. I need out now before I lose my self with emotions, I tired to stay away for this exact reason I really did, now I know why Adam keep saying don't trust people and now I know for sure it wont happen again. One month ago they applied for the license, one month he knew we couldn't be together, yet he pushed he betrayed me. I ditch the guys and started walking towards the bar, I let my tears run free during the walk, this is the last time I will be crying over a guy. By the time I got to the bar my tears had stopped, my heart was hard and my emotions where back where they were supposed to be, I'm in control now and I'm in the mood to spill some fuckers blood. The bar was nice, it had a rustic feel to it but it wasn't just an ordinary bar, the minute I walked it I could see this is a safe zone bar. A safe zone place or in this case a bar is a place were rivals could meet without drawing guns or breaking into fights. I gracefully made my way over to the bar and ordered four tequila shots, the bartender raised an eye brow at me but then a guy appeared from behind me and nod to the bartender. The guy moved closer and brushed against side and I knew from the way he stilled he felt my gun. In quick motion he pulled out his and pressed against my back. "Strangers aren't allowed to come in with weapons", he said just as the four shot arrived. I made quick work and drank all four shots before turning the guy. "Its not my fault they didn't search me and last time I checked this is a safe zone and besides I'm here looking for work", He laughed and made the mistake of taking his eyes of me, in quick movements I relieved him of his gun and pointed it back to him, the bar went still for a minute but I didn't want trouble, I turned around and handed the bartender the gun and sat back down ordering a beer. "How old are you kid?" The bartender asked as he placed the open beer in front of me. "Old enough to handle a gun and take care of myself", He chuckle and raised his hand calling a guy from the back, "Take this lovely young lady to meet the boss, she looking for a job in your area of expertise", The guy who I disarmed was pissed, he looked from me to the bartender and then to the massive build man that stood next to me. The guy nudge my side for me to get up, taking that as a sign to leave I placed some money down and followed the giant to the back, down a hallway and down a set of stairs to what look like a basement. He opened the door and started walking, as we got closer to another door he stopped and turned to face me, "You ever tortured someone for fun kid?" He ask in his weird ass irritating voice, unsure of why he asked this I decided to play along and smile, I gave him all the details of what I'm hoping to do to the people who kidnapped Adam he didn't need to know all that was in my mind. After hearing everything he laughed and asked me to follow him, as he opened the door I spot two cells on the far end. He shut the door and moved over to the first cell, instantly my blood ran cold, something snapped in me. Inside the cell was Lucas laying on a small bed with blood covering the floor, the man laughed at Lucas causing him to look up and gasp as he saw me but quickly cough it out, at this point my face was steeled, no expression or feelings playing at its features. The man moved to the next cell and I looked down to the drawing in blood, already wanting to spill blood because of the video I saw, it didn't take much to snap and there sitting on the small bed with barely opened eyes was Adam and that's when I snapped. I couldn't feel, I couldn't think I just reacted, I grabbed my knife from the strap and pierced it into his skull, letting the blood flow all over me. I wanted more though I wanted them all to suffer for what they did to Adam and Lucas. The minute his body hit the ground I grabbed the keys from him and moved over to the cells and opened it. I knew I need help but neither Adam nor Lucas can help and I don't have much time before more men come down, taking my phone from my pocket I called Alex the phone rang once before he answered, "Where the f**k are you?" "I found Adam and Lucas tell Seth to track my phone and get here soon, once you get here, Blake and Isaac will take them to safety the rest of you follow my steps", "What? How did you find them and how will be know where your going?" "Just follow the bodies", With that I hung up the phone and threw it to Adam, he didn't say anything neither did Lucas, I'm pretty sure its the look on my face that stopped them. Picking up the gun from the giant I killed I started making my way room from room, three rooms where empty but I knew the next had someone in it, I could hear some sounds coming from it, taking a breath I opened the door and stilled at the sight in front of me, twin girls tied to a bed, they both started crying and nodding there heads to the door I'm assuming is the bathroom, grabbing my next knife I cut them both lose and looked them over, "Are you hurt?" "N-n-no w-w-we just got h-here", I nod and let out a breath relieved that nothing bad happened to them, "Listen to me carefully, I need you to run down the hall and out the door, there will be two guys in a cell waiting, they're a little bang up but they will keep you safe ok, now run", They didn't wait they ran, once they were far enough I opened the bathroom door and shot the guy between his eyes and walked out, I don't need to hear his explanations. The next room was further down the hallway, and I could hear screams and cries coming from behind the door. I need a distraction but I was by myself and I wasn't sure how long the guys would take to be here, it was now that I started to feel the fear but I closed if of replaying the memory of the video and decided to do something stupid, I knock on the door.
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