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"Yeah," James murmured, "it seems so. We have now increased security and everyone is under investigation for trying to murder you. Whoever it is, we will find out soon enough." **** One month Later Kara moved a bit, and climbed out of the bed. Her hands clutched the handles of walking sticks, trying to stand up. She had barely stood up, when two hands snatched the sticks, put them aside and lifted her up bridal style. "How many times are you going to make me repeat?" James frowned and started walking towards the hall with her, "don't make trouble. Don't make me worry. Don't get out of the f*****g bed on your own. Just holler my name, how hard is that for you?" Kara smiled at his words, "I don't like disturbing you for each little thing. I can manage some walking on my own." James' frown deepened and his eyes found hers, "Then what am I here for?" "James..." "No, listen to me." he lowered her and made her sit on the couch, leaning forward on her while his hands clutched the back of the couch, "I am here for you. You need a glass of water, call my name. You want to pee, call my name. You want to see out of the freaking window, you call my f*****g name. You hear me?" Kara slowly nodded her head. Having him so near herself, her mind had already stopped working properly.  He bent down and kissed her forehead, "what did you want to do?" "Nothing really." she smiled, "I got bored sitting inside the room all day. Just wanted to come out of the room." "Okay. Stay here." he put his hand on her cheek, and caressed softly, "I am making dinner. Just setting up table for us. Okay?" Kara nodded her head. At that time, suddenly the doorbell rang. James scowled, "Nine PM. Pretty late for a visiter." He went to the table, and opened a drawer. His hand wrapped around a pistol, getting it out before going to the door. He peeked through the peephole before opening the lock and coming back in without saying anything. The door opened and a man walked in. He seemed to be in his late twenties, Korean, or Chinese perhaps, his body clad in a very nice, dark brown suit, his hair settled well on his head with gel. He bowed down in front of her a bit while greeting, "Miss." James introduced, "Kyle. Kara. Kara, this is Kyle, my PA in my dad's side of business work." Kyle stared at Kara for a second longer before turning to James, "Important information about work, sorry to disturb you at this hour, boss." "It is fine. I know you would not disturb me unless it is absolutely urgent." James said nonchalantly, coming to sit beside Kara while extending his hand towards the other sitting chair, offering Kyle a seat. Kyle sat down, his vary eyes going to Kara for a second. His boss never allowed anyone in the room for important matters. Not even the closest employess. He was the only one trusted completely by James, so it shocked him to see Kara there without being asked to leave. His eyes went back to James and he started speaking, "The new venture with british airline has come to a standstill. They are not agreeing with the designs we sent in and are demanding to meet you personally to discuss. The project is big. You have not come to office for past month so that is becoming a hindrance. And with Damon boss out of country with Mr. Neil, the matter is getting out of our hands. Can you please meet with the client tomorrow and come back to the office for a few days to handle important matters?" Kara looked at the uninterested face of James who looked about ready to refuse. A month ago Damon had left for Canada with his parents, while grandma moved to one of her friends' house to live for a while. James had brought Kara to live with him at his own house insisting that it was not safe for her to live alone anymore. Upon constant insisting by them, she had no other option than to agree. She had seen Damon last time before he left, but due to him being in too much pain, he had been heavily sedated. "Set up a virtual meeting with them. If they refuse, just terminate the damn contract." James shrugged and took Kara's hand in his own, his other arm going to the back of the couch and wrapping around Kara's shoulders protectively. "James!" Kara gasped in shock, her eyes immediately turned to meet Kyle's, "don't. He will be back to office tomorrow." "Are you going to fight with me over this matter too?" James straightened and turned to face her fully, his mouth set in a grim line, "I have already told you I am not going to leave your side until you are fully cured." "It is your business you are neglacting. I can not allow you to ruin it because of me. I can manage being on my own for a couple of months." "Stop making things difficult for me, Kara. I am not taking a no for this matter." Kyle suddenly cleared his throat loudly, bringing their attention back to him. He stood up from the chair, adjusting his clothes, clearly a bit uncomforatble, "Boss, I will leave now. Please drop me a text about your decision and I will make the arrangements." He immediately turned around, and left the hall. The door shut loudly behind him and the sound of it being locked echoed. James turned his eyes back to Kara, "I am not changing my mind about it. Your leg is going to take three months to heal. How can I leave you here alone like this unattended?" He stood up, and lifted her up again, carrying her towards the dining table and settling her in a chair comfortably. He grabbed some pots from the kitchen and brought them out, the aroma of delicious food immediately filled the room. He put some peices of chicken legs in a plate, along with spaghetti and some soup in a bowl. Coming around, he lifted Kara, and settled in the chair, placing her in his lap and then bringing a spoonful of pasta to her mouth. Kara opened her mouth and ate it. But then she turned her head to him, her puppy dog eyes and cute face making him shocked and tempted at the same time,  "Can't you just hire a nurse for me? I am sure we have enough money to hire a good one." James pursed his lips and handed her a chicken leg, while taking a spoonful of pasta in his mouth. He chewed and gulped, seeing Kara do the same before responding, "Nurse will not be able to carry you anywhere in the house. I do not want her handling you carelessly for even a second and making you fall." Kara groaned aloud at his words, "You are just being overdramatic!" "I am being cautious! I will kill her on sight if I saw you in pain." "Okay, then just hire a male nurse." Kara said in frustration, "he will be strong, he won't drop me, he can even carry me like you do." Silence fell between them at her words. Then she suddenly felt his mouth dropping in her neck, and giving a sharp bite until a red mark was left there. "James!" she cried out and swung her head to face him, her face set in a glare. "Your punishment is going to be more severe next time." James looked at her blankly, "stop trying to replace me." Kara sighed aloud, "I am not trying to replace you..." "Then don't say the words that make me angry." he said calmly, "I am not going to let you out of my sight." "James," Kara whispered in a low tone, "this much attachment with me is unhealthy. I am not a doll that you want to take anywhere you go. You have been behaving like this since the day I came back from LA. You don't let me out of your sight, keeping in the vicinity of your reach wherever you are. Don't you think you have become more and more attached to me?" "I don't care." James looked in her brown eyes without a blink while saying, "For me, there is nothing else in the world except you. If attachment with you is unhealthy for me, I will happily die rather than being away from you."

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