+CHAPTER 4+ Meeting Anonymous

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**Flashback** Julie's POV "What's the purpose of d**k slapping on top of the p***y before proceeding to have s*x?" A very drunk Kylie asked while keeping a straight face. Jes almost spit her juice out at her coworker's question. "To delete the previous settings." Cane answered nonchalantly. And that was how Jes regretted coming with them for drinks. Maddy was busy with some stuff at work and Jes stupidly thought that she will have a good time while hanging out with her fellow workers. "Can you guys please shut the f**k up!" Jes hissed, looking around them. Thank God no one heard her crazy fellows. They were f*****g annoying and embarrassing the hell out of her. "Kylie who the f**k asks that kind of question? I don't know how can you come up with questions like that." Jes scolded Kylie. "You don't know because you are one boring person who likes to order around people who are your juniors." Kylie snapped back at Jes. "I'm not boring." Jes denied. Okay maybe she liked to order around her junior chefs but she wasn't boring. "Then prove it!" Kylie said while pointing her finger at Jes. When Jes hesitated Kylie got a look of victory on her face which didn't set well with Jes. "Okay." Jes sneered at Kylie. The simple word was enough to evaporate the look of victory from Kylie's face. Jes smirked but at Kylie's next words the smirk fell off her face. "I dare you to make out with that guy in the black shirt and blue jeans." Kylie's pointed at someone behind her. Jes's heart skipped a beat. She had never hooked up with any random dude before. Her last relationship had ended pretty badly. The person whom she had lost her virginity to had claimed that she was an emotionally unstable person who needed counseling.  Maddy and his other army mates had beaten the bastard until he had begged for Jes's forgiveness but his words had done the damage. They had planted doubts in her mind. He had given her a reality check that she so badly needed. Jes had never dated anyone after that. She had avoided men like a plague ever since. "I knew it! You can't do it. Just accept it that you are a boring person Jes." Kylie slurred, reminding Jes once again that she was drunk. "Woohoo, Ladies! I think both of you just need to cool down. No one's going to prove or accept anything. I think it's finally time that we head out. It's already getting late and we have to go on our duties tomorrow." Cane stepped in to cool the situation but Jes had already made her mind. She looked behind her. Her eyes searched the man that Kylie had described just a few seconds ago. Her gaze landed on broad shoulders covered in a black shirt. Her eyes ogled his ass, Gosh he was blessed with one fine ass, wrapped in a pair of blue jeans.  Jes wasn't able to look at his face because he had his back towards her. But from the looks of his back, she can bet on her left eye that he was one fine specimen. Maybe it was time for her to move on and step out of the shell. It was a perfect time. Maddy wasn't around to stop her, if he was present here he would have dragged Jes back home by her hair if he had to. He was so damn protective of her. Stealing Cane's vodka shot Jes didn't waste any time in gulping it.  Sadly it was juice. . . Setting the glass on the bar with a thud she threw a sly smirk at Kylie. "Challenge Accepted!!" Jes laughed. Before Cane had the chance to stop her, Jes jumped out of the stool, gaze set on the stranger's back she started walking towards him. In the background, she heard Cane shouting her name over the music playing in the club. But Jes paid him no attention.  She wasn't doing it because of Kylie's stupid dare. She was doing it for her own self. Kylie was only the push that she needed at this time. Standing just behind the stranger Jes stood on her toes and snaked her hand around the stranger's neck. When he turned around she didn't waste any time in punching her lips on his softer ones, clearly taking him by surprise. Sparks ran down her spine the moment their lips touched. Everything faded away, it felt like she was alone with him.  Her heart was racing like she had run a mile. . . His lips molded perfectly against her lips. They gently moved in a smooth rhythm, when the stranger tried to enter her mouth with his tongue Jes pulled back and was greeted by his hazel eyes. He was panting for breath. Jes never had this effect on her Ex, she never felt sparks with him. "f**k!" The stranger cursed in amazement which pulled a smile on Jes's face. He was clearly boasting her self confidence. "You're not drunk!" He exclaimed, running his hand through his already messy hairs. Jes arched a brow at his question.  "Do a girl need to be drunk in order to kiss you? Come on! Don't be so insecure, you aren't that bad of a kisser." Jes winked at him. At Jes's statement, laughter boomed behind him. Jes peeked behind him and her gaze fell on an urban beauty.  Fuck! Were they hosting runway models tonight in the club? The titanic theme song started playing inside her head~ He was just breathtaking. If Maddy was the gay she definitely would have booked the other dude for him but sadly Maddy was a self-righteous b***h. He would have dragged her back home by her hair if he witnessed the stunt she had pulled tonight. Jes looked behind her and found Kylie fanning herself with her hand while Cane was sitting there with a gaping mouth. Jes was thrilled! Jes had never felt this alive since she left home. She looked at the stranger, maybe he was the leap of faith that she needed to take in order to come out of her shell and insecurities. Taking the lead Jes offered him her hand. "Let's take this to somewhere a little more private." Extending her hand Jes offered it to him. At her offer, the stranger looked intensely into her blue eyes. There was hesitation on his face. As if he was afraid of her. Any handsome guy will hesitate to accept her offer. Because Jes didn't look very feminine in her shoulder-length blonde hairs while she was dressed in a tank top and shorts with a pair of sneakers.  Her face was bare, totally free of makeup.  Maybe she had pushed her luck by offering him a one night stand. . . Maybe she wasn't up to his standards~ Her mind was filling with self-doubts again. . . A small voice in her mind told her to step back. . . But the man standing in front of her surprised Jes when after a moment he grabbed her offered hand and tugged her into his body, softly covering her lips again. Giving her the feels that she wasn't going to regret where this night will lead her.
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