
1101 Words
Fiona’s POV… “That’s 20 gold pieces for the next two months and a little tip for all the hard work you’ve been doing lately. I never expected this tavern to be up and running in such a short time. Good job, Fiona!” “Thank you,” I smiled as I collected the small sac of gold pieces that Basi, the tavern owner, threw on the ground I was mopping. Today was a good day, as not only had I just finished all the work I’d been assigned, but I had just received something I never expected Basi to be so generous as to hand me; advance payment! My wolf, Rin, howled within me. She could feel the excitement too. After labouring, I removed my apron and changed it with my jacket from the stand to head back home. The night worker would take over from where I stopped. She was in for a whole lot because the tavern was mostly active at night hours. My back cracked as I stretched; it ached from bending for such a long time with hardly any rest, but what could I do? I needed the wage, after all. I giddily counted the gold pieces as I headed back home. There were 21 gold pieces. I was to receive ten gold pieces for each full month I worked in the tavern, but Basi decided to pay me for two months, and the one extra piece must be the tip he was talking about. If I manage well enough, this money will surely be more than enough to last me for the next two months. I don’t spend on plenty except for my house and my food, so I will be just fine. As I walked home happily, I could not wait to tell my lover, Hugo, about what Basi said today. He’ll be so proud of me. Before I headed home, I decided to stop by Hugo’s place to tell him the exciting news. His house was not too far from where I laboured, so I could easily branch there before I headed home. Moreover, it’s been a long time since I saw him and I missed him. I arrived at his place in a short time, but when I knocked on the door, no one answered from inside. I knocked again to be sure, but with Rin’s assistance, I detected that no one was in the house at all. Funny. It’s unlikely for Hugo to be out after sunset. He is without work, so what would he be doing outside in the evening hours? After waiting a while, I decided to use the mind link to reach his wolf. “Where are you? I have been waiting for you outside your house for some time now. I miss you, my love. There’s so much for us to talk about!” I said, channelling my words to locate him wherever he was. After a few minutes, I was growing impatient until he answered back. “I apologize, my love. I didn’t know you were coming.” “I’m sorry. It’s my fault. I should have told you I was coming. I just decided to come here after work today since we haven’t seen each other in a while.” “Okay, my love. Go inside and wait for me. The door is unlocked. I will be with you soon.” I hadn’t even noticed that because I’d only knocked. Thankfully, now, I didn’t have to wait outside any longer. I entered Hugo’s house. It was already dark inside, but I could locate a small lamp on the floor using my enhanced vision. I turned it on and placed it on the small table where Hugo eats his meals, then I drew on the chair and sat down to wait for him. A moment later, he was back and, with him, welcomed the stench of alcohol. I could tell he’d been out having fun somewhere. “And how is my lovely lady doing today?” Hugo tried walking towards me but staggered, almost falling. He was still in his right mind but appeared a bit drunk. “Sorry. You know today is Laurel’s birthday. I bought her some drinks and had some for myself.” Oh, goddess! I would have completely forgotten about my best friend’s birthday if not for Hugo, who reminded me. Guess I won’t be heading home after here. “I came here to tell you some good news, dear, but now I don’t think this is the right time….” “Nonsense! I only had a few drinks, Fiona. My ears are still very open to anything you have to say.” I thought of whether to listen to him or go and attend to Laurel, but then I remembered the last time I saw him. Since I am always so busy working, I don’t know how long it will be before I have this chance again. “Okay, fine.” I watched as he pulled out a small stool from under his bed made with straw and timber. He then sat on it in front of me. “I’m all ears.” I began, “well, today, I earned more than I usually did for my work. The tavern owner even complimented me on how much the tavern had grown since I began my labour. He decided to give me advance payment, along with a tip! Who knows? I might even get a raise later on, and then I’ll have enough money to save and….” If I’d expected Hugo to bounce up and be happy at what I’d just told him, then I was sadly mistaken. He drew up a frown upon hearing my words. Were they what upset him? I had to ask, “what is it, my love?” “You remember the business I told you about? The one I told you I was about to indulge in?” I don’t know how or why the topic shifted from me to him all of a sudden, but then I decided to carry on. “Yes. I recall you telling me how you wanted to start bringing Maltian weed from across the border. I remember telling you it was a bad idea because Maltian weed is banned in the whole of Mastoria. You risk getting exiled if you are ever caught with any of that substance.” The next look he had on his face told me he’d done something he knew I would disapprove of. “What did you do, Hugo?” I asked him sternly.
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