Chapter 25

2012 Words
"But I still feel strange..." "Even if it is strange, it is not our turn to do servants, say less, if heard by the young master, we don't want to do here, you forget, the two people were not driven out of the city..." "Cut, they are self-inflicted, dare to wipe oil casually on the stairs, young master even if not for the stock feeling out of anger, certainly also can't spare them..." … … The voices were getting farther and farther away. Doria's wiping hand paused slightly, then continued to wipe as if he had not heard it. Even so, but the in the mind couldn't help some sense of loss. Indeed, the soup was not on the table in Doria family before. But even so, she did not stop cooking soup for him. After all, it is good for her body. Alan will not do it unless she says she is tired of drinking and doesn't want to drink it. … … A week passed quickly. Doria occasionally stays here and goes home most of the time. After all, she can't always leave Little John with linda. Although she will rest assured, she still loathe to give up. This day. Alan didn't go out and had a rare breakfast on the sofa in the living room because he had to deal with some things with Mo Chen. Doria still brought a bowl of soup. "Master, Tang." "Put it down." With that, he continued to talk to Mo Chen, knowing that Alan was very busy and Doria would not disturb him. Just then, suddenly, there was the sound of a car outside the villa. Then, Chen Yi went to the door and opened the door. However, after a while, she came back and looked at Alan and explained, "Master, Miss Zhao has come and said she is visiting Master." At this time, Doria is standing not far away wiping things. After listening to this, I couldn't help looking out through the window. Indeed, I saw a black car parked there. A person walked down from the car, dressed in a small dress, painted with delicate makeup and graceful steps. It was Zhao Xinyu. "I see." Alan looked at things without looking up. Doria hesitated for a moment and saw many servants greeting the outside. She turned and went behind the ladder. She knew the girl's mind. In fact, the way Zhao Xinyu looked at her that day, she felt that Miss Zhao had some thoughts. Therefore, it was better not to cause unnecessary misunderstanding. Zhao Xinyu is really beautiful. When she came in, she took a small step. Step by step, she would definitely not fall down. With something still in her hand, when she came in, she first looked at the room, then looked towards the living room and saw Alan sitting on the sofa at a glance. ###Is that how you're going to go out? 1 Exclaimed, "really cast..." "Yes." "Are you still eating breakfast, am I a little early..." Zhao Xinyu swept the breakfast on the tea table and said in a low voice. "Nothing." Alan's face was light and he put aside the documents in his hand for the time being. Folding his hands, he looked at Zhao Xinyu coming. … … Doria saw Zhao Xinyu's eyes after she came in and knew that she was looking at herself. A woman's intuition is still very accurate, when it is time to avert suspicion, she needs to avert suspicion... Looking at Zhao Xinyu, who was slowly walking towards Alan, she was generous, courteous and beautiful. She thought, no man does not like such a girl. At this time. Mo Chen happened to come down from the upstairs and saw Doria standing behind him at a glance. Stunned came up slowly and asked, "Miss Doria, why are you standing here? Have you finished eating?" "Well, Miss Zhao is here..." She said awkwardly. Hearing this, Mo Chen glanced at it and knew it clearly in his heart. He couldn't help smiling and explaining, "Miss Zhao was not invited by the young master. Yesterday, the young master went out to take part in the activity. There were Zhao's family there. It is estimated that she told Miss Zhao that she came to visit." "Is it..." Doria was specially explained by Mo Chen and his eyes were a little hot. He was originally the object of marriage. It is normal to come... "Yes." Mo Chen nodded. The young master did not even say anything about the old house. … … The living room. Zhao Xinyu didn't not bashful to sit down beside Alan, sat opposite him, looked at his legs, couldn't help frowning and asked, "How is it? Is it very serious, you also don't blame me for coming too early, is my grandmother, heard that you were injured, has been urging me since last night..." Zhao Xinyu said, her little face turned a little red because she was embarrassed. When it comes to Grandma, Alan looks slow and less alienated. He said, "I'm fine. Tell Grandma not to worry." "Well..." Zhao Xinyu responded and put the things in her hand on the tea table at the same time. She smiled and said, "My grandmother, I have specially found someone to prepare supplements for you. I know what you like to eat, and I have also made snacks specially. In fact, it is very tonic. Try it. As you know, my grandmother has this hobby. She hurts very much to you. Sometimes my own granddaughter is jealous." He said that he had already opened the box. "Help me thank Grandma." "What are you polite to do?" Zhao Xinyu's face was red. When he opened the box, his eyes swept away the soup and he couldn't help asking, "Er, what is this?" "Bone soup." Alan glanced and looked as usual. He has been drinking for a week. Doria's craft is much better than at the beginning. The woman, who clearly wants him to drink and always says he can not drink, always secretly looks at him after bringing it. "That's very greasy." Zhao Xinyu glanced at it, then frowned lightly and said, "Don't your servants know that you don't like to eat greasy things, and why do they bring you soup early in the morning?" … … Hearing this, Doria's face, which was not far away, was immediately embarrassed, and then his little face seemed to burn up and slowly turned red... "Mo Chen, master don't like to drink..." "It used to seem so..." Doria was even more upset when she heard this. If she had known Alan didn't like drinking, she wouldn't have done it again... … … The living room. Zhao Xinyu said, frowning and opening the bowl of soup. However, I haven't met yet. I saw the man suddenly bent over and pulled the bowl open. "It's okay." Pull soup to his front, Zhao Xinyu can't touch. Hearing this, Zhao Xinyu was stunned and took another look at the soup. Obviously, she had drunk half of it. Alan must have drunk it just now. She was a little surprised and couldn't help asking, "You don't like drinking the most..." "I'm used to drinking." What Alan said was lukewarm and lukewarm, which made people unable to guess what they were thinking. After listening to this, Zhao Xinyu stopped saying anything more. After looking at the soup for a long time, he smiled and said, "Yes, it is good for the injury after all. Your servant is also expected to do it for your own good. I will say, if you don't say drink, who dares to bring it to you?" ###Is that how you're going to go out? 2 Zhao Xinyu said, bringing out snacks and putting them in front of Alan. "Well, eat some, also relieve boredom." Zhao Xinyu put snacks in front of Alan. "Good." Alan picked up a snack and swept the bowl of soup aside with his eyes. He couldn't help turning his eyes and glanced at the cabinet nearby. The person who was just wiping has long been gone. Alan faintly withdrew his sight and did not speak. … … I don't know how long it took, Zhao Xinyu proposed to push Alan to the backyard. Doria watched Zhao Xinyu push behind the wheelchair, and the two walked towards the backyard, which was a little relieved. Mo Chen looked at her and shook his head with a smile: "Miss Doria, you don't have to hide here." "I..." "Although it is the object of marriage, that is to say, try to get in touch with it, and... the young master's character is the most elusive, and he will never listen to the opinions of his family and get engaged casually." Mo Chen is telling the truth. In this respect, although the young master did not make a clear statement in the old house, everyone can see it, that is, neither the old lady nor the old man will ask the young master for engagement very bluntly. Because the young master will definitely not listen... … … Doria's heart trembled slightly, shook his head hastily, and said, "I'd better avoid it..." Said, see Alan and Zhao Xinyu have arrived in the backyard. She went straight to the passenger ladder without hesitation, intending to remove the bowl of soup. The little face seemed to be on fire. The soup was really not on the table. If she had known that Miss Zhao would come today, she would not have brought it to Alan. Walked over and took a look, next to it was a delicate snack, but also lined with her ugly soup... Doria took it away with great self-knowledge. On the other side of the backyard, Alan did not let Zhao Xinyu push again, but leaned against the back of the chair and slowly turned the wheelchair. At the door, there was a deliberate pause for a moment. Turning his eyes slightly, he saw the figure and walked past. His eyes are getting darker and darker, and she really dares to hide. … … By the time he returned to the living room, Mo Chen had already waited on the edge of the sofa and stood respectfully. "Alan, your backyard here is really big, much larger than the villa Grandma gave me. I see there is a small swimming pool over there. No wonder you don't like to leave your house. You have everything." Zhao Xinyu joked. Alan did not make any noise. Eyes light swept the tea table, things basically did not change, but the bowl of soup was missing. Squinting slightly. He raised his eyes and swept to one side of Mo Chen. Mo Chen immediately laughed. He advised him, but Miss Doria did not listen... "Well, that... the cook at home thought that the young master had eaten well, so he took it down. Did the young master not eat well, and should he bring it up again..." "No need." Alan's face was cold. "Good young master..." Zhao Xinyu could not hear Alan reason himself. She sat on the sofa nearby and couldn't help laughing. She said, "Your cook here took it off without asking you. It was so careless." "Not only careless, but also clumsy." Alan said lightly. Zhao Xinyu one leng. Doria in the corner felt his face warmer. … … That night, Doria went back to his home. After coaxing Little John to sleep, he was not sleepy at all, and his head would always think about Alan. At this time, the mobile phone lit up. I couldn't sleep, so I just picked it up and turned it over. She was pulled into a WeChat group. She stunned, after looking at it, found out that it was a group built by her former classmates... Doria frowned for a long time and couldn't help laughing at the corners of his mouth. No wonder he pulled her in. After turning over the news, he saw that Mujiuan was talking and jack would respond occasionally.
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