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Ronan’s POV… I took a deep breath and dropped my quill after finishing the letter. I then called in one of my guards. “Patrick!” He was standing just outside the door, so it didn’t take long for him to respond. “Yes, sir!” He called as he ran into my outer chamber. I handed the letter to him before giving my orders. “Send the messenger to go and deliver this immediately. The letter should be delivered to Fiona Marlan. She is a young peasant omega who resides in Abia, one of our sub-territories, just after the great forest. She shouldn’t be so hard to locate as it’s a small village. Ensure he gets it done by tonight.” Patrick bowed, taking the letter. “Your wish is my command, your majesty.” “One more thing,” I said, making him halt before he turned to leave. I went over to my table. Opening one of the drawers, I retrieved a small chest of gold coins I had stashed away some time ago.” Handing it to Patrick, I said, “ensure the messenger delivers this with the letter.” “Right away, your majesty.” * “A letter. Was that the best you could do?” I smirked. This would be the first time I’d hear my wolf, Dion, after the tragic incident that left me nearly lifeless in the woods. “And where have you been all this time?” “I got lost, same as you did.” “I was never lost. The poison only affected my memory for a while.” “Not just your memory, but the bond that helps us communicate. You were lost in the sea of forgotten memories. I didn’t mean what I said physically.” “Whatever,” I scoffed him off as I proceeded to attend to my duties in the Mastorian court. I got a change of clothes, and as I left my chambers, I thought of Dion’s question. Was it really appropriate for me not to have told Fiona goodbye in person? Of course, leaving a note was unsuitable, but I realized it would suffice. I’d been away from the throne for too long, and had it not been for the circumstances surrounding the situation, royalty and common folk should never have had any business together in the first place. Besides, I had no other choice as soon as all my memories returned in a flash. I hated to part ways like this with her, but it was the right thing to do for the good of everyone involved. *** Upon my entrance into the court, everyone seated rose to their feet, acknowledging the Alpha King’s presence. I saw the familiar look of surprise and bewilderment on their faces, just like I did when I walked through the gates. Everyone must have probably assumed I had died or something. “Your majesty!” I heard a voice from the council of elders, and then murmurs and whispers filled the court as I proceeded to take my throne. Had I delayed coming here for a day longer, I would have lost my birthright. Due to my long disappearance, a coronation was to be held tomorrow to crown my uncle, Senior Callum as the new Alpha king. Thankfully, I am back now, and none of that would be happening. After taking my seat, everyone bowed and did the same before the guards who stood at different points banged their staffs loudly on the ground, making way for silence to fill the room. All attention was now on me as I stood to give my speech. “To the circle of leaders, heads of the ranks, the council of elders, and the representative citizens of Mastoria: I, your Alpha king, Ronan Monroe, stand before you all today. I am delighted to give this announcement and let you all know I am alive and well. I am not dead as everyone must have thought.” Of course, due to my physical presence, that fact was established. What they didn’t know was what happened and why I suddenly disappeared. I was about to tell them everything. “About a week ago, I was lethally poisoned. Not just that, but stabbed by a knife as well. It’s only by the grace of the goddess that I could survive the attack. As the one who tried to kill me had my body disposed of in the great forest, leaving me at the mercy of wild animals and scavengers.” At that moment, a wave of bewilderment overtook my audience. There were gasps and aahs! The guards had to knack their staff for the silence to resume. “I am only grateful to a few people that I can stand here today. First, my heart goes to the angel who rescued me from that terrible state. I was saved and given treatment by the common folk, but by the time I woke up, I had lost my memory so bad that I didn’t even know who I was anymore. “It was not until the early hours of this morning that all I lost came back to me in a flash, and I had to rush down here to ensure my seat remained reserved. Citizens of Mastoria, your Alpha King is back, and I am here to tell you that I will not be going anywhere. It is not yet time for me to join the great goddess, so until that time comes, I will stay and keep fighting for the prosperity of our lands.” A small applause from the audience paused my speech, and then the silence was restored after the guards knack their staffs once again. I continued, “I promise you that I will find whoever tried to take my life, and I will bring them all before you to be punished according to the laws of the land. The penalty for trying to take the life of the Alpha King will be a public execution. I have made my proclamation.” I took a deep breath. Almost done. “Lastly, I would like to thank my uncle, Callum, for temporary leadership of the pack while I was away. Your services to the Kingdom of Mastoria will not go unrecognized, dear uncle.” My speech was over, and the audience was now allowed to give applause. My uncle, who did not expect my public commendation of him, joined in the applause. From where he sat among the elders, his voice was faint through the loud clapping noises, but using my Alpha senses, I heard what he mouthed clearly. “Long live the king!”
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