+CHAPTER 5+ Food Baby Gone

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PRESENT TIME At some point in our lives, we all had been in those types of situations where we just wanted the floor to open up and eat us alive and currently Jes was in one of those situations. The Demi-God was currently staring at her like she had grown two heads right in front of his eyes.  "Where's your babe?" He shrieked like a teenager. If Jes wasn't currently sitting on her ass in front of a bunch of idiots in the VIP section of a club than she would have laughed at his horror-struck face but it was her bad luck that she was currently trapped in the most embarrassing situation of the century and to make it worse her one night stand was right in front of her witnessing the whole situation. It was a good thing that the last time he had seen Jes, she had her real blonde hair at the display which reached just above her shoulders.  And now her hair was brown and she had her hair extensions on, which made her hair fall just above her waist. Her green contact lenses were covering her blue eyes. She had gained a lot of weight since the last time she met him. There was no chance in hell that he would recognize Jes. It has been more than two years since Jes followed him back to his hotel room, they were just a one night f**k for each other. No one remembered a random girl they f****d two years ago. Jes know that he didn't recognize her but still gazing at him was making her remember all those feelings that she had buried deep within her heart a few years ago. Jes looked away from him and met the Demi-God's terrifying gaze. "The bastard cheated on me so I ditched him like any dignified and independent girl in my place would have done." Jes said while taking Maddy's hand that he offered to her. She didn't even notice when Maddy came so close to her. But then again she was too busy in admiring her long lost love.  Nathan~ "I'm not talking about your boyfriend. I'm talking about the baby that you were carrying in your womb just a few hours ago." He pointed an accusing finger at Jes's flat stomach. "How the f**k is that even possible?" He looked like a mad man with his one hand pointing towards her stomach while the other was busy in pulling his own hair. "Tell me he didn't die because of me! I didn't mean to make you fall on the floor!" He shrieked again. Gosh! This man was more dramatic than Maddy. Actually, if Maddy was dramatic than this man was melodramatic. "Lucas, what happened?" His deep voice said from beside Jes. He was standing so close. . . So close... Her heart literally did a flip in her chest. All the memories of the past were hitting Jes like a sledgehammer.  "I'm trying to understand too that what the hell happened." Lucas replied while rubbing his hands on his face in frustration. I don't know why this Lucas was making such a big fuss out of everything. Like, come on man just let it go. Jes was pregnant a few hours ago but now she was not. End of the story.  Just leave the poor girl alone! "Jes we are getting late let's go." Maddy tried to bail us out of this situation by pulling Jes by hand towards the exit but he was jolted to a stop when Lucas gripped Jes's left arm.  "Not until you tell me what happened to the baby. Tell me you didn't lose him because of me." Lucas pleaded. Jes looked around to find everyone in the VIP section was looking at them weirdly. The bastard Lucas was giving them one hell of a drama show to enjoy. "Hey release her arm before I make you!" Maddy threatened Lucas. "f*****g hell Lucas! Just release her hand." Nathan grumbled, trying to diffuse the situation. "Dude I'm not letting her go until she tells me that what happened to that baby." Lucas snarled at Nathan. "And from where the f**k this baby came? Don't tell me that you knocked her up." Nathan sneered and Julie was sure that he was running low on patience. Just like in the past when Jes had refused to give him her contact information. "Remember when I told you in the theater that I was so close to getting a heart attack when a pregnant girl fell because of me." Lucas asked. "Yes." Nathan said clearly confused by Lucas's question. While Lucas was explaining the incident to Nathan he released Julie's arm from his death grip, giving Julie and Maddy a perfect time to escape from them.  "Hey! STOP RIGHT THERE!!" Lucas shouted. While escaping the club Julie looked behind one last time only to find Lucas coming towards them and Nathan was hot on his heels. So much for getting laid or getting some fun time. Julie cursed Lucas to hell for ruining her impression in front of Nathan not that he really knew her. He didn't even recognize her.  She had imagined her meeting with Nathan countless times in her head but she had never imagined that she will meet Nathan while his friend will be asking her about her pregnancy.  Hell!!  These men can't even let a girl sneak food in theaters in peace. She just wanted some quality time with her best friend. Not a f*****g commotion in front of a bunch of rich snobs in the VIP section of a club. Jes prayed that she will never have to encounter Lucas or Nathan ever again but little did she know at that time that God had totally different plans for her~ Her life was going to change forever. . . All the people from whom she was running from the past years were going to come back in her life again. . .
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