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Author’s POV… “Fiona!” “Fiona!!! Wait! Just listen to what I have to say before you go! It’s not what it looks like!” Hugo yelled behind Fiona after she stormed out angrily from his house front. “Are you going after her her?” Laurel asked, looking distraught. “I’ll be back, babe,” Hugo kissed her after putting on some pants to hide his nakedness before running after Fiona. “Fiona! Wait! Will you just listen?” Fiona had almost shifted to her wolf form to run away from this place as fast as possible, before something stopped her; the reason she’d come here. Fiona hated being desperate but she didn’t have a choice. She cursed under her breath as she waited for Hugo to reach where she was standing. Fiona then turned to yell at him, “so, how is it not what it looks like, huh? You banging my best friend behind my back? After all I did for you? You have the guts to betray me, Hugo!” Tears escaped her eyes as she banged at his chest, he quickly used his hands to stop her before she would inflict injury. “I am sorry, Fiona, but I swear it only happened this once.” Fiona shook her head, “no, it didn’t. The villagers were right about your womanly escapades. You had many scents on you but I ignored it because I thought you’d changed, but no. You never changed, only became worse. I had been sniffing another man’s scent on Laurel for years; I never bothered her to tell me about it since I was always so busy working, but I never knew it would turn out to be yours. You are a liar, Hugo! A liar and a cheat. I hate you!” Fiona yelled, crying. “I hate you for what you did to me! You are a liar and a cheat! I hate you so much!” Now realizing he’d been discovered, Hugo didn’t have much to say. “I’m sorry, Fiona. I wanted to change; I swear, but I’m not a liar. I still love you. Laurel… She just…” “Just what? Huh? Tell me! She just what?” Hugo bent his head, “I’m sorry, Fiona.” “Where is my money?” He appeared confused. “What money?” “Don’t try to play those games with me, Hugo! Where is the money I gave you yesterday?” “Oh, that! I thought we would agree that I would give it to you by next month.” “The deal is off! Now, I want nothing to do with you in this life or the next! Ever! Give me back my money, Hugo. You can go build whatever future you were planning with Laurel.” Hugo shook his head, “I am sorry, Fiona. I do not have it any longer.” “What? That’s impossible! You can’t have spent 10 gold pieces over night! And for what?” “I should be asking you the same question. What did you use the remaining 11 gold pieces you had yesterday for?” “That’s none of your business!” Fiona barked. “It’s my money. I’m the one who made it so I choose wherever it goes and how it’s spent, but you don’t have the right to do that! Where is my money, Hugo Kane???” “I will have to apologize once again, my love. The money became mine once you handed it to me, so I decide wherever it goes and how it’s spent. Since you foolishly called off the deal, it means our agreement is over. So now, I do not remember collecting any money from you. Have a nice life, Fiona Marlan.” Fiona felt rage bursting within her insides as Hugo turned to leave her standing there after spitting those words mercilessly. All the desperation she came here with, coupled with the stab of betrayal turned to intense burning, rage. She felt her claws sharpening, and her teeth protruding, next, she launched into her wolf, and ran fast towards Hugo, who still had his back turned. Unfortunately for her, Hugo was a much stronger wolf and had sensed an attack coming. Before Rin could even reach him to give a bite, he used his strong arm to hit her on the face. The punch sent her smaller wolf flying to jam the nearby tree. Hugo then smirked as he walked past Fiona’s whimpering wolf, who now laid on the ground. “You are a fool, my dear. You could have just walked out and pretended like you didn’t see anything, but instead, here you are, causing yourself more harm. If you try to attack me again, I will kill you,” he threatened before leaving her there. *** Tears were not enough to describe how Fiona felt at that moment. She felt like taking her life, but it made no sense; she should just wait for hunger to kill her instead. The walk home felt like the longest she’d ever had in her life. Her entire body hurt like hell, all she wanted to do was just go home and lie down without thinking of anything. “It will be fine; everything will be fine.” She heard Rin say, but chose to ignore her wolf instead. Upon reaching home, Fiona made to prepare some simple herbs to dull the pain. She got some dried up leaves from her shelf, and put it in a small pot, then onto the stove. After boiling it for some mintes, she poured the water into a wooden cup, and began slipping from it slowly. The medicine was bitter, but did some wonders as her pains began disappearing slowly. The medicine helped to heal the physical pains, but the one she felt in her heart still prevailed. She tried not to think of anything for so long, but it was impossible. Remembering what happened brought back tears to her eyes, and the next moment, she burst out, letting all her emotions run free as she wept uncontrollably. This would turn out to be the saddest day for her. “Where am I?” “Who.. Who am I?” “What is this place?” The male voice caught her attention as she immediately raised her head and turned to the direction from where she heard the voice; her bed side. The stranger had awoken!
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