+CHAPTER 3+( Finding Libido )

1292 Words
Family~ A small word but it holds so much power over me. A few people that have so much control on me. I'm a master at pretending that I'm fine and somewhere in pretending, I have started to believe that I'm fine. I can spend months in my happy and chill mode but sometimes I feel everything a little too much. Dear Mom, Do you miss me? I have left my childhood behind. . . Shake it off!! A few times on my work I had lashed out on my fellows. One minute we were joking and in the next minute I burst into tears for no specific reason. It mostly happens when I keep my feelings locked within myself. It took me two years to shape myself into a strong person or to act like one. It was the time when I stopped Fighting Crying Trying For others. . . For my loved ones only to find the lost me. Somewhere in loving them I had totally lost myself. It was the time when I found myself. . . I'm a shitty person who just pretends to be strong all the time. A girl who do crazy things to take her mind off her problems. A girl who's fault was that she was looking out for her family. . . When I started my job I was so scared. I used to think that why would anyone want to be my companion when my own family didn't want me in their life. An ugly girl. . . An outcast in the society filled with beautiful girls. . . I'm a cancer survivor and appearance means a lot to me. After chemotherapy I lost my hairs, confidence, weight, my attitude in short I lost everything but my family was always there for me. My brothers were there for me. I was always pampered like a princess that's why I'm not used to people talking to me rudely. Or more like I was not used before but now I can dish as much s**t as much someone throws my way. In the past I had no social life. Actually I didn't even had a life outside my family because I never wished for one but now I don't have a family in my life. And to overcome that lost I have built my own social circle. I have made an independent life for myself where people don't know about my possessive brothers and fathers... Where no one know that I have two billionaire fathers. I look at myself in the mirror. Green eyes were staring back at me. My appearance has changed a lot since I left home. My once blonde hairs are now brown and their length is upto my shoulders but thanks to the extensions that they fall just above my hips. I'm wearing a micro mini skirt with a backless black blouse that leaves nothing for imaginations. "Jes are you sure you want to do this..?" Maddy said nervously. "Jeez Maddy stop being a p***y and if it helps, you can think that I'm just going to have premarital s*x!" I tried to lighten his mood. "Julie it can't be premarital s*x if you have no intention of getting married! Tell me would you feel proud while telling your future husband about your wild s*x life...? " Maddy gritted. I turned towards him fully. "Maddy some of the best moments of life are those who you can't tell anyone about. So calm your t**s because I'm not searching for a husband nor I ever will. I like my freedom. And STOP CALLING ME JULIE!!!" I shouted the last line while fetching my clutch. "Now you are taking nonsense. You know girls like you fall hard for someone and then they can't fall out of love. I just want you to be careful Julie. I don't want you to hurt yourself." Maddy sighted while  calling me by my birth name again as if I hadn't stoped him from using that name. "Maddy it's nothing more than burning some steam off. No ones gonna hurt me in the club and you don't have to come if you're so scared." "Yeah! As if I have an option! Either we go together or no ones going. Now let's go and if Emily found about this then the blame is all yours." "Fine!" I snapped. Sometimes Maddy's such a p***y but a sweetheart. A sweetheart who's more worried about me than his own self. * It took us almost an hour to reach the club but after entering the VIP section it felt like the ride wasn't even worth it. Maddy the p***y has convinced me to come to his friend's club. I shouldn't have listened to him. Damn it!! Outside the VIP section the club reeks of alcohol, sweat with a suffocating environment but inside the VIP section everything is calm. Ed Sheeran's Shape Of You is being played in the background and it looks more like a damn office party than a club. Fuck you Maddy! I looked towards Maddy and gave him a 'I'll kill you' look. He's currently sulking in the corner of the VIP room far away from me while I'm sipping on my neat whiskey. I should have realized when he suggested this club that he was not going to let me get laid tonight. I should have waited for Emily and his departure before coming to a club. I was really in a sour mood and on my second drink. Rule number one of getting laid GET DRUNK!! But tonight I'm only getting drunk. No libido for tonight. . . But there was still a little chance of stating my libido between these rich brutes who loved to show off their money maybe someone will approach me. I scanned the dimly lit club, waiting for someone to approach me. It's not a bad thing for a woman to approach a man but it won't give you the satisfaction that someone had taken ininterest in you and they have approached you first. It's like a process to boost your ego, more specifically My Ego. The music in the background and the whiskey in my system was really soothing. I closed my eyes to relish the feel of being free. Of being in control of my life. But never in million years I was ready for the sight that greeted me when I opened my eyes. There in front of me was standing 'Anonymous'. The man I never thought that I will ever meet in my life again. He was standing proudly with a group of three men surrounding him. In his tailored suit he looked like a powerful man, far away from the man I have seen in ripped jeans, hoodie and wild hairs. It was like someone has dumped a cold bucket of water on my head. The sole sight of him was enough for me to come out of my relaxed and dazed state. My brain was on fight or flight mode and guess what. . . I choose the later option but luck was not on my side and I was knocked on my ass by the same bastard who knocked me in the theater. The glass of whiskey that I was holding fell on the floor. The crash echoed in the room. Blue eyes of that cute Demi God was regarding me with shock and horror. His eyes were flickering from my face to my lean stomach that was round with my food baby the last time I met him, few hours ago. Everyone present in the VIP section has their eyes set on us. And "Anonymous"  was looking straight at me. . . Busted...!!!
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