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James stepped closer to her, and responded calmly, "You need to behave, Kara. Don't think I am going to tolerate anyone's dirty hands on you." She looked into his dark eyes while he lifted his hand and traced her jaw with his finger and trailed it down to her cleavage. She tried to shove him off but ended up pressing harder against his body. "You lost your bet, James." He smirked at her and slipped his finger down to her abdomen, hearing a gasp escape her lips as she sucked in a sharp breath. His fingers squeezed her waist and pulled her closer to his body tightly, "There aren't any bets valid when it comes to you." Her heart beat loudly hearing the meaning behind his words. As his face dipped in her collar to trace the skin with his tongue, "Stop doing the same things over, and over that I hate." ****** A Week Later "How are things coming along at the office?" Neil asked while taking a seat beside Rita on the couch. Damon turned his gaze to Kara and smiled proudly, "Kara is sure learning fast. She just got her first big project to work on." Kara gave a small smile as Rita put her hand on her head and caressed lovingly. Neil cleared his throat and sat up straight, "About James. He still has not come home after the fight. His anger still has not calmed down?" "I will talk to him, Dad," Damon responded, and stood up from his seat, his open palm extended towards Kara, "He has been coming to the office, but I will go to his house to talk to him about this matter." Neil rubbed his eyes in tension and nodded his head. James' temper was something they all dreaded facing, "Try to reason with him about it, Damon. I don't know why he is so strongly against your engagement. But I don't want this matter to spread in our relatives. We are going to become an object of mocking." Kara took his hand and stood up from her seat, following him to wherever he wanted to go with her. Damon looked away from his dad's eyes as darkness covered him at the mention, "I will handle him, don't worry." He walked away from there with Kara. The thought of talking about this matter with James was bringing stress to him as he was not ready to start fighting with him again. They walked out of the house and got inside the car. Damon grabbed her hand again as soon as he was done starting the car and get out.  She kind of felt uncomfortable as Damon's fingers fiddled with hers, especially with the engagement ring on her finger. "Will you come with me?" Kara got startled by his voice and her gaze shot from their enwined hands to his face at his words, "What? Where?" "James' house." his eyes turned to stare at the road, missing the shocked expressions on Kara's face, "I think he will start fighting with me as soon as I step inside the doors. We have not really talked since the day of our fight at home." The color drained off her face at the mention of that day. She knew James was not going to be easily convinced to let go of her, and in fact, he had already roped her in his love once again. The reminder brought nothing but pain to heras she looked at Damon once again, this time with guilt. "Will you, Kara?" Damon asked again. "I... I am not sure. I don't really think it'll be a good idea though." "I am not going to force you." Damon smiled and increased the speed up a bit, "with you being there it would have been easier for us to not fall to a fist fight." Kara's fingers tightened into a fist, "I am sorry. I just..." "You don't need to explain, Kara. I am not going to force you about anything." "Thank you." Kara sighed in relief a bit. She had not even seen James' home since he shifted from the main house. She was already having a hard time being together with him at office. Even the mere thought of being under his roof made her shiver. And then with Damon, and his talk bringing back the day of their engagement, she knew it was not going to be a pretty talk. They were driving down a one sided road along the path of a mountain. The other side was filled with greenery and deep end. The road curved, and Damon's foot pressed down on the break. His face suddenly changed color as the move did not bring any change in the speed. "What the hell?" he cursed under his breath and pressed again. "What is wrong?" Kara saw the panic on his face, and immediately understood something was wrong. "Hold onto your seatbelt tightly." he instructed and instatly dialed a number. The phone rang twice before someone picked up, "911. What is your emergency?" "The breaks of my car are not working." he said calmly, while Kara's eyes widened in shock and horror, "we are on the Shire Mountain road, the speed at present is seventy but keeps rising fast. Can you please send help?" "Damon." Kara whispered, her heart beating at an unimaginable speed while her hand grabbed Damon's tightly. What if this was her last day? What if something happened to Damon? What if she never got to see James ever again? She would regret it forever if she died without assuring James that she had forgiven him for what happened three years ago. He is going to blame himself forever. She would never let it happen. "I am going to protect you, don't worry, Kara." Damon gave her a smile. But Kara could see that he was just as scared as she was, but he did not want to frighten her more. Kara nodded her head but could not make herself smile. Her heart throbbed in pain and fear. "I love you, Kara." Damon's eyes lit up while his lips stayed curved into a smile as he stared at her. Her lips shivered but she could not say the same words to him. And then before any of them could say another word, the road curved into a harsh turn, and the car... went down.
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