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"Get the stretchers ready." "Are there any casualties?" "... No, two patients, heavily injured. Car fell down the hill." The broken sounds barely fell in Kara's years as she came in and out of consciousness. As soon as the car went down, they collided with rocks and she did not even realize when she became unconscious. As she heard the voices, she realized the doctors were talking about her and Damon. She felt a bit of relief knowing Damon was still alive, but afraid too because the pain her body was severe enough for her to realize that the injuries they had suffered were not small ones. ***** "Kara?" Someone gently patted her face, "Kara, are you awake?" "Mhmmm..." she mumbled in frustration. She was feeling extremely sleepy.  "Kara...?" Kara opened her eyes and found a pair of green ones staring down at her. She saw as James' eyes softened as soon as he saw her open her eyes.  He was pushed back and was replaced by a doctor who started checking up on her while saying some things about her health. By the time the doctor was done flashing the torch in her eyes and checking on other organs, Kara had finally started to understand what was happening as she looked around the room and found an extremely worried James and his parents standing near her bed. "Wh... what?" she blinked and tried to remember what was happening. The flashback of the accident did not take long to appear in front of her eyes, and the confusion on her face was immediately replaced with panic, "Damon?" she tried to get up while staring at James, Rita, and Neil, "where is he?" "Don't get up." James rushed over and held her shoulder gently, making her lie back down, "he is being treated, don't worry." Rita and Neil came near her bed, their faces covered with exhaustion and worry, "Kara..." Rita started, "feeling pain anywhere, baby?" "James, give her some water." Neil said, his hand caressing the top of Kara's head, slipping over the bandage tied on her forehead. James poured water in a glass and put a straw in it. Sitting down next to her on the bed, he carefully lifted Kara halfway and had her drink the water. When he helped her settle back in the bed, his fingers stayed on her neck, gently holding her. Kara then realized how badly his hand was shaking as it held her.  "Kara, do you remember what happened? How did you guys fall?" Neil asked in a gentle tone. "Dad, not now!" James spat. Kara put her hand on James' gently and pressed. She did not really have the strenth to scold him for talking to his dad that way. "Breaks did not work." she said with an hoarse voice, "we tried. But the car would not stop." Neil's eyes flashed to James for some brief seconds before returning to Kara. He gave her an assuring nod, and responded, "Take some rest. I will make some calls. Rita will go to Damon." When they were out of the room, James turned, sitting facing Kara on the bed, his hand coming up to caress her face, "Hurts anywhere?" Kara shook her head in denial and murmured, "Your hand is shaking, James." James snatched his hand back for a brief second before clenching his eyes shut and putting it back to where it was on her face, "You are going to kill me from worry some day." "I am sorry I worried you." "You should be. How careless are you to get inside a car without breaks?" Kara rolled her eyes at his words, "James, do you know how dumb you sound right now?" "I am not saying anything dumb!" he snapped, "do you even know what I went through when I got the call? You and Damon both..." he sighed heavily, and his body shuddered at the reminder. "Alright, alright." she put her hand on his cheek when he bent forward towards her, his face getting burried in his chest to hide the emotions that took over his face and his voice, " "How is Damon?" she asked softly. Her eyes went down at her own body, seeing a plaster on her leg and bandage on her waist. "His injuries are a bit more than yours, actually."  Kara's eyes snapped up to James' as his words, "Is... is he in danger?" "He has had bad injuries. Mom and dad will be taking him to Canada for some special surgeries tomorrow by jet." "Oh... god." Kara's voice shivered, and tears filled her eyes, "I want to see him." "I will bring you to him before he leaves." James assured and stroked her head, "don't worry. He is going to be alright." "Was it done by the same people?" Kara suddenly remembered, "the ones who had shot at us? Because of my property?"
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