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Author’s POV… Upon entering his chambers after the meeting, Alpha King Ronan was met with a visitor. “Uncle.” “Oh, King Ronan. I must say your absence nearly scared us all to death! We were all worried about where you’d gone, or worse, if you’d even been killed. In fact, no one knew what to imagine. Praise be to the goddess for bringing you back safely!” “Thank you, uncle Callum. Thank you so much for keeping my throne safe while I was away.” “There is no need to thank me, my son. All I did was part of my sworn duties to the pack and all of Mastoria. I am just glad you are back safe now to continue with your assignments.” Ronan nodded, “I apologize for any disruption my return may have caused. I know you were looking forward to your coronation tomorrow.” “Nonsense! I care more about the life of my nephew than what any throne could possibly give me. I would have even begged the goddess for your life in exchange for not being king.” “Thank you so much, uncle. It’s nice to know you have a family member you can trust.” Senior Callum sighed, “ever since your father, my elder brother, died mysteriously, I swore to him on his deathbed that I would do all I could to protect you and the kingdom. Your disappearance last week brought the greatest fear in my heart that I’d failed in my promise to your father. You don’t know how happy I am to see you, Ronan. If you did, you would not thank me or apologize for anything.” As their discussion was almost ending, Ronan was about to say something before he heard a familiar sound. “I have to go now,” Callum said, bowing. “Once again, welcome back home, your majesty.” After Callum left, Ronan went over to his window side. The sun had already set, giving way to the evening time. Ronan looked down to see a carriage parked in front of the palace. The familiar sound of his wife’s carriage was what he’d heard earlier. The Luna Queen, Freya, had just arrived, probably back from one of her assignments. She must have heard the news of her husband’s sudden return, which was so because the minute her carriage parked, she went straight to her chambers. Not stopping by to greet or say anything to anyone like she usually did. She just wanted to confirm if all the rumours were true. “My love!” Freya gasped upon entering the master chambers. She was almost in tears. “So it’s true! The goddess heard my prayer, after all, to keep you safe!” She didn’t give Ronan a chance to respond before rushing into his arms. “I was tending to my duties in the public market today when someone told me they’d seen the king in peasant clothes entering the palace gates. I thought they were mad.” Alpha King Ronan chuckled, “they weren’t. I myself wouldn’t have believed it if someone had told me something like that after my sudden disappearance.” Freya’s face was etched with worry. “But what happened? Why didn’t you come home since? Why did you disappear all of a sudden? Did you get lost or something?” So many questions all at once. “I will tell you everything, Freya, but first, you need to relax. It’s not good to get worked up after such a stressful day. Go wash and have dinner, so we can talk about it in bed.” “I was treated to a private meal in one of the diners. I am not hungry, my husband.” “Okay, fine. But at least wash up. You look so stressed from the day’s work.” Freya sighed. “Fine. I will quickly go and wash up, but please tell me everything after I do.” “Yes, my love. I will.” *** Freya tucked herself in bed right beside Ronan after her bath. She’d taken her time to wash up and change as promised, but her anxiousness to hear him remained the same. “I’m ready for bed, my love. Now we can talk.” Ronan began. “I was coming from evening patrol that very day. I had dinner with my uncle before retiring to my chambers. Not up to a minute later, I started feeling sharp pains coming from within me. I honestly didn’t know what it was nor the cause. It made me so weak I dropped to the ground, paralyzed, unable to move. When I closed my eyes to shut out the pain, it made it even worse. It got worse; I couldn’t open my eyes again, like I’d gone blind at that moment. I heard my chamber door opening, and someone entered. I thought it was for help, but whoever poisoned me only came to finish what they started. I felt another different pain entirely; someone delving a knife deep into my belly, stabbing me. The pain was uncontrollable, but I couldn’t do anything about it. I couldn’t move or see. That’s the only thing I remember before I lost touch with my environment, only to wake up in the woods with no memory of who I was.” Freya gasped. “You lost your memory? How is it now?” “Restored, thanks to the goddess. But I didn’t have it for a full week, which was why I was absent. I didn’t know my way home, and I didn’t know who the people in my life were. I was like a lost puppy with no direction.” “So, where were you all that time?” “I lived with some kind villagers. They were really nice in terms of feeding and caring for me. They also helped treat me as the poison did a lot of damage to my body.” “Oh! Thank the goddess for such kind-hearted people. We should go and visit them to thank them for their hospitality.” Ronan shook his head, “no need for that. I have already parted ways with them and will be sending gifts occasionally. Until I find out the person who plotted my murder, I have to avoid any unnecessary movement.” “Oh, that’s true.” Freya understood. “But who could do such a horrible thing?” “Beats me. But I’m sure whoever did it did it because they would have something to gain from my death. Be it my throne, my wealth, my territories or my power. That person must have also had help from the inside.” “You have so many enemies because of your possessions, my husband. Finding the culprit would be so hard to do.” “I am willing to do whatever it takes to find out who did it and when I do, I will feed their head to the lions!”
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