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Ronan’s POV… I woke up in the middle of the night to find the space beside me empty. It made me wonder where Freya had gone. I got up, putting on my robe to search for her. I was about to leave the room when I heard sobbing sounds coming from our balcony. I immediately went there only to meet my wife, who had soaked her nightgown with tears. “Freya. Why are you crying at such a late hour?” Freya sniffed. “Don’t act as if you don’t know the very thing that has bothered me every night for over a decade!” “I sat beside her, taking her hands. “Freya, my love. We have been over this countless times. I don’t care about your ability to conceive or not. The goddess will give us a child if and when she sees fit.” Freya raised her voice, “how can you say such a thing? Especially after what just happened? Do you realize your entire generation would have lost the right to the Mastorian throne if you didn’t show up today? If you had a son, you wouldn’t have to worry about…” I cut her short, “but I don’t have a son, and I am not willing to take another wife, especially knowing what that would do to you.” “Thank you for being so considerate of me, my husband. But you and I know that no matter how hard we try to hide the truth, it will always return to rear its face at us.” “I don’t care about….” “It’s been ten years, Ronan! Ten good years and we still don’t have an heir!!!!” Freya was yelling at the top of her voice now. “Everyone has been talking about it since our marriage. I get stared at every day when I leave these gates. It’s becoming an embarrassment; I even heard from one of my servants that I’m now called the barren Luna queen. For how long?” I shook my head, “I am sorry for the number of insults you have had to receive because of this matter, my love. But we cannot force the goddess’s hand in any way.” Freya disagreed. “We cannot keep waiting for the goddess, Ronan.” “So what do you suggest we do?” “I was thinking of an alternative.” Raising a brow, I asked her, “what do you mean?” “Well, we don’t know who among us has the fault. It might be you, yet I have to endure a lot because no one wants to disrespect the alpha king.” “So what are you insinuating?” “I was thinking we should both be allowed to mate with different people. I will mate with another man secretly, and if I get pregnant, we can say that the child is yours. You can also do the same with another woman, and if she gets pregnant, I will accept the barren tag and then she can become our child bearer.” “I couldn’t believe the utter nonsense coming out of my wife’s mouth.” “How can you suggest such a thing, Freya? How can you accept such a level of disrespect all because you want to stop people from talking?” “But my husband, I….” I got up, “enough! We will wait until the goddess blesses us with her own, and if she doesn’t, my uncle or whoever is available can take over when my time ends. I will not resort to any of the alternatives you just mentioned. Good night, Freya. I will be waiting for you in bed.” I returned to the inner chambers and lay on my side of the bed. Freya didn’t come, even after an hour. I knew she was still there crying. I then thought of how harshly I had spoken to her. “Are you really angry at her for saying that? Or are you angry at yourself for being the first to try out her “alternative?” I sighed. Dion knew me well. The moment Freya made her suggestion, my mind went back to that night with Fiona for a second. I had so much regret for what I did, but I would never have done it if I had my memory of Freya. Maybe I was the one with the fault because, in the end, Fiona didn’t conceive. “How do you know?” Dion asked. “I don’t know because I left immediately my memory restored.” I might not be sure if Fiona conceived in the end or not, but for my sake, I hoped that wasn’t the case, for Freya would then find out about my infidelity. After giving it much thought, I got up and went back to meet Freya. “My love.” “I’m sorry. Did my crying disturb you?” “No, dear, I just came to apologize for how I spoke to you.” “It’s fine. I realize now that I only said it out of desperation. You don’t know how much I long to carry a child in my arms, Ronan. But you’re right; that doesn’t mean I should let you disrespect me so much by going to lie with another woman.” “What’s that scent all over you? Guilt?” “Shut up, Dion.” I took my wife’s hand. “I love you, Freya, and I will never do anything to hurt you in my right mind.” It was the truth. I made a mistake, yes, but not in my right mind. When I regained knowledge of who I was, I did the right thing by cutting off all ties with Fiona and coming back straight to the woman I married. Fiona and I would not see each other again; that’s a promise I made myself. “Can we… Can we try again?” Freya asked me. I cupped her face in my palm. “Of course, my love. I am yours, and you are mine. We can try and will still keep trying to get an answer someday, as many times as we can.” No more words were said as I led her straight to the bedroom.
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