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Fiona’s POV… I was scared to come close, contemplated even running away and pretending I didn’t just see this, but something held me back. I don’t know what it was, but it seemed the goddess brought me here for a purpose. I came closer to the body and realized it was a young man, about 10 years older than me, dressed in expensive fabric. Oh, goddess! He must be a noble, and I am certain he is not from Abia. No one in our village could ever afford such majestic clothing. Why is he here, then? Is he sleeping or what? Is he drunk? I couldn’t perceive any alcohol or any of the sort, so the answer was no. How did he end up here, then? I tried touching him to see if he would wake up, but he didn’t. He was unconscious, and not just that, he was bleeding! Seriously from a stabbed wound! Oh no! I gasped, realizing that whoever brought him here must have wanted him killed. From my senses, I knew he still had some life in him, but it was slipping away slowly. If I do not save this man now, he will die in a matter of minutes! What to do??? I have to act now, and I have to do it carefully, for he seemed very fragile. Any mistake I make here could hasten the death process. Abia is at least a mile away from here; I won’t be able to get him to the village doctor on time. My mind kept racing until I spotted something that would help. A Hanulian plant is the main ingredient used to prepare many of the best healing herbs in Mastoria. The plant had excellent healing ability; some even say the goddess herself breathed life into this very plant herself. And here it was, in the middle of the great forest! But there’s still a problem; not enough time to prepare a concussion from the plant’s leaves, and even if there were, I don’t know how to. “Enough time thinking! If you don’t do something now, this man will die in the next minute!” Rin said. I hurriedly ran to uproot the plant and plucked out its leaves. I tied them together and used them to cover the stabbed spot beneath his stomach; I didn’t know if this would work, but it was the only thing I could think of and was worth trying. I shifted back to my wolf, and with great difficultly, I lifted the stranger onto my back. His human body was quite heavier than mine, and the heavy clothes only made it much worse, but I didn’t have a choice; I needed to get him to doctor Inna as fast as I could. I might waste more time if I left him here to call for help, and he could also be eaten up by wild animals. *** “I must say, Fiona. You thought really fast! Those leaves stopped the bleeding and made him hang on for a great deal of time till you brought him here,” our village doctor, Inna, remarked. I sighed heavily, nearly fainting from exhaustion. “Thank the goddess. He’s alive! I would have felt terrible if all my efforts had ended in vain.” “They didn’t, and thanks to you, this man will survive. It was not a small attack; he was not just stabbed but lethally poisoned as well. The Hanulian leaves helped to neutralize the poison to a great extent. This man owes you a great debt. You are a hero, Fiona!” “So what happens now?” I asked her. “I have continued the treatment from where the leaves stopped. I have to take out the rest of the poison by flushing it with more herbs, and I also have to stitch up the stab wound after treating it. I can do that for you since you mentioned he was a stranger, but I’m afraid the herbs will have to cost you, my dear.” I feared so much as hearing the price. This was why I tried hard to avoid doctors. Herbs and medicines were like gold in Abia, very valuable, and that’s why most people died from being unable to afford treatment. But this man appears rich; he might be able to pay me back once he wakes up. “How much is it?” “You are aware that there is a price hike, my dear. So the cost of herbs has gone up as well.” “I know that, but please consider that I cannot afford so much.” “I know, my dear. Because of you, I have reduced the price greatly, so I will only charge you 20 gold pieces for now. My charge is 25 in total, but you can give me back the rest of the money later.” “20? Oh, goddess! I don’t have that much with me at all!!” Doctor Inna sighed in consideration, “how much do you have?” “Can I give you 5? I will try to look for more later, and hopefully, he can wake up and settle the rest on time.” Inna shook her head, “I’m sorry, dear, but that won’t do at all. I am also struggling as well, and there’s hardly any gain from treating patients these days. The price hike affected Abians the most, so nowadays, I hardly get called for work. It’s hard for all of us, but as I said, this man owes you a great debt. I am sure he will pay you back with more once he realizes what you’ve done for him.” I was on the verge of tears as I slowly brought out the sac of coins from my pocket. I brought out all the money and began counting it in Inna’s presence. Only ten left. I handed them to her. “This is all I have,” I muttered. Doctor Inna sighed, feeling great pity for me, “I understand that you’ve given me all you have, Fiona. That’s why I won’t pester you for more now, but please, try to get the balance on time, so I can continue his treatment when due. Hope you understand.” I nodded slowly, “yes.” “Most Abians will not do what you have just done, my dear. I pray that the goddess sees your heart and rewards you as much as you deserve.” “I hope so too.” After doctor Inna left, I buried my hand in my palm, staring at the stranger who was now sleeping soundly on my small bed. Why did it have to be me running through the woods this night? Why did it have to be me to save this man? I sighed as I blew off my candle and tucked myself into a small spot on my wooden floor. *** THE NEXT DAY I returned from work in a sad mood as I finally decided to go to Hugo’s house to ask for the money I gave him yesterday. I didn’t expect him to instantly give me all of my money, but at least a gold piece or two could go a long way. I didn’t like to do this, but I had no choice; either I go back to ask him for my money or starve for the next couple of days. I was already at his door front when I heard strange sounds from inside. It was a female voice, and it sounded like she was getting gagged or something. My heart feared what was going on in there. I heard choking sounds, and then, “OH FUCCCCKKKK!!!!” Was Hugo in there with her? Or… Let it not be what I’m thinking! I didn’t wait to find out. Turning the nob and pushing the door open, what I saw didn’t just confirm my thoughts but also shattered my heart in the greatest way possible. Hugo, my lover, was there having s*x with my best friend, Laurel. Betrayal hurts like a b***h.
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