
1373 Words
Fiona’s POV… “What did you do, Hugo?” I asked him sternly. He bent his head, “well, I went ahead and did it anyway.” I threw my hands in the air frustratedly. “For the goddess’s sake, Hugo! Why would you do such a thing when I told you not to? Do you realize the kind of trouble you’re getting yourself into?” “It’s easy for you to talk about what’s allowed and what’s not when you can easily find labour. Do you know how difficult it’s been for me? Every day I go out, people look at me like I’m a bad person, and then no one wants to employ me! They keep accusing me of chasing after women when I don’t even know what they’re talking about. They’re wrong. I’ll show them! They’ll see!!!” "Hugo…” I shook my head. “Was this what you needed the money for the last time you asked me?” Hugo nodded slowly in response. “Yes, my darling, but I promise, it’s for our future. Once I’m done with this deal, I will wash my hands completely off it.” I sighed, “so, what problems are you experiencing now?” “The deal was delayed because of the price hike, and now we have to bribe more guards to get the substances across. I’m sorry to say this, Fiona, but last time, the five gold pieces you gave me didn’t go very far. I yelled, “I worked fifteen whole days to get you those gold pieces!!” “I know, my love, and I’m not saying you didn’t try. But can’t you see that you’re the one I’m trying to help here? Do you like the way you work every day like a dog, cleaning up those nasty taverns to earn scraps?” “I didn’t say I like it, Hugo, but it’s better than doing something that will get me in trouble.” My eyes began to water. “Do you know how I’ll feel if you get banished and have to leave me here all alone? I’ve already lost my parents. I can’t lose you too!” Hugo got up from his seat and went to me, taking my hands, “and you won’t, dear. I promise. This deal will run smoothly, and once it’s over, I will be done with it forever. The money will be more than enough to buy a portion of land. We can then build the dream house you’ve always wanted and start a farm with the rest of the land and money. We’ll be doing a new business together as a family, and then you’ll never have to work in those taverns again. Don’t you want all these, my love?” I sniffed, “I do, but not at the risk of losing you. It’s over once you get caught. The alpha king will not spare you.” “I will not get caught, my love, not when my future with you hangs on the line. I want to marry you and have plenty of cubs with you, my darling.” “I also want that, too,” I began cleaning my eyes. “Please be careful, my love.” “I promise you, I will be, but now, we need more funds to push it forward, and I barely have enough since I can’t work.” “How much do you need?” I asked him. “30 gold pieces.” I shook my head. “30!!! That’s too much.” Hugo nodded, “Okay, I understand it’s hard for you to earn and save at once, so I’ll try to manage with what you give me. Can you make it 25?” “Basi only gave me 21 gold pieces today, and for that, I have to spend the next two months working unpaid. I still have to feed and fend, and now you’re asking me for this much. How do you expect me to cope with all this, Hugo?” “Don’t you have any savings?” I raised my voice, “My savings were what I gave you the last time, Hugo. Five gold pieces! Now I have nothing except for what I received today.” “Okay. I understand. You’re barely giving enough, but I’ll try to work with it. You can hand me the 21.” I was taken aback by his words, “what are you saying?” “I said it’s barely enough, but I’ll manage the 21 gold pieces.” “And who says I’m giving you all the money I earned today?” “Why shouldn’t you? Is it not for our future?” “For our future doesn’t mean I should keep starving, Hugo. I starved myself for days all because of the money you requested the last time. You want me to keep starving, so I’ll fall sick and go to the doctor, which I can’t afford, either? I’m not going to do that again!” I stated. “Okay, I understand that. I’m sorry for what you went through last time. You can give me 15 gold pieces.” “10! That’s the best I can offer, and I’m not giving it to you. I’m only lending you to ease whatever it is you’re dipping your hands into. I want my money returned by next month.” Hugo smacked his hand on his forehead, “you’ll be the one begging me by the time all this is over, Fiona.” “Let that time come first. Until then, I’ll only work with what I see. Are you accepting it or not?” Hugo sighed, “fine.” “I took a deep breath and then dipped my hand into my dress pocket to retrieve the small sac, then I counted out ten gold pieces and handed them to Hugo.” “Thank you, my love. Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.” “Please, make sure I don’t regret this, Hugo.” “You won’t, my love. I promise.” *** After leaving Hugo’s place, I had one more task for the night before I headed home; Laurel. I’d promised to buy her a meal for her special day. Thankfully, I wasn’t foolish enough to hand over all my money to Hugo like I did the last time, so I still had 11 gold pieces left from my wages. I mind-linked Laurel to meeting at our favourite diner, and it didn’t surprise me that she was already there! “Hello dear. Happy birthday!” I greeted her as I took my seat next to her. “Thank you for giving me your time today even though you’re so busy, Fiona.” “Well, I wouldn’t miss a chance to wine and dine with my bestie on her special day, now would I?” I laughed. She laughed back in response, “of course you wouldn’t.” One gold piece was enough to buy Laurel and me a large meal and some nice drinks. She was shocked at how I could afford all that, but I wanted to do a lot to make her happy that day. She deserved all of it. Two people who I never played with in my life were Hugo and Laurel. They were there for me and supported me emotionally after losing my parents at a young age, and that’s why I always make sure I go out of my way to make them happy. I was ready to go home after dining with Laurel and saying goodbye to her, but I didn’t want to go home yet. I’m not sure why I had so much energy today, unlike the other days when I would get tired only from working, but Rin wanted to come out so badly. I obliged and shifted immediately, howling into the night before running into the nearby forest as fast as my paws could carry me. I was all for the exercise tonight. I didn’t run for long before something made me stop. Something recognizable that made me shift back to my human state in terror. It was a body lying in the middle of the woods.
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